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March 07, 1925 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-07

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____________________ I N,11 MICI-IGAN DAILY

SATURDA~hY, M ARCT- 7, 1925

being outlined and put into operationJ
by the action of the delegates.
The committee on resolutions, head-
ed by Mr. Comstock, in its report,
which was adopted unanimnously by
the convention, exp~ressed sympathy#
for the loss of President Burton in
these words: "We deplore the un-
timely death of Dr. TMarion L. Biirton,
president of the IUiversity of Michl-
igan, whose services to the state andl
10 the nation are recognized by every
thought ful citizen."
Ii.Tariff pAct
Thce Fordncy-~IcCumber tariff act
was condeine, whlile the party pledg-
ed itself to Strive for the ultmost econ-
otm Iin all branches of the govern-
menit. !"liee Republican party was ac-
cused of violation of pre-election
proinise, towards the farmer and of
'f'ailuire to safeguard his interests as
promised. 'The lDemocrat: promised
to support his cause to the limit. The
recent Republican convention at De-.
troit. was also attacked.
Belief in the foreign policies of Wil-
Pon was steadfastly maintained and
the Coolidge admInin istration was cenl-

Blames Dry Law ftim IrumiCIGnfI KI
For Crime Wave IVIiIttilEIEr


L iter- ollegi c Disti< tl
C . hest

,i ed for its refusal to join the World
court, while favoring the same in ar
cpen manner. The aftermath of Prof.
Pr'ieston WV. Slosson's speech before
the pre-conv ention banquet Thursday
wias seen in this provision and in the
attitude of theae politicians on th11e
League of Nationis. "'The question of
the ,league o1' Nations," now reads the
platform of' the Democrats of this
,tate, "should be submitted to the peo"-
f;le,oeing taken from political par-
s i:an ship enftirely.''
4'emniend Ferris
1 'ommiinendations were showered on
the lhead of Senator Ferris, while, the
(,onventlon. attacked the violation of
the state constitution by Gov. Alex
(iocsbeck in tihe last two adininistra-
tions, especially in the matter of thle
adoption of the recent gas tax, and
also in regard to appropriations of
money by the state Administrative
The hand of Wayne county (delegates
was seen by observers in the provision
of the .platform that "denounced the
o penu disregard" of the constitutional
mandate to re-district the state. This
was to have occurred in 1923, but an
obstiziate legislature refused to obey,
fearing a loss of power in the country
Several speeches late in the after-
hoon by prominent Democrats, includ-
ing Edward Frensdorf of Hudson, can-
dildate for governor in the recent fall
election closed the annual conc'lave.
Health Servie
Makes Report On
Student Illness
More than 90 per cent of the illness
among students at this time of year
is made of diseases included in the
xrespiratory group, according to Dr.
John Sundwall of the Health service.
This group includes such disorders as
"colds," acute, catarrh, coryza, influ-
enza, grippe, tonsilitis, pharyngitis,
laryngitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia.
Recently, an acute andl somewhat se-
were epidemic of tonsilitis has been
irava lont. among studlents.
The infect ions organism of the re-
~piatrydiseases are spread from
one student to another through close
.social contact such as exists in the
classroom, these organisms being
prestent in the discharges from the
mouth and nose, Doctor Sundwall
states. Formerly it was held that
miicrobes of dliseas.e traveled long dis-
tances through the air or were car-
Iedl by clothing, b~ut now it is known
that thuis direct "contact infection" is
responsible for p~erhaps 95 per cent of
thle disease dissemination.
Tests prove that counntless bacteria
are thrown out with every cough and
;sneeze, and with loud talking, Doctor
Sundwall says, and it is this "mucous
spray" which is responsible for much
of our epidemic respiratory diseases.
Widespread respiratory diseases
among students at the University re-
sult, Doctor Sundwall states, in a
great acadlemic loss each year. In or-
der to correct them, in his opinion,

Michigan will entIer a candi date in
the National Inter-Collegiate oral or-
cal contest, the fini Ici imiaiion oi.
Scontestants to DC held i nne :> =t; Lo.,
.Angeles, it. was annoen ced by ie puLb-,
lie speaking (departnintu yeste(rday.,
The contest is heing .sponsored for Oha
purpose of furthering study and in-
creasing interest in the Const itution.
Competing colleges throughout t he
country have been divided into seven
jdistricts accordling t o a geog raphlic
grouping of states. Michigan colleges
are in the central district which in-
cludes the states of Michigan, Ohio,
Indiana, andl Illinois. Th~le winner of
thy; district elimination will he the i
only one eligible to compete in the
finals at Los Angeles.
Each college will be allowed to send,
'one oration represeniting the winner
of ,the local contest. From the writ-
ten manuscripts, seven will be selected
to comp~ete in the district linaiG, XAlay!
'22 at. Chicago, where the (lis t nt tye-
lrcsentative will be -,elected thlereb~y1
(tflalifyiing for the finals in which the
; even district winners will compete.
IOrations must b~e original and1 re-
quire no more than ten minutes for

Di Lorenzo, Famous .decorator, DREXEL LBAYSKO WRHNILATN
comments OnCampus Bulding s CHGSRGIEET MDCLCNETO
Angell hrall, Willam L. Clements City, he began active work in interi-1-
libr ary, and the Lawyers' club repre- or dlecorating 17 years ago. He now Announcement that beginning Sept-1 Prof. Aldred S. N-arthin of the path-
sent the rorost beau tiful in campus ar- has studlios in New York City and De-! ember 19125 the Drexel School of Li-'-ological (l(parti ent of the Medical
chit cc lure, in the opinion of Thomas trait.I brary Science, Philadlelphlia, Pa., will I school will leave this afternoon for
Di Lorenzo. nationally known artist Though Mr. Di Lorenzo has been in;I
who i.s in charge' of in terior decorat- the city frequently to oversee thel mandl for college men andI wome(n inl I\\a siington where hie will attend the
1w.,g in thea lobbiy of Angell hall. work in Angell hall the decoratingi library work.; comrl)ined mneeting of the American
"The I urde represent (ifferent types here is unader the dlirec't supervision i "The demand for college graduates Congress of internal medlicine and the
I ( ar' hitecturc; Angell hall shows theI of Anthony Euginio. At least oneI in high school work has set the stand1- American college of Physicians. The
Graeco-R'oman influence, William L. more week will be required to com-, ardl for both teacher and librarian. Session will begin on Monday. March
('1cm arnts library the classic renais- I1lete the lobby decorations. IBusiness houses have long since re<°-i19, andl last until Saturday, March 14.
<zc adteLwesclbteE-- - - ognizedl the importance of securing Professor Warthin is at present the
I i: h-Georgian-Got hic," Mr. Di Loren- R GjUn S (' ollege graduates for executive p)osi- second vice-presidtent ofth~e American
7oai,"an ah sa wrb Ipe O tions. Social service work has alwvays colleg~e of p)hysicians. Besides hold..
sent ~atire of its class. While they re- I flU~h1iterested the college w~om~an, and Ii- ing this office, he is also a. member
priesent the beautiful in architecture, CIASSS PEN TUSOIv soci ice-is a iml)ortant p~hase of of the boardi of reCients and of the
th tltrinapc asntbe . oi alwrk h grezt advance in executive committee, and the editor or
overlooked." i standlards of library work and the pr o- the College's journal.
Commenting on the origin of the- portionate increase in salary should i-
Angell hall lobby ceiling design, Mr. Po.LryWtma wiledal'interest the college graduate in library TI fl n
Di Lorenzo sai(d, "it is a replica of the discussion class in the Student Christ- I work as a profession," the letter from 'III~ PO RS
ineirdcrtnrceefloe an association's series which opens the president of the institution states. L U ii IN
inl thill aaaa omimh Boards of trustees are looking to mr'i i un
* Vll Mdaa t om, n henext Tfuesday evening and will be can-UL m l III Iflhll
Italian renaissance style. Variations fo" vewek.troeso library schools for librarians who II M l
of the ,design have also been exten- have a college education and are fittedr
lively usedl in many of the magnificentI ermnan s class will (iscuss <;Racial tac-o- xctv oiin.TeDee
vills o Rore, apls, lorece, trs i rergirrs hining" Irequire a, bachelor's degree for mra-' George IT. Prudden, chief engineer
Verona, Bologna and Venice as well The class will meet Tuesday even-; triculation was mna( naletrr-and h!r odii('tion manager of the Stout
as in musetums, churches and' other ings, the last meeting schedurled for iedrcnlbyteUirst.Ts Metal Airplane company of Dearborn,
pub~lic buildings.Api7.Mc interest msbigean- gave an i llust rated talk on the his-
April 7. Much is bein change of entrance requirements has cyuth(veomnof ealir
The model for the lobby ceiling was itested in Professor Waterman's class, 1 eomtecsar ecuetfth'e IlaTrd ayeelpmnhithe atal r
executedl by Anthony Di Lorenzo, j accor ding to adlvance registration. plaSchool of LibraryiSciencethasNinaug-
sculptor. andl brother of Thomas whioI Four other discussion grotups will bejortdaneyrcusei bay Science auditorium. Mr. Prudden
is in charge, of the work here. The; held at the same time. I urt aoeyarcus i ir r l in the !place of W. B. Stout,
model was reprodluced inplse on ;one hundred andI ten sciecefoecllgesrdatndoly Presidient of the company, who was
plasterstu~lens an(Ito meet this new demrrand for college- .i,

l .

B. Ogden Chisholm, member of the
executive board of the New York pris-
on association, declares the dIry act
is the greatest breeder of crime in1
the country. fie supplements the
statement with statistics showing that
drunkenness is on the increase and
pr'isons more crowdled I haii ever be-

Daily Sends Out I d!VeVxi y.,Tule osub
anrious pliases1of
Expense queries jv
To FIraternities ! Pete inl the contest
award prizes rang;
Questionaires are being sent out to M ichigan uniderg
every' fraternity by the advertising t end to write oratie:
departm ent: of The M~ ichigan D aily, i cate w ith Prof. T.in a ef o t to i d ou t:l e v r ge x-; f t e p b ic s c
penses for the year incurred by each. prior to March 14 t
house. About 30 queres relative to trance in the local c t e a o n; o o e x e d d f r(o u j c:
various p~urchases are asked oil the___
blanks. Ated-J TIec
Under the head of general house- Yiv et
hold expenses, the amount spent each jj ,
year and the seller of the goods for 'i
a number of items is asked. 'Coal,-
plumibing,_ rugs and laundry are! John W. Doorley,
among thc> items listed. Food cx- ' will speakr1)CoiC 1
penses constitutes the next topic andI ene society oIf 1t11
under t his appear questions on (dairy o'clock tomorrow at
products, prodluce, meats, baked goods, Caswell Angell hall.
cannedl goods, and cereals. member of tieo boar(
Next on the blanks appear queries the First C hutrch o
concerning miscellaneous expenses. of Boston, Mass. 1lie
Fraternity jewelry, orchestras, insur- general subject 01of
ance, printing and photography make 'l'h( j)Elhli(, is (5)151
up this section. In addition there are 'tend.
several more specific questions wich ____
11include contemplation of butilding, u &Vi: you SunI3
number of automobiles at tOe house,
and the percentage of food bought'
outside of Ann Arbor.
These blanks are being sent out.
now and it is expected that they will
le returned and ready for computa-
tion in about two weeks. It is hop-
ed that the house managers answer'-
ing the questions will be as accurate
as possible in order that the final
averages will be correct.
Address Alumnae
W. R. Hlumphreys, assistant (lean of
the literary college, left yesterday af-
ternoon to address the annual banquet;
of New York alumnae, which will be
held in that city tonight. Dean Muni-
phreys will return to Ann Arbor to-
the afflicted studenit wxho coughs or
sneezes or shouts out.in the open .
should be reprimnanded. Better still,
he says, students aft'lcted with
"colds" or other respiratory disorders
should not attendl classes until they
have sought medilcal attention andl are
declared safe.

jects Tryoniiwihich
beh: baed in elude
the Constit ut ion.
is e'ligib~le to corn- "
which has, for its

! the ceiluig. I IowVIIpecpiC have alreadiy signied .1n3'
cColors of olive-grey-green, greyish for one of the courses. The classes
blue, and dull red, together with Flor- are open to all students and towns-
chtine -gold leaf have been burnishedj people free of charge.
to a (lull tone to harmonize with the
i raver tite stone in which the lobby!'
is >finishred. The travertine is quar- I Casndgwsfrhes-
or iner'al springs near Rome, oCapngnder goulnsbforersen-
aunl is of a quality found nowhere in IIii nier ho~iIb ree
America, :v i'.1i Lorenzo explained. I this week at (lhe Moe Sport shop
Air1. Iii IorenzO received his early , while the orders for the canes
1 r ,ining in art in Italy. andl after five shiould be placed with the W, g- j
:qr.: tie re, followed by study in Incr and company, clothiers.
fIra ace, Fgiq a ne, anto in New York I _________________________!


trainedlibrarans. By means of the lantern slides that
Rio De Janerio, Mar. 6.-The study. Prudden showed the various stages
of English is the newest feature in in thle development of metal aircraft,
Brazilian radio broadcasting. andl point ed out the many improve-
ments made in. the last few years by
Don't delay-Pay your Subscription his company, which is a pioneer in
today. T his branch of a eronauti('s.

'ink; from $2,010tIo!
,raduates who in-
's11" mist coinmnir-
". TIrueblood, hues (A
rking (department,12
to arrange for en-
:mnitest: and a (iioic'
01og ist
peak HeTC '
oif London, TEml
lie Christ iall Scl
e Tinuverl-y at 41
ifternloo inillSarah "
wr. Doorlc']ey is
-d cof lectH reship of"
f Chr'ist. Sciolntisti
e will speak onl thpl
Clhrist ian Saienes'. '
ial ICvtPlt t




Make Your Reservations
NOW for the
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This has caused the great

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of' men's hair.




dern, per-
n specially
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'XJOU cannot go into a
.1 classroom, or a club, or a
fraternity house, without no-
ticing it -
Somehow, college men have
found a way to make the
hair, the most conspicuous
part of the appearance, look
just as they want it to look
at all times.Y
It was not always so.
Before Stacomb was intro-
(duped, they tried countless
methods to make their hair
lie smoothly and stay that way
--from old-fashioned po-
mnades, which only matted the
hair and made it greasy, to
plain. water, which kept it in
place an hour at the most and

of thought

than ever before.
Wahl Pen through the improved all-
metal construction has increased' ink ca-
pacity, strength to resist wear and abu sell
and the beauty good taste demands in
personal articles.
Eversharp is priced $1 to $4'5--Wahi
Pen $5 to $55.
Made in duplicate designs for matched sets

then left it drier and more
brittle than ever. Small won-
der that they greeted Stacomb
with such instant enthusiasm I
Here at last was something.
that would make the hair stay
in place without harmin~it or
making it sticky and unnatu-
-"Today the great change which
Stacomb has brought about is no-
ticed everywhere. Men whose hair
used to be out of place an hour after
being brushed, men whose other-
wise correct appearance used to be
spoiled by hair that was hopelessly
unkempt-today they keep. their
hair constantly in perfect order.
Use Stacomb tomorrow morning -
and look your best all day. A deli-
cate, invisible cream. Non-staining
and non-greasy. In jars and, tubes,
at all drug and department stores.


Bauer up! That's tie signu,,l to swiVng
into action. Soon you'll have Kodak pictures
SAtY'" that You'll prize---alwa s.

your Kodak
of the "'Var-

Made in the U. S. A. by
Canadianz fau/bry
THlE WAHL COMPANY, Ltd., Toronto
Mlarufaaurers of the Wahl Eerslsarp and
the Wahl All-Metal Fountain Pen

The Kodak you want is waiting at our
Kodak counter. Come in and pick yours
out. Kodaks are priced as low as $6.50


The W yE RFF[ TF

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