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November 13, 1924 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 11-13-1924

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;AY, NOVE2ETZ 1 2,12



. . ,
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HG9NZ1 IVN LUB Suggest Revision
FB I IT~fIRY 1tilnFNsy



h~mn;o~si' lfor ltheq ,ur e
l~ to lheavy tlentamon on-
pw. Ih, women,:c l,,,roll sh
iny(a , 2, ws! n pIIILdk t,(o take
stes t~rrd r.aui~:~o T rw (mILi-
The aias, !'.hds,1tme U I JI(
ia aLyno l idrwa o
fiteti;)fth lub w.ll be,
As 'Cu , t Pa Gren .re (;n.. ,l-
T)-L. Ib CCt'd a te inta
a(et-s odcd h
.,day.n Palr ail ~aldi Iv ..e eL
p AmKcer 5,a IsidsIhig

eprS from national represent-
a esof sororities visiting. the office
ofthe d of women fromT time to
aug is nsatisfetcry bth; itrule wllI
~I~e !ve~rity ife ad th intellgent
if th e revision is not ndcertaken by{
the i nd ivid'ual chapters, according toI
the, staftf ini the dean's olice.

The campraignk for life memibershlin
inl the(, Vo.enl's League will begin the
seodweek after' the Christmas vaca-
t~. Constance Cla-rke, '26, chairmnan,
wll ceck oWT the names of under
grz auates who(} pledged themselves
latst year in order to avoid soliciting}
their memberw-ship again. It is sug-
gted that the women wear the but-
i o olast year.
A1lplans wllbe carefully corn-
"Ihi'; edbeor acation. Committees
willbe eletedand assigned to re-
})r C iVOditricts.There will prob-
ably b1a172il etue nposter;-
tl11i ('yer, 'accoiJt1:ng to )the i mi TTl2 e ! I
Hlealth Service Is
h mire rem T) iemn and so1)ho-
moreWinnatnd a tour of inspec-E
ioin of. - (5 L ervice yesterdayv
atL fe iiin <of Tl). Margaret ?l, SpcaBell-
tue 1 itstsont~o the women
yul tl~ a hrntoresfor chemical
ma lysis, theK-ray facilities, and tihe
n lnm~uiy vlmces lide ntsmay 1}e[
'an 4for lrig GO days before any
1 r. 13e11 recoimmends that every wo-
man ak useo of the health servicer
i aeof illness, both for her own!
raeind that of her fellow students.
Fac ilit~ies are providedl there for ex-
I SeI vce
~Utmos~t care always,
re and skilled workman- E-
shpis assured by send- M
Sing your upholstering
and" repairing to
Pe B.Hrdn
210 East Huron St.
- Phone 381 -W

N9 LR E na ette riestyo ctt, -, IS II09IREP RT UN ginia wvere admitted. The University I.
t I Iof West Virginia will be in the same
_, -"-- - I N 1111ROUS ' T'0RTH CDVsectBN iona teUniversity of MVichigan.
IN ITEROUS HOKEYMORTRBORDONYhITON~ Numerous social affairs were given
for___hege Among these was;
S 9 P 0 ,1 vi , Gamma hold the position of runners'ciet +y held its national bi-annual co-, president of the University of -Ken-1-
I intheintnhoueehckeyterha-oenten noNv.e6y7,8, a th Un-11tcentThidelgats asoovsitdety7,rb8r antKapthappa MorarbtrdcatinalTonoaryso-eagtatgvenaylD.oFanksitedey
R znment, a . a result of the games played; versity of Kentucky at Lexington, Ky. ? Shakerstown.
s ir 1 4 yerter. , 1Twenty-eight chapters answered to,
-- etsy Barbour defeated Kappa Al- roll call. -
WIlL b lfAl ('I IAMP)NiwdIIPS pha Theta by a score of 2-1, in a Reports were given by the district 0 TO r.A Bn A
AT 1[ M'1i V SP' A 11 j cs game which maintained a score i inspectors in which the activities and Iot ai te
f gI)AY l Ior 1-1 unti~l the last minute of playl programs of each chapter were ex-I371SuhAantre
whein Betsy Barbour broke the tie.I plain ed. Some of the problems onI Specializes in Ladies Hlair Bobbin
Final paercentages in the intez~e1ass Olga Verdelin, '25, right full-back, and- which the various chapters try to base E Children's Haii
hockey tournamlent show theo 5 t; 310 Dorothy Allison, '27, right wing, their work are as follows: To{ Open from 8:30 A.
mror°e tea st hehamizon. Tlhey scarred for Betsy Barbour, while the# strengthen the bond between fresh-! Tuesday and Friday, c
won 5 G, Oits tandiiig players for Kappa Alpha man and senior women; to stimulate ;Poefrapit
whih gvesthe a ercntae o 10. Tetawer Ela Olmaher '2, cn-the freshmen to get into campus ac-Phnfoapit
Theseir cmeSeul vtl2' ter half-back, andl Margaret Hays, '25, tivities; to work out and enforce aj -
gamnes won, 2 lost, 2 tied, 'and a per- icenter forward., campus point system whereby activi-
centage of 50. Third pl'ace was yivn (Im the second game, Kappa Kappa ties can be more evenly distributed;
to the j unior:s, h)mvhon 1 a'' lost Gamnma won from, Collegiate Sorosis to remedy over organization, that is
3, tied:', thuis having a p erenage by ,A Snore of 2-0. Elizabeth Rtanek., to avoid over-lapping- of work; toE
of 25.Tefrsmn ta wo '26, right inside, and Helen SullivanI stimulate interest in discussions forf
game, lo,'t"4, and( tiedl 1, wh'i hgives 1'26 left wing, showed excellent play- i freshman women, similar to those
thiem a percentage of 20. Ing for Kappa Kappa Gamma, while conducted by Miss Jean Hamilton,-
Thee awrigo hminhp nHnrietta Vorbies, '26, right inside, dean of 'women of the University of
hockey, tennis, and archery will be and ElizabethIm arrott, '26, center1 Michigan; and to act as a medium be-,
made at the annual hockey spread half-Lack, starred for Sorosis.i tween thle dean of women and the
which will be hedatnu0oclc Finals between BetsyBarbour and women on canmpus.
Tuesday, in b ldaour ymne pnasium. eAll cKappa Kappa Garymma will be played Besides 'these reports there were
womnen on campus are invited to this at4 o'clock Friday. several papers read by the delegates. 1
infor m al din n er, w h ch will also serveA m on g - th ese w ere su ch to p ics as,"T e I p r a c of ig h l r -
inforemalin r ihe w i o fseipsadr"an "TeVleo
the basketball season. If possible, ;hnrr ~elest otror.
resignta frteoeas wholdb Ao tices New chapters were voted upon at
sign1, fr, te hose , a wolethe convention. The University ofi
Sauitimorning on the bulletin I Oklahoma, the University of Califor-'
board in.i Pai'bour gyrnny siumn. ___________ -
Mortarboard Honorary. society will School of Music. All members must
SOPHMODEWOME j~fGEOholdl its regurlar meeting at 7:30 '- be present.
clock tonight t the D~elta GammaTu1
house. The Christmas workshop of the Y.: u l.a h o'e
! W. C. A. will be open from 2 to 5 Y
Statements regarding late leave per- o'clock every Tuesday, Wednesday,'cigo heble h
~'prxm tl 0 a a 4mission are bieing mailed from the and Thursday afternoons from now somthing h be e tha t
by tr ,me z Fi eman00 sprd ('o r:nite 1 c?,den's office today to all house lpresi- until Christmas vacation. Tea will be 1haoethadgabstockithng th
by ~ a 'rc ; _~r ~r ,cl c ,rnttedt Its. Per ons tailing to rec:eive them served. (hv a tcigmd
defrai~y the cxpenses ,o' the spread _3tm n ftewe ies 'pmt- all the best qualities we
which will be he.ld in lDecemnI ,ex', Ac- th,, deam of women., ns osse
cording to the clmim'maanr, .Iean K7yer, .-'ad s1
'',the amout (of nineytlzt . ned- iio will hold a- peiaI own that make it a decii
efor thme spread i is t ~t I , c i and0 0ociety tn pe~it:al Agnes McIntyreA
until thiis amuoumnt is ra:i- isedno1uf:'imui't t El "('n Newhe'r' I(1211(:e. ferinc a tueil
cart be caum be1made. Consulting Costumers RING about the .top of#
2u0") il onmI rt of ' ::('lassfo; JVaior ' woen wishing tickets for tects it from all garter r
itl);>>CY , t'Lt ?e i~ L1't'the, a- bl -yregister
are1Ideswih~ie , 'for :0mm -~ theiii in Hiv'r:-it yhall betweenm 'teed without equivocatiorH.ri'ic i ; ' <1h1z:r or at .adI '.o ktorw. , t ilbe ldto elIBe ndhsp elurt
p~aay thmeir' li'1aspread u s- as- unevenness and streaks
K 0011a pc 55lbIC. % edrhpcomsino ieyou find the most de- oe ofttelg n
incs o cre(y V.W. C. . will nmext at 4:15 o'clock, srbltlthsfroh nd tosfinfor eadwi
- llen.t attention i aeo nrrmytoda"y at Neowbeinry hall.subecohsfrtean terifredw[
aany h')ur. Only the inf:irmnar y is - - Ohio State trip,. thread.
op n. at night..I M~iembers of the- Uiversity Girls' - 1cc lbwl odameiga Prices. ae 1.8.
IIAV E 0' t' IBSC1IIIWI) YET? r#'clo (:k todaiy in room 305 at the


Senior pictures will be
sale at the 'Ensian office i
Thanksgiving. After this
no" pictures will be sold.
Paiy your Paily subscription
et Ann Arbor
og, Shingling and Mlarcelling
Jr Cutting
M. to 7 P. M.
open to 8:30 P. Mv.

ISilk Hosieri
it there can always be
he, existing "'best,"' we
le for ups that combines
know of in other stock-
ncaive features of its
.dedly better stocking.
the ravel-proof RUBY
the stocking .that pro-
runs. This is guaran-
Sus -thread silk, free of
gracef ully ' full-f ash-
mercerized tops, heels
th four-ply long staple
5 and $2.50

T H E hot
630 E. LIBERTY Fot

,_.._._ w . -

44 i N iKehU~ 'is Nraae
Opposite Betsy Ross
Phone 3059-W

% u





Main at Liberty

8 ..Nickels Av

Noon Spec*,ls




f w ..






tk'W -- -

Sale of, o esbat

Al 11,1 ,t
Id 1' . dwl n 1
~l c)r 'maav I' T dll
outwit ea-htwo doDlb in pr-t
chase. Come in to day.
F~ N~

mici ding Sport Plaids

-Tear Trimmed




values Up to $125.cGO


_ r
v ,tat 'ra
5: f I
' /
it ?
: ,mac
- ,,


Lovely Coats

New in fa bric, new in line,
distinctive in detai- distin-
guished far above the coats
usually found at anywhere
near this price.
Sales starts this Friday at 8 A. M.
Ends Saturday Night.

Here are coats that would ordi-
narily cost very much- more.
Smartly made of velvatone, plain
ror striped, din all the newest col-
ors. The snug- choker collar and
the cuffs are of muskrat or squir-
,rel. Sizes, 14 to 42. Distinctive,
serviceable. Others. very special
at $65, $85 and $115.

" ;
_ .
1 ,i J,





11 ! 1

®i l

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