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December 03, 1924 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 12-3-1924

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_,.. _


Published every morning exept Monday
durring rie lniversit year by the Board in
Control of Student ?ubications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
tited to the use for republication of all news
ei patches credited to it or not otherise
,,credited in tis paper and the local news pub-
Eshed therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, astsecond class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
iaster General.4
:ubscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May.
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and x76-M bus.
ne~s, 6.
Telephones 2414 and 176-M
Editor...... ... John G. arlinglouse
Pw5 1 itO a... RobetG Ramsa
City Editor . . ..Manning Houseworth
Night Eitor
Gerge W. Davis Harold A. Moore
Thomas P. Henry Fredk. . Sparrow, Jr.
Kenneth C. fe ler Norman R. rhal
Sporty Editor. .. William H. Stoneman
Sunday Edir . a .. . .Tobrt S. Mansfield
Woma'n's Editor ...........Verena Moran
Music and rama.. Robert B. Henderson
Telegraph ivditor......William J. Walthour
Louise Barley ilelen S. Rasay
Marion Barlow Regina Reicmann
Leslie S.B nets Marie Reed
Smith Cady °'Jr. Edmarie Schrauder
Willard 1. .rosb Frederick H. Shillito
Valentine L. Davies C.Arthur Stevens
ames W. Fernamberg Marjory Sweet
Joseph 0. Qartner Herman Wise
Manning 1TUseworth Eugene I .eutekunst
lizabeth S. Kennedy Robert T. DeVore
Rli7aheth Lirh'retlnn St .nley C. Crighton
Winfield 11. Line' Leonard C. Hall
Carl E. Ohlimacher Thomas V. Koykka
Willian C. Patterson Lilias K. Wagner
Telephone 9860
Advertising................E. L. Dunne
Advertising ................... .J. . Finn
Advertising.................. A. Marks
Advrtising.................H. M. Rockwell
Account....................Byron Parker
Circulation................... R. C. Winter
Publication................John W. Conlin
P. W. Arnold W. L. Mullins
W. F. Ardussi K F. Mast
GordontBurris 11. L. Newman
F. Dentz Thomas Olmstead
Philip Deitz J. D. Ryan
David Fo N. Rosnzweig
Norman rreehling MargaretzSandburg
W. E. Hamaker F. K. Schoenfeld
F. Johnson S. H. Sinclair
L. H. Kramer F. Taylor
Louis W. Kramer
Som time ago, The-Daily published
an editorial entitled "A Dead Body,'
the body in question being the Inter-
fraternity council. The editorial was
by way of being a complaint that this
organization, founded for the purpose
of fostering a good spirit among the
various campus fraternal organiza-
tions, had crawled into its shell and
died. The Daily was apparently
wrong; it seems that the organization
was not dead, but sleeping, as the
tombstones say: for yesterday it woke
up long enough to pass a perfectly
ridiculous bit of legislation about fra-

true that something must be done to
bar liquor from fraternal festivities
and to curb the growing tendencyjm U sIC
to let parties degenerate into brawls;
but it is difficult to see in what man- DON'T LOOK AlTI
ner the issuance of invitations will THE BOTTOM OF D R A M A
bring this result. The fact that prey- THE COLUMN
ence at the dances will be limited to Wt
those having invitations by no means We present herewith a crossword TO-NIGHT: "Bonds of Interest" b
puzzle subtly calculated to pleaseI
implies that invitations will be issued sshi Jacinto Benavente at S:15 o'clock i
1 those of our readers who are addicted;
exclusively to total abstainers. to this new form of log'omachy. auditorim
There is only one way, as we s7fee
Ther isonl on wa, a wesee A letter from the Central Press As-
it, of stopping the use of liquor at sociation,r publshrs oftthese puzzles, THE STUDENT RECITAL
fraternity dances; and that is to have we reprint herewith: The first public recital by student
jit made quite clear to every fraternity
that it will be held responsible for any GOING OVER BIG! of the University School of Music thi
disordeily conduct which occurs. it Children's Pictorial Cross Word 'Puzzie year will be given at 8 o'clock Thurs
is, only by tackling the nroble m from IPopular. dav in the Recital hall of the Scho

- --


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Both Ends of the Diagonal Walk

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L iVly Uy pUI11 ; t1:j1 1.1iii
the inside, by making it clear to the
fraternities themselves that they are
individually responsible, that any re-
sults can be obtained, and not by the
use of any such silly reheme as the
use of invitations.
-----..----A vr~n .-n7 n ~r

The children's Pictorial Cross Word of Music. The concert, complimentary
Puzzle, the first releases of which and open to the general public, will
were seat out in our service a few include the following numbers:
days ago, seems to have made an
instant hit with our editors. Sonata, Op. 99, 1st movement ...
The Pittsburgh Chronicle Telegraph.. . ."................. Beethoven
and the Cleveland News are but two Lucille Graham.
of many papers that have expressed Romance, E minor ............ SindingI



C E M B E R,






4 5 G
11 12 13
18 19 20
25 26 27



A _NEW WAY TO Gtue ridrch
A EIN a their approval of the feature. Iertude Friedrich.
PROHIBITION The novel way, of presenting the Presti, Op. 27, No. 1...... Beethoven
What promises to be one of the puzzle itself and the ingenious method f Anna Broene Notice
most decisive moves for better en- of linking the picture with the first Ah, My Beloved ............ Stickles
forcement of the eighteenth amend-{ word of the puzzle give it features .Minor and Major ............ Spross
tirwhich no other cross word puzzle con- Eunice Northrup. We clean and reblock hats and caps
tainst nISonata for Two Pianos ...... Pasquini and do it RIGHT. You will appreciate
adoption is the proposed transfer of The first week's releases were sent Helen Blahnik having your hat done over In a clean
the prohibition enforcement organiza- to you in our service a few days ago. Elizabeth Davies and sanitary manner, free from' odor
tion from the Treasury department Here are the second week's. If you Aria on the G string..........Bach and made to fit your head.
to the Department of Justice. have rot started these puzzles begin Minuet in D .................. Mozart
* * * Lucille Bellamy FACTORY HAT 'SORE
It seems that Secretary Mellon, ow c o b n -e Sicilienne............ . . Bach-Maler 617 Packard St. Phone 1792
under whose jurisdiction the enforce- H mh more business-like is t(Where D. U. R. Stops at State)
e this little' introduction than the pon- argare rau
ment of the prohibition laws has been rArthur Gnau
from the beginning, has repeatedly in- affect! All this tripe about a neat ' * * j* RVING WA COLT 0.S1
dicated a belief that this problem construction, and the shop-talk little "ICEBOU'ND"



properly belonged to the Department technicalities.
of Justice. At the same time. Mrs.I
Mabel Walker Willebrandt, assiktant COME ON
attoreny general in charge of prohibi- OpY1 MANC-
tion cases, has been contending for -
1 many months under both the Harding
r and Coolidge administrations and
under Daugherty and Stone, the at-t
torney generals in charge during these
two administrations, for the appoint- ,..
ment of prohibition officials whoa
would enforce the laws both vigor- 2.
ously and conscientiously.
According to Washington dis-
patches, what the entire move signi-
fies is the fact that Attorney GeneralI
Stone is out to enforce the dry laws,-
and, what is more important, that
President Coolidge is backing him to:
the limit in the campaiign. Both of--
them are convinced of the need of a:
more thorough enforcement of prohi-
bition, and apparently loth of them
see in the proposed transfer the pos-
sibility of such an improvement.
There is little need, of saying that . W unning As
a majority of the people have been little boy to come over and do. t
looking for just such cffloiials. Surely, boyht coe oe ad d
if they believe that better enforcement 2.What divers' 'shos arem
will come with the tran-sfer to the De- A Rutning on
X. A ucket.
partment of Justice, as there is every 2. Where the boys will play.
reason to expect, it is to be hoped that . t y
,the Congress now in session will in-
The answer is at the bottom of the
elude this as one of the most im-;
c ude thisacsioneit shall the.mt - column. Don't peep till you've tried a
portant actions it shall take. en en i!
_______________ teeny weeny bit!
* * *
3 The fact that La Follette entered the A GOOD SHOW
Senate chamber with his customaryI *(by George Jean)
smile and was greeted loudly by a Local cinema art is advancing, al-
number of his former Republican though our managers still clip uncon-
brothers, may be proof that "you cernedly the last twelve hundred feet
can't keep a good man down" and it of film ,to get the women home by ten
may not. ,£ clock. ,,Thi dread wielding of the
sensors oft leaves heroes dangling,
.w.vitpout tie. olace of a final clinch,
CAMPUS OPINION or worse, as shown at the MajesticI
Anonynmous communications will be (Ann Arbor's most beautiful play

The Michigan Theatre League will I Arfln 4 .

present Owen Davis' Pulitzer Prize
play, "Icebound," as the second num-
ber of its course, Wednesday evening,!
December 17, in the Whitney theatre
-the same night, by the way, that
Professor Hollister presents Bernard
Shaw's "Arms and the Man" in Uni-
versity hall, a conflict of dates both
highly unfortunate and next to in-
"Icebound," as a play, is excellent
theatre, it has a Broadway success to
its credit, and Phyllis Povah, a for-
mer member of Comedy Club--if such
a sentiment -adds to its local favor--
took the leading role in its New York
lThe third bill, to be offered some-
time in January, has been definitely
announced as "It. U. R.", the fantastic'
melodrama by Karel Capek, (pro-
nounced Shay-peck--accent on the
first syllable). The play was recently
presented in Cleveland with KatherineI
Wick Kelly in the cast, and pro-
nounced by the New York Times su-
perior even to the Theatre Guild per-
formance. Miss Kelly, incidentally,
will appear in the Ann Arbor produc-
Following their custom of present-
ing a frankly experimental produc-
tioi at their January program, Com-
edy Club will produce George Bernard
Shaw's three-act farce, "The Admir-
able Bashville," in Sarah Caswell An-
gell hall Thursday evening, January
15-nine days after college re-opens.
The performance becomes 'especially
significant since the directors have
just received word from Samuel
French, Shaw's American agent, that
according to their records this will be
the first authorized productIon of the
play in America; imagine the enthus-
iasm: a Shaw premier in Ann Arbor!
The play was selected before the or-
ganization realized this, merely be-
cause it seemed such a positive, rat-
tlingly funny burlesque-a radically l
modern farce on pugilism written in
Elizabethan blank verse: the possi-
bilities at the outset are tremendous.
The cast has been selected and re-
hersals are already in progress; the
p~erformanice should easily duplicate


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ternity dances. Yesterday's Daily car-
ried the news:
"Unanimously voting in favor
of a resolution submitted by the
investigating committee of the
Interfraternity council, represent-1
atives of the majority of the fra-
ternities on the campus adopted a

Ni ckels

A r cade

a:... n...,: ,,, ,, ... . --------

plan for the betterment of condi- d i . The names of communi-
cants will, however, be regarded as
tions at dances. The plan pro- confidential upon request.
vides for a written invitation sys-
tem whereby only persons with RENEWED ARISTOtCRACY
invitations will be admitted to the To the Editor:'
dances. In this way the crowd at In regard to the recent ruling of
the dances will be limited to the the Interfraternity Council requiring'
guests desired, and each member the presentation of invitations for ad-
of the house will be responsible mittance into fraternity houses in the
for his guests." future, we wish to state that it is our
That an organization supposedly belief that this move has acted as a
founded for the purpose of creating boomerang upon the fundamental
good feeling among fraternities should principles for which the Council was
take this means of obtaining its ends founded, namely, the promotion of
is a bit of surprise. In the past, fra- a better understanding among frater-
ternity dances have 'been one of the nities and the eradication of cliques
best mediums of friendly communica- by bringing the organizations together
tion between different house organiza- on a common ground.
tions. Now the Interfraternity coun- This invitation system, as stated, is
ci, awakening from its spell of purely an aristocratic institution, and
somnolence, passes a ruling which tends to foster these cliques, acting as
would make it impossible for members a decentralizing influence and essen-
of one fraternity to drop in on an- tially opposing the idea for the pro-
other for a dance or two, unless they mulgation of which its sponsor exists.
happen the be the possessors of print- As we understand the move, it is pri-
ed or engraved invitations. The very marily intended as a means of "clean-
purpose for which the Council was ing up" the dances and doing away
created i ' being' defeated by the pass- with the liquor evil on the campus.
age of this new rule. It is perfectly evident that the mere
There is a certain air of friendly! requirement for the presentation ofI
informality about a fraternity dance invitations can in no way control the
which is not found in other social ! condition of those presenting them.
gatherings. If the Interfraternity Even if it did there is little possibility
council believes that this spirit is go- I!of enforcing such prohibition. There
ing to be improved by the requirement is nothing about the system which!
that those who attend should present will insure dryer parties, nothing in
tickets at the door, it is suffering a it which will prevent those in atten-
pitiful delusion. Picture a group of dance from pursuing their previous
students, barred at the door of a fra- habits of conduct!
ternity house because they have lost Practically the, only justification
their tickets! One might just as well for the move that we have been able
go to Granger's or the Union. to discover is the threatened interfer-
Nevertheless, this will be a true ence from the Dean's office. With all
picture of conditions, if the ruling is due respect to the advice offered, we
put into effect. It is very likely, how- cannot see that the administration

house) we have the amazing spectaclej
of a condy ending by a horse sliding
in.ngai ly fashion down a hillside.
Thi ending, while it may be unusual,
is decidedly not that planned by the
noble Mack Sennett, bizarre as .that
'entlgman is.
But:that is beside the point. We are



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ing such a fine assortment of wool blankets which will serve your every need. They are to
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Priced up from $4.38. A full size heavy wool double blanket, size 66 x 80, at special
sale price only $7.89 a pair.


getting around to the fact that Pol
Negri has hit her stride at last, ande
beautiful stride it is indeed. An
patrons of the theater should also ob
serve how a certain Adolphe Menjou
a resplendent man, manages to mak
a work of art out of simply retiring
discreetly from a room where thre
has proved to be a crowd. This Roi
Laroque laughs like a horse, but th
others make up for him.
And we find a coming comedian in th
lighter part of the program; he bear
the enviable record of being the firs
Mack Sennett comedian ever to d
anything really funny. When a man
can entertain as neatly as this boy
does, he is good.
Here's the answer:



the unusual interest shown last year
, toward the first production in America
of William Butler Yeats' "At the
e 'Hawk's Well" and Ferenc Molnar's
d"The IKey."
The much-heralded "Abraham Lin-
t coln," which is running at the Arcade
o this week, is quite a disappointment.
n It adds nothing to biographical history
y and equally little to the so-called art
of the motion picture. Rather, it is a
number of loosely connected anecdotes I
of Lincoln, more or less legendary,
which every child knows; they mean
to prove that the Great President had
certaim personal characteristics that
he quite obviously must have posses-
sed in order to attain the position
which he reached.
Hokum is the key-word of the pic-
ture. Lincoln is described through-
out the entire dozen odd reels, even in
his youth, as rising on the slightest
occassion and making world-famous{
remarks. le is shown as the bearer
of great burdens during his presidency,
but the scenes are constructed in such
an obvious manner that one is in-
clined to titter at its "sob-stuff" rather
than appreciate the patient soul that

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