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February 22, 1925 - Image 16

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-22

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Sarah Caswell Angell i-all-A History
The Background of a Now Famous Auditorium With an Account of the L.ife of the
Woman to Whom it is Dedicated-Mrs. Sarah Caswell Angell
Ic111trian 31e3yer te S no
isiainof th eir Women's one speaks to the alumni of the '80's. that she was pressing their demands.'
Freshmen and entering upperelass luncheon, aind in the estalishment of Her thoughtfulness helped her to She was also instrumental in se-
womenl becomne acqluainted with the the 1Women's League in 1.891. M~iss further the ends of the women on the curing the financial assitanee of the
location of Sarah Caswell Angell hall Vand('i= rocker, says of her, "One campus, yet she dlid it with such mar- Regents Levi L. Harbour and Charles
early in their college careers. Dean ei'l'5O\\howwoderfull she waswhen vxloniitact thatthe mnidnotfl I1Trh,,1 i I - hehi mr n. , f T)-,hnI,

Jean Hamilton's lectures on campus
organizations' and the hygiene lec-
tures of Dr. Margaret Bell for which}
attendlance is required of freshmen
and entering upperclass women, take I
place in-,this hail. It is one of thel
introductions to Nlichigan's past but
few know of the women whose. name
the hall bears.
Sarah Swope Caswell Angell was I
born in Providence, R. 1., July 24, 1831.1
tIer father was 'Alexis Caswell, a cler-
gyinan in the Baptist church, for many,
years professor of mathematics and
astronomy at Brown University and1
wvho latter b~ecame president of that in-
stitution. Al u child, Sarah Caswell
had' the opportunity to become ac-
quainted with missionaries and their'
work, for her family received.~ many
of thei into its home as guests. She
was eclacated at the best private
schools in the city, andl when her
mother' lied, when Sarah Caswell w,'as }
(citeeli, she was well fitted to be-1
come hostess of her father's home.I
Whien she was 24 years old, slie be-1
caie the wife of James Burrill Angell,
who was then professor of modern!
languagoe in Brown university front
which lie had previously gradluated
in 1849.
James Bnrrill Angel! speaks of this!
event tlb us in his "Rteminiscences".
"It was during my official connection
with Brown university on November!
2';, 1,85-5, that I married Sarahi Swope!
Caswell, only daughter of Rev. Alexis
Caswell 1). D)., for many years a pro-'
fessor of the university andl after-1
ward'(s its presidlent. This was the
m~ost- fortunate event in my life. SheI
wseminently fittedI to be my help-
mate in all the various experiences in
oulr lives. If I have achieved any de-
gree of success, I owve it largely tol
fi~t. rtlir" marriage, they lived inI
Pi- "vidence for some years and when,
Jamles Burrel! Angell' became presi-
(lent of the University of Vermont in
1 866G, they moved to lBurlington in .
that sttt~e, where the university is lo-1
cited. ,An invitation was extendled in}

Plays, Musical Compositions, and Public Service In List Of Worlis I

gymnasium. Up to that time, it had ing capacity of 1,000, a lobby 12 feet the sons of Sarah Caswell Angell and
been possible to receive the women at ; ide at the back and above this a new president of Yale University sas
the home of the president, but the 4ga<ille"ry. Its stage is commodious! of the naming of the hall in the honor
need of a niew'nmeeting place was felt. and suited for amnateur theatricals, of his mother, "The naming of the
il]nip crsity []all was, ot course, avail-b esno 6folgta ayin SrhCselAgl al as
;able. but when Harbhour gymnasium byr; o f1 otihs smn n'aa 7selAgl al as
was b~uilt, an assembly room espc(- the ceiling abo,-e, andl dressing roomsj far as I am aware, quite without my
ily or ewoe wa iilllonl citlher side.j mother's previous. know~edg6. She
had been for a number of years in-
It was large enough to seat all of thle! "here the Women's League can terestedl in the Women' s League,an
women and some of their friends.i hold its openl meetings, giving and re- whntiIalwseetdwt
~This hall became the center for ceiving enter tainments andl instruction seilve oteue fwmn h
gatherings of women and their social under more favorable conditions tthan;seilvwtoheusofomnte
actiitis, as ver eenbefre.Thecollege girls, as my memory serves,
osbe asked that it might bear her name.
P'resident Angell and Mrs. Angell whole building is to be a kind, of a"Mly nmother's interest in the prob-
spent the remainder of their lives in wmnsclbhue{heeatsi lems of the students, and particularly
m Ann Arbor except for the time Presi- accessories to culture and enjoyment I the women students, was always very
(lent Angel! was in the diplomatic" will 1>e available to all under demo- anshnerfildtdoay
service. In 1880, hie acted as -Minis- crati~c conditions." =thing which she thought might be of
ter pleni-potentiary to (China and in On June 23, I1876, the executive coin- value to them. This fact, 'I think,
1897, as Minister to Turkey. D~ean nittee of the Women's League re- they orame speedily to recognize, and
Alfred H. Lloyd of the Graduate quested of the Board of Regents that I when the occasion arose:, it Was not
school, who was a family friend ofE the women's assembly hall in Barbour unnaitural that they should think of
President Angel! and Mirs. Angell,1 gymnasium be named] in honor of connecting her name with the 'first
says of Sarah C1aswell Angell, "She! Sarah Caswell Angell and also asked !building devoted exclusively to the
was very hospita ble andl made a prac- permission to p~lace a tablet over the ! purpose of women, which had ever
tice of c'alling on the studlents, which enltranice. On motion of Regent Bar- been erected on the Michigan cam-
would be impossible now because of hbour, the assembly room in the Wom-I pus."
the size of the University, and the en's building was namne(] "Sarah Cas- The tablet mentioned was placed on
great many peop~le she knew from her 'well Angell1hall" and permission was June 21, 1905, by the Women's League
travels in Turkey and1 Chilna madle her I granted to put in the tablet as re- on the right wall near the stage. The
doubly interesting.'' quest ed. Tbhis request caine as a com- Michigan Alumnus for that month
Mrs. Angell helped to estab~lish the pliment, to Mrs. Angell lbecautse otf the s tates that the address was given lby
Daughters of the American Revoltu- personal interest she took in every Florence Burton, Roth, '05, president
tion in Ann Arbor and was its first wmanonl thle cainpus5, anid as a mark of the Women's League, in which she
Regent, which office she held until of appreciation of what she had (lone ('oncluided, "It has been the pleasure
1902, whenl she was relieved by her for them. of Michigan college women to erect
own request. When she withdrew Jlames Rowland Angell, '91. one of (Conmtinued on Page Sixteen)
from act ive part iciipat on as Regent.
iterest in in usic was keen and] she,=W
thoron ghly enjoyed her assocat ion!
with the :School 0 MAlus ic. She was
aliso a. Ilhoighly religious woman. EE=
11er ear ly 1ralming had(1 brought her in;
I on:i'3(. WithI in is.:ion a rics and her! . ."«
grv]in China any Id Turkey helpecd toEW TAS
k('c t,'live her Initerest~. For twenty-;
yeat, ; b e was ftle pro.ident. of .:-
iw lie Ann A-hor 'Ii't i}n 1\ission :ury
society, until hier d en Ii on I eceiulwr
1 7, 1902, afteri a brief ill ness of bromi- Lhgejiy -on tek
chial pl~liniiiia. I=
According to persons who knew With that flavor that only our
Mr's. Angel i well, her p~resenc'e and eho f r in=angv
carriage were (listimet i ye. 1'o the
modlern women, she wo~uld appear to;= to them.-
be t he a(Ica type of the latter part. o1,-
the nineteenth century. 11er lpresence
was commanding, that of a woman,
who understood herself thoroughly.
H1er keen perception, fine conversa-w
tional ailit~y, and ready wit made her
ai strong force in her social cir cle.
The young inon of the '80)5s conside(r- -frdSIIV~
ed Mrs. Angel! a fine representative of;==
women, for she had the ability of - Across from Y). L.'It. Dpot
making them feel immediately at ease.
W~hile Barb~our gynmnasiui was be- a
tng built, the Inlandler of 1896 publish-
ed the following dlescription o1' theE
hall to be includled in this building:, "We've been serving the best for Nears."
j Tesecond story ,will contain an au-t
(lit orium to which the large red oak !
staircase in the entrance hall leads.=
Its finish is to be redl oak with floor
of Georgia pine. It is to have a seat-'
Ili mm

1869 for President Angel! to conic to Smie oiflhe Women wh() Mawe :achiev'ed notable wvorkllate nht ie: Left to righlt, J;b-,e-. (pi-t m'ide Atbiert on, A ii-
th e University of Michigan. The in-; ei'icamii nvelist ; Mr's. Carrie Jacobs Bond, song writer; )fine. Selina Laigerof, Swed ihwrit er. Below,
imiatin ws dclied henforJams i Lady .Rhonida, English business womni; Blanche Bates, American ac tres~s as carirwtaiied by 11. 'W1. Itheuig.
Blurrill Angell felt under obligation to sea and Olga INethaersole, Euiglisit actress.
his Bu<rlinigton friends to continue at,
Vermoft. In 1871, the invitation wa~s l By Lilian Campbell most famous writer of her sex in the to marry twice anri)Iing up two ('hil-
renewed andl at the commencement on In this day and age we are quite iworld, took the Nobel prize for lit- r eni.
June 28, 1871, President Angell gave - ---- -
his nauura adres atMiciga. at to dwell on the marvelous chieve- (erature at 51 and is now 66. Lady'
The year before P'residenrt Angell; ments of the young, especially the j Rhonda, English business woman, i
and Mrs. Angell came to Michigan, young women. We emphasize their the baby of this groupl, being only 41. A Guarantee of
the doors of every dIepartnment of the accomplishments, forgetting that' She has been trying to establish her*
University, undler the pressure of1ter are many women in the world,! ih to a seat in the aouse of Lords, ;R la l
public opinion in the state, had becmerergtnla l
thonopntboome.M l )th matrons and spinsters, who have without succ'ess so far. Blanche Electrical
undetookthe early work with the I(lone their. most notable work after, Bates, Amemican actress, Is 52 and is
lomen. She was not an ardent femn- they passed the half century marks. ; still active, app~earing successfully on R~epoairing
mist, but rather a womanly woman, a "Who's who for 1925 records tlma the stage. Olga Nethersole, English
fine wife andl mother.. The social in- achievements of many of these wo-1 actress, after having finished an As
iatinct she dleveloped among the won-! men. Mrs.' Jamnet Little Story, an arduous carer as actress and thme- TFhie'Newest Fixtures at
en here was the great gift she made .Englishwoman, is the oilest of the; atrical manager, announced at the :Reas~1ona~blel Piies~
to college life. The home of the g roup, being 96. She has a list ot age of 53 that it was hem' intention
presidIent and his wife was the social half a dlozen publications as the fruit to run for parliament.
center of the college for the thirty-j of her year's between 64 and 83, and; These are only a. very few of tlhe r E n tBh r
two years which they sp~ent here. The none earlier. C'harlotte Sharmuan is ;women who have arccomplishied splen-
numitber of women on the campus was1 92, director and treasurer of orphans' didl work at amn advanc'ed age. 01' all Electric Shop
then sosmall ta they might b n homes sincee was 340 andl still ac-G this class Mrs. Vi(ctoria Claflin MNart in,
tertaiinedl at the home of President tive. The Hon. Emnmeline Mvary Plun ; holds the record for varied e'xplei 04 N. Fourth Ave.
Angell andI Mrs. Angell. Mrs. Angel! kett, 89, published several books, the encees.
gave talks to the women, not officialIfirst at 51 and the last at 68.j She was. horn In llomuer, Ohio,' Phone 281 4-M
but by request of students on social Gertrude Atherton, American wvriter,? eighty-six years ago the seventh child
ne-eds. Students of the 80's speak of, admtits that she is sixty odd but says io1' the family, andl has been tinancier,,
Mrs. Amngell's etiquette talks and thei that she is young en6uglt to get the banker. writer', (dit or, proprietor of
lawn fetes she gave at tihe close of the ; best of life withlout rejuvenation, all a magazine, sufftrag;e leader, labor' I______________________
year. She looked after the health oft though she recommends it for others.:1)1ropagandist amndl candidlate for time
tlit studIents, though in not too d(10- Mrs. Carrie Jac'obs Bond, composer of pr'esidency of the United States. The
nmestie a way, arnd the women* who ''A Prfect Day" and many other; Equal Rights Party nominated her for
('amne to the University then were for- compositions, is 62. She is not onlyi that at the age of 34. Site says thatt
tunate to have the pleasure of con- active musically but is a member of; for 30 years she has "conducted prop-
tact with the rare social tact andl the Woman's Association of Coin-; aganda work for working (lasses in
breeding she possessed. 11er life was m cerce of Chticago and presidlent of a! Europe and! America" and is tihe aut-
one of servic'e. music p~ublising company. t hor o(f a number of publ icat ions. {
i~Mrs. Angell was instrumental in the M Selmna L.:gerof. Sweden, called the With all this history she has ha d time''


Bicale f as t, 8 :00-1 1: 00

Luncheopi, 11:00-2:00

Tca, 2:00-11 :00

StundaiIJ,'alefast, 9:00-12 :00

Lnwchle on, 12:00'-5:30

Supper, 5:30-8:00

221 South State

Telephone 233-j


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wuiuuvc re iose an~ artc~es vui so
Wmotntthc aeesetaWn rdcigta
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'1 ,
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where in the midst of any
The first essential in being
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clothes. The Varsity method
promotes this cleanliness,
therefore promotes the first
essential of a well dressed

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