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December 03, 1924 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 12-3-1924

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Tryouts for the annual Junior Girls'
- willn t 2 -

Bazaar To Feature
Pierrot Tea Room
Special dinner parties will be taken
care of at the Pierrot Tea room in
connection with the Women's League

play wll open ai; 6 o coc xo ay na and Inter-Church bazaar at Barbour
Sarah Caswell Angell hall, and will be gymnasium Friday and Saturday-
continued from 3 to 5 o'clock tomorrow Reservations for luncheon will be 50
and Friday. All junior women are urg- cents, and for dinner $1. Reservations
ed to try out as the chosen play calls may be made by calling 452.
for a variety of types of characters, ac- There will be a cabaret, musical
cording to the general chairman. Ap- numbers, and dancing during the din-
proximately 150 chorus positions and ner hour, and steak and mushroom
12 leads are to be filled. dinners will be a specialty on the
An opportunity will be provided at menu.
the tryouts for those women who have Decorations will form a Christmas
- not done so, to pay their play tax of atmosphere in shades of maize and
$1, and no one will be permitted to blue. The tables in each of the par-
try out who has not paid it. Women lors will be placed so as to repre-
''who wish to try out for leads must sent the points of a star, and on them
come prepared to speak, while every- will be tiny Christmas trees. The
one 'should be prepared to sing and lighting effect will be tonedrsoftly by
dance. the etchings of the wise men and the
This is the first of the Junior Girls' star .n all of the lan-p shades.
plays to be directed by a woman who
is a graduate of Michigan. Miss Amy
s Loomis, '24 director of this year's Spread Committee
play, has attended the American acad-Td
emy in New York City, and has since!
been playing in stock. She was also
prominent in dramatics here during The final meeting of all Freshman
Iner college years. According to Miss Spread committees will be held at 11
Loo)mis, the play is fundamentally a ? 'clock Saturday in Barbour gymnas-
secial institution, and the object is to ium. Plans will becompleted at this
have as well as to give pleasure, but time.
in order to accomplish this, health and The members of the committees are
studies must not be neglected, and requested to report at the gymnasium
promptness and regularity .at rehear- at 7:15 o'clock Saturday to help get
: sals will be important .factors, everything in order.
cards for both the spring and the fall
campaigns are due.
N O TICES The brides' section of the Faculty.
Women's club will meet at 3 o'clock
'_on Friday at the clubhouse, 226 South
Ingalls street instead of tomorrow as

Miss Pauline Sage
Tells Of Foyer
_ _s-,_s-Work In Chicago
EhatLMIomen students from other
countries may gain a favorable andl
fair impression of the United States,
the National Y. W. C. A. through the
Friendly Relations Committee Main-
tains in Chicago the Foyer which is
Elective work in the department of a home and club center for women
physical education was taken by 459 students from foreign countries. Afiss:
women during the last outdoor sea- Pauline Sage, secretary for the Foye-r,{
son, according to Miss Ethel McCor- is visiting in Ann Arbor this week.
nick, director of the department. The She states that there are 1500 foreign!
figure does not include those women women students in this country, rep- I
, who were members of the riding or ! resenting 65 countries.?
I hiking classes. The Y. W. C. A. recognizes the fset
Of the total number, 225 women that these students will be the future.
took part in intramural hockey, 111 in leaders in their own countries. They
interclass hockey, 67 in tennis, 33 in are the group who will mold publi
I archery and 23 preferred swimming. opinion abroad, according to M as
The freshmen showed the highest rep- Sage. These women come to America
' resentation in all of the sports and for many reason; some to see the
the sophomores claim second place. country, others to gain technical
No credit is given in the physical knowledge they cannot get in their
education department for elective own country. Many are given schol-
' work although W. A. A. honor points arships, as is the case with, many Chi-
are earned according to Miss McCor- nese students. Some French stU4et s
Mick. come through the excbhange bewe~n
universities. Others because tey
wish to experience Awericas ive'-
ity life. They are our guest4 wklt
P R O F E S S O R U S .hey a re h ere. T he a re in a r g er
I n i *i ,land and our food, enviivnmmt, a4
BOOuS TO AL1v61 WOMEN fcustoms are different. *nd, accra -
I ing to Miss Sage, it is the purpose 6f
the Y. W. C. A. through the Foyer t
Another luncheon sponsored by the create a feeling of goodwill. '
international relations committee of The Foyer is a small hoie fut. i.
the Ann Arbor branch of the Anerican serves as a center for the 2 $et-
Association of University women will boring states including Micuig. )tU
be given at 1 o'clock Monday, Dec. 8, is not a rooming house, the womu
at the Michigan Union. Reservations only live there as guests for s few
should be made not later than Satur- I days, at the most not longer than a
day with'Mrs. J. F. Bourquin, phone! month. They come to the Foyer far
2241. practical reasons, to use the type-
Prof. J. S. Reeves, of the political i writer, the electric iron, to practice
science department, will speak on on th'e piano, to read, to do their
"The Relations of International Law to laundry. They may give dinners W4enj
International Politics." The following they wish. The house is turned over
list of books on the subject is recom- to them then ,nd they go into the
mended by' Professor Reeves for the kitchen and cook their own food in
members to read previous to the lun- their own fashion, and serve it' as at1
cheon: "Our Foreign Affairs," Mow- I home. Many charming Japanese and
rer; "International Politics," De Lisle Chinese dinners have been served by
Burns; "International Society," Phil- the women. Tlay n.ay also enterfain
lip Marshall Brown. theirmnienfrinds therte.
A Gift from Goodycar-'s Xeans p1or

MUMMERS TO GIVE PLAy" woien students were entert'tded at
dinner by bliss I elen Bishop at the'
Helen Newberry residence.
"The Crimson Cocoanut" by Ian
faY will be presented by Mummers at ,The U. S. war department has put
the W oman's League party, Dec. 12.
in motion a study intended, when com-
The cast was announced at the meet- pleted, to give American women a
ing held yesterday at the Theta Phi recognized place in the army "in all
Alpha house. It is as follows: Doro- branches of the military service in
thy Pudrith, '26; Genevieve Goodman'
'26; Rowena Benson, '25; Dorothy
Sessions, '25; and Virginia Cronin, '25.
The Foyer is able to connect the
f{-reign women with their friends in
Chicago and other cities. Miss Sage
and her assistant, meet trains, guideE
tie women on tours about Chicago, !
ocate frieuds fox them, put them in
touch witt Hull house, the Juvenile
COurt, the nurses borne or any insti-
tution in which they are interested.
tas S'age visits the foreign women
Ilmdvidually iV the universities and1
elleges of the 19 states. She corre-
spond with the deeans of women and
thf ugh their aid finds the new stu-
dents. While at the University of
Mtcaigau h tisa gage and the foreign j

case of future emergency involving a
maxiium effort." It is hoped that this
movement may lead to the creation as
a separate and distinct branch of the
military service of a reserve woman's
arny corps to be formed through vol-
untary enlistment.
Your Subscription is payable now.

Gifts That Are
That wt ray help you in
your Christmas shopping, we
, have especially prepared a
few gifts of exquisite dain-
tiness. Watch our window
displays in the Women's
.64/t '4h lAL

A Neat and Natural
Hair Comb
This pleasing, refreshing
liquid tonic keeps the hair
combed all day. GLO-CO is
not a mineral oil or grease.
At drug counters and barber shops everywhere.
G LO - C 0(Gloss-COMb)
THE Send for Sample Bottle
Mail coupon and 10c for generous
ORIG/NA L trial bottle. Normany Products Co.,
LIQUID 6511 McKinleyAv., Los Angeles, Cal.
I HAIR DRESS Name...... ........


222 Nickels Arcade

Class basketball practices will be
held this week as follows: 4 o'clock,
Thursday, sophomores, 4:40, fresh-
men, 5:20, seniors, 3:20, Friday, jun-
iors, 3:50, sophomores.
Workers for the Ann Arbor Michi-
gan League campaign are to return
cards and pledges to team captains
by Friday of this week. Pledges and

,11G10QIGVp11tCU ILIA V , u
previously announced. The club will
give a tea and sewing party at the.
clubhouse tomorrow.
Members of the music section of the
Faculty Women's club will meet at 8
o'clock today at the Chi Omega house.
Don't delay-Pay your Subscription




Mr-A 1



1nuic Furnished by Bill Watkins
and Is (sGranger Iiglit
St Rd
Stud ents Read'
If you do, surely you
will read this one
One fine day a Sophomore from a leading Univer-
sity came to see us, suggesting that we advertise in
their undergraduate paper, and best of all convinced
us, and this is how he did it:
First-He believed in Life Insurance because his
uncle (a good business man) had advised him to
buy some.
4good health and left almost no insurance, when
~he could have carried $50,000. M
Tird-He also knew that he could buy Insurance
_ NOW at half the annual cost his uncle and,
Father hac paid for theirs.
All this convinced him that even though a student,
he should take out as much Life Insurance as his
allowance would permit.
What About You?
Every college student looks forward to a career,
which will make possible the fulfillment of the most
cherished desires-surely Insurance is a necessary
part of this program.
Insure, in part at least the value of your educated
self, NOW, making up your mind to increase it as '
business or professional success follows.
The John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Com 1
pany issues all forms of Life Insurance, endowments I
for home and estate protection, mortgage replace- i
ment, education of children, bequest or income for
old age; also annuities and permanent disability. The
John Hancock is particularly interested in insuring g
college men and women and obtaining college grad-
uates for the personnel of the field staff.
Ifyou have read this advertisement,
you will aid your undergraduate
paper by communicating with the

TUNCHEON napkins are
' J d gifts that any woman will
be happy to receive at Christ-
mas time. These are of pure
linen, daintily hemstitched.
Fourteen inches square. $5.75
a dozen.


' ...Y .Y . }.
< e::t
t" t,
. 'u".




A Convenient Place.
For Men To Shop
What to get "her" for Christmas-
the most vital question in the mind of
the college man at this time of the
year. It is as an answer to this prob-
lem that Hutzel's Arcade Shop fills
a real need.
You'll know, the minute you see
this Gift Shop, that the hardest part
of your gift shopping will soon be
over. For in such a splendid array
the gift that seems just "her" sort of
thing may be found very easily-and
at such prices that the allowance won't.
Aave to be painfully stretched.
Eat at the Pierrot Tea Room, Friday and
Saturday. Dainty lunches - Delicious dinners -
Tempting salads and 'sandwiches at tea time.
Benefit of the Women's League
Barbour Gymnasium December 5 and 6

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