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December 03, 1924 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 12-3-1924

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. r rirmo r.

Naterbil in the 145 Pound Division
Exceedingly Scarce This

Vanderbilt Fails !rtri e
To Schedule Game iOTRE M TEA Fraternity Men GYMNSTICSMY
IShow Interest
With Northerners Fow Intere
Nashville, Tenn., .Dec. 2.-Vander- T
bilt's football team will not take part 'inlieP4z'eeWith 4iroiig Practice for the Varsity swimming 1i,11Schedule Meets Proyided Sport
in any northern tersectional grid Universit y of California is Favorably Considered by
games next fall, according to the Ey Ikyesterday afternoon, due to the large
IElev en z ..- . oard

Funeral Services
Held For Evans
Evanston, IM., Dec. 2.-Dana M.
Evans, director of athletics at North-
western university, who died suddenly
at his home in Evanston, Ill., last Fri-j
day, was laid to rest this afternoon in
Memorial Park cemetery.

Practice sessions for teams
I entered in the fraternity swim-
Iming meet, wil be held from
4:45 to 5:45 o'clock on Tuesday,
and 3:30 to 4:30 on Thursday
of this week.



schedule for next year that was an-
nounced yesterday.
The Wolverines have had the

southern school on their schedule!
Ineligibility having played havoc Imany times in the past years. Rela-
with Michigan's hopes for a chain- tions on the gridiron between the two1
pionship :mat seam this season, Coach schools started in 1905 and continued
Barker, Varsity wrestling ,mentor, is until 1909. Since that time the Van-
facing a gravet situation in rounding dePrilt ftam have engaged in many

South Be
Dame hasf
vitation to
on the grid


a formidable team into shape before
the opening Conference meet with
Ohio State January 17.
Last spring prospects for a strong
team this season were the brightest,
but through failure of men to return
to school this fall, and ineligibility in
scholastic work, many of the men
who had shown promise of develop-
ing into Varsity material were lost to I
the team. Last spring the 145 pound
class offered more prospective can-*
didates with ability than any otherf
weight, but at the present time there
is only ore candidate available. r
The loss of Madsen and Phillips
was a severe blow to the squad, ast
both these men were considered place
winners on the team. Madsen, who
died recently, in the Health Service,r
was the best candidate in the heavy-
weight division, adi was Coach Bark-
er's sole hope in the top weight on
this year's team.
Phillips, who made his way into the
sem-finals in the Olympic trials held
in New York city last spring, was
countedyon to fill the 135 pound class
in 'fine style but was lost to the teamf
through an accident last summer. It
is doubtful whether or not he will I
ever be able to enter competition
again when he returns to school in
February on account of the severity
Although the outlook for the mat
team is not the brightest, the season
is expected to be a big improvement
over the team that represented Michi-
gan for the first time in the Confer-
ence last year. Michigan's chances p
will be enhanced considerably if
many of the men that are now defic-
ient in school worl become eligible in
February, as the majority of the
meets are scheduled for the second
Baker is the only man at presentf
to represent the 115 pound class.t
Doty, of last year's Varsity, will not
be back in school until the second
The 125 pound division is well tak-
en care of by Karbel, a veteran from
last year's team. Although he has
taken on a little weight, it is expected
that he will be in condition for the
'first meet. Karbel wrestled in three
meets last year, but was declared in-
eligible during the second semester.
Harris, a candidate from last year's
freshman squad who showed pomise
of developing, is out of school this
semester, but is expected to return
in February.
Toepfer, the all-campus champion
in the 135 pound class, is making the
strongest bid for the berth in the
lightweight diyision. His work 'thus
far this season gives evidence that he
will fill the position in fine style.
Kailes, who was unable to get into
shape last year, is showing much im-
provement, and should prove a for-
midable contender for the position.
Gillard, who wrestled in every meet
last year, will not be in school until
the second semester.
Material in the 145 pound class is
not abundant. Last spring there was
plenty of men for this weight, but
Shafer, a sophomore, is thetonly one
available for competition this first
term. Rose, who won all but one bout
last year, is out of school at present,
but is expected to return at the start
of the second semester. Cranage,
Charter, and Williams, are all good
men for the position, but are at pres-
ent ineligible.
Sinclair, a sophomore with experi-
ence on last year's freshman squad,.
is the only eligible 158 pound candi-
date who reported for practice this
fall. Ferenz, who wrestled at this
weight last year has not reported as
yet. Donohoe, the best man from the
freshman team, is not eligible for
competition. Meads, a veteran, will I
be a candidate for the berth in this
The 175 pound class and the heavy-!
weight division will be filled by the
following candidates: Marion, who
wrestled in two meets last year;
Brown, captain-elect of the 1925 foot-
ball team; La'rgguth, a sophomore

from the Varsity football team; Pal-
mer and Geobel, who both were inj
meets last year. Ratliff, considered
the best heavyweight of the fresh-
man team, is not eligible this year.
Robert Ludwig and Robert Black'
will settle the captaincy of this year's
basketball team at Kalamazoo be-

UVIII111, 4C;C4111 AiCCVV V'11;5 tl6GU ALL 111CL11J'

intersectional games with Michigan Year's day,
teams, playing in 1911, 1913, 1914, announceme
1922, and 1923. The only blot on the Dame autho
record of the championship team that Coach Ro
won the Conference title for Michi- disbanded
gan in 1922 was a 0-0 tie game with Tech last S
the southern school. Last year Van- last game o
derbilt was defeated for the first men going t
time in three years on Ferry field in ity of Pitts
in a 3-0 game. panying Coa
The Wolverines were unable to Practice wil
schedule the Vanderbilt team this'8 when the
this past season, having six Confer-;training for
ence games. Minnesota was the only The entire
northern team on Vanderbilt's sched- tomorrow, b
ule. The South gained a victory over cided to giv
the Northmen at Minneapolis in a after one o
16-0 battle, just one week after Mm- ever slated
nesota had defeated the strong Illi- school.
nois team. William C
The incomplete schedule as an- la.st :aturidz
nounced yesterday is as follows: Sept. the famous
26, Birmingham-Southern at Nash-returned t
ville (probable); Oct, 3, Henderson- suffernig wi
Brown at Nashville; Oct. 10, Texas der. He w2
at Nashville,; Oct. 17, Tennessee at ~a nw
1 I play in why
Nashville; Oct. 24, Georgia at Athens; i catect- itis
Oct. 31, Pending at Nashville; Nov. 7,,
in condition
Georgia Tech at Nashville; Nov. 14, lament of F
Auburn at Birningham; Nov. 26, Se- :jury to Cerr
wanee at Nashville. out of the
Beloit SchedulesStaford
Notre Dame Team.Bend school
thus far th
Beloit, Wis., Dec. 2.-Beloit college on the reco
will play Notre Dame at South Bend 20-20 tie ga
Ind. on Oct. 10 in the 1925 football versity of C
season, according to an announcement Although
made by Coach Mills of Beloit col- ceded the n
lege here today.,
The game will probably be the third
of the season for the Beloit eleven]
and the second for Coach Rockne's
team. The complete Beloit schedule
for the 1925 grid campaign will not
be announced until the last of the
I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

number of interfraternity swimming
entries who took advantage of Coach
EFEATED TEAMS Barnes' offer to give the fraternity
men instruction.
end, Ind., Dec. 2.-Notre More than 50 swimmers worked out
formally accepted the in- at the Y. M. C. A. pool in prelimin-
ary practice for the interfraternity
play Stanford university swimming meet which will be held on
iron at Pasadena on New j Wednesday, Dec. 17. In order to nar-
according to an official row down the field, preliminaries willj
be held on Monday, Dec. 15. The inter-
nt made by the Notre est shown so far this year far exceeds
rities here today. that of any other season and with suchI
ckne's national champions, a large number competing, some Var-
after defeating Carnegie ! sity material ought to be uncovered.
Saturday in the supposed Breaststroke artists, crawl aspir-,
f the season, many of the ants, backstroke men, swimmers skill-
o their homes in the vicin- ed in every stroke and event except the!
burgh and others accom- two positions which Coach Barnes is
ch Rockne into New York. hard pressed to fill; the plunge and!
1 be abandoned until Dec. the fancy dive. A few men have sign-j
champions will undergo ified their intentions to try out for
the coast game on Jan. 1. these posts but no one as yet has
squad will be assembled shown any marked ability though they
but Coach Rockne has de- may develop later. Jones, center on
e the men a few days rest l Fisher's reserves, and Kilpatrick,
f the heaviest schedules tackle on the same team, both weigh-
d for the South Bend ing close to the 200 pound mark are
expected to report for practice the
Berney, who substitut'd in latter part of the week.

SEEK CAPABLE COACH The funeral services were held ati London, Dec. 2.-The members of
the Hemenway Methodist church and the royal family have gathered here
the officiating clergyman was a broth- for a dinner in celebration today of
Gymnastics may be added to the list er of the deceased, the Rev. E. R. th 1 irt o the oager
of minor sports at Michigan as th'e re- Evans, pastor of the Congregational the 18th birthday of the Dowager
sult of a meeting between Coach church at Pawtucket, R. I. The active Queen Alexandra.
George Little and Dr. George May, i pallbearers were the Northwestern -
director of Waterman gmaiu, university coaches. Patronize Daisy Advertisers.-Adv.
diretorof atemangymnasium,,
yesterday noon. According to the
agreement reached the plan for rec-
ognition of the gymnastic squad will
be presented to the Board in Control
of Athletics at its next meeting a.leinwr tahr n ors School f r
decision will be reached before the
first of the year.
Between now and the time that the ESTABLISHED 1883
matter comes up for final considera -
tion a capable coach for the team will
be sought. Doctor May, who has been
attending to those interested in gym- MPROVE YOUR DANCING
nastics in the past will be unable to YOUR
give sufficient time to the squad in
case it is recognized.
A well organized squad will be Join Our AdVanced Practice Class Beginning
ready to compete for Michigan in the
mects scheduled provided the new Wednesday, December 3
plan goes through. During the past
year a group of students interested
in the activity have been working to-
gether inWatermangmnasiumand Classes Wednesday and Friday, 7--7:45 P. M.
were making an attempt to be allow-
ed to schedule meets as an infofmal -N.
team previous to the decision of Enroll Now Tution, $5.00
Coach Little to lay the matter before
the Board in Control. PiaeLsosb ponmn
toward Felver. '26E, was elected rivate essons by Appointment
captain of the gymnastic squad at the
beginning of the season.

lay' s game for Layden in
four horseman backfield, brilliant victories over some of the
o the campus yesterday best teams in the East, West, and
ith a badly injured shoul- South, Coach Rockne's team will have
as injured in the second to defeat the coast team in order to
ich the regulars partici- have clear title to the championship.
Sbelieved that he will bea-P---..-----
for the game in the Tour- M . A. C. will play Penn State at

C ,

Roses. Other than the in-
mey, the Rocknemen came
struggle with the Tech
in fine physical shape.
will have a clean slate to
when it meets the South
as it has not met defeat
is season. The only blot
rd of the coast team is a
ame with the strong Uni-
alifornia team.
Notre Dame has been con-
ational football title by its

Franklin field next year, according toI
the Penn schedule released recently.



All freshman track men are
asked to report at Waterman
gymnasium any afternoon this
Charles Hoyt,


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