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February 22, 1925 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-22

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The National League of Women
Voters at Washington, D. C. has an-
nounced the establishment of a $1,000
fellowship at the Robert BrookingsI
Graduate School of Economics and
Government for the study of the Amer-
jcan Indian problem, the successive
policies of the Government, and the
contemporary administration of In-
dian affairs.
The fellowship, which is open to
women graduates of approved colleg-
es and universities who have had a
gear of graduate work in economics
and government, covers the cost of a
year's fees, rpom, and board at the
school. The League announces that
f, at the end of the year, the candi-
late's work has proven successful
the fellowship will be renewed for a
second year, after which she will
qualify for and rceeive the degree of
3Doctor of Philosophy.
Applications for the fellowship
,should be made to the National League
of Women Voters, by May 1, upon a
form prepared for the purpose. Copies
of'the general announcement of the
Robert Brookings Graduate School at
Washington, D. C., and further infor-
mation concerning the fellowship may
be procured from the National League
of Women Voters, 532 17th Street,
Washington, D. C.
Point system charts mailed last
week to all house Presidents serve as-
a guide for all women taking part in
campus activities. Th'e activities have
been divided into 27 groups and the
points for- each subdivision of the
group are dependent upon the time
the activity requires, the character of
the work, and the responsibility of the
position in that activity. In addition
to a redistribution of points, several
new organizations have been includ-
The purpose of the system as stated
on the charts is, "Th-e distribution of
the honors and duties of college life
in order to promote efficiency in the
activity and group consciousness
among a larger number of University
women." No woman will be allowed
to assume more than 14 points at any
one time, and each woman, as a mat-
ter of personal honor, is expected to
limnit the number of points carried ac-
cording the scholarship requirement
of the, university. Each student must
have for the past semester a number
of honor points equal to the number
of hours carried with no absolute fail-
ure, in order to take part in activities.
The revised point system was rec-
ommended by a committee of the Wo-
man's League. It was approved by
the committee on student affairs, and
adopted by the Board of Directors of
the League.

Two Browns Are - Daisy Chain; Lantern Ceremony IF
Smartly United ~V: ;SFeature Goucher Commencement
- t
{ -- _ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ inr iinctetnrertet v ar nnrr ar tn nnt



Portia tryouts for new memersi'l
have been postponed i mtiul 'Tl:s -
dlay night.

Ss ti e trl t dII s a :' II L en earlc e
(iegte to the student, and at a small
wot. en's cs) lege tie t1aditions are es-
(illyC dear 10 the women because
tiL; hy make them," stated a Gaucher

t ey wear coiorea sweaters, anone
night they dress in organdies, and the
last night they appear in cap and
On this last night the sophomores
form two daisy chains, each more
than half a block long. The sopho-



siventwen spleaking of the tra- I
Measurements for senior cas andsi.
il l!~n ' tr,±;' i lt ion.
gowns are being, taken nmv on tf'
n if cr M"Sigsm" cmesearly in the
secondl floor of Marek's. All iml m-i '('10 1yi th
must have their ieasurement ta;hien s i si(s. Each class has a
before Marlh 1. C r1n oi thefgy]mna sium which is
do 'rahi with it's iass colors to re-
premt some snu Lle scene. There is
Elective clats 4n 'clt wu Mon- r masch and each class has an
m11ing wUil be held at 4 o'cloitk iMon~ i ha' fal lishsa
.p .r. .i, to sing~ to the a-semlbled

Rifle se
week we
their sec
The M

TTE Miami Fashions
CO STo Lead America
T H FOUR COLLEGES The Riviera of America-that is
what Miami, Florida, could be called,
cores shot by the Michigan for fashions seen there on smartly
rifle team during the past gowned society women are the ones
re mailed yesterday to the that all well-dressed women will wear
ies of George Washington, next spring and summer.
An especially attractive costume
i, Missouri, and Syracuse, in entirely in white was glimpsed at the
ond series of intercollegiate races at Miami recently. The long
coat was simply trimmed with wide
ichigan scores were as fol- chinchilla collar and cuffs, which re-

.... .. .., .....,..:. ., .a.

. .. ..., r. . .


(lays and Wednesdays mand 4 o'cI(' k,
Tuesdays and Thurstdays, in Barbour
gymnasium. Anyone interested shoul
report tlinI week.
The regular meeting of the Univer-
sity Girls' Glee club will be held at
4:30 Tuesday, in room 305, School of'
All women in the junior play must
pay a tax of $2 to their group leadersI
before Thursday. From this a cer-
tain amount will be deducted for re-
freshments, 25 cents for each time
tardy, and 50 cents for each time ab-
sent. All who fail to observe this
regulation will be dropped from the
play, and also those who have more
than 3 absences or 4 cases of tardi-
Bluebooks on the required hygiene
lectures have been corrected and may
be called for in the director's office
in Barbour gymnasium.
Junior play chorus rehearsals will
be held as follows: Tomorrow, A and
5 at 7:15 o'clock, F and 2 at 8 o'clock;
Tuesday, 4 and 5 at 4 o'clock, 2 and 31
at 5 o'clock, and A, B, 1BB, C, D, E,
and F at 8 o'clock.
Senior society will meet at 7:15
o'clock Tuesday in Helen Newberry
Richmond, Mich. Feb. 21.-Harold
"Red" Grange, All-American half-
back, is regaining strength rapidly,
according to a statement made today
by Dr. J. F. McCarthy, who has been,
attending the Illinois star since he
was stricken with mumps here 10
days ago.

Another big event of the spring is
the junior-senior basketball game.
The entire junior and senior classes
comiaf to this droessed entirely in white,
t I tearns only showing the class col-
jrs. ..Ijsi before the game the seniors
U orm in a long serpentine line and
r a bonut the gymnasium forming
the letters of the class and the number
of the year.
i Iay come the annual boat rides
rdownCie atieiake bay. On these ex-
cursonsthe freshmen entertain the
Junior class, and the sophomores en-
tertain the seniors. Each underclass-
man has one upperclassman or mem-
her of the faculty to entertain and to
provide with refreshments of all
k *inds. W\ihen the destination is reach-
1d a play is given by the underclass-
men after which there is the ride
hack in the twilight with a girls' band
'urnishing the music.
May-Day plans change yearly. But
or the last four or five years it has
been the custom to celebrate this day
on the new campus at Towsen. Here
a little play is given by selected mem-
a hers of the group and a senior is
crowned "Queen of the May." After
the play the first copy of the school
annual, "Donnybrook Fair," is pre-
sented to the president of the senior
cl ass.
The most eventful week of the
spring season, however, is the week
just before commencement. On five
nights of this week there is what is
known as "Step Singing," correspond-
:ig to the Senior Sing at Michigan.
Seniors gather on the steps of Goucher
hal and sing new and original songs.
.n( night the girls dress all in white
with ties of the class colors, one night

mores, also dressed in cap and gown,'
carry these on their shoulders. Some
however, remain in an upper balcony,
and after the seniors have sung, sing
the "Rose Song" to them and shower
rose petals down upon them. After
this the seniors pass down between the
chains singing, "Where Oh Where."
And when the last has gone down, the
juniors take the steps singing, "For
we are Seniors." The sophomores
then carry their daisy chains to an
open space across from the steps
where they form their own and the
senior numerals.
At nine o'clock on one night during
this same week the freshmen form a
lantern chain with lanterns of color-
ed glass of the freshmen and senior
colors. On a lawn between two of
the dormitories numerals and figures
are formed as have been previously
done by the sophomores. After the
final one, the seniors come in cap and
gown to the same spot where - they
build a bon-fire and march around it
singing the "Funeral Pyre." Roll is
called and as she hears her name each
senior steps up and throws into the
fire the book that has caused her the
greatest grief during her college car-
eer. A record of these books is kept
and at the end, announcement is made
of the most disliked volume.
In the town of Lackawaxen, Pa.,
three of the four general stores are
owned by women and the only clerk
:f the fourth is a girl. The only hotel
in the town is operated by a woman
and the postmaster is a woman.

lows: Ann Wheeler, '2G, score 99; verses the usual order of placing the
1Maurine .Jones, '28, score 98; Gertrude fur in a border at the bottom. With
Benham, '28, score 97; Alice Wessel, this was worn a wide brimmed hat in
'28, score 97; Frances Gorsline, '26, white of which a few are being shown
score 96; Rhea Jenks, '25, score 93; with the rumor that they will be more
Elsie Nicholson, '27, score 89. The popular than ever before. Many wo-
five highest, which count in the actual men consider the wider brim more be-
competition, make a total of 487 out coming to them, but the small hat h'as
of a possible 500. This is a gain of proved so comfortable, especially
11 points over the previous week in with bobbed locks, that the majority
spite of the fact that the closing of will cling to them in preference to
the range Friday prevented some of 'the larger types.
the members from shooting their Under the coat was worn a smart
score cards this week. printed frock with a full plaited skirt
Return scores will be received from ( and a wide buckled girdle for trim-
the opponents early this week. ining. Simplicity was the keynote of
During the regular practice periods this ensemble and is the keynote of
this week the scores will be taken for the styles which will be worn during
competition with the universities of E the coming season.
Illinois, Oregon, Nevada, Delaware, The new bathing bags for Miami
and Nebraska. bathers make up an interesting new
fashion note. They were made of fan-
Nice, France, Feb. 21.-Alwina Val- cy rubberized material and adorned
leria, noted operatic prima donna,,na- with quaint wooden doll tops.
tive of Baltimore, is dead at 76. She
retired in 1886. Subscribe for The Michigan Daily

Shades of brown ranging from beige
and the palest of cocoa shades to the
deepest tobacco are used as extensiv-
ely in the new spring showings as they
were in.those for fall. If you adopt
brown as your color-and many wo-
men prefer to choose a certain shade
and wear it exclusively-your choice
will be wide. For if you cannot be-
comingly wear the strong red browns
-henna, rust, etc.-you may be suit-
ed in the pale hues or the yellow
This smart dress uses a tan. and
deep tobacco bengaline and makes a
simple but very chic effect. The long,
straight upper part imitates the tunic
frock and the browns are alternated
in tiers in the skirt section. A low
standing collar and patch pocket are
details that add to the clever whole
and buttons in the two tones are the
sole rimming used.
Some time ago rumors were more
than usually insistent that the bobbedI
hair was going out. Now we are as-
sured that it will be with us for yet
another season, in fact indefinitely.
There are some changes-more adapt-
ability, I should say, a striving to
find just the right line for the differ-
ent type of faces.




was ever

without enthusi-



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:P.r rr. ^ r .rrr..ire. . trr,.errr . +.i., . .r. . .rr-.irrr~.i,~4rrr. r. r.



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rse you're iterested i
t fashion avocates or
There's no better way

Fifth Broadcast Concert
Victor Artists
Thursday, Feb. 26th. 9:00 P. M Eastern Time


This floor lamp for
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(Retain this for the concert)
BeIrcarolle (Tales of Hoffman)
Jiewels1 of t1eleMadonie--Ilntermezzo
Victor Concert Orchestra
T igoleto-a-Cro Nome (Verdi)
Barber of Seville (Rossini)
Toti Dal Monte
Barber of Seille-Largo al factotum
Voi Dormite, Signora (Tosti)
Giuseppe de Luca
Valce Triste (Sibelius)
Praeludium (Jarnefelt)
Victor Concert Orchestra
Lucia (ii Lammermoor-Mad Scene( (Donizetti)
Toti Dal Monte
Don Carlos-Per me giunto (Verdi)
Giuseppe de Luea


of finding out than by visiting
our Spring Exposition tomorrow
and Tuesday. Or, if it's more
convenient, come Monday even-
ing between 7 and ,9. Every
smart new mode will be dis-
played. Music and compliment-
ary flowers, too. Monday even-
Y'1" l~m

O F cou



Get these Victor Records now and het acquainted with
I, DU D m






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