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November 20, 1924 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 11-20-1924

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>lished every morning except Monday
g e ti t versity year by the Board in
of of Student Publications.
:ibers of 'Western Conference Editorial
iati )n,
e Associated Press is exclusively en-
to the use for republication of all news
tches credited to it or not otherwise
ed in this paper and the local news pub-
tered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
igan, as second class matter. Special rate
stage granted by Third Assistant Post-I
er General.
bscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
fice: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
ones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M, busi-

facillitated by the promotion of
tacts with the newspaper men
as is provided by the Press club.
The outstanding feature of the f
fourth annual convention of
American Federation of Labor v
opened in El Paso, Texas, Mo
and the one which without d
holds the greatest interest for1
not directly conneted with the
ganization, is the postmortem or
action taken by the ExecutiveC
cil in the approval of Senator R
M. LaFollette for president.
Since the election, 'and, in fact,

Telephones 2414 and 176-N
Rdltor. ........john G. Garlinghouse
News Editor............Robert G. Ramsay
Night Editors
George W. Davis Harold A. Moore
Thomas P. Henry Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr.
Kenneth C. Keller Norman R. Thal
Sports' Editor......William H. Stoneman
Sunday Editor.......obert S. Mansfield
Women's Editor... .......Verena Moran
Mutsic and Draa....ma . Robert B. Henderson
Telegraph Editor...William +,,. Walthour
Louise Barley Winfield H. Line
Marion Barlow Carl E. Ohlmacher
Leslie S. Bennets William C. Patterson
$mth Cady ] r. Hlelen S. Ramsay
Willard B rosb Regina Reichann
Valentine L. Davies Marie Reed
L res W. Fernamberg Ednarie Schrauder
seph . Gartner Frederick H. Shillito
anning Rouseworth C. Arthur Stevens
Elzbth S. Kennedy Marjory Sweet
Elizabeth Liebermann Herman J Wise
Telephone 60-
Advertising.........- ......E. L. Dunne
Adverrtins .;g.."" J.Finn
Advertising.... . ....H. A. Marks
Adv-rtising..............-H. M. Rockwell
accounts ...........Byron Parker
Cireulaton........ ........R. . Winter
Publication.............John W. Conlin
P. W. Arnold W L. Mullins
W. I. Ardussi K. F. Mast
Gordon Burs 1. L. Newmann
F. Dentz Thomas Olmstead
Philip Deitz JD. Ryan
David Fox N. Rosenzweig
Norman ireehing Mar aret Sadburg
W.E. Hamaker F. K. Schoenfeld
F,. Johnson S. H. Sinclair r.
LH. .Kramer F. Taylor
Louis W. Kramer
Night Editor-F. K. SPARROW, JR.
Two hundred of the prominent
journalists of the state gather to-
gether today in Ann Arbor for the
purpose of discussing common prob-
lems in newspaper work. The meet-
ing is the sixth since the inception of
the yearly conference and is of par-
ticular significance in that the dele-
gates will be addressed by three of
the outstanding figures of present day
journalistic endeavor.
Each suceeding year brings the or-
ganization of discussion groups of one
sort or another. In a few weeks the
embryo journalists of the state, the
high school editors and business
managers, will meet here to discuss
their problems, according to their an-
nual custom. In the spring the execu-
tive heads of the student newspapers
of Big Ten universities will confer
concerning their difficulties. Journal-
ism appears to have become a matter
for periodical discussion by beginners,
experimentalists, and finished crafts-
rhere are those who sneer at all
such attempts to improve journalistic
standards and to promote an exchange
of ideas. These same persons point a
finger of scorn at schools of journal-
ism, at anything which smacks of
theory. In so doing they are thinking
particularly of those who fail to find
practical application for their theories,
who present themselves in a news-
paper office equipped with a certifi-
cate from a recognized school of
journalism and expect to be made
some sort of an editor immediately.
Very naturally the journalists of the
old school are soured by such
obstreperous persons on all attempts
at creating an educated newspaper-
man. They fail to see any value in
studying newspapers and their in-
fluences, and in attending conferences
with their compatriots in the pro-
There is, however, another group
among the numerous editors through-
out the nation who believe firmly in

the facilities for improving journal-!
istic standards and are anxious that
the college-bred man have some part
in this. The University Press club,
convening here today, is representa-
tive of the best tendencies of the
profession in this part of the country.
Much of a constructive nature can be
gained from the conference, Just as
the would-be newspaper man can be
aided considerably by professors of
journalism, providing always he has
the other requisites of a good news-
paper man.
The annual meeting of the club thus
will be productive of results in the
improvement of state journalism, but
it is principally of moment in that it

the very endorsement of the WI
sin senator, there has been a cc
erable amount of dissension and
greement in the ranks over the
ter, in view of the recognizedt
of political nonp~artisanship whic:
been followed so long by the orga
workers under the direction of
great leader, Samuel Gompers.
From the very outset of his c
as a labor leader, Gompers ha
sisted that the only safe policy f
Federation to follow is one of
partisanship. Many have looked
his countenancing of the acti
the Executive Council as onec
outstanding mistakes in a life s
of remarkably conservative gui
of the destinies of American
However, thogse who know Mr.C
ers bestrsay that at heart he di
favor the endorsement of LaF
but that he was won over b
other members of the council,
jority of whom were eager to
the political sally.
What promises to be even moz
nificant in the history of the F
tion, is the possible selection
new head. for the organization,
to serve in an active capacity
Mr. Gompers . bearing the ti
President Emeritus, or to take
the reigns entirely from the 74-
old leader who has been presid
the body continuously, with the+
tion of one year, since its org
tion in 1886.
When it is remembered tha
Gompers has been the outste
advocate of the nonpartisan p
policy, the advent of somec
less ardent supporters of this
ciple arouses at least some sp
tion. What the ultimate resul
mean to the Federation, only
will tell.
Perhaps, now that she is
directly advised by the spirit+
husband, the former Tammany
tain, Mrs. Bula Edmondsont
may try her hand at bossing
many hall.
- . I .
Perhaps Minnesota adherents
be so anxious for their coache's
now. What a difference one gar
Professor Hobbs says that ed
writers for The Daily are "imm,

con- the Board of Representatives. For the -
such' purpose of saving time this meeting
was held in connection with Miss E M U SI1
Hamilton's dinner at November 10, IANrD
S when she had as her guests the presi- Deg in ourTC rDi m as
orty- dents of all organized houses. The D R A M Aui
the business meeting was entirely in the
which i hands of the officers elected by the
nday, women. Each rule was read as it stood TONIGIT:. Comedy Club presents
[oubt, formerly and with the proposed two one-act plays at 8:1 o'clock In
those change. Each rule was passed upon Sarahil Caswell Angell hall.
e or- separately, after opportunity had * * *
n the been given for everyone to discuss I "THE MARRIAGE OF FIGARO"
Coun- it fully. Strong arguments were pre- A review, by Robert Hamilton.
.obert sented on both sides of the case con- Arev.ewdb-
cerning closing hours on week-end Although Mr. William Wade in-
since nights but when a vote was called for, shaw's opera company has sucessfully
scon- only three girls out of one hundred appeared here twice before, in "The ---------
)nsid- and five who were authorized to vote, Impresario" and in "Cosi Fan Tutte,"
disa- 'voted against the new rule. If some nothing in those performances led us
mat- of the presidents or representatives ' to anticipate the genuine delight
policy who voted in favor of the ruling did furnished by his most recent produc-
:h hashsoagainst their own judgmentaand tion, 'The Marriag o Figaro" which
~nized that of their houses simply because was heard last night in Hill auditor-
their there were some people present at ium r
that meeting who had no power to vote Oart at his gloou ave th 302 Sta
areer on questions under discussion, then a glorious best and the-
fascination of the music is always ir'- THE PLACE W
is in- these representatives have shown very restible. Last night's opera, however,
or the decidedly that they are not yet ready had much to recommend it besides the
non- to exercise their power of self-gov- matchless score-several really first-
upon ernment. It would not seem that this class singers, a -good, small orchestra
on of was done in opposition to the wishes presided over by Ernest Knoch and
of the of the majority. In any democratic adequate scenic equipment. There was 24 Hour
ervice government, there are always a few the usual Mozartian story with its
dance whose opinions and ideals differ from numberless amatory intrigues, its Th Home of
those of the largerg but it is buffonery and comic horseplay, its
labor. thesayo themtgroup, ledibyscharming verve and gayety. But there
~omp neessay fr thm t be ule bywere also in this performance ;omne
id not the majority until they can prove the things of higher alue-authentic mu-_-__
ollette wordh.of their opinions and win the sical distinction and dramatic effec-
y the , yto their way of thinking. tiveness. _A R I C K
a ma-. n a 1but three' houses on the cam- The singers'IeRe the principal sur- I
make pus closing at 11:30 does not prevent prise. It will be a long time before R T n
I girls from entering the house between we shall again hear such beautiful ADAY 9 0 N U)
re sig- 11:30 and t:30, and where this situa-- Mozart singing as that of Miss Ed.thal ve sitd .ve2G 2N
eder~ ton oesexit, t I a attr w I Fleischer as Susanuna and Miss C13'tlc 707N Universityi Ave Phon+ e 2052f
edera tion does exist, it is a matter which IHine as the Countess in the celebrated I
of a ought easily to be arranged with the "Letter Duet,'' the wooing measures -_--
either chaperon. of which were enchantingly sung. The
with House rules as they exist at present Cherubino of Miss Celia Turrill was N O VE lMB ElIR, 1x'34
tle of have been carefully thought through ( excellent; she sang the "Voi (he M W T F S
e over and made to fit all situations. They sapete" the tremulous "Non so piu
year- cover all reasons for . leaving the Cosa son" in charming style brilihant- '' . 7 1
ent of houses on week-end nights. The rep-ly and enth4siastically. Susannas 2 3 .4 r5 > 7 7 1w
lect reenatveooafoerhemig a-song to her lover in Act IV was also 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
eaxa- jrstaofte ouses onrhe am pus a-beautifully done; there are few living 1i 17 18 19 20 21 22
believejty hattheyhasesfairnd woramkusingers who could have surpassed it 23 24 25 26 27 2 29
believe that they are fair and work- in purity, grace or vocal lure. 33 .
at Mr. able. If there are houses where they The men in the cast impressed usw dn gtlbvt
anding will lead to deceit and lying, at least less favorably. Pavel ludi'kar as
olitical we can be thankful that these houses Figaro made a dashing figure, but his Notice
of the are in the minority, and that most singing was deficient in beauty ando
prin- of the women on the campus believe his English was decidedly bad. The __
ecula- in these rules so strongly that it Almaviva of Alfredo Valenti was more --
t will should not take long to crush out then adequate vocally and histriome- We clean and rebli'ck hats and caps =
time the weak-willed few. If deceit persists,ally. and do it RIC IGT. You will appr ciate
i tis wak-tle ess hardmfult harsit In the matter of pure fun., "The having your hat done over in a clean
Marriage of Figaro" cannot hope to and sanitary manner, free from odor
than some of the tendencies that the equal that veritable circus, "The Im-
being ld, more lenient ruling seemed to presario," but the comedy is, never- and made to fit your head.
of her ba d,4y loping. theless, sparkling and engaging, FACTORY HAT STORE
chief- May I say, in closing, that those albeit Mr. Osgood's translation robs 7 aid St. Phone 172
Croker who believe that they have not been it of much of the risque audacity of .
, given opportunity to present their da Ponte's libretto. The whole cast (Where D 1. R. Stops at State)
am- side of the question to ter satisfac- enacted their parts with an enthusi-
asm and vitality surely communicated
tion, may do o through their house by the inspired score.
president at the next meeting of the Whether "Opera in English" is the ReaI( the aAdis
won't Board of Representatives, to which great desideratum Mr. Hinshaw be-
each house is expected to send a dele- hieves it to be seems to us highly
me can ee obfit.t eLs em ngtst shgl
gate? doubtful. Last night's production
f Charlotte A. Blagdon. would have been far more beautiful
President of the Women's League. in the flowing Italian original. After
litorial all, it is the music of Mozart and not
ature . I the plot of Beaumarchais which in-
ad that terests us and unless singers can
TETO ALsing English supremely well (like
John McCormack, for instance) they
porter i IWANIZED CflEER N 1 would do well to prefer the less ex-
Tues- acting and more harmonious lan-
was a! Igu.ge in which the parts were writ-
Mr. Bernard Shaw has been con-I ten. I

t o Ends of the Diagonal Wale


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Has it taken him this long to fin
Some "coming" Daily re
writes of the "window pains" in
day morning's paper. Well, it
bit chilly Tuesday.

Anonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
cants wil. however, he regarded as
confidential upon request.

sidering the propaganda which the
American baseball champions are,
carrying on in this country. As he be-
gins his verdict by saying "I cannot
endure the boredom of sport," he is

Regarded as a whole, Mr. Hinshaw's
troupe gave an amazingly fine piece
of work. There were certain little de-
fects, obvious to the most uncritical,
which it would be a waste of time to
I enumerate and all of them quite sub-


rrather In the, position of a deaf man merged infihe fdy of hearingthe di-
I calledupon to pass judgement- on a1imegdinte ii
MAJORITY LEGISLATION FOR sonata.-But he claims to look on sport vinely inspire usic.
WOMEN 'as a sociologist, and it is presumably*I
To the Editor: in this capacity that he finds it "sur- A BARII PLAY TONIGHT
Two articles have recently appeared prising and delightful" that the spec- The Comedy' -lub has selected as
in the Campus Opinion Column which tators should be expected to lend the companion play to Milne's "The
I believe should be answered out of vocal aid to the pretty considerable Red Feathers" for its production this
justice to the majority of women on shindy maintained by the players. evening in Sarah Caswell Angell hall
campus. I refer to the article printed There is, as a matter of fact, nothing "The Well-Remembered Voice" by
on November 13 entitled "Diplomacy surkrising in applause or its re- James M. Barrie. This fantasy, recent.
Be Hanged" and that- of November 15 verse. We have it in some quantity ly presented by the Ypsilanti Players,
under the heading, "Railroading Co-ed even in our most tranquil games. But has been cast as follows: Mr. Don
Rules." Perhaps a few words of ex- the ideal of baseball is apparently to John Elliot; Mrs. Don, Carol Rose-
planation about the existing rule and turn the game into a super-game by crans; Mr. Rogers, Paul Vickers; Ma-
how it came to be passed will clear stimulating the crowd which is norm- jor Armitage, Earl Sawyer; Laura
up what seems to me to be a misun- ally a vocal thing to greater volume, Louise Barley; and the Voice, Jack
derstanding of the function of self- ' variety, and spontaneity of clamour, Hassberger.
government among women at Michi- and by giving to every spectator the "The Well-Remembered Voice" is
gan. ; sense that he is himself by virtue of one of Barrios most subtle, complex



The Typewriter and Stationery Store


An li Progam of Fi n Dances

, ;_ 's

t2,14 In

Power to change the House Rules


by which undergraduate women are
controlled lies solely with the Wo-
men's League. Early last spring, rules
which had been in operation for a
number of years were made more
le'nient, and it was dissatisfaction with
these changes and the consciousness
that Michigan women were being crit-
icized which caused students them-
selves to request a revision.
A committee of three members
from the Board of Directors of the
Women's League was appointed. This.
group met and worked out changes
in the rules and presented its report
to the Board, where it was discussed,'
changed slightly, accepted, and then
sent to the Board of Representatives
for modification, approval or rejection.
The latter Board, consisting of the
presidents of all the organized housesn
on the campus, discussed the changes
for nearly two hours, decided that

his voice an actual participator in the psychological studies, and Barrie,x
contest. But is not this simply to similarly, is as an elusive an author
make the worst of both worlds by at- to produce as there is among his
tempting to mix them? To suggest contemporary British school. Dealing1
that the best kind of spectacle is that with the phantasmic theme of life
in which nobody is merely a spectator after death, the ideals of spiritualistic
is no more intelligible than to sug- seances, it creates with, effective di-
gest that the best kind of a concert rection an atmosphere of tense, rigid
is that in which everybody joins in. suspense.
There are lawful occasions for the[ * * *
practice of joining in. "Auld Lang T$);E ,INI'E)RT ' VEibR A tED 1

601 East Liberiy ASt.


Where meals
that would

are served
satisfy a'

Thlie I'idted x';x ( n E~N'~ it caunot aetually convey--the
. less, te ori:inality, Lhe exinhito veliues of "Drama
noe;" a.; preon-i e 1 Ly I he Mi-sm At:'Wein. The remarkabLy
tri-ibuf': -'id Ihoso WI'ted 8 t-i>1 by jmbie :zn'l ers canm b2
41mU~ffi lUoruiated ;oind Pn11 o U('z OC. 'ly by witneossing th8
A] mo'in dt.iIO prod tion it sxlE,
Talesd N O-q
$2.50, $2.00, $1.50 $1.00, 50c
M~il rde' Should Be Sent at 0nce to
Room 308, Michgan Uion

Syne" makes an indifferent solo, and
few people are so jealous of the
solemnities of cricket that they would
care to see a Test match century
]achieved without a' hand stirring. But
the British are probably right in
distinguishing between applause and
"barracking" and in preferring the
former to the latter. The notion that
they also serve who only stand and
howl is true only if the howling
is sudden and occasional. A contin-
ual din is equivalent to no din at all.

Mr. Maier, the acting head, as you
should know, of the pianoforte depart-
ment of the University School of Mu-
sic, will present a comIplimentary
concert Friday afternoon at 3:15
o'clock in . Hill auditorium for the
school children "and others" of the
His program, quite nationally fa-
mous for its subtle skill, will include
everything from a hurdy-gurdy to a

Home Cooked Food
served in an atmosphere
of refinement.

Cur prices ae the Iow-

n r r-' .

f 3"

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