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February 22, 1925 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-22

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. . -


SomeoneTold; Eli Grid Star
{ u)@o ped ecaue le arried


'4 , .

"Measm n ts :andil(I'a raaecristics
X-Vaay Will he lDiseiiassin by
Swedish A uthiority


-f Century Allen Milstead,'one
{of Yale's most brilliant foot-'
ball stars the last two seasons,
:?;: teas ben thrown for. a loss b

r }r..
r t,"' ;,; is i:vi:{.;{;jij ' ['.

fSPOKE LASTr THURSDAY ..officias a the university fol-
lowing the discovery that her
Prof. Mann(e Sieghaimh, oft he Al.-' was married secretly in June
I . ]1.23 to Miss Mildred Betchel
Sicsdeijarniet a I h tiivesit olof Milford, Conn.
lUpsala, Swe~den, who spoke hlast.Tlmti'5 e a-berdope fo
(ay on "The H'tetlletiou and 1 efraction the nvriycass ewl
,of X-ra ys," will make his second adl- be permitted, however, to re-
dress at 3 o'clock 'Tuesclay in Room sume his studies at the Yalet,
{14,NwPyislulii.11 il law school next fall provided
sect will be ""I le Exact IMeasurment h ass h nrac ,m
of. N-Say Wave Lengthls." 'K lr A
'this will bw thbe last talk to be iTecul eemrida
given lby Dr. 51t .,ahn hiere. Ilie will .'..
leae er ewYor tii5wek ~..Portehiester, N. Y ,June 6,
der to speak lbefore t he m eet ing of t11har c n h s~a o , w i h i e-
the w eel . it.was primarily fot, tis __-__ ____ --___ ____-_______ ____-_____- -- --__--_----
r ea son that D)r. Siegbahni camne to An- w o .
j !ca at, this time. IHle was reqeste D f Constru tion c)
1to visit Ann .Arbor by Prof. Gleorge E -,
A. Lindsay of the phlysics (1f'partmient, ;$i30 O0() In uA-rion' fay
who studied with him in Swveden sev- i"
eral years ago. .
TIr. Siegbahn is urobably I lie best : ;Iail a .ien urtoii's fouir year 1 Jai ae:; (auxn sef troit for thle
living authority on X-ray spectroscopI I'Nurs:es' home wilii is now comiplete;
and he has been -promninent in the field 2(1I,.. 011 I ig 1( a~zd tihe $1 00,000 beaf Funest of Mrs.
of X-ray developmnent siince its begin - to tile val ie of (lose to $1 ,,000,000 atin Mroi 1 Snpi fD-
nlings more than twelve years agro. li a yebeen adedlto tI lhold iIngs o0ivolt for thle eIaa li il1,iment of the
Advancement in the Analysis of Ithe t1 1~v, n ,ity v a co~riling to figlre" Tho)mas If[earv S ,i)1pson l luorial in-
X-jray and further developmient hias s s'iet I by fie 1}em liding; coit)nuittec. at it of e for P4"icdic-a 1resea2<rch, bring the
been cdue to IDr. Siegbahn'.n activities. (Clhicr "n lil; lis e nw co nstt ic tion t i a ij o $1.2,000,0I0,
At' Lund university in ;weden an i of01 te naicm yars r;ran)k time la r - IIn a dtit;ion, thl e At het ic association
later at the University of Upsa Ia h ya:'cli U i,I'ciiieit'si library, Aniglel limns frovide ft Yost Field housl,,e at a
has accomplished inuch in X-ray ineas-, 1ha7.1, piiy;>;: l10 hoa t orIy, East. I-",gill- cost ofl:($ 125,000), a ndlle3:'ei' gifts bring
urement~s a nd in the analysis of crys- eerily,' shop '*: adl'ab rora Jles, Dent al I j he tot <a I Io p3'. icaliy $1.,000,000.
tals by X-ray methods, college iadrditions, ~iniversil y 1hIgh1I As outlined ill Univer:sity baulletinls,
In his talk 'Tuesday Dr. )icgbahn schlool, I'i l abuhil ding, Yost fieldl $200,000 haas been spent for additions
will mention the methods b~y which h oute,(:%'oienis' Nrses' home and re- to the De ntal college; $750,000) has
X-ray wave lengths are mleasured and n jewral ofl work oni (he hospital. L andl provided thele as t Tlugitaeerin~g . shops
discuss some characteristics of the NX-!onvthree s le (1Itle Campus; pi-ovid-, and labora tor s ; $889,776i has mnade
Iray. At the present time the field of lugae: for t bc I'.awyers' club, Iii-' aval labl _ the Medical building; $525,-
X-ray has not been fuilly opened anid von.it ~y Iill)b s chool, :-nd the East Tan- 000) has been expended ini 1,lie pi'eseflt
there is still much to be accom 1)1ish- igincer ini 0 1) id i ii Taddition to se ver- unit, of the University high school;
cd. aI'dii n ' 1 aP'1oeis, bhas,;als;()been ac- thle I hb sict, laboratory ha; taken $450,-
X-ray methods are ra pidly boinmm g quii'ed. 000; Angell ha]ll represents an outlay
foundl applicable in miany fields (,11't1A- I ad it ,a1cdi ;i t ,(,ad vatiue copy, of $ 20,0;theivUn ivrisit y hospital
industry and it is thloiught. hy author-1 of th l t -iv'siy builet in to inem hers ;tH,8100,tih)mince 1921 ; power plant,
ieis on the suibject that when further of' IHi-e 1 9, ;leg i;satuare cof Aliihgan, $:,,50,000, in a ddition to considerable
knowledge is gained a mulh wider use !legislatI r' 4 ,4 t -23 made $8,900,0009 a mount:'a peno-d in implrovements to
of them will be found. av )0for ii', e of the l in iversil y.; old uldns

rnI "~nzymies and V itam ,ins from the1 city after an extenced tour of the
;C~;(hemical P'oint of Vie w" at 7:30 0'-wet During this trip he gave lee-
' LT II EAPERT , truesrrhemnes at Iowa, Illinois, and Ohio State I CLIP THIS COUPON
TOr( wort"llrnan i ar'ticular'ly universities.a
lan hs +Vrt~ciioneofthemot a- tuesare to be illustrated. They wilj ! N am...................
41ioitaivebook onthi suject He! b ofespecial interesttoSuesof Casndeprmt.
i4 a1so auth~or of "The Chemistry of chemistry, medicine, dentistry,, pui .c lasaddprmn....
slierrnifin, chmis tryI)eparf mclii Heatd 'oc l:, nd Nut rition'' and "Food Pro- h ealth, and nursing. n Arbor address ... .......
At. ('olu-Ihi, ll $liei h duets.''Ilie is coming here under the I n
Weduesl~i;auspices of the ITniversity of Mlichigan n ,nInr~aTTelephone...................
-°- _ c' len o1f1tle American (Chemoical so- iii OR V PIIIIiIMUI
IIS VITAMIN AUTHORITY VA------------------LIIUll j lLIll I Home town.........
S Prof. H. C'. Shetrman, head of the I MOMaD LE ALH(3 1INA- IFR 9IN H ULT0 If a correction ia nti
chemistry detartment at Columbia tin- I A 1,I,(AL S E S 'S'SI' ID
fvercity anid one of the most promrin- I -_--I Additions and corrections which are mistake to be corree,,eCI ..
cunt students of nutrition in America, TNo classes in any college of I to appear in the Student Directory
will give two lectures at the chemnical A the IUniversity will mzeet I supplement being compiled for print-I
i iipitheatre on -Wednesday, Feb. 5 t toilorow, the day being ing by The Daily must be in the hands Maltiemrn 1'h
according to announcement madle yes-1 a legal holiday in comnenmora- !of the Directory Editor by W edifes-'I tor'y Editor, Thy i.1z' ai
terday by Prof'. Howard 13. Lcwi;3 ofi tion of the birthday of George d (ay, Feb. 25. Iisrques .ted that the; Press building bcic)
the M-dical school. Professor Sher-- 1 W ashington, the Uniiversity I coupon printed belowT be used in the (25.
mean wvill speak on "The Vitamins in convocation scheduled for that information, which -should be either ____________ _ ._ .
fiJfe and Health" at 4:15 o'clock and i (lay has been cancelled. typewritten or printed.u



~m A ti




P~rof. A. E. Wiood of the sociolor;
depart ment, wvho has niot yet compllebc
ly recovered from a minor operatioe
which he underwent last week, w,.!
.unable to appear in Kalamazoo I+ri(Ia
S night as he planned.
4, Z. V
4,I T K
IL .


:-;, f-ia 4,0. :11 1,S00'~if,000 grant. of 0)- -
\Villia. 11. 'i 009, PNew\VYorki'ittol'l u'V. Red (tao ae ) iI. reported to lie Imutch
li for t ''zis rt 111iji o 1 te lPresent i ni uro;- 1 from frI ; recent. at tack of
wni t' ef i li I, >a r--'sclubh; he 300),- mu mu paat Port I uroii.
00I gift, ohf uWilliam I,. (le~nint:; _______-
forth coiisl suet ionl of Clemewnt a' ii- I1)omt delay---Pay your Substription
bi'ary ; 11w $G(,00,000 gift of' Sen at or today.


-- .- ~ ,.., ,. ~ ~ A.,%,.~raW ~






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