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January 24, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1-24-1925

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- -

Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General,
Subscription by carrier, $3.5o; by mail,j
$4fices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May.
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; busi-
ness, 960.
Telephones 2414 and 176.N l
ditor ... ............John C. Garlinghouse
News Editor............Robert G. Ramsay
City Editor....:.......Manning Houseworth
Night Editors
George W. Davis Harold A. Moore
Thomas . 1-ery Fredk. P. Sparrow, Jr.
henneth C. Keller Norman R. T nhal
Sports Editor......... William 11. Stoneman
Sunday Editor.........Rooert S. Mansfield
Women's Editor.............Vernea Moran
M~lusic and Drama...Robert B. Henderson
Telegraph Editor...William J. Walthour
L~ouise Barley Helen S. Ramsay
Marion Barlow Regina Reichmann
Leslie S. Bennet& Marie' Reed
Smith Cady r.t Edmarie Schrauder
Willard B. rosby Frederick H.t hillito
Valentine L Davies C. Arthur Stevens
James W. Fernamberg Marjory Sweet
Joseph 0. Gartner Herman Wise
Manning Houseworth Eugene I. Gutekunst
Elizabeth S. Kennedy Robert T. DeVore.
Elizabeth Lieberman tanley C. Crighton
Winfield H. Line Leonard C. Hall
Carl E. Ohmacher Thomas V.Koykka
William C. Patterson Lillias K. Wagner
Telephone 960
Advertising.................E. L. Dunne
Advertising...... ......J. 3. 1Finn
Advertising.................1. A. Marks
Advertising ............... M. Rockwell
Accounts ...................Byron Parker
Circulation...................R. C. Winter
Publication.................John Conlin
P. W. Arnold W, L. Mullins
W. F. Ardussl K. F. Mast
Gordon Burris H. L. Newmann
F. Dentz Thomas Olmstead
Philip Deitz . ]Ryan.
David Fox N-. Rsnw
Norman Freehling Marret Sandburg
W. E. Hamaker F.I. Schoenfeld
F. Johnson S. H. Sin~clair
L Ii. Kramer F. Taylor
Louis W. Kramer w
Night Editor-HAROLD A. MOORE
- -


Although the Idaho senator has put Then "what's all the 'holler' about?"
the proposition in rather radical Just this-you are putting me and my
terms, there is no question but that friends in an unfair and unfavorable m U S I C
he has -successfully analyzed not only light before the students when you AND
the speech of the French deputy but speak of rooming houses generally
also the feeling of the French people being linked with the "landladies' or-D R A M A
on the debt problem, and that,, from ganization." The great majority don't
this survey of the situation, he has know anything about that organiza-
drawn a number of very sound con- tion-in fact, have refused to have THE FINAL PERFORMANtC'E
clusions. Mr. Borah's objection to anything to do with it. Another thing The Union Opera, the nineteenth an-
the accusation that the United States is this-the implication is that those nual edition "Tickled To Death" will
is in the position of the "exacting who have roomers do so from choice he given its final production Saturday
creditor" is a thoroughly valid one and that they are out to "do the stu-
when it is considered that during the dents. That also is not the case.
five years since the close of the war Let me just say this, too-I would in " the Whitney theatre. Natur-t
France has neither offered to make welcome and I know many others who ally, the major portion of the house
any settlement of the war claims nor would welcome a system of dormi- is taken by the guests at the J-Hop,
paid any part of the interest or prin- tories or anything else that would but there are always a certain num-
cipal of her huge debt to the United empty every rooming house in Ann!
ber of seats left for the very general
States. Arbor, and consequently bring down;
Any absolute answer to Deputy rents and give us our quiet, restful public.
Marin's plea for leniency for France homes again. Until that comes, or Those who are patriotic enough to
is next to impossible until the French our children are through the Uni. see the revue a second time, asidej
government has taken a definite and versity we will try and do our duty from those seizing their first oppor-
official stand. Some time ago, Cle- and more by our boys. tunty, will find a much more finished'
mentel, the French minister of finance, -A "Landlady." performance, a considerably, even
sent private assurances to the United __-A_"_anlady." greatly changed ensemble. Tu Yung'
States to the effect that his people M. A. ,. and Marceline, for instance, have an
would pay all of their debt to this i To the Editor: entirely re-written first act, the beau-
country. Even at this time there was (Atiful blonde show-girls are placed in
some dissatIsfaction because of the A measure is before the State Leg- the front row to cover the discrep-
fact that the communications were islature at the present time to change i ancies of the bony chorus, and the
only private and not official, a dis- the name of the Michigan Agricultural more obvious, alleged and otherwise
crepancy which seems to be explained college to Michigan State college. In vulgarities of the Countess are po-I
to some extent by the present demon- representing the students of M. A. C., litely deleted.
stration which would indicate that the I would like to say a few things to ! So that in the end. in my personal,
French deputies and people are dis- the students of the State University. offensively prejudiced opinion the pro-
tinctly opposed to such a stand In the first place, the action, h duction is really very tolerable.
Perhaps Mann is ght when he' taken, will have no effect in any way Douibtless it is deplorable, this utter

f 1

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GI H~i~'S

(Both Ends of

the Diagonal Walk)




Coal ". . '".!. '. ^. .r.. /111 '".:+ ..r J e"1.. * '.PI",I

G A R R I C K'
By Lewis Beach
Normant Trevor and .Mrs. Whiffen


nn the nffnirct of thn TTnivoraity A ! .

declares that it would be a moral in- -lLLeUnivers Ly.Asqu
iquity should France be compelled to vastly different type of student at- ago
pay the enormous sums demanded of tends this school than that type found the
her by the United States. Perhaps he at Michigan. Cries of overlapping in the
is right when he holds that the sacri- the courses have been raised ever able
fice of the lives of 1,450,000 French. since 1857 when M. A. C. was found- it sl
men who died on the field of battle ed and as yet they have not overlap- insil
and 300,000 more who died of their ped. The two state schools have grown sel,
wounds should be considered as equi- j up side by side, with separate tradi- it h
valent to many millions of dollars. tions and with customs and habits men
Perhaps he is right when he infers quite different. They are two institu- Bi
that the power of gold is working' tions, with two different functions ands prod
their work: and mission can neverPon
directly against an equitable settle- over The
ment of how the cost of the war is rT
to be borne. No just conclusion, how- A fear is often expressed by Mich- asid

ashing-out of my taste: two years
it railed against the plagiarism of
Opera, the interminable encores,
slackened tempo, and the intoler-I
Broadway atmosphere; 'last year
landered the pothouse humor, the
p d plot, the gaudy paste and tin-
of the fashion parades; and now
as descended to actual condone-
Lt really, when you analyze the!
duction to bits, now in its finished
m it has a score of excellent points.
comedy, of course, is bad; but'
e from this, there are the two very

Week end

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ever, can possibly be reached until
France takes a definite and official
stand on the matter and ceases to play
a two-faced game of hide-and-seek
through the opposing views emanating
from her statesmen . When she de-
cides upon her position, the United
States will be able to talk business
and not until then.
Michigan women might learn a les-

igan men that should a new name be beautiful settin-s, the very beautifulj
adopted and should the school ex- costumes, and the often beautiful mu-
perience unexpected, phenomenal sic, the quartet (which invariably
growth, that appropriations from the M stopped the show on the road), Spana-
state would be reduced as far as the gel, Barre Hill's voice, and even thc,
University is concerned. Men of af- Countess's lavender gown.
fairs in Lansing think that argument The opening, by itself, is excellent.
lacks substantial reasoning. but as an opening, entirely misplaced.
It may be of interest to Michigan On the other hand, consider the lead-
people to know that Dr. W. J. Beal, ing man: good looking, a good actor-
known as the "Grand Old Man of M-. try and play the hero in a musical
SA. C.."who died last vear after beln-----,--..

RISING FROM THE DEAD son in frankness trom tne 433 Vassar ---" -''V*- *- ntUU1-1*
With the adoption by the Interfra- girls who admitted that they smoked. known as the oldest graduate of the
Wihhdtnb__ener-University alive at his time, was one
ternity Council of a new constitution,!
Manhattan chickens will probably of the foremost in promoting the name
a new force for the improvement of!
n go to roost today during the change. In 1884, Dr. Beal observed:
fraternity relations has emerged. The gos tonrost stoa during the "A change in the name that would im-
presnt aminitraton o thebodyi eclipse since it is to be total there.
present administration of the body s ply the scientific as well as the Agri-
to be congratulated for having made If tobacco smoke will do, Michigan cultural chara'cter of'the school,: end'
a start toward converting a dead in- women should have little difficulty in the use of proper and sufficient means
stitution into a potential influence.I seeing tih' eclipse today. to make the college widely known
For many years fraternity men have ;and understood as it is, and as not
discussed making changes. It took College marriages can hardly be wholly agricultural, would, it can
the present year to convert words into more fatal than marriages after col- j hardly be doubted, result in a large
action. lege. increase in. the number of students."
The Constitution as adopted con- In his address to the Alumni Asso-
tains several innovations which give i As a cabinet-maker Coolidge seems ciation in 1897, C. B. Collingwood,'
the council much-needed power, the! to be a good house-wrecker. '85, at present judge in Lansing said:
proper balance of influence, and a l "Personally, I wish we ' would
definite sphere of actions, thingsCN change the name of our college,
which it has always lacked in actual CAMPUS OPINION broaden it. I would like to have it
practice. The judiciary committee' Anoflnmu';comimunications, will boaeht.Iwuleik ohaei
rt regadehd.drheytaes of conmuni- called 'Michigan School of Applied
created will be a body entirely capa- , ants will, however, he regarded as Science!' We received this million
confidential upSi'ncs'Wereeiedthst.lio
ble of dealing 'with infractions of In- c dollars from the federal government
terfraternity rulings, either concern-T E for a broader purpose than a mere
ing rushing, initiation, or scholarship. To the Editor school of agriculture"
The fact that the Dean .of Students Just a word from a "landlady." I It is a mere name that all the older
will sit in on its meetings in an ad- am not and never have been and conservatives cling to, but in time
visory capacity, and that faculty fra- never will be a member of the "Land- these will disappear, and the younger,
ternity men will be participating I ladies Grievance Club." I have many alumni will consist of persons not
members should bring about a maxi- only of the division of agriculture,
mum of cooperation between frater- friends and acquaintances who have but of the division of engineering,e,
nities and the University which has students in their homes and I do not home economics, of forestry, of veter-
not been possible heretofore. Other know of one who "belongs." Thie inary medicine, not to mention the
provisions worthy of mention are "Landladies' League" or whatever you sixth division of ,arts and sciences
those providing for a secret ballot call it is heard from not because of liable at any time to be established,
when requested and a distribution of its members, but because it makes its: and perhaps others to follow.
voting power in proportion to the presence evident by noise-a few Later Dr. Beal wrote in the M. A.
number of years the members have women get together and "holler." I C. Record, the alumni paper, "It is as
been established. think their numbers are like "hens' unwise to axpect a mechanical engine-
Probably the most encouraging art- teeth;" the whole town should not be er to be satisfied with graduating from
icle in the constitution is that which condemned because a few make a the Agricultural college, as to demand
states that the "council shall make noise. ! of an attorney-at-law that he take
Dy-Laws regulating the manner ot Like myself the very great majority pride in displaying his LL. B. di-
rushing and pledging prospective of women who are taking student ploma from the Michigan Dental col-
members of the several fraternities roomers are not doing so from choice lege. There is one strong argument
represented in the council." If this but from necessity. Many of them are in favor of a retention of the present
is achieved in the coming semestex people of culture and refinement; name and that is the halo of glorious
the Interfraternity council will cer- college bred people who hold social achievement that shines above the old
tainly become all that its critics in the position in their home communities, name. It is under this name that it
past have desired. It will then have, far beyond the rank and file of the has fought its battles and won its
at least one concrete, worthy institu- 7 students, but who from lack of funds victories. The long list of honored
tion to handle, a real function in life. or financial reverses have been com- alumni bear M. A. C. on their di-
There is-nothing which is needed more pelled to move to Ann Arbor in order plomas and have used the name all
than a sensible system of rushing in to give their children the educational along as their rallying battle-cry.
which pledging is deferred at least advantages they themselves have en- "The name becomes deepetive and
until the second semester. I joyed. Many of them are parents who the seriousness of the deception in-
The council has accomplished much are making far greater sacrifices for creases in geometrical ratio with the
in drawing up and adopting its new their children than the parents of many importance and size of the institution.
constitution. There now remains the students are willing to make. These We have fifty years behind us, but ourI
equally important matter, a natural people are opening their homes to a faces are toward the long years of the
outgrowth of work just completed,- crowd of unbroken colts voluntarily. future. Shall we sacrifice the hal-
a sane system by which freshmen can They have enough colts of their own. ! lowed past or the unknown but flat-
be pledged to the fraternities. The The noise, confusion, and work; the I tering future? It is hard to choose,
coming semester will be a favorable: coarseness of some students; the ut, but wisdom leaves us no doubt what
time to bring this about. People are ter lack of moral responsibility and the choice should be."
interested now. Such an opportunity appreciation of kindness and services This was said nearly thirty years
may never again offer itself. which were never in the contract all ago. It can be seen how bred in the
tend to make it distasteful; beside the bone the name is with one group of!
MONEY OR LIVES fact that the home is no longer what 11people; mainly agriculturists, who can
Into the midst of the reverberating these have been used to call a home. think of nothing else than the old
echoes of the cheers of all France And yet through it all my frineds who name.

comedy convincingly!-and an excel-
lent singer. And there is Peaches
Joyce, next year's leading lady if the
Cods are good, his partner, the eighty-
dollar fan number, "Feet, Let's Go!"
and the radium drop: nearly enough
for any conventional show.
It is true that this is what you usei
to hear beftre Christmas vacation:
"Have yeu seen the Opera yet?"
"No: awful!"
But after all, the conversation is
hardly fair. The verdict of the road,
even discounting the prevalent favor-
itisn, was all of enthusiastic, and the
training of the tour has made each
performank'e more worthy of such
praise: the final performance will be
February 7. . . .
A review, by Alvin Blake.
The written word is at best an in-
adequate means of bringing to life the'
picturesque pioneering days of the
United States, with its glamour and
hardships so peculiar to the history
a of this country. The actual hardy!
picneer had died out, and even his
costume is a thing of the past, but the
lure of his trials and happy-go-lucky
existence endures.
The cinema, as was prophesied at
the inception of this new industry,
has become one of the most important
modern factors in preserving not only
tradition, but in bringing to life thej
days that seemed destined for oblivion.
In "North of 36," with its predecessor
"The Covered Wagon," we have two
examples of what the photoplay can
do to present frontier life vividly to
a generation far removed from those
rouah days.
From a technical standpoint, "North
of 36" can not be listed with the best
work of American producers. The
titling is only mediocre, and the pos-
sibilities of the excellent cast havej
scarcely been tapped. Beery, Tor-
rence, Lois Wilson, Holt, all are
names that have deservedly becomo
famous and popular among the thea-
ter-going public. But they are given
little work requiring the utmost of
their talent. The photography makes
use of some splendid scenes, helping
to bring out the glory of the old West.E
Only in isolated instances does the
film make use of the action that is
accessible to its subject, however, and
action, from all accounts emanating
from the period, was the keynote of
frontier life. But were the film in-
credibly poorly done, its existence
would be justified for reviving an
epoch of American history.
Mrs. Ross of Wyoming may have






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DON'T Le late for class when an alarm
clock will awaken you.
DON'T be chilly in your room when
you can be comfortable with a Waage
Electric Heater.
DON'T stumble in the dark when a
flashlight will prevent it.
DON'T strain your eyes, but have one
of those adjustable reading lamps.
DON'T deprive yourself of winter




sports, but have a pair of skis


DON'T have your new Coat stoleia
when you can secure it with a Yale
I AAH A A&I i: rnfI

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