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November 20, 1924 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 11-20-1924

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_______ THE MICHIGAN' DAILY _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _

are uinique; when' gone they return
-ris ,no fmore," the English author said in
lDcE1 A RA rE AuhoeSre seeIcorand orlecture by Mr., de l
q !Mre o thesubject "The ;Tale of Ad-
ventureian Robinson Crusoe" will4
m'vph:~ o anoel ~;~ n ou, atc e anld a season fo! e given at 4:15 o'clock today in Nea-
~t aciales r,'~dcranathrs, and in ordler to ob- tural Science auditorium.
Alpha Omega Alpha to PresmI eal tad. ;il i vt c g reatestenjoyment from
llug sdenaists; L:'3flenoiQ)2lu 115- II a'nd l X~ltrte 'i work, it is nececssary to readlTa iDrves "s
sualbi to Qm 19113(? aies ngih aihO1tii the ndc u I o~itionS.
poe wh ~iA vredhi Yi~t e~t" ~ liwen ,muli writers, as Mxr. TiutI- 7o 1'ests .AouOf t
DC STO SPEAK DEC. 4 4:5ov .: t'd2 oa uinesonl, iMrs. Meyneii, and Miss Kath-
______ i ~ 1 ~:h~dhe atra ~ine ffeMansy-fid1diethey leave i Little Importance
Alpa mea Aphinatonl ontheir work an (fdrn influence be-1
Alary mea lhan tio ~rnl lion1 iea:i e z ,, yreeet idtem nleneo ht Psychological tests for .taxicab
o~rry edi al rat rniy, s aran ing ~ ~ XV~j~ ~)!iiw and .10 un~ ue spiritual sen sitiv eness to all1 drivers will never take the place of
a series of lectures which will he(2 c :uati t r il5Peeis; the tthat is fine andl noble in nature, life,! the 'old physical examination, eye
given throughout Cthe school year by ~r: t' "" v~ihth oy i ,art.I!and letters. JBeyondl this, the as-I tests, andl interview, according to
outstanding medical scientists. The tl.iinun sadrflcts evry ; si uraneethat they .";ae here and nowv Prof. C. 11. Griffitts, of the psychol-
first of these will be, given by Doc- It is'nd havin.g (alP m cra '.eistence on earth og;y department, in commenting on
th a~~I.a ii(1d dI Ais ours n ln1 e.1or though na- the recont tests used by taxi corn-
tors George F. anid Gladys H. D~ick, of t'1' ~ eth td ti~Clre in all hrcags changes not, panties in Chicago.
thie McCormick Institute for Infer f' J1!AK o h alc. ~lf'o esui is of a rarer 'these tests, originated by Prof. A.
tious Diseases, oof iagonT r- lnrce nVi c g l5, oanheat ph reTi i ~r;snaiastes ..Snw°o.orhwser niesiy
>day Dec. 4, in the Natural ience term ahese I J.hnow, of;Nuthwestornunivereiin
auditorium. ThefDicks have earned itu' rti saintyle'a
an international reputation for their en r~oaa 1 1 iityor ten -, and
researches in scarlet fever.reyocinlyarloe. In thi
have been intensively engaged in this £,., ariulrnve rstnory
feld since196myhaealidosprhi ,atii - - eUe
Dr. and Mrs. Dick have isolated ao a A i s~~rO at sontc(, J'L s..ig.e te
certain strain of heinolytic strelpto- tremezic 'nsggsieatea
coccus and have experimentally prot- phere. TT
duced scarlet fever in the human n1- "; ierheratad? to Ia o ~i~"
dividual. After this discovery of 'Jnit i p*itjga 0C~'It 'n ~LILl
organism producing scarlet fevr, _etae d;ennfi luino
th~ey perfected a skin test for sus- life, i~si ~~l ha h ine wrhe
AptibiliY to the disease, now known of it 'un1111o, whIt Iabt _hl
asthe "Dick Test," which proise s iawaeo teeshite As with iJ, iiian~ Cak s - Olives
tassumre the Same importance t nsIlinochrr er, l utbe-
scarlet fever as does the Schick Test sot ing ol an exper t in ytanhe
i diphtheria. Their most recent pro-I field whren ,, re all of us aa-
Ouctions are an antitoxin with. whicha tours. Jf every lantdscape, houts ~, and-.-
Iis possible to combat the disease hiumian bing wears a coninuarill
jonce it is established, and the per- chlangt-iltmos hei , i lcli. :in
fetion of a method for producing ar- an essenettial Cf his craflt, if in , se
tificial immunity Iin those Who have n:,at.. rs',li; is notsomiethling of <
otyet suffered from the' disease s sc;lye, a mei, or a psych;_.
T'hese results have been confirmed by fai te nglish-1 riter
-any and their work is now recd, , Judgrme,1t of a 7novelis;,'s;eriFt blyv-
niized as one of the epoch making the itliec iipae nhswr
e chie'vemlents of modern scientific by ist e.xture, by thlesgnbae
Miedicine.hichrtrs by the l~xpuroe n-Ic~
FrdrikGrn Bnig, tediiighis fiction; and by the p-i.Plo-c GatIni heac ~ 1%f' In, Ivr
discoverer of insulin, and-Dr. RichardJ sotlabicl conception inherent in it as91 U II
tabot of Boston, have been invited to a theme ^ nd~ in its relation to life, i U g JG
deliver the other two lectures. Al- I not sufficienti. The kind, the qual; ity , _________________________
'though the speeches are primarily; the fnnesor coat.rness, the sousa-! _
for medical students, practitioners, tional or, ;tiritual ireferences to his ' r #aO e aut e Ws h ubi sttti ert la.ti . iliaffifte M ay ard[pe n Evenings
faiymmes h u~i sallow- atmosp ; here aye a .unailnges - I, -r
ed to attend. Tickets for the course thetit st' n lard, -
arebengsbeing r ollsold4 r <for, N o' sate] dollar.i. " 11Er.alwtQl11dia111111111are11111fiat1i@i111thai1111I111ithere111i1H10z
-1 1 11 1 1 9 81 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 i1 1 W tu 1 8 & i 1 l l l l i di 8 1 11 1 ° l l' 1 l~ fi a &§ l l l °ll l~t l 1 111 1 1 11 f 1 1 11 1 1 1 1i 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 1i 1 1 1 11 11L

consist of trying the attgcntion, mem-i experiments of this kindI will never ! New Yorki, Novt 1;1.-Kf_ Idwargi
3ory, and general alertness of the ap- J ilak the place of thec old examiina- R ice, vteran thleatriical producer u
I plicant; the third, known as the "fear-; tions; rather, the~y suipplemnit then mm nzw as the "father of bu1rlesquL
time" test, indicates the speed and in obtaining data as to the excita- plied at a hospital after a wveek's
accuracy with which he acts after a bility of the applicant. M ess.
nervous shock. "However, a man could pass all
"The tests have work~ied very well these tests, and still not be an expert 'ot, Nv,1.Anatep
in Chicago," declared Professor Grif- taxi driver," he concluded. j wreck the home, of Gen. Victor A.
fitts. "The trouble with all these lWrilliams, of thie Ontario police, ti
tests thus far is that as soon as they I RATE YOU SUBSCRIBED YETI? in adolas u.-t night with a bomb.
received publicity, and the applhi-,
cants know what to expect, their use -___________________________________ ____
fulness is over. The ideal test wouldI
be one th at wvould be effective even!
! after the sul~jeet knew approximately I
wghat was couming. But psychological i - tu d

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Noon Day Lunch

Choice of Ameijean -.-.id Chne.:e. Dish1es
Daily---Supper, Dinner, 5--B
Sunday Dinner
Choice of, American and Chinese D}:;




Varsity In-".U.,

512 East Williams


-S' dTNGTO ~


MATINEE 2:00-3:30-4WENING, 'd:00-8:20


MATINEE ~ :0~-3 :30-E VE~ 1M4 7:00=8:30

The Last Word i n
Tempestous Histrionic
Featuring Dynamic


F- Irl

The th

ird famous icturesbythe author of"To heLast
Man" and"Waniderer Of The Wasteland"
X44 #9AN E Grey's roar-
r Z Inn actlon~tale of :
r o1ID iS in the law le'ss
\ west. Filmed in gor-
. geous 'Western settings
never before photo-
Heard I-Added-
ecors--"WHY HURRY"
j f T . , ?":. 'Ah Christie oaiedgr
arso ThWVemxPHNi~xll~tRM




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