t r4 t i; "
VOL. XXXV. No. 69
Outlines Place Of Co
In Plan For Dc
hat~ colege and university gradu-
ates in every line of work can aid
materially in the advancement of the
cause of industrial democracy in the
United States was the oiinion of Paul
Blanshard, '14, field secretary of the
CONTRAsTING COLO '- E League for Industrial Democracy in a
PARTY AT UNION BRILLIANT ,statement following his lecture yester-
AFFAIR day afternoon.
"Industrial democracy cannot be
MUSIC W INS PRAISE brought about by labor alone," declar-
ed the former labor organizer. "It
will take the united efforts of men and
Willard Crosby, '27, and Marjery Tan. women in the professions and business
ner, Lead Grand March to Tune as well to accomplish such a task. I
of "The Victors" say business, because there are a few
business men in certain industries who
By Thomas P. Henry, Jr. are recognizing the movement and aid-
With couples gently swaying to ing it today."
With. coplesgen swai gAlthough Mr. lBlanshard admitted
melodious. tunes of modern jazz, now though cr.dBe dn e to futer
that much could be done to further
fast, now slow and dreamy, the bright the cause of labor by teachers in the
party gowns of the women guests secondary schools, yet he was of the
brillianty lighting up the somewhat! opinion that labor's greatest possible
sombre Union ball room, the black weapon was the trade union through
and white evening clothes of the men!
contrasting pleasantly, and putting a flfl ES iiii*
tone of splendor on the assemblage,
the class of 1927 held their Prom last
night. D i rarian rii
terhaps the predominant note of the
affair was the music furnished by the
Strormberg-Vohn orchestra of Clove- Executive Comittee Sets February 25{
land, recognized as the best in a city a Dal e o r it nvets
perhaps second only to New York and In Chicago
Chicago, in furnishing good dance mu-i
sic. Jazz, it was is true, but jazz of
the better sort, now enthralling, now WILL DECIDE POLICY
tinging the hearts of the dancers with
a trace of sadness, now forcing Washington, Dec. 12.-(By A.P.)-
thoughts of more solemn things, and
again running off into selections that Members of the executive comitte
called even the most reserved of of the conference for progressive po-
ch~aperones to the floor. litical action, the parent body behind
From the first, when the early coin the presidential candidacy of Senator
ors were greeted by the openingI
strains of the orchestra, until the last LaFollette, voted tonight to call a na-
dance which ended on the stroke of tional convention in Chicago, February
two, the party was a decided success. 25, to determine the future course of
Dancing in a tastefully bedecked ball- their movement.
room, every 'member of the Sopho-
more class and every guest entered Although the question under debate
into the spirit of the occasion. all day had developed into a division
At 10:20 o'clock the orchestra broke of opinion regarding the advisability
into the strains of "The Victors," and of the step, Basil M. Manley, of Wash-
Willard B. Crosby, '27, general chair- ington, who was chosen to announce
man of the Prom, led Miss Marjery the result of the deliberation, asserted
Tanner, of Flint, onto the floor to there was a substantial unanimity for
6onijlt the Grand March. Immfe- the course decided upon.c
diately following the taking of the Thsu a rcpttderyi
group >icture of the merry-makers The issue was precipitated early in
group trestofr ths mrrynte rus the discussion when Edward Keating
of the tardy omyst miue rush of Colorado, associated with railroad
the orchestra struck up music for the organizations in the publication of a
first c'ance of the evening. weekly newspaper, introduced a reso-
The crowd was considerably aug- ilution calling for adjournment of the
mented after 11 o'clock with the ar- committee without any action. W. H.
rival of several more couples and Johnston, chairman of the conefernc,
stags, who had attended the formal and president of the International As-
night performance of the Opera at the sociation of Machinists ruled this out
Whitney theatre before coming to the of order, and later a roll call was
dance. More than 500 people in all taken on a motion to call the Chicago
thronged their way into the ball convention.
room during the evening. The vote was 30 for and 13 against,
Programs for the dance were done railroad organizations being responsi-
in soft grey leather, the ladies receiv- ble, a statement said, for most of the
ing specially prepared card cases. On negative votes. The labor organiza-
the front was ulaced the. Michigan tion representatives said they would
seal. and "S'ophomore Prom-1927." have to consult the leaders of their
At one end of the ballroom were respective bodies before participating
placed tables and chairs for the spfurther.
chaperones, completely surrounded by
white crysanthemums. The orchestra
was banked with palms, while in the I VI T 9PIIIN
mniddle was placed a white '27, on
green back ground. In the alcove on .
the side of the room was placed sROa flI flT
bank of roses, with large punch bowls
on either side.
Assisting Crosby in giving the dance No applications for tickets to the
were: W. C. Patterson, It. Y. Keegnis J-hop will be considered unless turn-
F. S. Clover, Helena Knapp, PylliA ed into the committee before 5 o'clock
E. Cramer, Paul Starrett, H. L. es- this afternoon. The number received
ton, S. N. Phelps, T. It. King. by last night had passed the quota
t_,_.N. __s T._. be accepted, and the work of judg-
ing which shall be rejected will be
started at once.
The question of the music occupied
the attention of the committee at the
INNIK~ I.meeting Nyesterday afternoon. The or-
UIcLI I estras which are being considere
llege Graduate TE(|| Rhodes Scholarship Committee Will
mocratizing Industry U LBI |LRLL Examine Applicants This Afternoon
which the worker himelf can be I UQF R11LU UApplicants for the Rhodes Schol- must have completed at least his
reached. arship from the state of Michigan sophomore year at some recognized
"The day is coming when there will i will be examined by the committee of educational institution.
be several great labor daily newspa- b.ll IC exam .ne e 0 A Rhodes Scholarship is tenable on-
pers in the United States similar to selection which will meet in the of- ly at Oxford University, England. It
the Londoh Herald," said Mr. Blan- I - -. rice of Dean J. R. Effinger, of the may be held for three years, if the I
I shard. "I believe that such papers WO1RzEIRS WILL NOT ALWAYS BE literary college, this afternoon. college at Oxford of which the scholar
will be established in spite of the fact IN LOWEST CLASS," HE Among the ten candidates to be ex- is a member approves.
that labor is receiving much more PRElCTS amined are five from the University The three qualities upon which the
publicity in the regular daily press of -- of Michigan, two from Hillsdale col- selection is based by the cmmittees
the country than ever before. This ADVOCATES UNIONS lege, and one student each from Ad- elionris bad scommitys
fact is largely due to the realization of rirmn college, Michigan Agricultural are: literary and scholastic ability S
labor interests that they must be will- college, and from Ohio Wesleyan uni- and attainments; qualities of man-
ing to give out the publicity to the Miniiun Wage, (reater Power in versity. hood, force of chareter, and leader- H
I newspapers if they ever expect to find! Seiety, Even Distribution of At the same time that the Michigan ship; and physical vigor as shown by
it published." ' Work, Cited as Alms committee is meeting, committees in interest in outdoor sports or in other
Mr. Blanshard stated that the Uni all other states will be making their ways. A scholar must be a man of
versity of Michigan was one of the Speaking on "The Challenge of selections, the results of which will sound health to endure the unusual
few institutions of its class where Labor to the College Atudent" yester- be announced Monday by President physical strain of travel and study in w
there was no active Liberal club. In (lay afternoon in the Natural Science j Frank Aydelotte of Swarthmore col- foreign countries. at
view of this fact he was interesteds American secretary Dean Effinger, who is chairman ofrF
in the formation of such an organiza- auditorium, Paul Blanshard, 14, field loge twhois the A arn ine, o scairma th
. of the Rhodes Scholarship founds- the committee of selection from this
tion on the campus and stated that it secretary of the League for Industrial state, will entertain the candidates
would be backed by several of the Democracy, outlined the main reforms tion. sae il neti hecniae
members of the faculty. for which organized labor is fighting A candidate to be eligible to hold a and the members oft the committee at M
memb_______rs___the __a _ _y._ and the methods by which they are Rhodes Scholarship must be a male a luncheon which will be given this a
and___the__methods___by__which__they Uitdrtae, t oo a heUnona
most likely to be brought about. citizen of the United States, with at noon at the Union. Applicants willt
"When we remember that every im- least five years' residence, and un- have a chance to become acquainted1s
partial investigation which has been married. He must by October 1 of with the members of the committee, !i
made in the United States has reveal- the year for which he is elected have and with each other at this luncheon P
ed literally millions of workers half passed his nineteenth and not haveI before they are examined this after-( it
C I U T 091 starving ,and, at the same time, see passed his twenty-fith birthday, andI noon. m n
the other thousands riding about in;s
sedans and wearing diamond neck- nCe
laces," declared Mr. Blanshard, "we ARC ITO FIvD
Theater 1a'rty, Dinner, and Smoker ; come to some sort of a realization of OFLERfLilI It
Make up Program to be Held the condition which the organized ta
iii Detroit Iworker is trying to change." e?4~~ O ~l~lIll o i a i~ rin i
COAC --SWiLL- SPEAK While the speaker stated that the VOACHES ON 1US ULLJDURLJ
CO C E iL SPEAK laborers did not hope for such aR
Utopia as some of the writers of the 1___a
---- middle ages pictured, they did pro-A a
Michigan's Varsity, reserve, and m de age ctre tedi s e F tyeiWil- Nan Student to Re- Net Vote Will Decide Attitude of a.
r pose to exchange the existing system u<u13 ~ ~ '"~I
freshman football squads, the Varsity of industry w ch he divided into ceive Award of Amerlean Insttute* Senate on overnmet or
band, the football coaching staff, and three characteristic parts represented of Architects Private Control I a
officials of the athletic associatio; in every city and industrial commu- i
will be entertained by the Detroiti nity as follows: first, the lavishly AIDS GRADUATE STUDY INTRODUCE PROPOSALS
Alumni at a theater party, a dinner, j furnished country home; second,, --.
and smoker this afternoon and to- Coketown or the district of smoke- Nds,-w
ght in Detroit.stacks, foundries, a hovels where Notice has been received by the en- ashington, Dec. 12.-The Under-
They will attend the Capitol theater tack oudries and thove, here gmneering and architectural college wood Muscle Shoals bill was subject- y
in theewortersolive;eandJthird,.thenna- thrat the M ichigan chapter of the
in the afternoon where John H. Kun- tional state which binds the other two I h t ed in the senate today to another i g
sky, owner of several Detroit movie- together and insures their continued American Institute of rchects astorm of debate, which ended with the m
houses, has proclaimed "Michigan existence. recently voted to establish a scholar- tn
hoss a rcamd Mcia xsec.ship which will give a $151 award to introduction of two new proposalsu
Day" and closed the Capitol to all but "Labor does not want equal wages 1 to f
University of Michigan students. yas Bernard Shaw has often advocated a student chosen by the faculty of the Ifor settling the question. a
The Varsity will have dinner at 6 but merely stands for several definite college. The aim of the shoarship Consideration of the measure, how-~t
o'clock at the University club while things," he continued, "three of which t;. to promote graduate st dy at the ever, has reached the he where the
S st of the >arty (line at the D- I should state as a living minimui University of Michigan In the archi- next vote will place the senate ont
tres C wage, brought about either through ,flira schlh wrecord as favoring either government u
The climax of the entertainment the tradea union or some other methrd, the tuitoforonye,,wil itl or private operation of Muscle Shoals. ti
wilt t e the smoker or annual Foot- a 'work-opia', or 'in other words a ttly be awarded to someone this year. This vote will come on the amend- C
ball Bust at 8 o'clock in the Chain- more just distribution of work, and ya.ecording to an annuoncment made ent of Senator 'Smith Democrat, s
'power-op~a'whrethe labacorigoorninuocgln made,ot olSnator Shih;woudsiemcrt,;
her of Commerce. This affair will be shall haveorewer inh laboring mta yesterday by Prof. Emil Lorch of the South Carolina, which would strike I
attended by the members of the De- smore power in society, an architectural college. out of the Underwood bill the entire
troit high school football teams, shall be lifted out of his present posi- The establishment of this scnotar- leasing provision and provide for gov-
well as all the Michigan men. On thisI Elaborating upon these three otassec- ship, designed to promote gradua.te enent operation of the plant dur-
occasion the seniors on the Varsity tives of labor, Mr. Blanshard pointed work, is the first of its kind to be ing experimentation with fertilizer
squad will heesentedwith M o to oani or given the architectural college. rthere production. The senate recessed with- P
rings. Fielding H. Yost and several union the workers have reen able to have been constant queries iron out taking action on the amendment I
alumni illn . speak.Captain eert mak e e. livg wheenit was ; schools in all parts of the country and it stands on the head of the cal- g
aitumni will speak. Captain He rbekrt cItlvigwhr i a asking if anv such sharhp was! endar for consideration tomorrow. i
Steger, 25, will review the past sea-I impossible before. In explain- laaia ny such senaror Undero n toorrw.
Capgincontentionrow, !available here. Senator Underwood, differing with
son and Captain-elect obert Brown, I labor's contention, e said that Requests from westernuniversities Senator a , who objected that
'26, rnd Coach George Little will out- what the working forces are demand- e xests o te wirsitie Sor W tht a r
lin Ilansan~ hoes orthefutre. ingis ot ha al me 10thesam !for an exhibition of the work done vote on the amendment was not in or-1g
line plants and hopes for the future. ing is not that all men do the same -i -s olg hv en eevd at (
Special cars to Detroit will leave 1kind or amount of work, but that the n this college have been receive der, declared he favored a vote on
the interurban station on West Huron man vho actually does the hard work Prof. Lorch's office. At present, an the Smith amendment. He wanted,
street at 12:05 o'clock today for the of the world be recognized for it. exhibition from the architectural co- the senate to consider it, lie said, as
accommodation of those who wish to "In its fundamental meaning," he lege is traveling over England, a "full expression" of the senate
attend the Bust. explained, "the labor movement is th eing ebwhether is wished government opera- z
a____. struggle of a disinherited class. Labor As soon as the exhibition retrns t ion or the leasing of Muscle Shoal.
f hopes to regain its place through AsnI Two proposals were introduced to
three agencies which are: first, theA create a commission to recommend to i
titrade union and collective bargain- reorganized and sent on an extended congress a solution of the Muscle
FAUL second, the cooperative move- ' trip over the western states, be:ng cors olut. o the scle
QPATIORI I Djlfl ger c third, a labor power in gov- wn in every large university. This Shols problem. Senator Jones, Re-
IIEIIMIIIIUKI I exhibit shows the quality of work pu1cn ahntn ofrd a
. Mr. Blanshiard cite the clothing done by students enrolled in the aU,,-ndment which would b ,cme a
Ceti ' ' *-~h - .Iarchitectural college. substitute to the Underwood bill, call- ;
Certain problems which have arisen industry, where he has been an or arhtectura_______g_._' _ing for the appointment of a com-y
from the cases of thirty or forty men ganizer for the Amalgamated Cloth- mission composed of the secretaries I
whom Harold Williams, '25, has ad- ing Workers, as the field in which afwr n griltran11t1d
vised on choice of a vcation will be th e union has been most highly an person to be appointed by the Presi- r
snuccessfully de loped. Hre the ~iU~ u esntob pone ytePei
discussed at a dinner to which faculty dent, while Senator Wadsworth intro-
s TDOIT dentewhile Senator Wadsworth intro
members have been invited, which will workers are conmletely organized and duced an amendment proposing aI
be held during the first part of the bargain with their employers as a unit committee composed of five cabinet
wk i einlsuch a harmonious way that prac- o esf
week Lane hall. ticaly all of their disputes are settled s to recommend a plan for dis-
"Te work has been very successful without a strike. ..All foundry classes from the en- position of the properties. Senatori
sh a ," maad tolvethe ("fincu- "Contrary to the ordinary concep- gneering shops will visit the River Wadsworth has been the sponsor for
have mnage solve t fu- tion, the labor leader never wants a Itouge plant of the Ford Motor com- the looker-Whipe-Attebury profit
ties of almost every man who has strike," declared the former organizer.; pany and the works of the Buhl Mal- sharing proposal.
presented his case. A few of the more 1 "The only reason that the . laborer : leable company in Detroit on Mn-
puzzling cases will be considered at ansrtikes is that he has no other way to day. At theloveroe iant m
our neeting, when professors wvhi are gain his rights. In fact, the labor stents will observe blast furnaceNEl
familiar with various vocations will leader snends most of his time sitting practice and large scale prgduction
- be able to give their opinions. on the lid trying to prevent strikes j in the gray iron foundry. During the
- "We rre trying to give each man because it is the time of great strain j tour of the Buhl Malleable plant the [O N 1NHA $525000 AID
.m something defininite with which to to him, and may mean the loss of his group will inspect malleable rnI
n work. For that reason we have in job if the strike fails." I practice, and the the manufacture of
every case made out a personality "The laboring class is not always open hearth steel castings. With late contributions coming in
chart, which shows graphically a going to be the lowest class," hie I The processes inspected on the De- from professors who are out of Ann
man's strong points and weaknesses. prophesied in conclusion, "that much troit tour, with the exception of gray Arbor on leave of absence the Com-
nformation for these charts is se- ; is certain. How the change is going iron manufacture, require equipment munity Fund total is slowly mount-
cured from the man himself, as well to be brought about, I do not know. which is lacking in the founryI ing toward the $52,000 mark. As the
n as from our own obse , as It I believe, however, that it is the duty I laboratories of the enginering shops. result of the recent telephone cam-
- tatement: of his friends and parents. and opportunity of the college trained The purpose of istg t gray ir paign, and a number of large addi-
tFrom such a chart it is quite easy to man to recognize the cause of the la- sI f roao stion oftlads. tional contributions, the drive pushedj
teljs}hafyeo obamni borer and lend his aid in bringing scale production methods. iswyps h eesr 1,0
ftell just what type of job a man is about such a development." The party will go to Detroit by bus, its way past the necessary $49,0001
ite d hor,, ot sch dv pmet.leaving Ann Arbor at 8 o'clock Mon- mark early in the week.
e day morning, leaving Detroit for the The surplus which is now being re-
-nreturn trip at 5 o'clock in the after- ceived will allow the association to'
EXTENSION . ISICHRITMAS UFINDnoon. Prof. H. L. Campbell, of the cover the $2,800 which was designated
Nmetallurgical engineering department, for certain organizations. All 11 in-
RIandfMlcl[[amd r.ohGrennanof t hengine- stitutions connected with the associa-
S19lTEI111ringL shops, will accompany the fion will now be able to receive its
"L EITclasses on the trip, full 100 per cent budget it is thought.
BEAD JA~ iw STAT I eing __________A number of the faculty who are
--Reg-tratono studentseroMichigan Tuberculosis association
Registration of students enrolled in h i The Hague Dec. 12.-The govern- heavy subscribers to the fund are in
a ;the extension course in Grand Rapids, has never in its history had such TeHaue ment has introduced in parliament a Europe on leaves of absence, and sub- ;
Ic I which is given by Prof. Elmer D. Mit- large reorders for the Christmas I t approded in pret I Europe on leaves en and sub-
30 | 11 1 o' f t n hvsi aemcman de- Health stamps as it has had this year, .ill to approve the liquor treaty with scriptions from these men are now
aggerty, Cherry and Doyle Are Only
Mien Left from Iieihigan Tenm
of Last Year
Michigan Varsity basketball five
ill open its 1925 season with M. A. C.
t 8 o'clock tonight in Yost field house,
ollowing a light workout last night
he squad was pronounced in good
hape for the opening game by Coach
The Aggie basketball five, always
hard opponent for the Michigan
am, is practically intact from last
mason and is expected to make a good
id for victory tonight. Michigan will
ut a team onto the floor which from
s showing in recent practices should
ake a successful start of the sea-
on. Led by Captain Haggerty,
herry, and Doyle, all of whom are
eterans from last year the Wolverine
ve will probably present a stronger
ttack than that which took the open-
r away from the Farmmers last year.
Michigan's team will lineup with
eason at center, Captain Haggerty
nd Gregory at forwards, and Doyle
nd Cherry at the guards. Reason, a
eteran of the team in 1921, is one
f the finest basket shots on the squad
nd is expected to make a good show-
g at Doyle's old post.
Haggerty Leads Attack
Haggerty is one of the finest for-
ards in the Conference and Is the
eader of the Michigan attack. Last
ear lie was one -of the leading point
otters in the Big Ten. Gregory, a
iember of the football squad, will
ndoubtedly get the call at the other
orward job. He is fast on the floor,
good shot at the net, and strong on
he defense.
Doyle and Cherry should be able to
ake care of the guard jobs allseason
nless the former is taken back to
tie pivot position Ater W I the aeason.
herry, court star since his high
chool days was ineligible for a large
art of last season, and his loss was
adly felt by the squad -for the rest
f the year. He is the best defensive
layer on the team and his basket
hooting ranks with that of any other
layer in the Big Ten.
Dick Doyle who will play the other
uad in an attempt to strengthen the
therwise weak defense of the squad,
s expected to solve the problem which
as been facing Mather since the be-
;inning of the practice season.
Ruenzel May Play
If the Michigan team manages to
,et any kind of a margin on the Ag-
gies it is probable that several other
players will get into the lineup. Kuen-
el will undoubtedly see service at
one of the forward positions and
Iiutzel may. Line will probably get
nto the game at guard. Kressach
and Ladre are another pair who may
see service.
The Aggies with a 41-16 victory over
Adrian Wednesday night, seemto have
one of its best teams in a number of
years. McMillan and Captain Nuttila
at the forwards, Robinson at center,
and Richards and Marx at the guards,
make up a formidable combination,
Robinson made five field goals and five
free throws out of as many tries
against Adrian, while the captain
made three field goals and two free
throws out of two tries. Marx, play-
ing running guard, rang up four goals
in the Adrian game. Hultman may
have a chance at the back guard joL.
4bb[i J lrb WU 11iV ii uiv vv. uy. . + -+ .. - -
-- have been narrowed down to six
Under the auspices of the Student three of which will be chosen, ac-
Christian association which is co- cording to Gene K. Buck, '26D, chair-
Welfare man of the music sub-committee
operating with the Women'sWlr These three will be announced as soon
league of Ann Arbor, arrangements as the budget is passed upon by uni
are being made for the entertainment versity officials. Several organiza
of more than 70 poor children of tire tions of national reputation are in-
city at Christmas dinners given by cluded in this list.
various fraternities on the campus. The contract of providing the dec-
Like arrangement through co-opera- orations was given to the Johnson
tion with sororities is being carried Flag and Decorating company of De
on by the Y. W. C. A. n he troit. This is the same company tha
Practically every fraternty on tI was in charge of the Arctic scene o
campus has agreed to entertain at last year's dance.
least one boy this year. This is a The next meeting of the committe
Custom carried on each year by the has been set for 7:30 o'clock tomor
various fraternities, Worthy chil- row, in room 302 of the Union.
dren are selected by the Women ws
Welfare league and are distributedI
among the fraternities by the Student Catholic Students
Christian association. .
Earl Blaser, '27, is chairman of the lill Fold"ixer
committee in charge of this work. .
Thomas Cavanaugh, '27L, Charles A matinee dance in the form of
Oakman, '26, and Alfred Connable, '25, "mixer" will be held by the Cathol
,,- -- aft -_ i students of the university from 2:3
Thirteen initiates were
the student chapter of th
Society of Civil Engineer
initiation banquet held
night. W. Sears Herbert,
presided as toastmaster,
taken into
e American
s at their
'25, who
Prof. H1. E. Riggs of the engineering
school who spoke for a few minutes
on "The American Society of Civil
Mr. G. S. Williams, spoke on "The
Engineer and His Societies," and
was followed by Prof. A. H. Blanch-
ard who discussed briefly "Engineer-
ing Research." Frederick Kimmich,
'25E, welcomed the now men for the
active chapter, and was answeredtby
Robert Minard, '25E, for the initiates
The initiates taken into the society
were: M. R. Fuller, '25E, K. H. Lam,
'25E, G. J. Mack, '25E, R. J. Minard,
'25E, G. E. Mudge, '2~5E, H. A. Sheri-