o, The Majestic
"The Only *Woman" opens at th11
Majestic theatre for a four day ru.,
with Norma Talmadge and Eugene
O'Brien as the featured players. Te
plot calls for Norma to marry a ian
she ]oaths in ordler to save heri fat her
from financial ruin and disgrace. She
Thi'lier boy who pathetically endures the in-1-____ ~- erican" will be the pastor's subject for pastor will speak at the evening ser-
The ~e"htetewl rsn frne of his father, and a west- the morning sermon. The student vic on "H oe Cake Religion."j
+s the attract ion for the first half of'e eowosciie i w m bible classes will he held at noon in -
ho week Naziluova in "The Redeem- tomki .I~117 I~ SWse al h elyngi~ S. aul's LuthtieaiChurhi
litions t aetr girl he loves! u c e
ing~f Sin," a drama of the Paris un- hp~ service at 6 o'clock will be followed Public worship t 9:30( o'lock will
dierwo>rlil. Lou Tellegen as leader of ;hpy uee ('re n <+b pnhueadspe evdin becnutdi (Mra.Sdnt c
heAahslvsJoanl-Nazimiova-- ' Buschi, the featurad players nave an Wse al t70 'lc Bishop ibbecasswl ehl t1:2
ht she is attracted by a young noble- excelent supporting cst in Ben Alex- ' ,1 Andr,^«' Epicopal (1111-4,1 homas Nicholson wil speak on 'In- o'clock and immediately followiin,
man, andl to he worthy of him she re- tinder, Mitchell LQwi, ,end :Mild red;(lfIIly conmnion w.ill be hed at S ternational Elements in the Old Testa- this Ithe Eng ish srmion cn the sub-T
pounces her old life. Thre Apache Harris. "The Sea Squk'' a Ptlie 'clock andl will be followed 1>y Church ment andl their Significance for Mod- ject 01 "Sn' will he dci jvevd. .At:
laedetermined to win her, steads comedy, Topics and : ews reel will be schoo and(1th-lieStudnents (churchi his- j 01n Life."'oclkth midcorswllev
avaluable 'pearl necklace for her, but shown also. Beginning Trs41..(l. r Oi class at 0:30( o'clock. The mnorn- Bellleham EaigelieaI1 Church for Detroit whre they will gv
rtrsit at her request. And then "Idle Tongues" will be presented A ingpiye(ad1' Fo y h ecn h sermon topic for the morning concert under the dlirect kun of (.
-ltthat would spoil the picture. !capable ast is found in Percy- Mar-ix ill e held at the sal time The will be ''The More Excellent Way." enhoo. Thc1 e w ill be no(1 met ig
Naziova interprets the part with tun- mont, Doris Kenyon, Claude (illing,- stlderis will illee in l arris hal for i The English service will be held at 10 of the Student clb.As h ednesday
dci sfanding and makes Joan, the child water, Malcolm MlacGregor and " 4r icaeinil ervice and slpper. An o'clock and the German service at 11 will be observed by a serion at 7:0:
EReverend Jump will eliver a memi-
jOcrial sermon this morning "Marion
Leroy Burton; Builder." At 4 o'cloec
Tfadt Wietan will speak to the High
S('hool group on the topic "Living
Cleani and Playing Straight." A mem-
oial service will b~e opserved in con-
ncetion with thbe studentt supper. The
+ ,iiljtect for the evening wvill be "Prest-
(lent Burton as the Students Knew
hin." 41r. Mitchell will speak at the
incA ion picture service on "President
Rin-ton and the Fatherly Heart." The
Ali for the evening will be "The
Baachelor Daddy" featuring. Thomas
(Continued on Page Sixteen)
dloes so in a charming w(*(ldlrr~g Scne;of Ji slums, entirely plausible and; eral others. The story is ad apte(
wih eaeeedbelld( leat-Iie i. ,All the scenes are laid in ;fromh Joseph C. ILincoln's novel o1
ing dof' course. The couYtple st or i l~ris and t he narrow streets andl old New England life, "D~r. Nye"''and i
on their honeymoon, a tripini the ha ildimgs have becen quite faithfully } based on the battle of love against
yact Sutaa, lut ee qit I lplroduicedl. A fight among the' small town gossip. MIarmont give
favrale eahe. Te ig 5N5Apiaches in thle Paris sewers adids to a convincing interlpretation of tin(
give an opportunity for somte ette(:i irethe (color'ful events. persecuted village physician. Malcohm
shiwrek sene whch ortaysfliilGenec Strattin Porter's " Girl of the ''MacGregor andl Lucille Ricksen arc
destruction of the yacht andl the fiirl i lixtrlost" will be shown Thidrsda' well cast as youthful sweethearts, and
happiness of the heretofore uuihapil,; !lud iyigatrcoe i o
an will run through the remainder Cad ilnwgrcmsi o
Miarriedl couple, Th'lomas Mighian in- ci ewek Tebok wih a clever characterization as usual.
cidentally is in a fewv scees4aS onipasd h ilinInIa
of he rew ''il)anl S~t -II anrccord, is probably familiar to many,I
Imperial Comedy, iniograins and aadi "u is oeplaigdeci-I RIG AM LS,0S(
are wAesop Fab~le cartooui will blie n I 'Gas~n it out door scens whic D ar
,on th sc~lreen. On t he st age Iheo Wr- . of cnRAot utdoorsAmescensuplasin whih ar
:pfd f
.ner Amoros Trio will aperina
novelty ,musical lpresent ation.
° During the later p:art of the week
"Married Flirts", the screen vor lioni
of Lou is Josep~h Vance's Ia tc'st book
succe ss 'Mrs. Paraunor'' will Ibe pj -
sentedl. An unusual cast has burn se -
lected for the picture. Conrad Na' gk"
takes the ha rt of t he rich anmdbind--
some man about town, who loves, "tahe
Sonly woman" but almost wvreck;
things by hiis fa ,scination for a'11)ill-
triguing novelist. Paul ine lFrede ric,j
.is Ilhe novelist, who having is;ber
husband carelessly, readjusts her life
becoming a famous writer and at t1:(
sarne time a be'aut iful wonmn. 1T-w'
a"Busch is I lie vamu who later on i>, the
victim oaf her own wiles. 11111111w),
( ordon play.' the role or the older
man luired a way from his w"ife only
'to find that he wants whiAt ie ha'; >
deserted. rThe HIllrooni Roys in
"11am andl Yegg j' and Kinograms wll
be shown. On thle stage Do ' e
S known to some "tire wizard ofo the
banjo", will be p~resent ed.4
aid to lose nothing in the filming.I
'i hey, harlt of lnora Comstock, the
g ir of tie Michigan woodIs, is playedj
by lor iaz Grey. Raymond ?McKee, the
(ca .i-etd player in "Down to lhe Sea
hl Cii~(ul len La ndis, andl(Cer-
rudo 4)]in steed aie amiong thle grin-I
ci~~~ pIcii :i iaeiers.
The Armcale
'Flw feat ure p~ictunre at the Arcade
!tis e (lul ing the first four lays will
)o a <i!t .National Iprodluct ion '"Friv-
olouts Sal." rThe picture was taken in
~ Ia i' Nat ial 1park which provides
s a tt(kgr(}tiiA of groat scenic beauty.
Th'iose who enijoy 'he-men' will no
dioubt enjoy seeing Eugene O'Brien
abidon leis role of the polished and
ri in uman of fashion to ridle madly
von montain trails, chase robber
iwhnds, and carry on a battle in the
Pin (Iced-I1' an aerial tramway over a
srosntain gorge. There is also the
to, sitory of a girl who finds happi-1
4s1)itha man whose ultimate hero-
- {m Yr eiiesf pre viou s conduct, a simall
Chiropodist Ort hopedist I
I707 N. University Ave. Phone 2652
address enll o u-'e Wa slillgton w.ill o'clock. Thle Young People's discus-
fbe given bty Reverend __Mr. Longsdaia :sion hour will be omitted this Sunday.It
at the scr vice ait 7 :384)o'clock.
The The ~luhirebof ('hrist a h
Thesubectforthe sermon a h
s 'I'h I ;l a rian ('l1111.61
The title of the morning semnwrigxorsihip will be entitledl A
"Te Pitesjdftemrigsro Veditation." Professor A. L. Trout
n will be "rsdn Burton''. Specialwilhvcareotesudncas
olmusic has been pr'epa red for the ser- vihaecrgoftesuntls-
e's which are held at noon. All stu-
I vice. Professor Eau 1 V. ):MooreCwillI
sl:(ak t th Fiesid sevic dents are invited to attend the social
''Musicainthe CFirebs ervice n I hour for young peop~le held at G
o'clIock. Lunch will be served. The
First Methodisit tpiscollal ('liE:'111111blllllllllllIIIIHI
"Ge orge Waish in;t on. the Ideal Amn-
~Read the Want AdsL.-
r ~Dinner' _
_ Soup
Cream of Chicken with Rice
I watfers Olives Celery
Roast Young Chicken with
_Dressing -
Roast Leg of L~amb) with Mint
lbhen in'Isre for 111 A. .t Creamed Corn Mashed Potatoes
va.lue. I -
p Rolls Salad r
If I cull bo of service : Dessert.
to youl, let's g'elt to- llomneniade Aipple or Cherry Pie f
Brick Ice Cieam with Cake
w Tea Coffee Milk .a.
-12 to 2 P.M. Price, $1.00
15 S. State St. PRhone 173=
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it for dinner today.
livered until 4 O'clock.
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hand. Sold and rented.
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Complete Stock or Groceries
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