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March 07, 1925 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-07

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PA~r ~1P~


4 - -

New v Courses Will A ii ii l sIpecia liy
rf l'( ass~room nTeachlers 'But
W1ill ?!id Princeipals~

Photographs "Telephoned" ThY-ree Ait A



Commennting on the character of the
work to bo unde~rtakenl by the School
of; lndCtiottn 1inthe Sutmm1er session
this year, Prof. C. 0). Davis, writingr
in the Michigan Educational Journal.
official organ of the Michigan State
Teachers' ascscifation, charxacterizes the
broad ening of the curricula, as thlrw"::>:':""::": :</
m~i t, a e "i h years9 since the institution of the
Summer session.
j To the ten sp~ecial method courses
for the systematic observation of deC-
"; i)onstration teaching, Professor Davisx
o draws part icula r attention. "Each
Course will include(demnonstration:><:
t~ea ching, wherein at tempt will be
mtade Ito demonstrate concretely the
'" best theories of the methodology con-Preto inheeafu
neeted with the given subject." o rsn ehd fsn
Work in this depar'tment will beofpentmhdsfsnd
C'onductedl under tho supervision of photographs " long distances
the full School of Education faculty, telephone is looked for as a
\Vit P.t the exception of D~ean A. S. 'scult of the success of first tE
Whitney, autglucntcel by an additionalj of +triplex wire transmission
r' staff of seven dr1ax\ n3 fromt three states. ;Pictures, embracing the send
The1se include, Flon. Wilfred L Coffey,j of three pictures from Washi
deputy superintendlent. of public in- ton t~ New York, Chicago
strulction, Lansing;, Prof. Theodore San Francisco. Both of th
irion, State Normal college, Ypsilanti; photos were transmitted in
Supt. Ti. J. KnapI ighland Park, lDr' successful test. ^ Above is shC
MA~rvin S. 11ittman, State Normal the triplex transmitter at w~
gYsiat;1a~ ' tni.in' Washington ; at right is aI
assistant director of research in thehr fM.adMs Coi
Detroit school system; Miss Perna ?1ture of.Mr._and"Mr. Coli
5,.r tine, Stat~e Normal college, Minot,
North Dakota: and Dr. George W.. Wi]-
*litt., principal of 'Township high school, Overcoat Thieves
La Grange, I1l.
* Of the 1-en special methodls courses, A ga i n Active In
Five refer to junior andl senior high Campu B"' i "
school instrucetion, and are: teaching
A scieciltascourses in u s thengteach-
~yju o ocalsu~ietechn a(1IEight overcoats were stolen fromr
s~'upervision of ma.t hemnatics, teaching' University buildings yesterday, sev-
and organization of general shop sub-
jects. Three refer to elementary enfo;h eialsho n n
;school instruction, and are: teaching from the Law building according toy
of .ip.nct_ tn'hin o ,f Lt.±in. and the v .report made t I W.Truettner, in-!

oa y's4 uesf~lon : H-ow (10 you
Itliiw] a summier in Europe should
comhpare in educational value with a
year in lcollege?
R'here asked: The Union.
The answers: Samuel Barmak,
Iis bound to be infinitely
uoerior. Tlravel brings p~eople in
Goft-.ct wit h life in its various inaji-
b'-Rations. 'Traveling is like working
in the Inaboratory of life. Life in its
l.hhysial andl spiritual manifestations
can roide-d be better comprehended if
one is hbrought in intimate contact
itht it rather than through abstract
en(ctcv rs>
A. F,. eaudry, '25.-"I think that a
suc::.i' spent, traveling in Europe
,'o oldi be pearly on a par with a year
ofcollege training. It would com-
bluie lhe educational with the recrea-
titonal benefits which are a necessity
o any in(i'vidUal and particularly to
thec studenrt who is confined to college
work the greater part of the year."
Harold Ilauschard, '27.--"1 think
fthat a summer in Europe would be an
excellent supplement to a year in col-

lege and would without doubt furnish al value, also it would break th'e mo-
more information than a semester of ( notony of study and the daily routine
college work. Enough college w =' one goes through while at college."
should precede, hi..wever, to give su -I Lowell Mason '28.-"1 think that in
ficient background and appreciation most cases a summer in Europe would
for such a trip." be much more beneficial to one than
Sam Benjamin, '27.-"I think 'a sumn- a year in college."
mner in Europe world be worth a great --
da nrthnayericolg.Frt' eularMr6.it would give a world of experience Franklin E. 2oact American
that one could not obtain at college; minister to Honduras, left for the Tn-
second, it would be of more education- ited States.
. Firt National Bank
Organized 1863
a -w~
Oldest National Bank in Michigan
__________________________________________________________________t__________t____ ______________________I;,

In fa-t, it hags produced wonders
ihi the mecals that a great many
student~s have been eating. Our
daily sr'i'a jq donit. One of the

M ajestic Shows !Ann Arbor by special car fromi Detroit. ~xspecials in
L 'lI The pictures were taken Wedlnesdayl you on the
Inaugural Mvi eZs in Washington from where the nega- good meal.
- - ives were r ushed to the studio of the
In acc'ordance with its ;en v al Pro- Ninogram company in New York City
gressive policy of service t o the ptlb- for (level Olment. They were car ried; Van'
lie, the management of the *Maje ;t ic from"New York City to D~etroit by air-
theater succeeded in presenting the' plane, arriving yesterday morning. 1 1j 6SOUt
nictures of the inaugural ceremonies --
yesterday. The pictures arrived in Sub.scribe for Tihe Michilgan Dally ________

our window will set
sright: track for a
Try them.
's Lunch
th University Ave.



feaching of reading and literature; s Spectorbidig n rons'illil10110iii11111lillliiiiiiiliforiliilil11i1i111i1111the buidingsand gounds __________________________________________
while two others cover the. entire'I -
fieldof scondry eucaton, ne ~ department. This brings the total of SPIM(YS M'(~II'M A N
ing learning and curricular studies in coats reportedl stolen this year to more - __________________
the field of secondary science and the, than a hundred. - i S! .". T M AY
crganization of course material, and "M ost of our reports of overcoats=- k UI' L A
the other, the teaching of English. thefts have come from the Law and "L ike '¢fit" l hir
n o cui n P o e s r D vs M dclb id n s"Yr r e~n rsi .Lk .vY [ 1epoints out that "never in the history "About 70 have been stolen in the Law ,~
of the Summer session have more Ilbuilding alone. 'The thefts seem to be _= s a to it
ample andI generous opportunitiesi largely entered aroufnd these two =.1I1 4 V
ijeiaen afforded. The privilege of elect- buildings because students there leave mad
i~trg subject matter courses, specialj their wraps in corridlors, whereas in Because its the ony pictue ever md without
methods courses, and general profes- I most of the other 'buildings they take = one ie adverse crtiis
i sional courses of many sorts ,T ill be ! their coats into lassrooms with =snl rtcs
extended to many who have hitherto them."-
been deprived of the opportunity. This! Police have been notified of the TRg; AND
summai er an appeal wiil be made as thefts yesterday, andl an effort is be- - e-
n ever before to classroonm teachers. ing made to trace the parties involved I1M AGINE
Hoeethe special m~eth~ods courses The seven coats were taken from cor- .
1sh~ouldi aid superintendents, principals ;.rdor racks between 11 and 12 o'clock
and supervisors of education." I inthfoeontesaeima5ht
given ior previous thefts in the Med-W -
k Wiashington, March 6. -ilepresen- I ical buIilding.-
tive A. h. lWilliamis left last nightV
{rMichigan. -~)Tl l~TTA ~L
Last Times Today
A Criie ofih hibof Higii Lreatste
ol Broadway 'Story-
H , Pow Elm-
- - r
Edward Dill otWs '4/a ---cA ti
ro d ttc~o v :Si1 :BiEN LYON
/7~ nI Q,5I .eBeauty-
It-4le' it'ii) S FLi DOT ARLEY
Ellioth 4>' ' I 1 /' Dl \ 'rCI ANDas - I{OEMAR TE
Kathl 11 Th ehoAia a i
Tod amid tgoep eous k .
Thrilin highlif&, \ 1.2{ -
WeaViri)out ofit a . -
.i thread of romanice f~~
With t ruze OVG
[gmsin ,erhct = rwsr.-
- ad j-
-n y -Y 3lJESt.-

Bebe Daniels
And a St ar Cast
A rnerica's Foremo t Colored Revue
"Pantation Days"





Pull a aGa n
When You Write-mor Lend
ell Pen You Need Not Apologize For
Never Failing--Never Ailing
6^b oWith a jewel-Smooth
EN 25-Year Point No Style of w.
- Writing Can Distort
( WN the black-tipped lacquer-red.
classic pen with which Success
associates. A shapely balanced pen
that will help you give the world the
kind of impression you are capable of
creating by a rapid, characterful
A pen you can pull out in public,
3 and lend without a tremor, knowing
that the other man's style of writing
I can't alter the point one particle.
A pen with a jewel-smooth point
that's guaranteed, if not mistreated,
for 25 years' WEAR. Hence the most
economical pen you can buy.
A pen you can fill by si" ; press-
ing a Button that is capp' -- ide the
barrel where it doesn't ma- i.x, eauty
or catch on the clothing. A ~apen
c ~to carry and handle on acct mt of
{ the Ink-Tight seal achieved by the
^' Z "Lucky Curve" feed and the double
sleeve of the Duo-Sleeve Cap.
Any good pen counter will sell youz
this super-writer on 30 days'approval
-flashing plain black, or black-
tipped lacquer-red-the color that
m makes it hard to mislay.
1(11111( 111 II GManufacturers also of
Parker Duofold Pencils to match the pen, 03.50
Factory and General Offices
Slender Lady
Duofold with Wide
Gold Girdle
$S Red and laek
Ribbon $1 additional -colorcombmatiou~a
J -. U. , '. -'e

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