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January 24, 1925 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1-24-1925

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Act On U.S. Stagel
APPOINT CO~I~fLTTEE TO DECIDE' Orginali y as well as enthusiasm
ON NEST NAMIE FOR Nis been shown in the giving of orlg-
CLUB inal dance:; as part of thle examination
-i in clogging classes, according to Miss
Memtbers of the nursery section of, Ethel McCormick and Miss Ruth Price,
theFacltyWomn'sclu hed abus- iof the (lepartment of physical edu~C-
the acuty ome's cub elda bsi-ation, 'The former plan was to examn-
ness Meeting yesterday atthcub ne the etude.nis only in the dances
house. Among those present were the learned in (lass; it is believed that,
mothers of children who are enrolled' the new method has developed more
as pupils of the University branch of attention in class since tihe students'
the Merrill-Palmer school, which will were anxious to find new steps which
open in the clubhouse about the first they could utilize in their dances.
of March. The (department of physical educa-
As the membership of the nursery iltion aims to (develop) a correlation be-
section has been enlarged and the tweeli its work, andl the various earn-:.
original object in forming it, which pus activities, and the ability to make
was to supply a day nursery for the j(tup dances to a variety of music wil
children of the meiibers of the club,I prove useful in the activities of the (= .;" ,: :: :
has changed, the constitution of the Women's league, (dramatic societies, :'"::;. r,5.r f
section as such was dissolved. Mrs. and other organizations. The same mne-'.~
A. S. 'Whitney, chairman of the sec-! thod will. be employed next semester.
tion appointed a committee to draw; In Miss Price's classes, the most ' 3
uip a new charter and determine on iInteresting dances were given by Lu- {{Q 'w
another name for the section which: cinda Sherwood, '27, andl Gretchen ..
would signify its reorganization. TheI Slawson, '27, a duet, Gladys Walsh.,'
plans for remodeling the second floor 1 '27, Margaret Hostrup, '27, and Della- -
of the, clubhouse by the Merrill-Pal- t Forrest, '27, a trio, Nance Solomon' The V iscountess Torring ton, who
mer school were explained. The school '28, and Veta Armbruster, '28, a duet, surprised Lontdon society last season
for the children from 2 to 5 years of land Ellen G-roff, '28, a solo. by going on the stage, is comning to,
ag e will he on the second floor. Dr. ____----_______I the United States to appear on Broad-
Ilelen Woolley, director of the Merrill- ir ilim eEnlihariyt
Si l1amOpn nls ri~,lPalmer school of Detroit, has agreed declares that both men and women1
to hold a° study club with' the mothers are growing more beautiful every1 .A .T GIVE TEA
oneamnhadpoieasekrIdy Teaeaeo euyi -for the occassion.f ing, because there is a steady rise in? The Sarah Caswell Angell chapter
After the business meeting, Prof. virtue," said Sir William. "1 use the ofteDugtr f h mria e
F. D. Curtis, head of the science de- 'term for want of a better wordl to de- 1
partment of the University high school,, scr'ibe thte decencey of instinct andi volution will give a bridge tea at thre
spoke on "Some Beginnings in Sci- goodness of mind which are evident 1 IDelta Gamima sorority house at 2
ence for Young Children." Professorr all around." ;o'clock I;tbrua ry 7. Reservations for
Curtis used the example of the gold tables may be secured by calling Mrs.
fish, as a small child's pet, through- Marion Crawford, 12 year old (1aug11- Chrliniers J. Lyons,, 2589, or M\rs. H-en-
out his 'talk in illustrating how var- ter of the Rev. R. I.I. Crawford, pa'itor; ry G. Berger, 1325, who have charge
lous fields of science could be intro- ! of the Minnehaha CongregationalI of the arrangements.
duced through the care and watching; church, Minneapolis, alternates with j- -
of it. Among the different subjectsj her father in the pulpit. When Mar- I Madrid, Jan.. 28.--A district judge
mentioned were the carbon cycle, com-j ion preaches the church is crowded' has ordered Vincente Blasco Ibanez
par ative 'anatomy adaptation to env!- ;t~s capacity. committed to prison unconditionally.
roninent, bacteria, and germs, evapor- 1
ation of water into air, and the cycle______________________________
of stages of 'growth in small insects1
before hatching._
Following the talk, questions were SPRING EXHIBI
asked byth members, who discussed
the material brought out in the speech.Ij
SA 4h v r"_1 r l.ra

IElections of offi cersfor Pan Hel-
ionic took place at the regular Pan-
H-ellenic meeting Tuesday afternoon.
The new officers are as follows: El-
izabeth Parrot, '26, Sorosis, president;
Louise Roberts, '26. Phi Beta Phi, sec-
retaxry; Catherine Mellen, '26, Kappa.
1 Gamma, treasurer.
Erlections- are made in rotation
among the sororities according to the
ge of the organization on campus,
each sorority holding office for three
Iyear s, moving up in line of succession
thus admnittin,-,onie new organization
eacI hyeah.
States Qualities
Of Good Teacher
At a meeting of a committee of pro-
minent women not long ago, an influ-
ential members of the group saidl with
conviction rather than question in her
voice, "Why teac'h?" The one teacher
in the group whose profession had for
the moment been overlooked, said
with a shade of satisfaction, "I teach
because I like children. Teaching
gives me an opportunity to -work, and
play, andl live with them;' to share, in
a measure. their spontaneous, unspoil-
ed view of life." Miss Clio Murtland,
of tihe vocational education depart-
ment of the University b)elieves that
statement gives the real meaning of
! "he subjec(ts to be taught-even

the proverbial three Tis--are not sta-!t parents, creating a spirit of team "
tic," said Miss Martiand. It is tihe op-' work in school andl community life,
inion of Miss Murtland that facts, she contributes to right living. "Tea-
theories' and rule6; become obsolete chinsg challenges the resourceful per-
and that phases of subjects matter to son" continued Miss Murtland, "The
be used for instruction must be sel- mechanics of school management,
ected, no matte-4 how rudimentary; compliance to system, observation of
the subject. rules, standarized curricula to the
miss Murtland stated that. the real ireal teacher are regarded as means
test of. teaching is the 2,est with which to an end."I
the pupil approaches study, and that "Those who f ind their relations
the measure of success attained in with lpupils and school and com~mun-;
teaching is clue to the method used 1(Iiy, stimulating, interesting, and sat-
She is resolved that teaching met hod isfying are the real teachers.
means an understanding and appre- - --- -
ciation of child. life. Madison, Wis., Jan. 22.--Student ac-
Teaching is comm unity service, and counts ait the University of Wiscon-;
in so far as the teacher is able to gain sin average $13, according to a recent
the confidence and the cooperation of report.

a most
Read the Want Ades


All remaining winter pattern
-hats clear today at this low
price. Of velvet, duvetyn,
metallic fabrics and velvet-
and - felt. Smartest shapes.
All colors. Values to $16.50.

Rider's Master pen

I ti t1

Masques' Michiganensian picture
will be taken at 12 o'clock today

ji onJo~w1ing Ut 1 anor'tU
and Trimmed Hats



: .

Street and for Dressy Wear
That Lead in Quality, Price and Style


at Speddings'.-I PUYEA R& H INT Z I
Rehearsals for the Junior play will 138Suhh'
he held as follows: Today, make-up 328 SuthMan
committee at 0:30 in Barbour gym -__________ ___ __
nasi um, choruses A and D at 11 o'- "I ----
clock, chorus BB at 11:30.
Senior society will have its 'Ensian -
picture taken at 8:30 o'clock today at' -
Renscher'. -LUIrdVy Speca,$1.00
Athena members will meet at 12:30 1
o'clock today at Spedding's studio to ;
have picture taken for Michiganen- IExce llenlt qu ity of si k and
wool hose -- all sizes - all'
When an Abyssinian husband tires!
of his wife and wishes to divorce her i= colors, 'especially priced rs tr=
hle must turn over to her half his Saturday . ... $
iRViN6 WABMOITS, . S c, Exquisite Corset Shop-
IChiropodist Orthopedist 209 w. Libei ty sr.
1707 N. University Ave Phone 2652

Iv My.~ .,Glttering B eads r
Swaying Ostrich
' n Exquisite Laces .
Your Gowns for. the, J-Hop and week-end parties will be. of
filmy fabric; George tte, most likely, in a dainty, spring-like'
';; color that. will so joyfully. express the mode of the hour. The ,
circular: efect achieved below the knees or inserts of circular
.~ . effect mlay give it its real style ! A charming affair in your ;.: R
a 4 -. ost becoming color -sparkling with beads, adorned with
metallic lace or with fluttering ostrich may now be chosen
from our display..
Long, White Cloves Carry a Dainty ~~
WlBe orHadecifYour sixteen button kid gloves will Thle 'kerchief you carry will be of
be immaculately white and of the georgette or crepe d chine in'
finest French ktid. Chosen here at coloring to match gown.
Don't 'Neglect Sheerest Hose .E.
,rFlow'ers and Ribbons in Light Colors
fl' Metal ribbon, flowers ori headband, Your hosiery will be, of sheerest
* just stneb trifies make, or, mar the silk in godo.ivr:rpra,

.__. 1




1 7

effect of your costume.T Choose the white, with jacquard effect in lace. -.
rg'ht things here. Specially _piced, $2.29.'
+ ~ Slippers Worthy of the Hop are Metal Brocade
Your slippjers .will be gold or dilver brocade to correspondl with the
color sceheme of your costume and you may choose them here, inl
:silver at' $s.50 or, gold at $9.50.:
4i k4j


11 1

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