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December 03, 1924 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 12-3-1924

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Ge h rd a s 0 I!ieSpeY within the next week, acor~ing to
Gerh rdtSays300 M ile Spe d lmer D. Mitchell, director. The lists
OUMTOLUMN Is Lim it For M odern L&tl ne awill facilitate scheuixgofgas
ad lcompletion fharangemnts.ae
At 3PM .~ ~~' I A 3 P.M hrelinde mleAerhoniad2.7Jl SIChoiOt 1 the TeSecondl round of the interfra-I,
" " Thee undrd mlesperhouris an 24367 ile he hou ovr te iternity wrestling tournament will
the spreed goal toward which aero- 1200 kcilomceter trianguar lane onOOc.'start Wednesday evening, Dec. 3rd,
FOR SALE WANTEDI while that high velocity is p)ossibletirar(IVISalrxitly50wele
____ o ataimen, t mrksth liit ori horsepower. In the seaplane races, r7:00 Phi Lambda Kappa vs. Phi .Mu
LIVING-ROOM, Bedroom, kitchenette, airplanes using the present prioplU- t('urtis-Navy racer, equipped withJ Delta.
, WATEDto uy sed'celo. ill . pntons nd ilotd b Liut.R. . 720 Beta Theta Pi vs. Alpha Chi
private bath. 2nd floor. Just ight WNE obyue clo ilpayi sion system, in the opinion of Prof. mosnlpioebyLutR.A -
for two. Unfurnished, heated, price cahWhne19.yilliamnIF Gerhardt, of the ~eronan<-OtiU.S.Nflw172mlepr ho
is $40 monthly. Would partly fur- WNJ~ tilnswsigadio tical engineering department. The ! _ar over the 200 kilometer triangu- 7:40 Phti Pi vs. Beta Delta.
ish to responsible party for extra WANgBStestsorkhguarand Phone record :;peed of approxinmaely 266 lar course on Oct. 25, 1924. Lieutenant 8:00 Alpha Tau Omega vs. Alpha
nominal charge. Located on West :1741-i. miles per hour hich as already Osie s r setthe rdeo17682 IgaPi
side. 10 minutes walk from the ___________________________ been attained, miust be qualified, ro- mlsprho ihtesm a
camipus. Ralph T. Swezey. Phone WANTED Salesmen to sell novelties fessor Gerhardt indicated, by the rc- cine dig veth10 iaylieterG. Volley h":Ol n3:petition betwen the i
158. on commission basis. EASY MONEY 'ognition that that velocity is c al- Ccudiye . S.tN.coeryedt G.short:~~u~wl tr tmro.*Igie
n w- C ll at 715 Monroe St. between 2-6" lated while the plane i" liing u l o eter course in eaeCurtisN avryi will beillay.st arttm ro. altgt as-
r ups b~A16: lPracticahly nwK rlpn . Mx. Wednesday. necessarily over a short course.
"heimer serge csuit, size 36. Call The record speed for horizotal mchneafte aoffic966mleiU)ad~ls f undr the s ua e-io
evenings, Hinch~ of 311 Thompson WANTED Young lady to play piano flight rests at alout 250 miles per per our. loicasKrth ni nuld-
aniig"tg ep rfre. d or tanmn fa ditoa 0F- p: tment. r.eft Soled slicesteanns or
Street.. an ig-tg x.peerd d hor taneto nadtoa 0 shoes .st be wo: a by all play-
FOT-EA o hetl oe O dress Box No. 41 carc of Daily. :miles per hour presents difficult i rs. It is ,sm~ested tha:all resh-
notchcondition. $150. Phone 2512-J. 'TUXE DO Outfit, size 38. IPhone p b hefanon wih s he ' 1c .f sr.iiPto particiu2 i fr heir
i~tA1526-R or call at 1543 Church. ;necessity of developing more power- grboup either communicate wih their1
FOR CHRISTMAS Pure-bred ,A ire- - ful motor with which to drive the i , , ztain beforehand or see him before
dale pups. H ave Interna ilonal :P ERSONAL CHRISTMAS GREETING; reduced, streamline fuselage. legm . h emasgmn
Champion and Laddie Boy blood. -___________________ Professor Gerhardt pointed out that ______________________Iarge 1ira, 't is expectedt fo .his ac-
Suitable as present or Frat mascot. 'CARDS ENGRAVED or PRINTED; the streamlining of the fuselage as Entries for basketball competition dvity. T-e schedule as p .pred is
F. H. Fradenburgh '281), R. F. D. 5 Proper engraving takes time. Select! about reached the limit of practi- gve ew neergoi.mmtr
Ali Arbr, on of ur may atractie, eclu-cality, while still leaving space for ii groups, societies, churches, and R. should cut it out and refer to it.j
_____________-- -- sive designs and place your orderth pilot. Likewise the wing surfaces 0. T. C. units are being filed at theI Games start tomorrow night.
A GzOOD Used Tenor Banjo for $21.50 ' now. can not be much more reduced with- intramural department. More than! Wednesday, December 3rd, 8:30 P.
Easy terms. University Music . D. MORRILL ! out introducing the resultant diffl- 19 teams are; expectect o enter the M. Group 1 vs. Group 2; Group 3 vs.
House. 14 & 17 Nickels' Arcade, culty of prohibitively high anding Society league. Competition will1 Group 4. 9:00 P. M. Group 5 vs.
Fspeeds. The problem resolves itself commence following the Christmas s rop 6.
sax aeL~ opao Opho-ne NTC noaqeto fdvlpn oe e asThursday, December 4th, 8:30 P. il.
CONNcaeB-aTr pain lo one TICE intahquestinlofdeivelohepin atwe. eiayGroup 5 vs. Group 7: Grop 1 vs.
wihcse agan ls n -fa ______________________platwicIildrv h1paea Play in the leagues will continuei
and one C clarinet. Call 18. Group 3 9:00 P. M. Group 2 vs
____________________________THE NEW CLEVELAND Electric I greater speeds and till be adaptable long with the interfraternity tour- 1
POLICE 1}OGS vacuum cleaner fully guaranteed. to the reduced fuselage. naet hleagetr!ubro Group 4.
Male 18 months old. Black with Extra large motor $25.00 at Koch and The French inventor, Melot, claims students will engage in the interfra-" ! Mednesday, December 10th, 8:30 P.
flashy overmarkcings. Wonderful Ilenne. ; a speed of 375 miles per hour for aF ternity competition, the remaining j.Gop1v.Gop4 ru
disposition, plane of his design, using jet propul-I leagues will provide ample oppor-I
Female, 2 years old. Walf sable.. LNLDE- TDNS sion. Professor Gerardt indicated tunity for the play of all students in-
Wodru ro arn r l-DON'T Overlook the opportunity to ta npeiiayaayith si eetd ti ad e1-s double
ler, 1752 Jackson Avenue, Phone save ou inany household necessi- mates of the French engineer seem____jyn iefo
1 286-R" tie'q at The Economy Second IHand reasonale and correct, judging from ; Fratrrnity applications for partic-
-Sto-e, 209 N. Main St., Phone 789M. the data reparedl from exp rerimental ,aini hewne thei rgam
LOST ~~We sell what you do want and buy 1 atutilizing witer jeteticoirulsieno
1cS oe - f the Intramural dlepartnerd. must ima,
_________________________________ wht yu dn'twan. Fsystem. The newt system, it seems, I b0 turned in at the department offices II*
FRIDAY NIGHT a pair of rined grey operates by the rearward expulsion,
kid gauntlets. Finder please call SEE Me INERNEY of the Interstate ofarrsligfo!obsino
217. Anita Layers.TalsatAeinHolfra explosive fuel. The expulsion at high,
_______________________ suit or overcoat. Prices $24.50 and velocity of the burned gases impart-I ~ ose
WILL PERSON Wi ho is known to $29.50. Perfect satisfaction guaran-' ing a powerful forward thrust to the I _
have taken pair' of lined brown teed. Phone 123. =lOurExcesettryHom
leather gauntiets from ].018 Lit. ______ mahn.PoesrGhrd esi-abrc lOrEcletIoi
Bldg. Dec. 2, please return to Lois BIG BUG DANCE M aeChtth eeomnto hs=ooked M~els A ppeal
FRIDA Dec.5 Masnic TmIlesystem ofaipne rouinmy
Parks 383-. FIA c.5 aoi ep h ipaepouso Ii That will make the old " to the Most Disrhali-
_________________________IYsilanti, Mich. 8 Piee Bu Bnd allowth achievement of speeds
LOST Laundry case between State ranging above the 300 mile mark.funtr lok ie .. Inti.
and Miner Streets. R'>eward. Call BANQUETS, DINNERS, & Luncheons World airplane and seaplane speed I Tapestries, Velours, Dam-_____________
Mrs. Eades, 2172-M. at reasonable prices served by the records, set in most cases at St. ass Mo ir, ec, nTe
______________________________ Aid society of the CHURCH OF Louis, Missouri, in 1923 follow. In -dein I
3JISCiiL1AN EOUS CHRIST. New Church, new equip- the airplane field, Lieut. A. J. Wil- pleasingdein and color- -
_____________________ ment. Call 2025-J. 1hams, U. S. N. flying a Curtis-Navy ings are ondipa at our-
RUGS SHAMPOOED or blust cleaned. racer reached a speed of 266.50 miles display W al w orth
Ann Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works, TUTORING IN FRENCH. Special helpI per hour over a 3 kilometer course stre
Phone 50. given with difficult grammatical- on Nov. 4, 1923. Piloting the, same P.B!ar i g - iCrnrSatPakr
points and pronunciation. Call machine, Lieutenant Williams aciev-B'H r i.;anAbo
Two pianos. Rue Kenyon, Freddie 2384-J. ed the speed of 243.81 miles per hour 218 EatoHuro1St.7
Bergin, $1.25. - - -- - - I, - 21 Eat H ronSt
____________________A NEW Complete line of Rogers Bros. over the longer 00 kilometer course, -Phone 381-W
Y OR RIENT Silver. Ancestoral pattern. It isI
_________________ the latest design. A. H. Arnold's I ssue Invitations=,11lilitiflllilill!#6li1i
FOR RENT Well furnished room. Can State Street Jewelers. 302. So. StateI
herned ige rdule al Street. ITo T1eta Stom'aii i~


vs. Group 7. 9 :00 P. M. Group 2 vs.; Two new claisroms will be in-
rop3. lstall ed i he od physics Ilabora tory
Prof P.N. cot oftherhcricdo-buud~n taingthe lplace of the re-
P o .F N.S tt o th c t rc de . eu Thspartment and Mrs. Scott ret urned! hIs been l dsmantled and the ne'.w
Sunday afternoon Toni St. Louis, I lnassro.^..s will he ready for oc, upa-
wvhere Profes;sor Scott gave two ad- I tian after Chr: tma s.
dresses lbefor:; the annual meeting of
the National Counicil of English! Don't delay-Pay your Subscription
Teachers. today.
T he WAT CHSP els
?"You bring 'em one day
I fix 'emn the next."
I1111I South University
Accessories for Musical Instruments

614 Monroe Street




2 172-M.
nounces the opening of a used car,
store, 113 Pearl St., Ypsilanti. Used
cars, Bought, Sold an(I Exchanged.
Fifty Used FORD Bargains
3rd Floor Main St.
Permanent Waving and Marceiling
WE HAVE Three expert inarcellers.
Manicuring and special French
packs given. Telephone 2939-M.
'Over Cushing's Drug Store. Damat-
tia Beauty Shop.

BANJO UK{ES $5.00 up. University
Music House.
Instruments sold on easy payments.
University Music House.
LE'T YOUR GIFTS be blooming plants
or cut flowers this Christmas. We
will not raise our prices. Ann Arbor
Floral Co. 122 E. Liberty, Phone

Invitations to membership have
been sent out to twelve women by
Theta Sigma, honorary journalisticI
society. Acceptances should be sent
to Jean Reichmann, '25, secretary, by
1Wednesday night.
!Initiation of new members will take I
place at 3:15 o'clock Friday at Marthzatj
Cook building. Following the cere-
Smony Miss Zelina Clark, social direct- +
or of the dormitory, wvill speak to the
new members.
Write Your Name with
I ~It Will Last Foreverj

I Reasonable Priccs
j Phone 1660-W Ann Arbor, Mich.
T' .egl Shoe. Coa
-- Announces the O'pning Of
]a Display of Regal Shoes'
Wednesday. Dec. 3rd
Al1 All
One .601O3
IPu ce m Ixce
Schneider 64E iet
Clothsshop 64E iet -
1Y ~ s~s
, IO

338 Maynard

7 Eng. Arch
- IHours
4 P. 31. to 1I A.I
t'al 7199-Ml


- ' 9



yr;< '

~yTHE experienced operator will recog-
Snize an array of features not com-
'~bined in any other typewrite:r. A
'~trial will convince you. We also
Shave all makes of used machines.
Renting and repairing a specialty.
Ann Arbor Typewriter Exchange.
9 Savings Bank Blk. Phone 866.
WANT TO BUY A typewriter? Rem-
ingtons $15, Underwoods $25. Also
)~large and portables for rent. Room
2. 711 N. Univ.

You will find ex-
pert tailoring i n
all of our made to
measure clothing

The Ann Arbor Dairy can always
supply you with special designs and
flavors for parties or luncheons. In-

ye stigate

next time you entertain.

BOUGHT, Sold, rented, exchanged,
cleaned and repaired. We have
Snearly all makes. We suggest that
you buy Corona Four and save
about $40.00. Time payments if de-
17 Nickels' Arcade.
: Anin Arbor's Oldest Typewriter Store.

$45.00 Suits
Are Our

Made in


Fountain Pen Ink
"The Ink that Made the
Fountain Pen Possible"

Phone 423
Ann Arbor Dairy Company
Home of Pure Milk


.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ i

Albert Gansle
113 South Main St.
Over Walk-Over Shoe Store

., !





Don't Borrow-Subscribe Today.

We Don't Like to Brag, But
We Think We Have Your
Laundry Problem Solved
Laundry Called for on FRIDAY
Will be Rturned on SATURDAY

And Inspect Our Extensive Display of
Priced O$ o 6

A Lasting Impression--






I111I 1111 1 30 S ou .'~mth .S'tate Street .11If A7'~

rnone oo7-ix I; I

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