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December 13, 1924 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 12-13-1924

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THE MICHIsvesGAN DAIL 'TTwhV hif4ji ' 1b li)A, '2'.tl~ASl * \.Ud

i , t.iL' l.rL 1Yi23LrCS. 1 5 1.111,4

!Reads Messagede $6000 Offered
or Pesdn For Chemistry
Canada and China Lead Other Na- Six prizes of $1,000 each will be
tbins; Wayne County Sends Dele-r for he best essays submit-
gatlon Numbering 2,217 ted by students of universities and
colleges in the United States on six
MICHIGAN LEADS d gnated subjects relating to diem-
;}_____. istry, in a contest whicli is being con-
ducted under the supervision of the
Students at the University from the k :American Chemical society. This con-
state of Miehigan are gradually in- .'. : t.test has been made possible through
creasing in proportion to those from a gift of $16,000 by Mr. and Mrs.
other states, according to the annual . Francis P. Garvan, of New York.
report of Registrar Amthur G. Hall, This contest is similar to the one
offered last year although it has been
cn the enrollment last year. The enlarged to two separate ones. The
number of foreign students is also' - first part of the gift of $6,000 willl be
increasing, despite the effect of the used for the six university awards,
present immigration laws. while another $6,000 will be used for
the awards to students of secondary
Wayne county, with 2,217 students, schools throughout the country. The
furnishes approximately one-sixth ofisnh400s o e usto de
the ota enrllmnt o 12291.Theremaining $4,000 is to be used to de-
the total enrollment of 12,291. Th-3 fray the expenses: of the contest.
state of Michigan accounts for a total It is not required that entrants be
of 7,833. Other states with more than enrolled in chemistry courses or that
a hundred students represented are: they have any special knowledge of
OhIo, 90.; New York, 618; Illinois, the subject.aThe purpose of the offer
501; Pennsylvania, 362, Indiana, 340;
New Jersey, 124; Iowa, 105 is to instill generally a live interest
New erse, 14; Iwa, 05.and appreciation of the subject and a
The decrease in the percentage of realization of its importance to our
stfdents from other states is due to realzationfi
the development of other colleges in jnational life.
the middle western territory, accord- Essays must not be more than 5,000
the iddle weas.te r tertoran one -words in length and they m ust be
ing to officials. More than one-half turned into the committee at New-
of the students from outside the state torkdntlttha ch1tt Judges
come from points east of Ann Arbor. ork not later than March 1. Judges
come f rm p ons eas of An s Arb s will include men and women promi-.
The figures on foreign students
: C d ;C ,nent in business, social and political
are: Canada, 105; China, 98; South,; life in the country.
Africa, 36; Japan, 23; India, 16. These e te ny
are the only countries whose total is " Supervision of the contest at the
more than ten. University of Michigan is in the
Ihand of Phi Lambda Upsilon, na-
S"The presence of these very desir- hadIfPiLmd pion-
able andstiactoryfoeignve dendsIWillamTyler Page tional honorary chemical society.
able and satisfactory foreign students, William Tyler Page, clerk in the I Further information regarding sub-
as well as those from other states, house of representatives, read Pres- jects and rules can be secured from
affords for our Michigan boys and ident Coolidge's message to congress E. K. Bacon, room 108, Chemistry
girls an educational factor of the when the chief executive took that building.
#ghest value and importance," points method of "laying down the law" to
out the official report of the regis- them..
trar. -________________
FChristmas Trees Y
T fT To Cheer Invalids RIBM CONfRENCE
During Holidays ----
_______ Prof. Arthur H. Blanchard, of thi
That every invalid confined to the Ighway engineering department, wi
attend the national conference wi
Tickets for the freshman luncheon University hosnital shall partake of street and highway safety in Washing-
to be held at 12 o'clock next Wednes- the Christmas spirit at least to the ex- ton, D. C., on Dec. 15 and 16. Ths
day in the main assembly hall of the tent of a Christmas tree, "s the aim of convention was called by Herbert
Union are on sale at the main desk, the social service division, which is in Hoover, secretary of commerce, to
and may also be obtained from the charge of the work of obtaining trees. consider measures for meeting current

Receiies First
Wilson Reward

Death Rate Increase Reported
In 38 States, 7 Show Decrease1
Washington, D. C., Dec. 12.- the highest rate, (145 Ter 1P000 -


Thirty-eight states had a higher mor-
tality rate in 1923 than in 1922 ac-
cordling to the announcement or the
Department of Commerce today whose
figures show the ratio to he 12.3 per;
1,000 population last year against 11.81
for two years ago. Seven states, Colo-r
rado, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, South;
Carolina, Utah and Washington, are
the exceptions to this statement reg-
istering lower rates during 1923 than;

JL. 11 t'J J p , p I
lation) for the whites, and Atlanta Mrs. L. L. Mautner, of Saginaw, will
for the colored people (31.6) while Nor- give 35 copies of "lealth Training in
folk has the lowest rates for both the Schools" to the Michigan county with
white and colored inhabitants with;the highest per capita sale of Christ-
8.3 and 13.7 respectively.
Of the 44 other cities of 100,000 mas tuberculosis seals. Mrs. Mautner
population or more in 1920, which will give this prize in memory of her
show refined rates, but not by color, husband, annually to the county with

the highest rate (15.7 per 1,000 pope-;
lation) appears for San Antonio and
the lowest (9.5) for Portland,. Oregon. !

Viscount Robert Cecil
Viscount Robert Cecil of England has
been awarded the first annual prize
of $25,000 given by the Woodrow Wil-
son Foundation for "meritorious ser-
vice of a ublic character tending to
the establishment of peace through
j ustice'' (
Bradstreet's report of building op-
erations for November shows a shrink-
age of 15.3 percent from October, and
of 8.8 percent from November of last
year. The total value of permits is-
sued for 162 cities was $224,817,516.
comlpared with $265,542,959 for the
preceding month and $246,783,175 for
November of last year.
rlne great shrinkage is largely ac-

for 1922. ------ _ _ _-
Crude mortality rates, which areg - ~-~~
based on the total population all Chi cago Students
deaths occuring within a given area, Plan Second Ball
are declared to b~e lass reliable iii-
dewes than the rates defined for dif-
ferenes in the age and sex distribli- Chicago students home for the va-
tion of the population and for deaths cation will have an opportunity to at-j
of non-residents, in the statement tend the second Intercollegiate ball
which goes on to interpret the in-
crease in a more extensive manner. t. be given Dec. vG, in the ball-room
Of the six states which show, by of the Drake hotel. RepresentativesI
color, such defined rates for 1923, frnm three Eastern and three West-
Maryland has the highest rate (12.6 erim schools have been chosen to act;
per 1,000 population) for the whites s ushers Michigan beng represent-
Iand also for the colored (22.8) and ed by H erbert Steger, '25, captain of1
Mississippi the lo est (9.7 or the the 1924 football team.
whites and 15 for the colored people.) T
Of the 24 other states which show music will be furnished by,
"spie'' amilton's orchestra, and
refined rates, but not by color, th'ss
highest rate, (13.3) appears for Dela- rank Westphal's orchestra. The ad-;
ware and the lowest (8.7) for_ on- mission is $5.00 a couple. Tickets
may i e obtained at the door.
Of the 11 cities of 100,000 popular'
tion or more in 1920, by color. re-
fined rates for 1923, New Orleans has
I_ _.__- --_- - - - T A S L IS

the best sale.
"These books will go to the rural
schools and city class rooms which
need them most," says Miss Mary
Maier, state seal director. "Health
Training in Schools" is on 'the ac-
credited list of the state and is used
by teachers all over the country.
Use Students In
Chemistry Work
More than 35 undergraduato stu-
dents in chemistry are employed as
assistants in the Chemistry building.
Of this number 27 are laboratory as-
sistants, while a few are employed in
the store room.
There are also 13 graduate students
employed as teaching assistants in re-
citation classes. The graduate stu-
dents are working for their doctor's
degree while a majority of. the labor-
atory assistants are seniors.

iNEO late

Michigan Teachers
To Hold Assembly
Several memhbers of the Educ ation
staff will go to the general assembly
of the State Teachers association
which will be held this year, Dec. 22
and 23 at Grand Rapids.

1 y h Miss Margaret Camieron, ,,~rtr
countedl forib telimlinisihed buildimng;
expenditures in New York City. The's of the School of I ducation, ando Prof.
returns from the rest of the country Clifford Woody are to present reports
show a decrease of only 14.6 percent of committees of which they are chair-
from October and a gain of one per- men. Prof. J. B. Edmonson will also
cent. over November of last year. attend the meeting.
Gains are shown in the New Englan d uth Be, I d De. 12.-t
andl central western gros Sof cities : i Suth Ben, Ind., Dec. 2.Notr
while ten far-wetern grou shows a Jamne will meet no other football
small decrease. The gains in Chica- ,ceven outside of Leland Stanford at
go, Detroit, San Diego, and San Fran- Pasadena, Calif., New Year's day
cisco were especially notable.! while on its western tour, Knute K.
lRockne, athletic director of Notre
Pay for your Subscription today. Dame university, declared today.

HED Isle
Telephone Murray Hil1 8800
Our Representative will Le at the
Today, December 13
with Samples of Ready-made Clothing
Furnishings, Hats and Shoes
for Fall and Winter
Send for "Christmas Suggestions


managers and captains of the fresh-
man groups. Reports from those men
selling the tickets indicate that a
large number will attend the lunch-
eon. At present more than 400 fresh-
men are expected to be present.
The luncheon is being sponsored by
the Union underclass department un-
der William L. Diener, '26, in co-oper-
ation with the freshman class for the
purpose of getting the class together
before the Christmas holidays. Coach
George Little and Robert Brown, '26,
captain of next year's football team,
will give the main speeches at the
meeting. Ted Rhoades' orchestra hasj
agreed to furnish music during the
lunch. Tickets are 60 cents.

The fraternities and sororities will
be through with their trees by Friday
night, so they are asked to give them
for the benefit of the children and
adults in the hospital. Arrangementsj
will be made for collecting them, asj
has been the custom in past years.
More than 35 trees were donated last
year, as well as many decorations and
small gifts.
Orkanizations who wish to give their
trees for this purpose may get in touch
with the social service division by
calling the hospital.
Warsaw, Dec. 12.-The 444 deputies
and 111 senators all enjoy the privilege
of free travel on Polish railways.

traffic problems.
Professor Blanchard is a member of
the conmittee on traffic control which
will report at the conference. In addi-
tion to representing the University,
he will serve as a delegate from the
National Highway Traffic association,
the Detroit Engineering society, and
the Boston Society of Civil Engineers.
Pay for your Subscription today

Dancing Tonight
ard every
tVED:NESDAY . . . 8.10
FRI DAY . . . . . . 9-1
SATIURD)AY. ......1


1Amarcop. cvtsc

GC0 u 14 TV R 0 A

V20 B'ultvc Avsuru

_____ _.. _ ___ -- - ---- -- --

Gifts From Overseas
Gifts Selected
Always Please


Student Representative
604 E. Madison Phone 1809

Music by
Bill Watkins and His
Granger Eight


I ___________ ____..-. - ___------~--.--. -~ I

Give a Lasting Gift

Will Be Given
AT 8:15
Because of the great demand for seats, Mimes of the
Michigan Unin are offering an extra performance of the
1925 Opera tomorrow night. This is your last chance to
see "TICKLED TO DEATH" in Ann Arbor.
There are still a few good seats left for this, performainte.
. ?Get yours now before they're all gone.




A gift which one will enjoy
for many a day. There is
only one gift that answers
that purpose and is in har-
mony with the occasion-


There is still time to submit a letter on



Write not over 800 words and perhaps share that $50.00.
Send to Box 34, Michigan -Daily, before January 12th.



302 South State Street



Phone 889-R








SLyni Lh o S

early 100 Players in S Bri!-
liant Program of Sparkling
Melodious Numbers
H.11 I 094 IIv fv fei






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