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March 04, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-04

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rnT xxx T NT.-i119


- V - NO. .11





IN E ORU IRtedy to Prop Role of Substitute and
'IN E ROPE Hossg s 1Take uph Duties in

Will Deal With Educational Facilitie
and Problems in Lecture
at S Tonight
Difficulties confronted today b
European students, with a general out
line of conditions in Russia, will b
discussed by Sherwood Eddy, inter
nationally known traveler, speaker an
writer, at 8 o'clock tonight in Natura
Science auditorium. Mr. Eddy, by
years of travel and mingling with stu-
dents of other countries, is regarded
as an authority upon foreign studen
life, and tours, at his own expense
many of the principal universities o
the country, lecturing upon social and
economic situations in the lands h'e
has visited.
Last year Mr. Eddy conducted a
summer tour with university presi-
dents, economists, and labor leaders
throughout Europe, with the intention
of investigating the actual social prob-
lems facing continental peoples. His
intimate knowledge of European stu-
dent conditions is attested by the
study he has made of the subject, a
study which includes recent personal
conferences in outstanding men in
Germany, France, England, Czecho-
Slovakia, and Russia.
The speaker was requested to deal
particularly in his address here with
the state of educational facilities and
problems in Europe and Russia. In
addition o his lectures upon this
subject, he is also the author of "Rus-
sia, aWarning and a Challenge." His
other books include "The New Era in
Asia," "Suffering and the War," "With
Our Soldiers in France," and "Every-
body's World."
This will not mark Mr. Eddy's first
visit to Ann Arbor.-Last year he ap-
peared before the state older boys'
conference,fandtalso spoke upon the
University Service program.
Service among foreign students
marks Mr. Eddy's career since his
graduation from Yale university in
1891. After 1896, he spent 15 years
among the students of India, at the
same time visiting universities and
colleges of the Far East without sal-
ary. By request, he at one time ad-
dressed Chinese provincial parlia-
ments, and other foreign institutions.
in recent years, his work has largely
been confined to Europe.
Will Tell Results
Of 'Phone Surveys
Methods ised by the Bell Telephone
company in deterinin g the future
growth of telephone service and pos-I
sibilities for expansion, will be discus-
sed by E. M. Gladden, '06E, general
commercial superintendent of Mich-
igan for the Bell interests in a talk
at 11 o'clock today in room 248, West
Engineering building.
The lecture will deal with commer-
cial surveys and the application of en-
gineering to business, and according
to Prof. J. H. Cannon of the electrical
engineering department, will be of in-
terest not only to engineers but to
business administration students as
well. Mr. Gladden will also tell of re-
sults obtained by the American Tele-
phone and Telegraph company in ;im-
ilar surveys.
The talk today will be the second of
a series of twelve similar lectures
planned for the semester.


Washington, D. C., March 3., (By
A. P.).-President Coolidge will g
to the Capitol to take the oath of office
at noon tomorrow, and the manifol
activities necessary to the change o
administrations in Washington already
are in full swing.
To Mr. Coolidge the program wil
mean merely the dropping of the rol
he has played in carrying through
the Harding-Coolidge administration
and the taking up of the presidency
Sherwood Eddy, internationally in his own right, but to many, includ
known traveler and writer who will ig cabinet officers, members of th
speak tonight on the difficulties and Senate and House, and others it wil
problems encountered by European mark their definite departure from
students. the life of the Capitol.
In government department, where
new cabinet heads will take office, th
ELwork of getting up loose-ends is in
progress, so that the incoming secre-
taries may find themselves with clean
slates. Secretary Hughes, who tomor-
row will relinquish the helm of the
state department, is planning a va-
ation and the way is being prepar-
Will Station Salesmen on Campus ForIed for the installation in his place
Last Day's Drive Ending of Frank B. Kellogg, ambassador to
at 5 O'clock Great Britain.
Marlan F. Stone, the retiring attor-
PLAN 'DIFFERENT' BOOK ney general, will go to the chambers
of the Supreme Court to take the oath
as an associate justice, and Howard M.
Final subscriptions to the 1925 'En- Gore, secretary of agriculture, will
sian will be taken up until 5 o'clock relinquish his post tomorrow to take
today, when the extra orders will be over that of governor of West Vir-
telephoned to the printer at Grand ginia. With the exception of these
Rapids. This will be the last oppor- three, no cabinet changes will take
tunity offered to purchase this year's place.
book. At the capitol, offices are being pro-
The low initial payment of three pared for Charles G. Dawes, who as
dollars will be accepted by the 'En- vice-president, will preside over the
sian staff today, the balance to be senate, but according to present indi-
paid upon delivery of the yearbook in cations he will not be called for duty
May. Cold weather has hindered the in that capacity for many months ex-
campaign, and a large number of cept for a brief period tomorrow.
last-minute subscriptions are expect-
ed today, according to the business
manager. TirULf ts'
Men will be stationed at three ta- -
bles on the diagonal until 5 o'clock, W hile In Ohio
I d d r r


Neither the newspaper nor the uni-I
versity completely succeeds in pub- Longworth Says Authority Will Not
lishing the truth, according to Prof. le Granted to Continue
Edwin G. Burrows of the journalism Investigation
department. This is in refutation to
the statement made recently by Pres.M LO DE ISC A G
Ernest DeWittmBurton of thebUniver- MELLON DENIES CHARGE
sity of Chicago that "the cardinal vir-
tue of the newspaper is promptness" Washington, D. C., March 3.-Pos-
rather than accuracy as is the case sibility that a House investigating
with the university. committee might be authorized to pro-
"Neither the university nor the long its inquiry into charges of ir-
newspaper succeeds completely in the regularity at the bureau of engraving
task of finding the truth and telling and printing was dissipated today
it," says Professor Burrows. "Presi- with the announcement by Represent-'
dent Burton is right in saying that ative Longworth, the Republican lead-
the newspaper sometimes resorts to er, that such authority would not be
guesses, because it has to be prompt. granted,
He fails to state that the universities A majority of the committee in a
too, resort to guesses, because their report submitted yesterday said it was
knowledge of facts is incomplete. Fre- advisable that the investigation should
quently neither realizes that it is be extended and that a comprehensive
guessing naudit should be made of the public
"The newspaper man's view of life debt. Unless a resolution authorizing
is broad, quick, and shallow. The prolongation of the investigation is
research worker's view is deep and adopted by both House and Senate
narrow. It is easy to check errors and signed by the president tomorrow,
in the newspaper man's snap judg- the committee work is at an end. Mr.
ins Ithe s nspae mas snp ugt Longworth who declared emphatically
ments. It is not so easy to find fault that no opportunity would be afforded
with the conclusion of a specialist, the c o tm by o mke any
although his underlying principles will request for time extension asserted
surely be revised sooner or later by the majority report signed by one Re-
s some other specialist. publican and two Democrats was "no
"To the professor the newspaper report at all but an attack on the'
man is an irresponsible spinner of treasury department without giving
yarns. To the newspaper man a pro- the treasury any opportunity to an-
fessor is an impractical spinner of swer charges against it." He aJso
theories. Each is right in pointing I said he had been informed an audit
out that the knowledge of the other of the public debt would cost aboutt
is incomplete, but each is unjust in $50,000,000.<
failing to admit his own shortcomings. Secretary Mellon earlier in the day
To one who has watched them both, had written a letter to President1
the race for truth appears a tie so Coolidge reiterating his denial that{
far." there had been widespread fraudulentz
duplication of government bonds and
asserting that "the accussers" of the1
treasury were still "as for from prov-
ing their charges as they were in

Regents of the University of Michi-
gan, and in fact governing bodies of
all state universities, should consider
the problem of changing the entire
system of university management, ac-
cording to ideas expressed by former
Governor Chase S. Osborn, who was
also a member of the Board of Re-
gents of the University several years
ago, in a recent interview.
"This is emphasized," Mr. Osborn
said, "by the death of the magnificent
Burton of Michigan, ;following the
passing of the great Van Hise of Wis-
consin several years ago. Both men
destinctly and unmistakably worked
themselves to death."
Mr. Qsbrn, 4fdrther explains his
suggestion by saying that "no one
man is equipped to do the work of
conducting a university" at the pre-
sent time. "If a man is a scholar, he
is not likely to be an executive in
economic matters; if he is a business
man, he is not apt to be a scholar.,
Consequently, one department or the
other will suffer.
"Then, there is the ever present
necessity of lobbying for funds. The
scholarly president who has to get
down to the ordinary details of busi-
ness and politics is dulled in his fin-
er intellectualism as well as a suffer-
er in pride and dignity. It appears
clearly that there should be a clear
separation of the affairs of the univer-
sity so that the scholar can do his
best work and also that the vast
business of the institution be taken
care of as it should.
"There is only one way to accomp-
lish this, and that is to substitute a
diarchy for the present system wherej
responsibilities are divided between
a president and a chairman of the

' l



:o be Sent By President
Special Session
of Senate


ordersar e also being taken at
Graham's bookstore.
The Lawyers' club furnishes the
main theme of the new Ensian. The
subject matter of the paintings and f
typography used in the introductory
sections will follow the same Middle
Age spirit. The cost of the book has
been estimated at fifteen dollars, al-
though the selling price is only six
dollars, of which three dollars must
be paid down.
1- - --- - - - - - -- - - b

Reeves States
Tht the 15 Dem ocratic Senators of
Indiana who fled from the upper house
in protest against a gerrymander bill,
and remained for two days in Day-
ton, Ohio, could not be compelled to
return, had they desired to prolong
their stay, is the opinion of Prof. J.
S. Reeves of the political science de-
partment. The truant Senators re-
turned to their duties Friday, appar-


l a~r 1 lVG WI Jt4L K!C ently voluntarily, and the body resum-
LiCense, Arrested ed its legislation duties.
1Professor Reeves made the follow-j
. ig statement when asked concerning
Professors and students who have the legal status of the case: "It would
had difficulty in obtaining motor car appear that the statutes in Indiana de-I
owner's certificates of title, and who dlare it a misdemeanor for members
consequently have not procured 1925 of the legislature to absent themselves
license plates, are the greatest offend- from sessions.
ers against the no-more-1924-licenses "The act was probably a move onI
edict issued recently, according to a the part of the Democratic Senators
statement made yesterday by Chief ,to break up the quorum. In order toI
of Police Thomas J. O'Brien. More compel their return it would have been
tha% 15 violators of the rule against necessary for the governor of Indi-
old licenses have been brought in ana to make a requisition upon the
during the last two days, Chief 0'- governor of Ohio for their extradition.
Brien stated. Whether or not this would have been
More than a month of grace has al- done, rested with the sound discre-
ready been allowed drivers for the tion of the governor of Ohio. Nothing
purchase of their 1925 plates, and last could have forced him to honor the
Monday city and county officials an- requisition, and in the light of pre-
nounced that motorists operating cars cedents it hardly seems likely that he
thereafter with 1924 licenses would would have done so. the matter beingi
be arrested. an entirely political one."
C~~ ,~ 4AI-wg~ I.- TbC )

Asks Judgment on Methods That Best In A ttempt A t Rb L VLV IRILt
May Force German Comiplance *
F rce ra C iEn lsh Opera Landlords Resign Themselves To Fatet
W eAfter Vainly Protesting
ALLIES BOUND TO ACT "Any attempt to produce an Eng- Their Cause
lish opera within the next year or
Paris, Mar. 3.-(By A.P.)-The am- two will probably end in failure," said TAXES UNUSUALLY HIGH
bassadors' council today after hear- Earl V. Moore of the School of Music
ing briefly outlined the allied war with regard to the project of the Glasgow, March 3.-(By A. P.)-TheI
committee's summaries as the report American Operatic Allied Arts Foun- great estates of England, Scotland and
dation for presenting an English op-
of the military control commission to era to the public at popular prices Ireland are doomed to be done away
Germany requested Marshal Foch this fall. with eventually owing to the death
and his colleagues to make sugges- I "Even though I believe ie should, duties of landowners collected by the
tions as to how, in their judgment, the and eventually will, have an Amerl- state and which sometimes total as
Germans may be forced toompycan school of opera, it is quite neces- high as 60 percent. The landlords
my bo omply sary that the public be educated to
with the disarmament clauses of the Eglish opera with English singers protested vigorously at first but in
treaty of Versailles. before such a project can be made a vain and in most cases have resigned
The promptness with which tie success. If this organization is like I themselves to their fate.
"ambassadors arrived at this partia others which have appeared in the Speaking before the Glasgow Con-
conclusion from the military experts' past, composed of a few disgruntled servative club, where he was enter-
report has confirmed the impression posers and a few of the new-rich tained on the attainment of his ducal
i c tclass with more wealth than brains,
in diplomatic circles that the project is already doomed. But jubilee, the Duke of Montrose said he
mission has furnished evidence on even if the company is worthy and ! doubted that the rising generation
whicthe allies are bound to act en- earnest, success is far from certain. realized the transition which is tak-
egtcl."For no really good English opera ing place in regard to their future.
I Now that the report is officially be- has ever been written; even such "We are running very fast in these
fore the ambassador council, it has works as those of Victor Herbert democratic times," he said, "and the
leen decided that it will be publish- have never proved themselves popu- big estates and ancestral castles which
ed in full. It remains to be determ- lar. Translations of the old operas were a feature of my younger days
ined when the document will be giv- are of course feasible, and have been must gradually disappear in virtue of
on out, the date most likely being successful, as in the case of Hin- the death duties as they are now as-
immediately after the allied war com- shaw's companies, but an English sessed. The landlords' rights are be-
mittee has finished the suggestions re- opera with new music of an individu- ing curtailed every day, but neverthe-
quested by the ambassadors and ans- j ally American theme has never been less I cannot help but think that I
wered certain questions regarding the attained, and perhaps can not before have lived during the most prosperous
details of the report. m mt m.time of this old country of ours. Pos-
deaisofte eosisoetietocmey we won't miss the old castles,
"The greatest difficulty, however, is afte all."
found in the financing. It is hard to
conceive of an unknown company with
'HoUSEDESIRS UD ha a a iswyan nterodDktalgsaur euedt rn
I unknown stars and an unknown book Pierre, S. D., Mar. 3.-The South1
that can pay its way-and on the road Dakota legislature refused to grant
I9UHILHIL To PHOTO at that. Too many have failed be- women even a measure of jury when
fore; first we must have propaganda, it defeated an amendment to a mun-
we must educate the public." icipal jurors bill.


Washington, D. C., March 3.-Briga-
dier General William Mitchell, about
whom the air power controversy has
revolved for some time, will not be
continued as assistant air chief of
the army, air force when his present
appointment expires March 26.
This was learned authoritatively to-
day that the next assistant army air
chief will be selected from a brief list
of names now before Secretary Weeks
and that this list does not include
General Mitchell, who has been an ar-
dent advocate of unification of the
government air services despite ad-
ministration opposition.
It was made known today that the
nomination for the place would be
sent by President Coolidge to the
special session of the Senate, which is
called for noon tomorrow and that it
would conform to any recommenda-
tion Secretary Weeks might mnake.
Failure of General Mitchell to receive
the appointment which carries the
rank of Brigadier General will re-
turn him automatically to the rank of
The brief list now before Secretary
Weeks includes eligibles.recommend-
ed by Major General Patrick, chief
of the army air service, Major Gener-
al John L. Hines, chief of staff, and
others whose advise Mr. Weeks has
sought in an effort to find a man whose
qualifications for the assignment can-
not be questioned.
The secretary, who discusses the
appointment with President Coolidge
today, will confer with the executive
again before formally submitting his
recommendation to the White House.
The nomination is expected to reach
the Senate Thursday where Senator
Wadsworth, Republican, chairman of
the military committee, to which it
will be referred, is expected to seek
early confirmation of the officer nam-
Members of the senior literary class
will meet at 4 o'clock this afternoon
in the auditorium of Newberry hall,
for the purpose of organizing the ac-
tivites of the year. Wilfred B. Shaw,
'04, secretary of the alumni' associa-
tion will speak on tihe organization of
the alumni association and the status
of an alumnus.'
Reports by chairmen.of the work of
their respective committees will oc-
cupy the remainder of the time. It
will be necessary for all seniors to be
present to vote.


Of C. Will Hear
Inaugural Speech


ra"ZifVLpuhI &(LWI&t. "I 17ra1' nerU
By A irniane Lposal _Wadeo


1 wastlingLon, . u., ivlaren 6. 1'ne


House today adopted a resolution ex-
Urge Time Budget pressing "an earnest desire" that the
Guide Prof. John B. Waite of the law ifellwig. Others insist that speedy United States adhere to the world
1o GuideStudent scheol sees no reason why the trans- i Justice warranted the use of the air court protocol. Senate action or
-- portation of an arrested person by air- Consideig the question from the presidential approval is not necessary
Chicago, Illinois, March 3.-As a re- plane should be considered illegal tn- American vi(ewoint, Professor Waite on tie resolution which simply x-
sult of a recent survey, a faculty con- less, of course, there be constitutional I pressed the o
'' f,.ti saidl there is nothing in tihe federal prssdth pinion of tihe House.
mmittee at the University Chicago I provisions specifically prohibitingthis constitution which would prohibit On the roll call 301 members favor-
has recommended the following "time |new method of conveying prisoners. consitingw isoulrinsohibit Otonlcl thebersufavore
transporting a prisoner in such a! ed adoption of the resolution whilej
budget" for the college student: Study When Geheimrat Hellwig was re- manner. "Of course," he said, "leg- 128 voted in opposition.
and class attendance, 14 hours per jcently taken prisoner in Cassel, Ger- islation either federal or state, could The proposal, embodying sugges-
week for each course; serious read-imany, by criminal police of Berlin, be introduced to prevent this; but at tions by Representative Fish, Repub-
ing, aside from courses, four hours ! and was then transported to the cap- the lresent time I see io reason why'ican, New York, and Moore, Demo-
per week; physical education or exer- I ital by airplane, the question arosesy
CISe, 7 hours per week; lectures, con-I as to whether or not the authorities such a method would not be perfectly crat, Virginia, was called up by Rep-
cset, 7he tr,1 hour per week; ures, co- as to weter org . the a i s legal." resentative Burton, Republican, Ohio,
certs, theaxre, 1 hour per week; me-, hadl prioceeded legally. Hellwig was !rThe state statute reads that "when under suspension of tihe rules. No one
ligious or social service activities, 2 wanted for certain scandals centered3'che satapsoner is thafensun spposions
hours per week. about the Prussian state bank. n&essary, a prisoner is to be safely spoke in opposition.
hoursprwee.ao rssanstastertanand securely transported." Professor After the proposal had been adopted
trAs far as can be ascertained, the EWaite believes that the airplane today by a viva voce vote, Mr. Burton asked
S transportation of the German prisoner fully conforms with this requirement, for a rising vote which en*omsed the
rVe er an by the air route was the first time in onsidering tihe number of persons resolution 149-10.
universal police history that this novel ,eing carried by airplanes nowadays,
I -method of custody has ever been I, ,. . .

What Interests The Student?
Seniors At Yale Give Answer
New Haven, Conn., March 3.-Yale him by several votes. Of recently
seniors, numbering 400, were recently published books, "So Big" was far
asked a series of varied and interest- ahead of all contenders. Browning
ing questions. carried the choice of poets and
iThe answers give a good view as to "Crossing the Bar" that of poems,
the character of the student about to both by large margins.
graduate. The questions were appar- One of the biggest leads was held
I ently answered with interest, though' by John Barrymore, who was chosen
some witty answers, such as "not as the favorite stage actor. His lead-
quite engaged, but always hopeful," ing lady in an ideal play, if one were
and "not engaged to the best of my to be staged with the actors picked
knowledge," were given. fby these students, would be Jane
It was found that only 30 have Cowl, who received the preference of
worked for all of their expenses in three times as many voters as Ethel
{ college, while 121, or about a third Barrymore. If they were to give the
work for part of them. Two-thirds favorite play, they would have to
do not expect to return for graduate ;learn the cues of "Cvrann o lBrner-


President Calvin Coolidge's inaugur-
al address will be received by radio
today in the dining room of the Cham-
ber of Commerce Inn, through a su-
per-heterodyne set provided for the
occasion by the Washtenaw Electric
shop, according to an announcenent
made yesterday by P. P. Woodbridge,
secretary of the chamber. It is stat-
ed that the apparatus used will be
powerful enough to make the program
easily audible to everyone of the 150
people that are expected to be present.
The program will begin at 11
o'clock and the address itself at 12
o'clock noon. A light lunch will also
be served to those present if the pre-
sent plans of the officials in charge
Belgium Subject
Of Reed Address
"Belgium as a Factor in World Af-
fairs" is the subject wihich Prof.
Thomas I-. Reed, of tie political sci-
ence department, has selected for his
address to the Army and Navy club
at a meeting to be held at time Union
at 6 o'clock next Thursay.
I T P P f1V "P c. f 1U -0 - - iu.

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