Published every morning except Monday1
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
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Editor..............John G. Garlinghouse
News Editor........... Robert G. Ramsay
City E ditor...........Manning Houseworth
Night Editors
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Kenneth C. Keller Norman R. Thal
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Sunjday Editor.......... Rooert S. Mansfield
Women's Editor.............Vernea Moran
Music and Drama......Robert B. Henderson
Telegraph 1 ditor-..William J. Walthour
Louise Barley Helen S. Ramsay
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Louis W. Kramer
Night Editor-THOS. P: HENRY, JR.
cause some other department of the
university needs increased funds.
Yale, it is true, will soon assume the
position vacated by Harvard, but the
nation will at the same time miss the
activity of an institution which had
come to be the standard by which all
other university dramatic endeavor
was judged. The corporation of Har-
vard College will do well to consider
carefully before it permits the 47
Workshop, the backbone of instruc-
tion in an important art, to lie dor-
mant. Even though Professor Baker
has been lost, his work can be de-
veloped to great advantage.
The final round of the interstate
fight to put an end to the illegal di-
version of 10,000 cubic feet of water
per second by the Chicago sanitary
district has begun, with half a dozen
representatives of Great Lakes states
and cities arguing the case against
Chicago before Secretary , of War
Weeks. Navigation on the Great
Lakes has been seriously injured by
the continuous theft of water by Chi-
cago for over thirty years. Army
engineers have been stating and re-
stating this fact ever since 1895 when
the sanitary district was first ordered
to take no more than 4,167 cubic feet
per second. This is the situation
which all but a few partial Chicago
engineersadmit and which Secretary
Weeks recognizes.
With all contention narrowed down
to a question of the minimum time
which will be required by the sanitary
district to provide new mneans of
sewage disposal, matters should soon
come to a climax. The most critical
of the opponents, including Attorney
General Daugherty of Michigan; are
insisting that Chicago could safely re-
duce the diversion to the minimum
"within two or three years." While
it must be admitted that the Chicago
officials themselves are to blame, the
greatmasses of the people of the city
would be those to suffer if an increase
in disease should be caused by the in-
ability to provide proper sewage dis-
posal within the years allotted. In
the interests of the people a period of
five years, as has been suggested by
many of those involved in the case,
would be the safest and thus the most
"D. S. ."
Ten deserving scholars are about to
be honored ,with a new and unique
degree, the string of initials trailing
their names to be augmented by ad-
ding "D. S. P.," providing officials of
the University of Chicago succeed in
carrying out a plan for giving recog-
nition to outstanding service of an in-
tellectual character. This is to be ac-
complished by the creation of "Dis-
tinguished Service Professorships,"
the awarding of the honor carrying
with it a salary of $10,000 a year-the
provision which probably will be most
pleasing to the recipients.
Among American institutions of
higher learning, Chicago is noted for
I her innovations in methods of educa-
tion. Many of the predominant ten-
dencies in our universities and high
schools have found their origin in the
research and practice of this institu-
tion. It is even more encouraging,
then, to find Chicago again leading
the way in a project which transcends
in importance any movement in edu-
cational circles today. Universities
and colleges must begin to prosecute
some sort of a campaign which will
result in adequate compensation for
those who give their life to further-
the best interests of our civilization.
Material appreciation must be accord-
ed those who are eminently successful
in their particular pursuit in order
that younger scholars may be spurred
on to greater effort. It is this that
Chicago proposes to do.
There is, however, one thing which
must not be overlooked. If there are
to be great scholars in the future de-
serving of such recognition, salaries.
adequate to modern needs must be
provided for those just starting out asj
instructors. Many, it is true, are will-
ing to sacrifice the luxuries of life for
their chosen vocation, but in so doing
they are also limiting their own ca-
pacity for future endeavor.
Those who provide the revenue for
our universities should realize that
educators must be given something
toward which to work and something
to work with while they are getting
there. The University of Chicago is
deserving of praise for her part in
initiating the former part of such a
Yesterday afternoon the remains of
President Burton, who had served
Michigan faithfully and well, were
lowered into their final resting place.
With his death came the end of a
great force, a powerful and gentle
spirit, one which had guided Michigan
well through its most eventful period
of transition and expansion. His loss
is felt-how deeply it is impossible
to record.
The task which he had set for him-
self--the building of Michigan into a
truly cosmopolitan seat of culture-
is still far from complete. He did
much; but his death prevented him
from seeing his task through to com-
There could be no better tribute
given him than to carry on from the
place where he stopped. Let those
who are in a position to do so, strive'
to attain the goal which he had set
up before us; let them continue along
the road which he had pointed. It
would have been his wish; let us car-
ry it out.
Ever since the resignation of Prof.
George P. Baker from the Harvard
faculty those interested in the drama
have been conjecturing concerning
his reasons. It was perfectly clear
that Yale had offered him a better
financial backing than had been the
lot of his famous 47 Workshop, but
the failure of Harvard to compete for
his services was never made com-
pletely clear. Even the students of
the College appeared to be in the
President Lowell's discreet silence
on the subject was maintained until
in a speech before the Harvard club
of Washington, D. C., early last week
he explained that the corporation of
the College felt that the 47 Workshop,
although performing a valuable serv-
ice, did not warrant further expan-1
sion and must yield to more import-
ant departments of the university, in
particular to the College where the
further development of the tutoriall
system is a vital matter.
It is difficult for those who are ac-
customed to think of the old eastern
colieges as institutions of almost un-
limited endowment to conceive of#
Harvard college being so poverty-
stricken that the activity of one de-
partnent must be curtailed in orderl
that another may be developed. It
has seemed in the past that only an
appeal to alumni was necessary to
assure a million or so for some pro-1
ject . As The Harvard Crimson soi
adroitly remarks in commenting on
the situation: "A million dollars
The first issue of the B and G news
made its appearance on the campus TOMORROW NlIIT: Te Detroit
on St. Valentine's Day. It is a three- Symphony orchestra, Gny Maler, Lee
column, eight-page paper. How often f Pattison, and Arthar Shatack in till1
it will be published nobody seems to auditorium at S o'clock.
know yet-the first issue being de-
scribed as "a sample"-but to our THE MAY FESTIVAL
mind it is a journal that fills a long- The thirty-second annual May Vos-
felt want. As the front-page editorial tival to be presented in Hill auditor-
says, "But let us all consider that the .
B and G department has expanded and;
grown to such a large organization in May 20, while planned along the same
the past few years, that it is worthy general lines as those given in the
of some recognition and should be past, will introduce certain innova-
classed with the best of its kind. tions. In contrast to the Festival of
"Therefore why shouldn't we try to last year which was characteristically
be up-to-the-minute by having a news
bulletin at regular intervals such as modern in its programs-and this is
this issue, which we offer to you as the point that is being stressed, be-
a 'sample'." cause the more social half of last
* * * year's audiences were frankly bored I
Another editorial describes a plan or bewildered by the ratiocinations of
that might well be applied to other the Honnegers and Ravels-the com-
publications than the B and G News- ing Festival, begging our reerence's
this Department, for instance: pardon, will revert largely to the
"In convenient places for the em- works of the older, more established,
ployees, there will be boxes put up on standardized composers.
which will be the words 'B and a The principal choral and orchestral
News,' and into which anyone. can works will include compositions by
drop notes or news items. All em- Schumann, Tschaikovsky, Saint-Sa-
ployees are urged to 'donate their ens, Bach, Rachmaninoff, Bendall and
bit' in a literary way. This does not Ponchielli. Some seventy players of .
mean that you will have to write up the Chicago Symphony orchestra n-
the item, but just give us the main der the direction of Frederick Stock
facts so that some member of the staff will provide the symphonic back-
can detail the idea. ground as usual, over a dozen singers
"If you hear a good clean joke or are listed as soloists, and the Univers-
witty remark that you would like to ity Choral Union under Earl V. Moore
see published, just write it down and and the Children's Chorus under
drop it in the box, or give it to your Joseph H. Maddy will offer the choral
foreman. works.
"Remember, the success of the 'B Frances Peralta, nearly a prima
and G News' depends largely on YOU. I donna at the Metropolitan Opera
It is YOUR paper." house, will be the leading artist, sing-
* s ing the title role in "La Gioconda"
A good scheme, if you ask Cowles. ISg evening. Most importantly,
You see, of course, that whenver the Miss Peralta is strikingly beautiful,
paper fails off a trifle from the stand- very tall and slender, descended from
ard maintained in this sample issue, the select group of operatic goddesses.
the staff of 19 men (besides an Editor Other soloists will include Augusta
and a "Mgr. Editor") can say "Well Lenska and Katherine Meisle of the
it's your own fault, you janitors and Chicago Opera company, Emily Stokes
painters and carpenters and plumb- Hagar and Loretta Degna.
ere-you didn't drop enough good IOf the gentlemen, Giacomo Lauri-
clean jokes into the little boxes." Volpi and Mario Chamee, both of the
That's what has been the matter i Metropolitan, are the better known.
I with This Column for the last couple They are of the Caruso, Amato, Mar-
thTs CI tinelli, Tito Schipa Italian tenor
months.*mould: rich, juicy-fruit singers that
e o w invariably offer "0 Sole Mio" for their
final encore, and the house loves them
predict, will go far to bring about a by nine o'clock. Rhys Morgan, Charles
feeling of unity among all the em- Tittman, and Vincente Ballester have
ployees of the University, including Titt ena ingens.
the faculty and deans. Witness this a se gaged.
IOssip Gabrilowitsch,' conductor of
personal item: the Detroit Symphony orchestra and
"Every dog has its days, if you are the ot mphoy ocstrnhd
not onvnce ofthisfac as Pmofone of the worlds most distinguished,
not convinced of this fact ask Prof. sympathetic pianists ,will appear as
Hobbs." soloist at the first concert, offering
Little jibes like that, without mal- T kI
ice, of course, should breed an esprit jt Tsamikorswyth ncrto k N du1 t-
j B flat minor with Mr. Stock conduct-
de corps in the University second to ing. Also contrary to the geneal
none. Perhaps some of the professors custom, isco Elmnan, the bald-headed
will start dropping little notes in tihe csoMshEm h adhae
boxe stell t howpng ttey otsawn time Don Juan of violinists, will play the
Sboxes telling about how they saw the Saint-Seans Violin Concerto, No. 3, at
Third Floor Janitor of Angell Hall in a
Ypsi Saturday night and what thea the Saturday afternoon concert. E-
dickens was he doing there hey?t man, along with Kreisler and Heifetz,
I * * is among the internationally acknowl-
edged violinists, an emotional roman-
We have a kindred feeling for the ticist despite his physical incongru-
editor, who has to get out a paper ties, and a remarkable technician.
with the same wretched type we use. Among the standard works to be
le has to hammer home his jokes I presented will be "La Gioconda" in
with bold-face instead of italics, for
concert form, selections from Bach in-
instance. Thus: cluding choral and solo numbers,
A pessimist is a man who wears Rachmaninoff's "The Bells," and
both suslpenders anid belt.' Blandall's "The Legend of the Bells."
'A man who agrees with his wife The orchestra will also play the
can always have his own way.' Schumann Symphony, No. 1, in B flat
and Tschaikovsky's familiar Fourth
Something should be said about the Symphony in F minor.
man in the Public Opinion column of * * *
the Times News, who, when asked THE INCOMPARABLE NAZIMOVA
whether he thought the town needed Alla Nazimova is appearing this
a new county jail replied that he }week at a local theatre in a picture
thought one should be built large called "The Redeeming Sin"- a ter-
enough for the community. I rible title, but no matter. She can
* * * play in any vehicle, the story can be
When we have viewed the picture melodramatic and thoroughly impos-
called "Night" by four-year-old Nancy sible, but her vivid art always rises
Johnson we will be in a better posi- above the commercial'illusions of her
tion to decide whether her success is managers. Through all of her work,
a kick in the teeth for the new mode when she was startling New York
in painting, or a great vindication of with her brilliant interpretations in
it. It certainly seems that when a "Heda Gabler," "The Doll House,"
four-year-old rings the bell with all and "The Wild Duik," or later whenI
the critics there must be something she entered moving pictures in "The
phoney about the art form. Red Lantern," "Fog," and the half-
* * * disappointing "Salome" she was al-
The trouble with the New Painting ways fascinating, fantastically the-,
just now seems to be the same as the atric.
trouble with the new poetry-viz.. She is now re-entering the film fieldf
that you can't tell whether or not it after an absence of several years-
is a burlesque or itself. Witter "staging a come-back," the industry
Bynner's well-known horse on the calls it-and is meeting with encour-
wiseboys comes to mind-a type of aging success; "The Redeeming Sin"
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Find a lesson in the plight of most old men you meet. Perhaps,
dressed in worn and tattered clothing, they are selling small articles in the
streets; perhaps trudging wearily to work at some bare livelihood in garments
of shabby respectability, remnants of better days; perhaps staying with their
children, absolutely dependent upon them for sustenance. How very few
you find who are independent!
What a sad commentary upon human existence that for their years of
toil they have so little left to care for them and comfort them during their
declining years! Strange, isn't it, that for half a century of labor they have
nothing left upon which to spend their old age?
Many of them are, of course, the victims of circumstances without their
control. Burdens have been more than they could bear, or their scanty
savings have been wiped out in a single calamity. But for such circum-
stances, a few cents saved from their earnings during their younger days
would have amply provided for these lean ones. Why didn't they do it?
Why could they not foresee their circumstances?
The answer is that youth is generally blind. It lives for today- alone
with no thought of the morrow. In the full vigor of youth, old age,
sickness and death seeni far, far away. If it is thought of at all it is but
to resolve that, "next week I'll change. Next week I'll begin to save."
And next week remains always in the future until at last it is too late.
Youth must learn. Youth must save, if old age is to be provided for.
You think, "but this will not happen to me. Some way I will escape." But
there is no escape from cold facts and figures. Either you must start making
provision NOW for the years when your services are no longer productive
or you are reading your own fate in the lives of these old men you meet
today. Think it over.
A Detroit man who is suing for
divorce on the grounds that his wife
is no cook, probably has many sym-
hoax recently repeated in a
advanced composition here.
* * *
Class in
ran two weeks at the Rivoli theatre,
New York.
Unquestionably she is the greatest
actress on the screen, among the'
Something should be said, too,
about the Jackets the Junior Engine-
Isn't it distracting the way the'
sian deadline on the payment of
scriptions keeps growing later
ersu hAe a slcd as he emblem ofgreatest on the stage, and her eachI
ers have selected as the emblem of new appearance deserves the support
their class. There were those who of all of us who still have fancies
shook their heads at the checkered and illusions over the dim possibility
shirts of last year and the corduroy of a great art in the country' most
suits of the year before-but the pres- sordidly commercial business gamble.
ent garments are just too big a mouth--_1
ful, that's all. Like so many adver-gs
~ i Michigan may find a successor to
According to a Daily headline the
SUMPTION." Just what we thought!
Ann Arhnr
Savi n s