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March 15, 1925 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-15

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SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 1925







11 11117 .



Social Events Of Past WeekD[ Mor arboard SellsI
P90 NTTROUT - - - - -TEWIL aer For League
START ONShow Brilliant Activities; TA iaLNGI~PpeoLage
AT R 0 , UNG11611 O p Mortarboard society is conducting
ANThe Freshman Frolic furnished the tha Cook building last Tuesday even- iss Maria Lanzar, first Barbour Ia stationary sale, the benefits of which
aMstationryasaleahebenefis ofrwhuc
high point of the past week's social ing. Acting President Alfred H. . are to go to the Woman's League. The
Freshnei Women Urged to Try Out activities and it proved to be one of Lloyd and Mrs. Lloyd, and several from t Philines sale will last through next week and
in Annual First Year Affair the very nicest parties of the year. On other members of the faculty were 2,pat at 1 o'clock, Monday, March e il last ther n weknand;
This Week I Saturday afternoon a matinee dance present.2 the fifth luncheon sponsored possibly longer. There is no definite
at the Union for the benefit of the by the international relations com- time limit set as yet. Next week some!
TAX WILL BE COLLECTED Student Friendship fund was attend- Delta Delta Delta held formal in - mittee of the local branch of the Am- of the members of Mortarboard will
ed by many of the out-of-town guests-t! terican Association of University Wo- go around to the larger league hous-1
edbymay f h ot-f-ownge ts. i~ton yesterday with a banquet at men at the Michigan Union. es, sororities, and dormitories to1
The Women's League party Friday a the Green Tree Inn at 7 o'clock. The Mis ar isig ng.graduate ss, shemthstock.d tt
Activities of Freshman Pageant terihelon wa s ls a deided success Lolw uh T jk Mss azri on rdat hwte h tc.I
committees have begun and tryouts Next week the Senior Supper Tues- ' Ishpemig Virgiia co'28, work in the political science depart- The stationery has gilded printed
wich will hrsest i tke hoce of day night is being anticipated. TheWyandotte; Virginia Hobbs, '26, De- ment and has just returned from a addresses and monograms on it in
this week. March 16 17 18 and 19 supper will be held this year at the troit; Alvena Superko, '28. Nanticoke, seven months leave to Washington, blue, or black, and any style print-
from 4 to 5:30 o'clock in Barbour Union, after which Wyvern and Mor-! Pa.; Gertrude Schuler,'28, Royal Oak; Philadelphia, and Boston, where she ing that is preferred. The prices of
tarboard will lead the pro- Clara Krueger, '26, Toledo; Mary Ann has been collecting material on the the stationary vary according to the r
gynsu.Alwomen interested cession o ietiorwos fo teI oantthemtheistationaravary accordingwtolth
and eligible are urged to sign up for of Senior women from the MacRoberts, '28, Ann Arbor. Out of anti-imperialist league. Her talk will grade. There will be three different
trvot appointments between 4 and Union to the Whitney theater where Itown guests included: Dorothy Bais- be drawn from her own interest and styles of paper, the small single d
t:yo't appontmena betwen 4h andthey will be the guests of the Junior ley, '22, Irene Baisley, '23, and Thelma information in regard to the relation- sheets, large single sheets, and the s
are unable to take part in tryouts at women at the opening performance Wiegand, '24, all of Detroit, and Elsa l ship between the United States and folded sheets. The paler company are
the hours announced are requested to of Castes i Spain. Schluler, '24, and Hele MCalm, the Philippines. giving Mortarboard a certain percent
arrange special appointments with '22, of Royal Oak. Reservations for the members andi on all the sales that they make, andA
Miss Janet Cummings. "International Afternoon," a stunt their guests may be made by callingthey are turning this percent over to F
In urging women to participate in presented by Helen and Margaret Delta Zeta announces the pledging Mrs. J. F. Bourquin, 2241, before Sat- the Woman's League.W
the Pageant, Miss Cummings said Hawkins, '28, was one of the features of Norda Beutel, '27, Detroit; Jessie urday, March 21. 1
"Previous, experience is not essential; in the entertainment at the Women's Stephanson, '28, Bradford, Pa.; Susie Ty at the nin
Legu t.Ptrc'sdataryFr-, Ian Tuesday tte adboh i
interest and eligibility are the pri- y 'Stratt 28, Bradford, Pa.; and Flor- r Gniv yh cla aot i
m>yrqieet. day afternoon at Barbour gymnasium. enePllc,'2,An ro.Senior Collars Go Uieisity hall. The collars are aj
Women will be divided into groups Pauline Bridgman, '27, and Matilda Ian Sale To rpam of the regulation accessories
Somnerfield, '28,desdi iro n nS l o o r w ta owt h asadgws i
of ten for tryouts and are expected desge i nirt Alpha Chi Omega entertained its TheyarerWctdat h cns and n
Alpha~m, ae .nvet si They are priced at 75 cents each and p
to appear in dancing costume. Con- iroiecsue aeanvly si patronesses and alumnae at a tea held
trarypto anprevu announcement, and dance, "Dolly Dimples and Molly oastuSaturdayeatath ea te hou d Senior society is in charge of the the profits of the sale will be turned
tryouts for leading parts will not be Miples, from Broadway." Thle Kap- sale of senior collars which will be over to the Women's League building
separate from the general dancing pa Sigma orchestra played for danc- About 13 poor children from the held from 8 to 4 o'clock, tomorrow fund.
tryouts. Selection of tMe principal ing. hospital were entertained at a child-
---- - _-,, ,_ __ -,_ Refreshments consisting of ie '- 1,. A - , .,


4:00 P. M.
5:00 P. M.
4: 00 P. M.

Martha Cook vs.
Gamma Phi Beta vs.
Alpha Omicron Pi.
Seniors vs juniors.
S o p h o m o r e s vs.

Rifle Score Sent
For Competitionr
Five perfect records made up the
ifie score which was sent by the
lichigan women's rifle team yester-
ay for competition with the Wiscon-
in team. The scores were made in
'he prone position by the following
women: Ann Wheeler, '26, Mary
Allshouse, '27, Frances Huff, '26,
rances Gorsline, '26, and Lucille
Walsh, '27.
At the same time score cards were
ade for competition with the Mich-
ian Agricultural college in the prone,
itting, kneeling and standing posi-
ions. The scores for the respective
ositions were as follows: Ann


Wheeler, 100, 95, 94, 85; Mary Alls-
house, 100, 98, 90, 86; Frances Huff,
100, 93, 93, 87; Frances Corsline, 100,
92, 91, 84; Gertrude Benham, 99, 95,
92, 82. This is the first time that the
team has competed in all four posi-
There is a tonic effect on mental
attitude and character in the
consciousness of being well
222 Nickels Arcade
Phone 3059-W

characters and choruses will be made
the latter part of the week.
Work of the finance committee will
begin this week with collection of $1
from every one eligible for the pag-
eant. A motion that this tax be levi-
ed was passed unanimously at the
last ge:eral freshman meeting, so
that it is hoped that all will be pre-
pared to pay Monday, in the gymnasi-
um. Conimittee members will be sta-
tioned in the gymnasium before and
after classes to receive the money, and
the women are urged to make the
results of Monday's campaign 100 per-
cent. Collection will continue in the
gymnasium through Wednesday and
outside soliciting will be done on
Thursday and Friday.
All women who are willing to play
for rehearsals are asked to sign up
and arrange their hours on Monday
from 4 until 6 o'clock in the gymnasi-
Several scholarships are being offer-
ed to graduate women and details of
the requirements and amounts have
been posted on the bulletin in Bar-
hour gymnasium. An Alpha Omicron
Pi fellowship is offered for 1925-26
amounting to $500, preference being
given to women planning to study re-
search work in humanitarian work
with a view to practical service. Ap-
plication blanks may be obtained at
the office of the Dean of Women or by
writing before March 15 to Elizabeth
Heywood Wyman, 456 Broad St.,
Bloomfield, New Jersey.
Bryn Mawr college is offering 12
scholarships for graduate women
ranging from $1,500 to $350, depend-
ing on the subjects to be studied.
These applications must be in by May
, 1.
Fellowships also in Social-Econom-
ic Research are offered, amounting to
$500. The Department of Education
of Smith College, and Radcliff Col-
loge are offering scholarships.
Those women interested may con-
sit the posted bulletins and make
applications. The few requirements
include graduation from certain uni-
versities and certain definite aims to
be accomplished.
Senior women must pay 'rent for
caps and gowns at Mack's on Mon-
day or Tuesday. Gowns will be de-
livered in time for Junior Girls' play
only to those who pay on these dates.
There will be no refund on the gowns
when they are returned.
Senior society will meet at 7:15 o'-
clock Monday at Betsy Barbour.
--~ -
You Hit the
Right Place

cream in green and white, and cakes,
were served in the League parlorsf
white, 10 girls in rgreen and white!
crepe paper aprons served. Mildred
Huebner, '28, headed the refreshment
committee, and Mary White, '28, was
in charge of decorations.
Jordan house entertained Mrs. Amy
Hobart and Miss Grace Richards atj
dinner Thursday.
.Mrs. W. D. Henderson entertained
at a luncheon Friday noon in honor
of Miss essie Bonstelle and Mrs.
Richard Mansfield. The guests in-
cluded Prof. O. J. Campbell and Mrs.
Campbell and Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson'
and Mrs. Nelson.
Mummers dramatic society held a;
meeting Wednesday afternoon at the
Alpha Phi house. Dorothy Long, '28,
and Frieda Bank, '27, gave readings
before the society at the close of the
meeting. It was decided to hold an
open meeting in May to which anyonef
interested would be welcome. The
specific date will be announced later.
The next meeting of the society will
be April 7 at the Alpha Omicron Phi

ren's party given at the Alpha Chi
Omega house last Wednesday after-
Delta Zeta held its formal spring
initiation on Saturdays March 7. The
initiates were Eleanor Horney, '26,
Detroit; Martha Gill, '26, Muncie,
Ind.; Delma Loyer, '28, Cleveland;
Hazel Huy, '28, Cleveland; Marian
Bauschard, '28, Erie, Pa.; and Lois
Brashear, '27, Vasser. The initiation
banquet was held at the Union and
about five out of town alumnae at-
Delta Delta Delta announces the
pledging of Ellen Groff, '28, Grand
Sigma Alpha Iota will give a musi-
cale at the home of Mrs. S. Florence
Bigelow. 1520 Hill street, Wednesday,
March 25 at 8 o'clock.
Chi Omega held formal initiation
last Saturday. The following women
were initiated: Dorothy Atkins, '26,
Bay City; Grace Collins, '26, Frankford
Marion DuBrie, '26, Detiroit; Mary
Henckel, '26, Cleveland; Gertrude
Huber,'28, New York City; Mary Kar-
pinski, '28, Ann Arbor; Beatrice



r t
t ..

For $3 to $6 you can
buy a Lamp that will
make studying easier,
reading more pleasant.
The Detroit Edison



These colored linene morning
frocks are just the ideal thing
for house wear, shopping or
informal visits. All ready ex-
cept for a few touches of
simple embroidery. In eight
delightful shades.

r 1.

Schroeder, '27, Toledo;

---. Smith, '26, Detroit; Dorothy
A formal dinner was given at Mar- Pittsburgh.

Todd, '27,

h A


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Detroit Saturday Night
Six Trips to Europe and Return
(all expenses paid)
Ten Great Lakes Trips
(all expenses paid)
Ten Scholarships (Selected Colleges)
$3,000 Cash Awards
By taking subscriptions to Detroit Saturday Night among
your friends. You will also be liberally paid for work done.
Wrlhte 'Phone or Call
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to get circullar -id complete particulars.

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I -.I



1 r'
i t t
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- A

A Few of Those
Left at
Also New Gold Gillete Razors, $1.00
These Are Two Real Values
a A- a - a



E. Liberty
off State
.New Modes for Sring
Preeminent in their
distinct indiv~idualit'y
Tailored Sut s
Coats, Dresses
Aliptations suitable for
the. Miss and Matron
Toilet requisites





I ,


Rich in Jewel Tones
Rich and fascinating are the jewel tones
which appear in the lovely spring frocks
we are waiting to show you. All the
newer shades which, carefully chosen,
develop and express this personality, are
here. And then there are the frocks of
pastel shades to hold all the charm of a
so ftand lInvelr r nnrd ThePCi frnr6lr,





When you come here for your
meals. We have the food made
in "the different way."
Our regular breakfasts, din.
n-ar nnl t - -tl l 114- if ...






U 11


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