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December 13, 1924 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 12-13-1924

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f7 7- T TmE

,r_ _ ,. .-. a S . ....,.--._ . .T _;_...

oflADTmflflhTU tSTf'OS Britain Names NVew Scientists Predict
~vniiivuu II IUN Holy Land Leaderd Queer Hfappenings
an ,RS m NRUSHING i ~n In Eclipse's Wake,

Painter Elected
a To Fill Vacancy

SurXaivey hol ~lsFrat'er~nities ;suppiort
Actioni of A diminis ratiThe

,. ,,


Ihanover, N.. 1., D~ec. 12.-Complete
elimination of freshman rushing at
'DIartmouth college has been efcithled
iii a ruling by the ad1ministrative

board of the college,, which, beginning
with the close of the present aca-
demiiic year, will permit the pledging
only of students whose standing on
the campus is in the sophomore or
higher classes.
4Opinion on the camp~us is reflected
n ja general canvass of fraternities
S'llowinig announcement of the boar d's
action, in which the approval of the
Shouses was unanimous. Faculty inem-
,,. i j~rs were also unanimous in 'corn-
m iending the action of the admin istr a-
tive board, while their statements in
general anticipated favorable re;ults.
from the new ruling.
Notice of the revision of the college
h,~ushing rules was presented to the
iterfraternity council through a. let-
Ster from Tres. E. MV. H-opkins. Ex-I
c . erpts from the communication fol-
The interpolations of fraternity in-
terests into the freshman year at'
Dartmouth is a maladjustment. Its,
processes are harmful to the class,j
demeaning to the fraternities, and
injurious to the morale of the college
. .. ...The original impact and the.
continued pressure of the system an-
nually creates discomfort for many
and misfortune from sonme among
those most sought by the fraternities.
"The present 'rushing and pledging

wasmington. Dec. 12.-Scientists
believe they have gathered from ex-
:. + aperience a goodl idea of sonic of the
' ~unusual things that will take place
in connection with the total eclipse of
thle sun Jan. 24.
Prof. George F..l'eters of the Naval?
Observatory, who has been on inti-j
::: :::". :::>::*'':* mate terms will 0old sol for 28 years,
it x s'<". hrelated recently some of the develop-
..;, meints that may be looked for in theE
"shadow path," with favorable weath-
:::.:?, jer, on the morning of the eclipse.
't'hese include fall of a yewdO-
ftes in temperature. Animals areI
likely to become perplexed, and birdsr
d.N+" to g-o to roost. Looking toward the
west, just before the eclipse becomes
r ¢' 1total, one may observe the shadow of
the moon coming toward the observer
as it a thunderstorm were imminent.
Thle sun has just p~assed1 its mini-
flhliflpor.od of spots, and will p~rob-
' ! albly have seine spots in January at
eelipzeo time, causing some disturb-
w ance of the corona, which can only
he seen during total solar eclipse.
The sun is 400 times farther away
from the earth than is the moon. h
Ge~n. SirtG. NMteiun At sunrise, just east of Fed Lake,Ip
G n. Sir G.l MacMunn, above, has Minnesota, the eclipse will be total. t
b(en naimedl new Br itish high com- In the eastern section of the UnitedIA
missioneri in P alestine to succeedl Sir States, the eclipse will be visible_
I lerbert Samuel.£ lie change marks ?early in the forenoon, and in the far
d rtdil h iginpolcy n te Hlywest, not, at all, for it will still be g
ILandsaiy I riti ii dispatches.(lark there.
__________________________________ Another phase of the eclipse will be)0s
the p)ossible revival of the weather in- jo
surance feature. Scientific bodies are
SPARE TIME STUDENTS lput to much expense in sending out
parties, and with unfavorable weath-I
____ AWLI Ifer, their work goes for naught.
SHW TITI O R ienit will conduct further tests !t
of the Einstein theory, andl will also '
Chicago, Dec. 12.-Latent talent ini observe the solar corona and make o

Unequal Justice Rules In India,
Is Char'ge Laid' Against British
J i.e for Indians and EuropeansI not so good in India.. American en-
is sot equal in India" said Pritam gineering courses are more practicala
E ~and the professors are much better.0
I ~ighMicigans mst ecen ariva About 90 per cent of the student who
fuigiisiInda..If Indhung, utifsan !goawyto school study engineering.
' 1rrgishnanhe :; ung bu ifanWe do not have the discussion see- U
' hn l :li:.i kills ain Ind~ian the E~ng- tions or quar~terly, or half annual ex- 1:
lipih ,fudge :sitting on the bench fines amnmations in our schools. At the[f
lriin 01 (a)-cr sentences him to a end of the school year the students n
' nio1d',h:-)n i .prisoniucnt." j take their examinations and if they
1 "lhe British goveirnent is doing' fil in one course they must take all w
all w;ithin Prts power to maintain its of the courses carried that year, over s
rule in India. They are operating again."
liquor horses against the wishes of
"he natives; they are fostering an in- Tw ew B ilr
cerest in spoirts just to keel) the peo-I oN wB tlr
pie, who are anxious to estab~lishi a Ready y January
hoerde rule government, from (discuss- B
ing such 1 measui-es. Groups of morej
than 5 students cannot talk about Fires have been started in the two
politics. If a man is caught talking newv boiler.; which ha~ve been added toj
abut the governmient or politics lie the eoluip.enit. of the power plant.
is thbrown into prison for 12 or 13 S~e l errii weeis will be reqluired in the
V~itli regaird to the educational sys- < tyuig_ out" process, but it is expect-
tein India, lPritanu said: e':1 thit by the time classes are re-
''Tltere are about seven or eight ';ine following the holidays, the
ur iv('rsities in India. They are 1o- I boiler's will be ready for use.
cated not in the small towns, but in'IEach of tine new boilers has a ca-
the lairge cities. Out of the seven or pacity of 1,000 horsepower. In ex-
(_irfh( univeirsities there are only four, paneling the plant to double its for-
t ngin eering colleges. The co~st of go- nier size, space was left for the in-'
iag- ta ;;el~ool is much less in India1 stallation of two additional 1,000
2 '~IAmerica. One can go for a ! horsepower boilers when the need
\VInfo' vetr on $100.00. I arises.
-'lhe st udeints must either live with
ii$i'1. rents or in one of the dormi- "
t :c ;. But Ithe engineering course is Ill " t'9 U 1 3 _ -Y- I

Boulder, ColoD., T 12-. -TineColo-
r'ado university athlIteican
pions of the Rock) .Iy.:FIoUni i ;fr
ence, wvhich. left hr dye ot
to Honolulu to play ltv'() gameeChridur-th
University of I La aii, i:; P'Ietdby
a blanket inisuranice l)iYf 9
Annapolis, AMd., D",(,. J2.- 'Thle
Unted States naval ac-adeomy'si foot-
ball programi for' the gPSsao alls;
for eight games, t wo of whichl have
not been definitely decided upon. ",ar'-
quette and Michigan are the onrly
western team~s on the Mlidshipmen's
Sang Books
At all )Ii Stores and
Boob S'tores
Ileadquai tet sat

Albhert BesnarIl
Alber't isu'd el':. . '
painrt er, Wa.; ofet ed recen t.;-r ak) i'r
UFaeneh Acadomy to fill Ii(theipa Co of
i1ien r ,Lot i. l. esnarid wa,,, bornii
1849 and was elected in 19-12 (vo the
Acadleniie (5lie: axA tt;
gas aiidoil rig~hts that in my J)" in-
valved, and this is oXpe-ted to he a
source of large revenue to ie ; cl:;
of the future.

Normal, Okla., De.12. LOI:ct 'in--
Cevest ill eli 1del servir e:;; :1 the U nli-
ver ;it y of Oklahoma has made it,
accessary for the secretary of thle
University to I l.-;'e iithle : ii
of the institultion.

system is bad in its unnatural form- the arts is being brought out of hun- i ; ea~thel' aci
alities and in its artificial complexity. ard<o.1 adwoe:n;l wlsgetd htel
It is even more an injury in its ten- 1 Ietdta f
t of Ilife herde, who are dlevotiiig their 3mont with ira(
t dencies to monopolize time and to dis- i
ittract attention among men subiject t.o i spar e tinme to the study of its various'IiF. they mecrea
B it-time needful to many of tin soe branches4. A dealer in rubber shoes eclipse is ini
II men if they are to qualify in thteir j ;owig]fcinynilutaieshar'ply near
college work.
"I am giiite clear in my own mindcrtr t h pes
tha boh he enof hefre;i identl of alarg te steel mill, his in- INA9 5H I NG1
class and the fraternities themselves ' i ioc nor says,, e asily could1( make a liv- J
'I ought to be protected froni the unfor- ingitI 1b~tni 1) f ,o an bus. T
tunate workings in the college today I 'jJ)( iiceetor, of one of Chicago's I
p of .a system devised for a college (if laik : t.af-t acrAdemies has madea
few fraternity chapters andr of o'as;ei study et P is spare hour studlents, and I Tacafina, Dc
comparatively small. tiiOil'ti 0(lltiotis, to determine if there f liaeyt
" 'Finally, those men not enlisted in was not ground to believe there was f:;inglui
or intei'estedI in fraternity life of tI h i i'iOiilimceaeinthtrhendi state of V
college have a right to protection their appeal was not (deep and broad I"h )~'nn
,. against the disorganization of college fie found tiiai. a large majority were p~rotected byb
work, as a whole incident to the pres- in school because of peirsonal inter-betiidh
ent yste. ,est in sp~ecial subjects or for general;
P "Therefore, after the ie o9' the . <culture. Ii"Thelpd
present' acadlemic year, no fraternity Virtuially every trade andl profes- ltiiai 2,000,0
will be permiitted eithei' to initiate ;Morii is repel~'sente0(, from bell boys to ,Id.Tem
' -- -r to pledge a man to mlember:,hip university professors. Their class l~is tleI
w. 13 ~sale ofathoo
un~iitil he shall have attained his soph- work, usually 15 1-2 hours a week, is ol lihl
:°nire year within the college. '170 carried on without interfering with on lill ha
suchan extent as is necessary, regu- the studen'1ts' regular occupation. 1hclnd
lations, will be established to cnfor(.e " lany of these students have taken;
S this ruling, upII art work: for the pleasure of doing wt i e
w iniithe nation,
t "It is not. my wish to have the eol- .'O c 11(tivoi study, knowing they winaleCa
lege go f'arther in official action than ,iltbyi n wyo1nohrs m ii onrof
may prove necessary because of Ithe (lay'''the (direol or declaies. "Old and~ that the scio
4 unwillingness or thw inability of the young, they all take their work very : eedI $100,000,
Interfraternity council to adopt and .seriouisl, d(eriving real pleasure from hv ens
Y to enforce measures to support such it and, broadleninrg their cultural' steI
a method as outlined. I includle in sense." Thestate__
this the avoidance by the tint era it la I-
individually and collectively of an- ('olumbia, Mo., Dec. 12.-H-yoscine
thing in the nature of an attemnpt ito treat ment of hiccups has been found I iN
encourage organization of fn'eslinian effect ive in the recent slight epidemic (3RA1Uar
_ societies. a;thfle University of Missouri, by Dr. io '
a .. ..I would unhesitatingly 1I'.1' Muir, hou~e physician at the 6 . ~vr
" ~ecofnmend, the elimination of all for- lTI irersty3 hospital. r07 _N.
Jvial and arbitrary rules restricting -
natur al contacts between the upper-,
classtnen and freshmcn, and tine con-
S mon adoption among the fraternities
of a dlate as early as lpossible subse-
S quent to the opening of the sopho-
mor e year for the pledging of new
' members."

observations if the
lear. It has been sug- Congregational students will a;.-
ffrts be made to experi-E semble at tine Congregational church
adio signals to ascertain at 1:30 o'clock<. Satur'day atteuiomi
ease markedly while the to start on their weeply oien in';i
progress, and decrease ramble.
its conclusion..I

SMeu Teach Bible ,
III State Schools
ii:na<, a i.,lDec, 12.---A consti-
t~s :)1.,_ a''ed t' to provide for
e tcI enj 1 1'ofthne 01(1and New
'"cst _ e ut in thne public schools willI
''eme b:fcm'e thle Washington stateI
'reb' islnt us when it Convenes in Jan-
e:..; . 'jI i: bl lls sponsored by the
f ;aillow-!,i1) citizens of Washing-
H i' tnoe)bill is pased by the le isla-
I ia it will go before the voters as a,
caci- I ref~iiil at tine election in Novem-f
1 e-I, I 92G, f'or finial approval or re- I

r _----TH EAT R ___
Saturday and Sunday
With IS
Six Sbarack Girls
A Complete Script Play
Each Day
Laura LaPlante In
Hoot Gibison In
Select Comedy


)cc. 12.---A great fund,
amount to $100,000,000,I
It up for the schools of
Wvashington. It is called
ent school fund" and is
law so that it can never
the interest alone will he
maintain the schools.
iow amounts to more
,000 and is investedliii
noney has canme from the
) lands of the state, and
mor'e than one-fourth ofi
ie bieen transferred.
s, some of them covered
as goodl as can lie found
n, ar'e continually rising
,rk V. Saviodge, state com-
public landls, estimates
col endowment will ex-
,000 whon all the lands
has reser'vedl all iminer'al,
Mdist Orthopedst
ity Ave Phone 2652,

Salem, Mass., TDec. 12.-The estate0 left:
by the late Seni. Henry C'abot Lodge
was estimateol at appr'oximiately $1,-

For Royal Laughter !

fU J,Utr IjJ 3. C 1
O~ne Night in Romn-e
,. Pre-wChristm as Showing
A 3 U*,Like H i BeStr
3 rd"., '2 ." ""-' A ,
II htakes a igty
fine picture to equal
f wait untl you see 'JOSEPH HENABERY
him in in a South ., "" j
Amiericaun picture of . PRODUCTION
'onitras~ts -the old
iacniu life of thie -.
Argentine, contrast- '"it\ 1 "
edl witli the smart .
sociIl 1.1e of Buenos .4 ' r . . .
Alr'ii, thit' Paris of ".. ' ~:: .
the Americas.
Nita <Naldi anid an
avalanche of fend.
nine dL.ea uty in t lie ;" ',
1Pitraluouit cast. , .
--rSPEtCIAL- r^-
! TY 1 1'110N ' z. t I'"\- ...:..-


r i47yam

,p4, / ~irii'a'r

} +-

Cambridge, .Mass., IDec. 12.-More
than eighty books have been stolen
from fthe H-arvard university library
:since the ojpening, of the first sem's
London, Dec. 12.-Ernest Schuster,
lawyer and economist, legal adviser to
the British commission on thle Dawves'

, ,
' .- -
# t l
,gar I
4 : t

F Our heartiestj
wishes for a very
Merry Christmas
and a most pros-
perous New. Year..
A suggestion for
the New Year-
eat at Willits and
enjoy, real home-
cooked food.

in SILK"
T hose Steppin' Demons
Ard thme
Two Boys and Six C'lev er G'Irls in a
Faist Mloing Entertainment:-
-- -AlIs o -.
Christie Comedy

a° ""
\.\ Stc.". .
~ ~oi'eck


El aI_. _ .. .



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