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January 09, 1925 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1-9-1925

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Ann Arbor to have Btr~i ucigof Mer-
... ('luililreuu





t A~pplicat ions hir aduission to It;"
Ann Arbor , ancli ofthle PMerril-
Pamer school are now being receiv-
ed by the chairman of the nurery
s sctioni of the Faclty Womn'eis clb,
Mrs. A.S. Whitney, Phone 658-1.
Th scholill be Ioened about tie
first of March 11n the nursry rooms
oit the Faculty NWomien's clubhouse, 226
youth Ingalls street, the second floor. ftehuebigrmdldfrta
purpose. The school hours are from
x9 to 3:30 o'clock.
This school xwiille run on tile sal e
schedule for the children as t he Me-
1111-Pamer school in Detroit, with Dr.
B1elen Woolley in charge. When tho'
childrienl arrive in the mfoningfl, they
hang upl their own wraps. After ani
Sexamination lby alPhysician and nnrs'c,
S orange juice and sove oher fod,
j with vitamin value in it is given t o
the Puplils. Time for indoor lplay, out-
door Play and rest, and some simple
yraining in keeping the play roois in
order, in rhythm drill, and games are
allowed for before luncheon. The
chliidren aidI in setting p their ownj
little tables, and later in arranging
their cots for their two hour afternoonr
i ua1) Befor'e going htome a glass of
ril M t given each child. During the
3O dy ie child ren are all owed to micre
ajfe~"'thiemselves and Iarie caieu lv
' ra ined in the mnattIers of personal hiy-
riene, each itle pupil hiaving hi
own I ooh-brash andl comb.
' The 5(chool iniAn iArbor01 will Ilw
1111der the so 1)rvisiou of D ea n A. 11.
Lloyd, e,° thle Graduak! school, and
f Mduat Ie stujdenilts xwil iimakeosrva-
t ions fthere. The director of the school
'illI arrivi e soon froim Birmingham,
Mg. Wder her, an assistant teach-
Ci',a di etician andl a doctor will com-
e pletQ the staff.
'Al y inormnalIchild ren bet w(en thages
iits of 2 and 5 yea ; ,re eligible
Itto a ttend lhe schiool and the fee will
beafood alon etolbedecided upon
ley whcwill )0fh r heks ot-
Ica egu erluses whbar nte rest-
i1l1 becoming mmeso II onor e(un-
i tira reqete oscnd il a relort
of their honor points to Margaret
Dixon, phlone 1314-W, before Monday.
These points include those gained by
individual members as wel as those
earnied by the house as a whole.
Any house wvhich has signed up for
he basketball1 tourn'iament but has not
,Evsent tWe name of its ahletic mnanager'
to Miss Erley, should (do so imnic(liate-
ii. A list of all the members of the
tears and their class must also 1)e
filed with Miss rley at once.
Members of the Woan's B tsin ess
club of Ann Arbor will assemble or
a luniicheon at 12:15 oclock( Tuesday
* at the flauntedl Ta vrnl. Reservationi
* may he made by calling Grace Rah.
;284-W, before Mlonay noon.

fix lumildr ' 4 t) ii(l i' 't't"' e T ;1?
!'el do l (!ho fall-'ic li ic (Zi1ul1t5. a
!lie 2lichiig;aniii olt last, (NI(MI~Iith xii
1'el purpose' of inak{Oig 1lie worls
!Pan-Ilellc11ic (mean more oi\ 0wr~nieii
on 'licluig;anls car..nus .7'2 i:., Jcle
ID Hnlliltl, (ani o1 w0oJ'n. a0liflr:seil
the Women~l after the haiiqae ncii I
j -ubject. "P'an-hlelkenic and \Vluvy it
'' not Meant What it Shou 1(.''ll
i Hmilonstated that all the ien-
=)ors iio Pi n-Ilellenic should conirli-
tiute, that it is an oi'ganizat ion (It'-
nandiing cooerat ion.
(Cha rlot te lIklAgioil, '25, vres (lei of
the \Women's 1,e.a gue. :oi I re'-ash i
voliii on "TheBela ionnof iPan l111-
10ienic to the'Wocns lA'ar hr"'' st 's-
ng the fact that ore of thle main
purposes (if 1Pan-Illenclic il toa ihe
Women's League in seciuriligt5 l~Eta
ror the new buildin ;. NMar, a ,et I )ixn,

}' , .;;, . ;?tt w iitt. ," ll de of the ;
:1:;,7, ';,t o01 Gllhys 'l'P0\Vl 1idlgO,
:''.t7 i tIy,t. t ,:lills, e ''. . at a beats-
'?1il1i' ;moiil tldinnler party given
ill 1 (n;r;' r f P1i.; 'Pro whridrge Wed--
itc :ula v cc ye rg atlihe ha pa :alpha
he 1 ': oeofwill ii she is n0 mem-
her. ?1 ids ais ,a m=ember o1 'li Kap-
1.0 1' i fttlitfy. Sweethiearit roses
xxr( reusted for table (locora,.) dons and
ji0 ti'ji ltt i 1e lhouse. ('overs were
of Tie h 0 iielmna Smith,
i 'I. -,,!J' 1 ' .'25, w is made(I
~,,,.L Ii il 2 ),u-,V W \ednesday
! ' 1i1;;; lte ('ol legi ate Sorosis
s2s0 1t ; : 'c11 r'4i: s Smith is a nieii-
cis a membe(r of Sigmal"
? 11 Fr;: i ro i v. 1 hskets of cut flowers
andimiain iu glace eara is announcing
tc tlc;i oiel et added Ito the attrac-

Social Notes

Tunic Frock Is TnhI n
SmartIn iverEETIUL~~ll

Tihis Year for the first time, major
students in physical education have
been selected to assist in coaching the
intramural basketball. According to
Miss Elsie Erley, of the physical ed-
ucation department, this plan has
proved entirely satisfactory. The'
students chosen for this work as Rita
Mae Adams, '25, Julia Moorhead, '26,'
(Carolyn 11ug~hes, '26, Gladys Eastcott,

r'eel and other officials in the inter-
houise basketball tournament.
f cotlan(I Yard, the head of Lon-
(doll's police force, has been deluged
recently with applications from wo-
men all over England wvho want to
wear thbe uniforms of the policewo-
men. The applications have come
from stenographers, nurses, young
and romantic girlis who think they
would "just love" to be. detctiv(%,
and froin a number of film actresses.
l~aondon's tforce o~f policewvomien lhaa
lately been reduced to 20 for 'reas,)ns
of economy and is likely to remrain
vt tl,4; uaumiber for somre time to come..

'26, andI Charlotte Wendel, '27. 'Ibhe detective force has just two wo-
These women wil also act as ref-t- men members.

'25, vice-lireidZen Itof lb e 1Wois eli 'a V i era Sof tie party.
League (explained ttim ile ixa'; tilitl

Quecen Elizabethi of Belgium is re-
piortedl to I (' ta ugerouasly ill of in-~
Foreign Women
Sp e nd Vacation
In American Homes
7Foireign womnen studhent s visited,1
widely over the tUited St ates this
Christminas vacation, traveling as farI
cast as Philadelphia. Tano Jodai was
enitertainedl in the home of a tUniver-
sity professor in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Aide Sholiara, '26, and Fuii ini
also from Japan spent Christmas in
Philadelphia with a Japianese teach- E
er. E. K. I anald of India visited in
Chicago. Tsui F. Wong, Soong Moy
Yong, '26, were entertainedi in Anier-
ican homes in Lansing through the
kindness of Mrs. E. It. Van der Slice,
who also planned entertainment for
Yoe Tanaka, Japtanese, to visit in De-
troit, and~ for Marie Vanl Osenbruggen
of Lonidon, Engla nd, in Lansing. All
the womien expressedl the fact that
their vacations were interesting and
enjoyable, and those in American
honmes hope to have further oppor-
tunity (of becoming acqluainted with
American home life.
Request Women.
To Report Change
0i Rooming House
D~ean Joani.Hamilton reque1sfs that
those women who for somne important
reason find it necessary toi change
rooming houses during the year, and
those leaving their houses to live at
their sorority house relport at the of-
fice of the (lean (if women. Some
changes have been made, and the of-
tice mnust know where the womlen
are locatedl andl their reason for
change of address.a

impiortanice of I 'anz- Iieltleie.
B~etwe'eni' ("oise(s tIIn' r Iritic
'itngi7 thi1' iio: .( o s 5 ',S C'5 e xii)aif ing;
J1e enthtisia sii' 'Y 'Irit xv 1!"0 ii i
U-amilton hbelieve s x-iiii~ aI'a i '
ellie count foz. so umch(11inl tie rainz-
~Il's inl the t nlur a'i! \'l a's. mly ?I lulart
was a guest. at f l'it an i net.j
Mrs. George 1I1. 'rr foh i lf(
(lulln., iltei'natioizil of t.l'lt ile
InternatIionalI Order of R iii ga )augh-
terns and Sons, xv'ill arrivc' in A an .ra
bor Tuesday, .1anu,ry 123Ito he n±ai''t
of honor at the ('0outy cen ut iomn of
Dings IDaughters to0 le Ihe 1 , n ita ry
14 at the M ichigastn U ni imi. lMrs. Pi m
will be eniter'tained tat orha ' Coo
dormitory (luring heer stay iii Ann Ari-br
Mirs. A lbert It.('ri ttcndon -vvjllrcu_
tertain at a luncheon for Nlrs. Pi or
at 1 o'cloick T.uesdaiy, .10110 : ry i31 j
Fostol's Tea roomi.
Tuesday ( eiinig A is.I ii 'ni'11
the state officers of the Kii gs IJ )ueg V
te's are to be honor ge;taca a din-
ner given ly the couty ffiye'r;; ohe
chirmen (if colucnitlee:,ttthe ?I loom--1
e(1 Tavern.
Alh mnembers of the lings 1;ti.lag
ters cir-ces of the City aiaii ea thaty
areC invitedh to attend t11 nc! he;,2ind
luncheon to be held yet. I :2a'a'als-s
Jlanuary It at the icgioIa
Reservations for the lunchieon may
be made pr' ir toTuesda0(1y 11ntmm, .itm --
try 13 by t el elihl li inV M u-a .J . J . 3 t 3 , oaM s WI, A
Mortarb~oard sociel y ii cli;ioiimeet-
ing Wednesday evening at the lNa tllla
Delta house. Plans for' lie \tVom m ' ;
League fancy (I rass party rind thi'
song contest for Lut er night x'es
the main subject~s dis..tsoed t it ho
meeting, the latter (irnstalmo

V~aas'a x tiarenoinheris of 11-1onor
''aa'ii xri1 drc,;s as; kiddIies and
-j t' te ita ' nmali AM ( 'a; wellI Angell
w1, 1lay hid al metsi( and tale pat
in litlIe gi - h' EManti t a pa rty which
1-xiii be pix'an tom the honor houses
;ai 1)ta;G'clock today. izes
i;AIc oIu-V ';'d forM' he st Cost umes.
'0e t Y v,'; ;> ]banned'1h tthe aiml
PI ' c) to e't andtbecomte bettoe' ac-
1:2110 I. 1- FlizabethI Ihotsforat, '25, is
-no I ('liiittU of'the affair.



A call has been sent out by the
Miehiganensian for informal ko-
I oak pietaures showing the ac-
tivit ies "of xvomen on the cailius,
Ipa i'ticalarhy athletics. rThey j
Should be brought to the Mich-
S go n si an offi ce ai soon as pos-
.,ni(e. Aniiy E(X Pen:l('.t in':L1 'l
i l xxeiIll iet with.j

the WV. A. A. toa io rom!)

:x',abt''xiii: a

01n tier ftsh faculty a nd By Acmei. LsbethI
,1 r irevm i b et raineol at tea Black and silver. Night with stars.
Atii os lo rrooni of ] 'artha Cook Sounds intriguing, doesn't it? Have
iji iu, i V ve~id nta of the dorumi- you thought of such a combination
of v -; Sol '' e'venl:1'gfoin a gown? It is more unusual than
-- the black and white and just as effec-
j'?1) 1 1 (Iim(iue" anuounce(s the tive.
- '-I;i'; i'I oioPet c,''i of Mui- The tnic frock illustrated eploys;
A. ila~n a.just such a union of colors. The
- - skirt and tunic are (of silver cloth.
HITIFThe skirt is plain, and, f course, in
ti FEI9I tV the new short length. The tunic if;
built on the famous strightline,bat
~[has a slash in each sie with pleats
01 U I CICL[Iintoducdl as fullness therein.It has
,la sSilver ';. of tie ioniblack tatib
's~i l :.of1,1k liivesiy lopie(dges the neckline, the slashed
{'ii'ela ot'f Dings )aunglters hed sides, the bottom (of the tunic and
tVir ii' nnia 1 meet ing at 2 :301 o'clock forms "a iarow panel on the front of
\\vadncead ay aft ernoon at he home of tie tunic
U1 l I oley I kyneen ai :tliii 1street.
1 lht' I. (Crit tendon had chiarg .._,........ -
'PI' iintiimi1 po~''t if the (licel's Announicemrent:
.,sI aiiiit 'i~r1n oft oa iiiit Ieejsshowed G I
I ~'a f [ y'a i e'a''5xxtnk 11adtbeen
:as' r.+s i'-esll 0,tany is the Ihis- For the ccnvepieiaea of or at-
ci' Va' cii' l. ixr. Jon 'Mac , Hroux, te htrlil li rShoppe
'''ii',( irs('Uallo the 'nominating wilieoe (nModyad
< Thrsda i. 1rc: iltc thorep rt of. T vnings.
* ;;;-'ni1 h ''i foilowinjg olfic0O1'o PFacial Massage, Sal p Treat-
x: '-u:-ii Inim sly Elected. : Mis. AV. mnt, lan 1mm ig, Shipooing.
t1.l( oi, tci'en1t ;Mrs. Robert t Marcel and Permanent AWaving.
a'- ' '- o-layc ,i leil; TMIs. Ralph
it rti i'';-iig'seretar'y 'ns.S tAda
17 it t a11raid oi, corres5pondning secre- t
I a, s.: FBIas aclriok Noby, treasurer. g14 i r Shoppe1
'''1li siemtof the county con-R1
Io hcaj~ e ht'ld Jamuary 1.4 at the
Au 'ilgi 11tmiin WS Blde.707 North University Ave.
lrolioivi; the business meeting( Phone 2652
tifs''? xwas asocial half hour when
M ;.I'i sat on M. H-ikey and Mrs. Al- j_____________________________
;er'f It.('iit te'ntonlliresidedl at the tea
a xx- %hi o'h 'oacentered with a lar'ge _________________________
l of l f ti Oiti antd spring flowers. I
II~os you' ' OilSI'JI [l) Y E'FI 1
Like a Megaphone!
The Patented Tone Ampli-
fying rim magnifies each
y, ~note that is played, result-j
=z° j ing in a clearness of tone,
a volume, a carrying power
truly marvelous.
Tone Amplifying. Rim
This patented rim is an ex-
elusive feature of Weymann
Orchestra Banjos. It is but
Sone reason why Weymann
'I Banjos are everywhere ac-
Iclaimed the World's Best. Into
Ievery instrument that leaves the
Weymann factory goes the
very best selected materials,
the most skilled workmanship
and a half century's experience.
in stringed instrument man-
Weymann Banjos-$30 to $350
Varsity Banjos, $10 up
Other Makes up
It will be a pleasure to sho0w
you our complete line
Hlibernia Bank & cTrut
New Orleans, Louisiana
NROT & LIVAUDIAS, Ltd., Architects Schaeberlo & Son,
110 South an Street

Luxurious coats that wcre for-
mer'ly priced as high as $85
go at this low price right now.
Smartest stylcs. Newest col-
ors. Othe~r coats clear at $5
$65 and $85.

_ A/:dfrv Persons in /A nArbor lhave seen it. UWhat they sa-:
"The Clavilux opens til a new vista of color amnd design--a new
Ott t in fact, whl~re 1e1mote Nwonderfutl color thandi exist, on auly pallette
tos ~saaije before you. YOU see an artist create in design and color
e beftore your very eyes, stimulating your imnaginatioan andh making you
feel the wondrous beauty of elemental thins.
I - 11. A. FOWLERI,
Instr'uctor' in D~ecorativye Design,
College of .Architecture.
A~.Wilfred hiar, drin atized the symiphony. i s'work: is of as
G= 111111 inter'est to the student .of psychology as it is to the student
-of painting, music, or the drama.
Tl. E1)A SJI AW 1itOJEN,'
.' ;social Director, Adelia Cheever house.
I find the Color Organ too hypnotic to (lehjciie. I am advising ,
I-all of my players to attend, and anm suspending rehearsals so that,
they may. W:
Assistant Director', Ypsilanti Little Theatre.
- The Color Organ umndoubtedly represenits" an advance in the
control of form, color and motion to produce satisfying artistic
effects. Surely there is a challenge in the nmechanics of these corn-
b~inationis. [t is to be hoped that somie of the University High School =^
students wvill find it convenient to go.
Principal, University High School.
To wac r-~lrc' oieclrsrnigfo h otos
Th 'momet pwti atch ife'mile isclratinsi arnonmns thecnrol-
-line.; lbeauty. Motion, line and color' combine to send rich thrills of
- pleasuire down the spine;(of any observer. Its appearance in Ann
-Arbor is in occasion not to be missed' by the discriminating pleasure
- seeker.
Graduate Stualent
Hill Auditorium
STues. January 13, 8:15 p. M. 0
- Secure your tickets at Wahr's, Grahaim's, aSlater's




' '
. . . ..


FOR that J-Hop
j louse party.
Arrange for your
floral decorations
now by calling 1321

oa . L. co.

"a'Express ion-

in Arc

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