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March 04, 1925 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-04

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Few -IAto ures of Controversial 'Nature I
Ineladed; Expeet Many MJore
11 Todany
Washington, Mar. 3.--An avalanche
cif legislation, of normal accomplish-
Ment to an approaching adjournment
of Congress, dlescended today upon the
White blouse, and when Presiden t
Coolidge left his desk for the lay, it I
was found that hie had signed 108 bills
and resolutions.
With the exc eption of the District
of Columbia appropriation bill, few
of the measures were of outstanding
importance and none were of an es-
pecially c:ontroversi al nature. They
ranged from private relief hills
through the whole field of legislation
as it comes from the congressional
Signature of, the various measltre'5,
left the President's desk almost clear,
of legislation, but. soon after hie left
ltds office, another out~pouring of final l
bills from the capitol hill began to set
in. Many of these will be disposed of
by the executive tomorrow before hie
leaves the White I-ouse to go to the,
captiol for the adjournment of the
session and his inauguration.
Still before the President tonight
was the legislative appropriation bill
with its provision for increase in the
salairies of members of Congress and
of the Cabinet. It has been in the
'executive's hands since Friday, but is
expected to be acted upon tomorrow.
Close friends of the President expect
him to sign it.

"Desert Rat"

aMethoed of 1ea(')I Ii t) Ia i e Defet' nined
By Ext enl'i'e Stuady
[l."; Three YearS.

ee,,j C i oitical faith are eliminated. The
Red /ILWIU& people work more in harmony for the
~7jfy~ ~ 'est interests of the city."
Prf Tber v-H. Reed. of the Po!
z,.i ((iece flcartfl(efl> yesterday' C A S S A A Q E


i'ralCd the system jof! local primaries

i N
tom... t +; t' +t, 3; tE :nv -l.y - and <2'ndiiate students o L bC'mic- l

::.;;>::;">::;:>,.;:. ":: c +Extenlsie (tex t'rlcl'o ( t afiolm 'OX el''-
.:>""::."::.:........v ",."... .i°ng 'a period of t :inee y. Cr:; 7S b1}
s ::::. . *...':: :p:: lanned 1)by ftle ('1oclit iX'5 l of fie "-
:..v''.....;....-.'.:.'. , '- y founfded Mfih igan Schoi~ol of heli-,
fgion in ordler to find fil eXC t 1 'i
1of an institution w hi oh is snuitable to
.:;:.teach i'eliiwi be aide r'aIn,; iA (=-"
city like =Thch. gan ,''is i(Id Pi a', . .
H opki~ns, s5Q('eiarv 0' i, 't n iil!'. '
coil eoand ,secret CI'ofIt t he adl; in is-
tration comm it tee ofl. iae 'S!ooul o1
A"'desert rat" (his own descrip- isnmzce nt fund!-; areC'on11 lah1I #,o (':2r-
tion) for many years, George C. Car-1' out a broad(I l)1'gLam fo r scoe l
son, 58, of San Francisco, now suid- vealr:, to comne. At l)IN'5en11t.} P" chlool
(buy finds himself with. $5,000,000. ; ' Xof h i ups i i
of Religion, wih nproei;l
The amount was awarded to him in Irl yothror o'anizatlon-% i so )50e-.
federal court in his suit against var- f uniqlre aniong religioU 5;shot s in
ioU cpper companies for infringe- t he count ry. No (10fin i toe ,t ho Ut
moent of p~atents he holds on certain teaching or preseniting t ho slubje't, has
smelting processes. The suit has 1een 1et bell deterniin ed ii pon b y the di -
ini the courts for a long period. ! motor n11,,,,, for t wlnI m o

aixd (lP th!. fS !is incompetent to best .txplanatiQXI ofLthe (discussionI class- ' 'k 1 " jc.F ~ , ,:4 ''-.-..'* VL'*....... -d: c 1
suhserr(c the interests of the people. es which will be started Tuesday even- Engineering at their regular monthly
"I co not believe that the interests ing, March 10, was made by the five luspeakingoyeTey. r.evopmentofl
of the peoplpe ci' Ann Arbor are served leaders of the courses at a banquet j1in speakng fon "The deveglopent fof
by 1je intrusion of national party or-( held last night in the Church of the platreclaioutingdle pfrom
.,anizaiwnca or issues into city elec-j Christ undler the auspices of the Stu- cuss now tieing used' at the Detroit.
ion.;.. Non-p~artisan1 primaries andj dent Christian association. At the,1plant to which the used batteries are'
('I'(t !011i-( osId 1be the ideal systemn conclusion of the banquet, 110 per en hppdfo h lrembti
tor Ann Arbor.' sons had signed up for the classes,buigaesothsecon
P)rofessor Freed explainedl that inj an increase over the enrollment ofbuigaasothsecon
places wher, the non-partisan system (discussion groups arrangedl at. Lane Hbuilsiaedplat i thesplneto
is used a person of any political party halld lastar fall. i oh-r ecios
i hal lastfall of the country.,rrhe reclaimed lead
(,jil enter the pI'iImarie as a no.ninee Each leader gave a short speech of-.
ifhe mc sa my petit ions have been ij is nurer than the commercial product ';
ter the dinner describing his particu- andl will be uiseil in the manufacture
J ! od " lar course. These included Prof. P.fIX bteis
°=Af the 1)jiriijres all candidates for! Woflososottewisorattpaerenies. ___
:n otEW' 1" eliminate I except the twvo iW lso ftwhsoydprmn Prof. Leroiy Waterman of the Semitics
hain': i ehghcest number of votes. dlepartmentIH. Y. McClusky of the 1 l''?Air
The two)survivors of the primaries i-edctonl py.1o -ydearmen, As
wt('iIare pla(cedi on the ballot i'or the euan ts.i 11.SyMallory of(te psrymhn,I -Co W a es'r e
pan~x i(z1i5I'a,:F1101',for election. Votersan r.f..Malyoftepch-.0u7va eC flS
hen(-locc 10 en~l~lae ho n teir' athic hospital. Five (discussion ('lass-
iit~lc , c~e ,;e anidtewh i tei ,es will be held this year for five During the 24 hours preceding7
': !:i((1'e')SI fied. o weeks.1 o'clock yesterday morning the tern-
lisCI1I>''~~isthroughout the; D. . U Melmnati; rsi perature sdid not rise above 12.7 dle-
}_t)31 ,.' v''..nlly in those governed] '(lent of the Rochlester Theological t green and 'the mercur'y fell to one-
r i>tIE pi _ PPr lan andthere-( Seinayvho is h Are (delivering foitr half degree -above zero. ThCis relapse
-am s a r;' commendab~it l~le. T~here( is nio lectures this week for the School of to cold weather,- after the recent warm
V('~I'~on wy Ann rbor hould not 4 1-Religion, gave a short adilress at. thesplieutdfo th cldWI(
mld-,Y ihis J1'ocglie cy~osri tand Ibanquet., Dr. Moehlman x"Ill give the
lila1'. a -tt((( e ofIt.third lecture of the series, entitled
",A 5a ez t iterof the present system 'Christianity as a Way of Life" at __________________
iii A orA ha we have the Democrats 14:15 o'clock this afternoon in Lane'I
n~a~iu~.~din4bra eeffort to put theirI hall. All students and others inter-
'i lidosif) the field andl to p~lacel ested are invitedi by the School of
t heir i'bf' e([or e the pe(ole. Under R leligion to attendl the lectures.
t ic no -partisa <n pta-n many pettyu-_________
ii irc(S betwv1een people of different 1 HAVE YOU ,S'CB SCRH1"EfJ) YETT UF'555



N~ew M~e'thod Saves which recently scourged; practically
al o te orhenpart ot the Iemli-
quaBatheryiHead' sl herc, coming fromt the south.
Ilowecver, along with other 4uper-
I stitions, hope is being held out for
Mlre than 50,000 pounds o1 lead per !an early fpi r acording to tra-
(l4y are now being feclainmed from lit lon if mu'eh circoics in like a lion
used st orage lbattecries, acc'ording tos it will go ou~t like a lambl.
1 W. I . Mc('ullough (of the Ford Motor----------'
'company, who spoke lielore toe staff PAR IZ DiL AD RISR

tea ching religion,'', tho11n' mtod of so
1Vew, Tryout Called doingwiibe decided UpiO(I l tl
For Freshmzan Club lmnt is being arotisedl in theSa s
- {_ all over the counitry by f te netic htmu I

Though more than 40 men have al-
ready responded, a second tryout for
candlidates to the Freshman Glee
club, will be hield from 4 to 5:30 o'-
clock today in room 308 of the U~nion.
The tryout will be condluctedl by C. W.
IKoch, '26, andl W. W. Slpangel, '25E,
b oth members of the Varsity glee
The freshman glee club will give
svrltap room concerts at the Unikf
s he veral f i ev aa,11 fI i rh

-- L~~ig s~prini ~I.Ii oe .j~, n
Senior Law class will hold its ip rograms have not yet been arranged.
twenty-first annual Crease Dance Fri- i The freshman grouxp also serves as a
day, March 27, in the clubroom of the' source of material for the Varsity or-
Lawyer's clu'O. Kennedy's orchestra ganization. Sixty men will be select-
with Phil Diamond will furnish the ed.!
music for dancing from nine untils
one o'clock. For the 'first time, sinceI today or tomorrow will be given pref-
its inauguration in 1904, the dance erence accordling to seniority. After
will be formal. It will be limited to; tomorrow the, tickets will 1)e on fen-
1:25 couples. As is customary with! oral sale to all Law students. TicketsI
University dances, no corsages will btue will be four,dollars.j
worn. ___________ __
A upeawl eise ihec!ticket which the holder will serve on; 1,"OST FROLICI
the girl who is to accompany him. ;---
A small eight-page newspaper will! Tickets to the Frosh Frolic
be given to the dancers dluring the of the class of '28, to b)e given I
course of the evening which will con-II March 13 at the Union, will )e
tain news of the Law school and about1 on sale from 2 to 5 o'clock thisj
its faculty and students. Harold B. afternoon at the UEnion. Unionj
l)esenberg and a staff, is responsible membership cards should ho
for the paper. A great many other peetda hstm yfeh
favors and novelties will -be given out 11m0n desiring tickets. The price
,it different times during the night. is $5
The seniors comprising the con- l ikt otsl omm
mittee in charge of the dance a "e:: l icesno odomm
Harry B. Grtundy, chairman, Ray Roth, hers of the freshmen class to-
Robert C. Ycize, C. H-. Churchill,l lay will he offered on a general
anid Robert Snodgrass. sale to the, entire campus laterI
Law students who turn in their up- in the week.
plications to the committee sometimeI

which has b1)0011 founded lie.
4 Profe ssor It ophlins briefly ouf' Ii e-d
the c r'Oat!011 0f the, 1new j irifft Ut 0 111.
jFor severalI Years inany Jwr-;oti,;, 1.^t P
Sfaculty tni~bers :and ot litri ;'(, t
that a school of r'I igtious ill !~C0I'm
Wtould soon0fl befolunded 11011'. lb mui
Iy all tis discussioun camne to a P-,
Xhen menthol's of the faclty and -l -
eral Det TOit. lflCfl1'LCI >IPCel 1110' I. tO-
Sgent School. It is thle pUu'po>-c (of 1cP'.
11101 to gradlual ly deo p 01 tli( nt2
tionl. The first, inlsIt'11('ioi] olTere'(d o
people inl Ann AI bor is a s(>re n';
lectures which will cont inlue Hl1.0rom i
the spring. IDr. (C. If. mielO('h ho ia
actiig ill this cap]acit y d(ti' i
I week, 1havilly been 5setll'(0 1to gvos:
j series; o1 lect ures i ai M te ihall. ''i
lectures are not in lieu 0oflr( I-':
courses or classes lbnt are I11(e' 1 y lt -
linlinary to thme l at em' Xork -('
I schoo1 l ich w\iil beuiril)1'obhJ Iit'
fall, ac:orlding to I i'01551)i' llt i.
"The School of Recligion a;. 0
course5, trying to0dul1iicatlm 1t 11-?
Xwiieh is offered by the ' 'n iveit,,.
sal i Profo>ssor £I oidhiis, "~It,, 'tti 11)05.'
is to supplervient tweceul'ri mui1(111oft Ii ;
U~niversit y"'' ( Ornlrne1t t n" oil the
jperiod of cx('Xp~eti t ; iou, I P ofe'.aor
U1oplkins said, ''''il' nat til' ()I'11w ein-
sti'iut ion Avill 1b0 (l(to''llined 1h ' the
needs dlen-an (1 d of it. 'Tlis O1Ptu-
ity has it,-; ()X : 5(( Olped)! T''VU!
X".'11l(' i ll I~i l I)!' Pe £;i i a 1l , '
Which wil01 1.ti( ll




Den's Suits and Topcoats
Caps and Shoes

A display of the1
handsomest and hight
est quality band and
orchestra instruments
in the world awaits
your iinspection at our
store. Come in and see r
them. Made by C. G.I
Conn Ltd., the world-
renowned manufactur-
Conns have won
highest honors at allj
w orl1d expositions.
Used and endorsed by
the most famous bands
men - Sousa, Conway,
Innes, Kryl, Creatore,
etc.-conductors of the
great Symphony or-
chestras as well as the
popular jazz kings.

~ America's 'finest
merchant tailoring
ade by
Ed. V. Price & 0 .
University men take
a great deal of pride
,ill wearing finely tail-
or~ed clothes.
continues to up-
hold its 30-year rep-
utation for unequaled'
value, authentic style
and urlvaledl fitting
Dependable fabrics
from foreign and do-
miestic looms in mnany-
new weaves and
shades await youar
inspection. Tailored_
in one of 'the new
English L 6u ng el
Models, they m~ake
a suit you'll always
be proud to wear.
"Drcss bWell and 'Succc'ee-"\
Our feature iv'ake
Suits to order

College Representatives
Showing at George Moe
711 North University

MV usic
14 Nickel's F. XV.
Arcade GROSS
} 309 S. Main St.
_ OU,1iiBA3)(ISTiUMl~tNTD.,

Read the,.Xant



tlteYhti"lE6tlW1.Y l5t1 ]YAY


Will Pay Cash for
them at

a, °a r
, , k r,
y x., , i , ^ - -

_ _ _ ..

.......rr..r4.. A j

''" 1

Pay Three
Dollars Now
and the

A "FTo get



Printers close

See "The
Ensin dfferent"
on display at


Rest when

close conri twtis evening.

" Our

Z 1

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