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February 22, 1925 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-22

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w " u

(Continued from Page One)
as a tale that is told. So teach us to1
number our days that we may apply
our hearts unto wisdom.
"In 'thee, oh Lord, do I put my
trust. Into Thy hand do I commi
my spirit. For Thou hast considered
-rne i Lroul e c. T'I'hou iast u.T 3 li
soul in adversities.
"How great is the goodness which
Thou hast laid up for them that love
Thee; and hast wrought for them tha
trust in Thee.
"'Whither shall I flee from Thy spir-
it? If I take the wings of the morn-
ing and fly to the uttermost parts of
the sea, here Thy hand shall lead me.
Even the darkness hideth not Thy
At the request of the Deans 1
of the University and the Board
of Regents, Mr. R. A. Doph
made a death mask of President
Burton Friday night, the
mask will be used later in mak-
ing a copper bust which will be
presented to the University.
face; and when I awake I am still with
"Thou hast delivered mine eye from
tears, and my feet from faltering.
"Be of good courage, all ye that hope
In the Lord, and he shall strengthen
your heart. Only for God wait thou
in silence, oh my soul."
The strong voice paused, and after a
momentary silence came that of Rev-
erend Herbert A. Jump:
"The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall
not want. He maketh me to lie down
In green pastures. He leadeth me be-
side the still waters. Ile restoreth
my soul.
"He leadeth me in the paths of
righteousness for His Name's sake.
"Yea; though I walk through the
valley of the shadow of death I shall
h:: r no evil: for Thou art wih me.
'y 'rod and Thy staff they comfort
urely goodness and mercy shall
follow me all the days of my life; and
I will dwell in the House of the Lord,
He paused, and again Reverend
Douglas' voice took up the service:
"Now is Christ risen from the dead,
and become the first fruits of them
that slept..
"He must reign until He hath put all
enemies under his feet; and the last
enemy that shall be destroyed is
"But some will say: How are the
dead restored, and with what body
do they come?
"That which thou sewest is not
quickened except it die. Thou sewest
not the body that shall be.
"So also is the restoration of the
"It is sown in weakness; it is re-
stored in power. It is sown a natural
body; it is restored a spiritual body.
"And as we have born the image of
the earthly, we shall also bear the
image of the heavenly.
"Now this I say, bretheren, that
fResb rd blood cannot inherit the
r.Ij gu of God. This mortal must
in immortality.
"And when this mortal shall have
put on immortality, there shall be
brought to pass the saying that is
written: Death is swallowed up in vic-

Attends Funeral'

S "Oh may I join the choir invisible
Of those immortal dead who live
In minds made better by their pre-1
sence; live
In pulses stirred to generosity: in
Of miserable aims that end with1
In thoughts sublime that pierce
the night-like stars;
And with their mild persistence
urge mens' search to
Vaster issues.
This is the life to , coie, which
martyred men have made
more glorious
For us who strive to follow.' ]
"Even grief stands aside for rever-
ence as we contemplate the radiant
life of a man who has: earned immor-
tality in two worlds.
"There have been influences gener-
ated by this gracious spirit which will
outlast any memorial of granite or
of bronze.
"Here was a personality that exer-
cised a strange catalysis upon mens'
hearts. He touched them with his
hope and courage, and they were
never quite the same again. 'le fed
the high tradition of the world and
left his spirit safe in other breasts.'
"When he uttered them there was
a peculiar kinetic value to the words
'All things work together for good
to them that love the Lord.'
"Men are saying of him today that
his life was brief but this life is not
to be estimated by years. Civilization

views certain masterful careers not
in terms of days, but deeds.
"Neither is there on this earth a
tomb .that can house such a spiritual
"It would not be the wish of his
heroic heart that we should view this
providential event otherwise than with
"When this day's sad task is done
and the evidences of his mortality,
are put away, we shall recapture ourI
arrested faith and live with valor as
becomes his friends..
" "At this moment we ask to be for-
given our weakness and our grief for
we know that we shall not see his
like again.",
"Our Father God:
"Lord of the vast spaces, and the,
far-reaching centuries; Lord of all
the nights and depths, and silences,
Lord of our souls-it is with hu-
mility, but in confidence that we
offer our prayer for guidance in!
this hour of perplexity and grief.

"Thou (lost write in characters'
too large for our understanding
who see but broken fragments of$
Thy will.!
"Grant us faith to see that Thou
doest all things well; that ThyI
purposes cannot fail; that Thy i
laws are true and righteous alto-I
gether; that Thou, who hast ever 1
kept Thy word with our fathers,
wilt also keep Thy word with us.
"We yield unto Thee most high
praise for the virtue declared inI
all Thy saints, who have been the l
choice vessels of Thy grace, and
the lights of the world in their
several generations; for all the
disclosures of Thy mind, offered to
Thy children through poet's pen
and prophet's word, through pil-
grim's song and martyr's prayer,
through everliving i n fl u e n c e
wrought by precept and example
in the lives of the good and great in
every age.
"MFost , nhumbly do we beseech'

Thee to give us grace so to follow unto thee. The Lord lift up his
the example of their steadfastness coUiteiance upon tbee and give
in Thy faith, and obedience to Thy thee peace."
commiandments, that we, too, may
have our perfect consumation in SCHOO L DRIVE
Thy eternal glory.D
"Consecrate for us, in our mnet- R EA -CHES $3 ;
Dries, the time and places sact'Sed TiH E RS AID
to the inspirations we have found lEA TERS AID
in the words and acts on men
whose hearts thou hadst touched; Contributions for the Sunnycrest
whose minds thou hadst enobled. school for girls at Holland obtained
"'raisfigure our sorrows into at the Majestic and Arcade theaters on
passionate quest of Thy will for Thursday, Friday and Saturday even-
our disciplined lives. l ings amounted to more than $300.= The
"Increase our faith; inspire our local part of the state-wide drive is

hopes; and deepen our concern for
the things that belong to the life
"Direct us along the way that
entereth into peace, that we may
face our trials without shrinking
and Death without dismay.
"May the Lord bless thee and
keep thee. The Lord make his face
to shine upon thee and be gracious

under the direction of the Women's
club; girl scouts aiding in the collec-
Organized about two years ago to
provide favorable living conditions for
girls whose home environments are
undesirable, Sunnycrest at present
takes care of 17 girls between the
ages of five and 14. Four girls are
from Washtenaw county.

Alex J. Groesbeck
The. Governor arrived in Ann Arbor
at 1 b'clock yesterday, going directly
to a luncheon at the Union, at the
conclusion of which he and his party
ttondad tho funeral of President
Marion L. Burton. He, with Ideut-
. George Welsh and members of
the Board of Regents, acted as hon-
orary pall-bearers.
So, if I stoop
Into a dark, tremendous sea of
It is but for a time. I press
God's lamp
Close to my breast; its splend-
or soon or late
Will pierce the gloom. I shall
emerge one day.'
"Precious .in the sight of the Lord
is the death of His saints.
"Let us give Him praise for honor
ed men: for the Lord hath wrought
great glory by them, through His.
power, from the beginning.
"Such as did bear rule in their king-
doms; men renowned for their pow-
er; giving councel by their understan
er; giving counsel by their under-
standing, leaders of the people by
their judgments; wise and eloquent
in their instructions.
"All these were honored in their
generations, and were the glory of
their kinds.
"Their bodies are buried in peace;
but their names liveth forevermore.
"Wherefore, seeing we also are
compassed about with so great a
cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside
every weight, and the sin which doth
so easily beset us; and let us run with
patience the race that is set before
us; looking unto Jesus, the Author
and Finisher of our faith, who, for
the joy that was set before him en-
dured the Cross, despising its shame,
ind is seated at the throne of God.

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Buy a Leather
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F. W. Wilkinson
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.. uy



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