SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1925 . ] IF. MICHIGAN DAILY PACE FIFTEEN o, The Majestic "The Only *Woman" opens at th11 Majestic theatre for a four day ru., with Norma Talmadge and Eugene O'Brien as the featured players. Te plot calls for Norma to marry a ian she ]oaths in ordler to save heri fat her from financial ruin and disgrace. She Thi'lier boy who pathetically endures the in-1-____ ~- erican" will be the pastor's subject for pastor will speak at the evening ser- The ~e"htetewl rsn frne of his father, and a west- the morning sermon. The student vic on "H oe Cake Religion."j +s the attract ion for the first half of'e eowosciie i w m bible classes will he held at noon in - ho week Naziluova in "The Redeem- tomki .I~117 I~ SWse al h elyngi~ S. aul's LuthtieaiChurhi litions t aetr girl he loves! u c e ing~f Sin," a drama of the Paris un- hp~ service at 6 o'clock will be followed Public worship t 9:30( o'lock will dierwo>rlil. Lou Tellegen as leader of ;hpy uee ('re n <+b pnhueadspe evdin becnutdi (Mra.Sdnt c heAahslvsJoanl-Nazimiova-- ' Buschi, the featurad players nave an Wse al t70 'lc Bishop ibbecasswl ehl t1:2 ht she is attracted by a young noble- excelent supporting cst in Ben Alex- ' ,1 Andr,^«' Epicopal (1111-4,1 homas Nicholson wil speak on 'In- o'clock and immediately followiin, man, andl to he worthy of him she re- tinder, Mitchell LQwi, ,end :Mild red;(lfIIly conmnion w.ill be hed at S ternational Elements in the Old Testa- this Ithe Eng ish srmion cn the sub-T pounces her old life. Thre Apache Harris. "The Sea Squk'' a Ptlie 'clock andl will be followed 1>y Church ment andl their Significance for Mod- ject 01 "Sn' will he dci jvevd. .At: laedetermined to win her, steads comedy, Topics and : ews reel will be schoo and(1th-lieStudnents (churchi his- j 01n Life."'oclkth midcorswllev avaluable 'pearl necklace for her, but shown also. Beginning Trs41..(l. r Oi class at 0:30( o'clock. The mnorn- Bellleham EaigelieaI1 Church for Detroit whre they will gv rtrsit at her request. And then "Idle Tongues" will be presented A ingpiye(ad1' Fo y h ecn h sermon topic for the morning concert under the dlirect kun of (. -ltthat would spoil the picture. !capable ast is found in Percy- Mar-ix ill e held at the sal time The will be ''The More Excellent Way." enhoo. Thc1 e w ill be no(1 met ig Naziova interprets the part with tun- mont, Doris Kenyon, Claude (illing,- stlderis will illee in l arris hal for i The English service will be held at 10 of the Student clb.As h ednesday dci sfanding and makes Joan, the child water, Malcolm MlacGregor and " 4r icaeinil ervice and slpper. An o'clock and the German service at 11 will be observed by a serion at 7:0: (1ongr(,gaitlinalChiurch EReverend Jump will eliver a memi- jOcrial sermon this morning "Marion Leroy Burton; Builder." At 4 o'cloec Tfadt Wietan will speak to the High S('hool group on the topic "Living Cleani and Playing Straight." A mem- oial service will b~e opserved in con- ncetion with thbe studentt supper. The + ,iiljtect for the evening wvill be "Prest- (lent Burton as the Students Knew hin." 41r. Mitchell will speak at the incA ion picture service on "President Rin-ton and the Fatherly Heart." The Ali for the evening will be "The Baachelor Daddy" featuring. Thomas (Continued on Page Sixteen) dloes so in a charming w(*(ldlrr~g Scne;of Ji slums, entirely plausible and; eral others. The story is ad apte( wih eaeeedbelld( leat-Iie i. ,All the scenes are laid in ;fromh Joseph C. ILincoln's novel o1 ing dof' course. The couYtple st or i l~ris and t he narrow streets andl old New England life, "D~r. Nye"''and i on their honeymoon, a tripini the ha ildimgs have becen quite faithfully } based on the battle of love against yact Sutaa, lut ee qit I lplroduicedl. A fight among the' small town gossip. MIarmont give favrale eahe. Te ig 5N5Apiaches in thle Paris sewers adids to a convincing interlpretation of tin( give an opportunity for somte ette(:i irethe (color'ful events. persecuted village physician. Malcohm shiwrek sene whch ortaysfliilGenec Strattin Porter's " Girl of the ''MacGregor andl Lucille Ricksen arc destruction of the yacht andl the fiirl i lixtrlost" will be shown Thidrsda' well cast as youthful sweethearts, and happiness of the heretofore uuihapil,; !lud iyigatrcoe i o an will run through the remainder Cad ilnwgrcmsi o Miarriedl couple, Th'lomas Mighian in- ci ewek Tebok wih a clever characterization as usual. cidentally is in a fewv scees4aS onipasd h ilinInIa of he rew ''il)anl S~t -II anrccord, is probably familiar to many,I Imperial Comedy, iniograins and aadi "u is oeplaigdeci-I RIG AM LS,0S( are wAesop Fab~le cartooui will blie n I 'Gas~n it out door scens whic D ar ,on th sc~lreen. On t he st age Iheo Wr- . of cnRAot utdoorsAmescensuplasin whih ar :pfd f .ner Amoros Trio will aperina novelty ,musical lpresent ation. ° During the later p:art of the week "Married Flirts", the screen vor lioni of Lou is Josep~h Vance's Ia tc'st book succe ss 'Mrs. Paraunor'' will Ibe pj - sentedl. An unusual cast has burn se - lected for the picture. Conrad Na' gk" takes the ha rt of t he rich anmdbind-- some man about town, who loves, "tahe Sonly woman" but almost wvreck; things by hiis fa ,scination for a'11)ill- triguing novelist. Paul ine lFrede ric,j .is Ilhe novelist, who having is;ber husband carelessly, readjusts her life becoming a famous writer and at t1:( sarne time a be'aut iful wonmn. 1T-w' a"Busch is I lie vamu who later on i>, the victim oaf her own wiles. 11111111w), ( ordon play.' the role or the older man luired a way from his w"ife only 'to find that he wants whiAt ie ha'; > deserted. rThe HIllrooni Roys in "11am andl Yegg j' and Kinograms wll be shown. On thle stage Do ' e S known to some "tire wizard ofo the banjo", will be p~resent ed.4 aid to lose nothing in the filming.I 'i hey, harlt of lnora Comstock, the g ir of tie Michigan woodIs, is playedj by lor iaz Grey. Raymond ?McKee, the (ca .i-etd player in "Down to lhe Sea hl Cii~(ul len La ndis, andl(Cer- rudo 4)]in steed aie amiong thle grin-I ci~~~ pIcii :i iaeiers. The Armcale 'Flw feat ure p~ictunre at the Arcade !tis e (lul ing the first four lays will )o a