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November 13, 1924 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 11-13-1924

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ad every mring exept Monday
e Aversiy year by the Board in
Student Yublications.
s of Western Conference Editorial
sociated Press is exclusively en
the use for republication of all news
credited to it or not otherwise
this paper and the local news pub-
at t he postoffiice at Ann Arbor,
as second class matter. Special rte
granted by Third Assistant Post-
'tion by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; busi-
ephones 2414 and 176M
.... .John G. Garlingouse
tor.......... .Robert G. Ramsay
Night Editors
1Davis Hlarold A. More
SReanry Fredk. k. Sparrow, Jr.
C. Keller Norman R. Trna
ito,........Wlliam H. Stoneman
itor......... Robert S. Mansfield
Editor..........Verena Moran
I Trama.Robert B. Henderson
Editor.....William J. Walthour
rley Winfield H. Line
arlow Carl E. Ohmacher.
Beinets William C. Patterson
cly r. , elen S Ramsay
t. rosby Regina Reichmann
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hold W. L. Mullins
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urrs H. L. Newmann
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ree lin D. Ryan
r Rosenzweig
reehling Mar aret Sandburg
amaker F. 1 Schoenfeld
LI S. IH, Sinclair
ramer F. Taylor
)AY, NOVEMBER 13, 1924
etting reminiscent of the past
America and on an occassion
I to the memory of those who
the World conflict that wars
e abolished, Rear Admiral
A. Fiske, U. S. N., retired,
morning sang a veritable
hate when he called upon the
Mtates to prepare for future
"protection ,of our national
end characterized Japan, Rus-
Gormany as vultures waiting
first opportunity to swoop
d devour our riches. His ad-
as given in the Church of
r Rest, decorated. with 250
battle flags, at a special ser-
former service men.


surer harbinger of strife and sorrow' during his four years, the essential
than a nation that isforever thinking spirit of America. One might as well
of itself and planning for trouble in criticize half-baked bread because a
the future. part of it is still dough.
Perhaps the future holds forth the The question "where shall the blame
tuin of America at the hands of some be placed?" has drawn the attention
such nation as Japan or Russia. Per- of wiser heads than those that run
haps the westward march of civiliza- The Daily, but no answers which sug-
tion is inevitable. If such is the case gest a remedy have yet come forth. Is
then any preparations for war are our educational method wrong? Is the
more than futile. At any rate it is America system of pumping facts into
more sane to believe that an era of the youthful head superficial and slip-
peace has been inaugurated, that in- shod? Is there something about the,
ternational disputes will cease to be textbook-a typically American pro-
settled by such a crude and antedated duct-which deadens the sensibilities
weapon as war, and in this confidence of the student? It would seem not: for
to minimize preparations for conflict American universities are filled with
to the all-important task of furthering excellent teachers and eminent schol-
peace. ars; and the chief difference be-
Such men as Rear Admiral Fiske tween college "textbooks" and the
belong to the passing generation in books used for instruction in foreign
whom was bred the bogie of a Japanese universities is that they are simpler1
war. His remarks can therefore be set and present their subject more clearly.
aside as of little worth. The new gen- The chief weakness of our higher
eration prefers to look upon such in- educational system, then, would seem
struments as the League of Nations to lie with the student body itself.
and the World Court instead of armies If competent teachers are provided for
and navies, to preach a religion of the student-and a really incompetent
goodwill instead of a fanaticism of teacher is the exception-and thor-
antagonistic threats. ough and well written textbooks are
placed at his disposal, no one is to
"LEADERS" WHO ARE FOLLOWERS blame but the student himself if he
On the campus there are many per- graduates without knowing appreci-
sons who modestly designate them- ably more about anything than he did
selves as "leaders." They have in when he was a freshman.
many instances achieved their heights Material for obtaining a well-round-
of prominence by work and in an ed education may be found in every
equal number of cases by that in- self-respecting college or university
definitely established but much talked in the United States, and it is the
of quantity know as "pull." Some of student's own fault if he doesn't find,
them may be designated as hand- 1 it.E
shakers, others as joiners, many more
as conformists. A limited few have THE TOTTERING FASCITI
sufficnent individuality and strength of Public opinion varies, powerful
character to stand for what they leaders fall, and governments are$
know to be the worthwhile.
Much talk is heard today about overthrown. The latest chapter in the
the number of students who are care- story of changing governments is be-
less about their morals and personal ing written at the present time in
habits, who do too much drinking. Italy where the Fascisti under the
Rumors are prevalent concerning the leadership of Premier Mussolini face
"wet" parties and wild times of the the loss of a majority in the Chamber
student community. Much of this of I of Deputies, the Italian parliamentary
cousrse is unjustified, but there are a body.
significant few who indulge in prac- Threatened by the alienation of the
tices which are a disgrace to the support of four Fascist Deputies,
generation. In this minority are many three of whom have resigned, and the
of these would-be leaders either as expulsion of Signor Viola, who is
active participants or as conformists.-C now leading the ex-Combattenti Mutil-
Organizations of students whose pur- ate, an organization of war veterans,
pose it should be to foster a better the Italian premier is not expected
sort of law-abiding spirit are often to surrender the control of the gov-
most prominent in the promotion of ernment, even if he is forced to dis-
practices which are questionable in ' solve Parliament and proclaim a dic-
character and at times definitely rep- tatorship to remain in power.
rehensible. The "leaders" are followers A similar situation to that which
of the mob and exhibit either an as- obtained in the British Parliament un-
tonishing lack of responsibility or an der the coalition government is the

TONIGHT: Joshn Philip Sousa and
his Band in Hill auditorium at S
* * *
On Tuesday, November 18, the Ora-
torical Association will present Edith
Wynne Matthisoh, Charles Rann Ken-
nedy, and Margaret Gage in Mr. Ken-
nedy's latest play, "The Chastening."
Its recent production in New York,
and the "private" performance in
London-private because the censor
deemed the play "too near the life
of Christ"-both received the highest
praise from the critics. George Ber-
nard Shaw, as an outstanding example,
has said of it, "The presentation is
perfect. The censor's ban is a horrible
scandal: I am sorely tempted to get
out my rusty knife and resume my
ancient warfare. Love to Edith, and my
respectful compliments to Miss Gage.
What a face the firl has!"
There is 'scarcely any actress on
the stage today as genuinely, sincerely
magnificent as Miss Matthison. She is
regarded, literally, in both England
and America as one of the consummate
artists of the time. In her work there
is an amazing finesse, a certain re-
pressed subtlety equalled only by
Maude Adams and Julia Marlowe: her
art is the final, beautiful glow of a
generation quickly being superceded
by a pack of superficial, twilight stars.


1! , ---


Personal hristmas Cards

h s
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ioth Ends of the Diagonal Walk

e at a w . t _______________________________


Her voice and diction alone are

cited everywhere as the model of per-
fect English music, while her reper-
toire has ranged through all dramatic
literature. In the Euripidean plays as
Andromache and Electra, in "Every-
man," "Romeo and Juliet," and "As
You Like It" she has introduced a
new, complete interpret.ye style.
Other roles have included Portia
and Rosamund to the Shylock and
Becket of Sir Henry Irving, Queen
Catherine to the Wolsey of Sir Herbert
Beerbohm Tree, Sister Beatrice, Her-
mione, the Piper, and the wife in
"The Servant in the House." Besides
those her professional associations
have listed lien Greet, Charles Froh-
man, Granville Barker, Cyril Maude,
and Winthrop Ames.
Although it is a press-phrase, it is
fully true: her unswerving constancy
to the very highest in art has made
for her a unique place among the crea-
tive influences of 'this generation.
A review, by .Fred Sparrow.

2 3 15 7e8Di vi r {
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
fthose 1, de;i{ios 7'rbe id e T snyIf hes hasllP
23 24 25 2 222 as1(,-1.1io
22 2startd. Only .10 chagd r th dlivery ervi ce, which
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I mo're sandwiches acpted.
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having your hat done over in a clean __
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Rt t t r I c a _Iead th e W a n t A d s ,


unforgiveable misunderstanding of
their mission in life. If they have de-
signs on campus political jobs theirs
actions can be justiTed by their fear'
of public opinion, if they are joiners
they are afraid that those whose in-
fluence is essential to their advance-
ment will think they lack courage.
Iln those, however, who have alreadyl
-ttained their ambitions, the conform-
ist attitude is incomprehensible. They,
live down to the level instead of at-
tempting in their own way to raise the
general level of intelligence.
Until prominent students and their
influential organizations take a stand
for what they know in their innermost
self to be the right the excessiveJ
breaking of the law in University
communities will never be eliminated
to any great extent.

.miral called attention to the.
"religion and patriotism have
i entwined in nations that
at, and that their decline was
it with the recession of relig-
or." Japan was cited as the
ng present day example of
then stressed the need for
on as an impetus to pro-1
ivilization and indicated that
te United States is surround-
tions, intensely virile, ambi-
elligent and poor." "As a re-
concluded, "Our probable
are becoming stronger to at-
we are weaker to resist. Of
e longer the trend continues
er we shall be in comparigon

At a recent meeting of the National
association , of State universities,
President David Kinley, of the Uni-
versity of Illinois, made the statement
that in one respect at least the edu-
cational system of America is a fail-
ure. "American education," he said,
"is failing to make clear to the stu-
dent a true conception of the spirit
of America." This he laid to a general

cause of all of Premier Mussolini's
worries. The real fear of the split is
due to the fact that the Deputies who
entered Parliament on the Fascist
I ticket are not all Fascisti, but include
many Liberals and ex-Combatants
whose allegiance to the Fascisti
regime is beginning to show signs of
Thus, if the Liberals and ex-Com-
battenti joined the opposition and
' abandoned the Parliament, according
to the Italian custom, the Fascist
Deputies alone would not constitute
the quorum necessary to make the
decisions of Parliament of recognized
legal value and Mussolini would be
J forced to rule without a Parliament.
The significance of the entire sit-
uation to the citizens of the United
States lies in the fact that much of
the unrest and economic difficulties,
which Mussolini is now facing and
which. are threatening to cause his
downfall, may be directly traced to the
I overpopulation of Italy which has re-
sulted since America passed her new
i immigration law.
The most direct cause for the up-
heaval is the arousing of the sym-
pathies of the people by the ex-sol-
diers. If their sentimental appeals are
successful, the next few days will
witness the fall of another great
1 political leader and the overthrowal
of his government.
A head in The Free Press says:
"Grange Wants Cabinet Position."
Does this mean that we are to have a
Department of Athletic Competition
or does "Red' have designs on the
Department of War?

is something anomalous in misconception of the, correct character
upon religion to foster a of the proper education for citizenship,
Ic spirit in the "Church of saying that our students are given
Rest." It is true that from only a sketchy acquaintance with the
time Christianity has had a mechanism of government, rather than
it part in wars, has played its an insight into it's essential character
>rmulating a fighting morale. or spirit.
he spirit of militant Chris- There is undoubtedly a great deal
as dominated the church of truth in what President Kinley
middle ages even to the pres- said, but it is hardly fair to lay the
During the recent conflict blame entirely on the educational sys-
h urged war, our preachers tem. It is true that the average stu-
home generals and admirals. dent leaves the University upon grad-
all very well. It is going a uation with but a hazy idea of the true
owever, to ask present day purpose and spirit of ;government,
o act as an agent for arous- but it is equally true that he graduates'
)ple a fear and hatred of our with only a sketchy conception of
, a means to remove that economics, sociology, history, mathe-
ch alone can make possible matics, and everything else he has
ace. The church must take studied. The average American educa-
. spreading its fundamental tion is a nebulous thing indeed, and
as the basis of international seems to consist largely of a string
It must propagate thoughts of hazy, half-formed, often erroneous
id peace instead of war and ideas, mixed up with a limited supply
of glib phrases and worn out cliches.
ar Admiral's other statement I A recent graduate of Michigan, now
country is getting "effemi- in the advertising business summed'
,use of its smug complacency up the educational problem in a nut-
g the future, and that Rus- shell. "Take Ec.," he told a younger'
1, and Germany are await- student, "and when you get, out into
st opportunity for aggression the world all you gotta do to get ahead



E:: -- ]

tanneru Cristian, University or-
ganist, appeared in the seventh con-
cert of the Twilight Organ series yes-
* terday afternoon in Hill auditorium..
The audience was scattered, but ex-'
-tremely appreciative in its response.
The program was well balanced both
as regard to the types of music and
of the composers represented.
Weber's "Jubilee Overture" stood
out foremost in yesterday's recital.
This composition was written for the
fiftieth anniversary of the accession
of Frederick Augustus I to the throne
of Saxony at the time when Weber was
"Musik-Director" at Dresden. The
piece is stupendous in its proportions
and requires great technical skill for
its successful rendition. Mr. Christian
played with a technical brilliance and
gusto that, excited the admiration of
his audience.
Cesar Franck, the founder of the
modern French school of musical com-;
position and an organist of note in
his day, was represented by his well
known "Fantasie." This is a singular
composition, being stately and dra-
matic, reflective and tragic, in turn.
The contrasting moods of the piece
were brought out with force by the
performer by effective and artistic
"American Rhapsody" by Pietro Yon,
at present organist of St. Xaviers,
New York, gave the audience an op-
portunity of hearing a rather dis-
tinctly modern type of composition.
It consists of a varied harmonic
treatment of "Maryland My Maryland,"
"Tramp Tramp Tramp The Boys Are
I Marching," "Dixie" and "Hail Colum-
bia." Several unrelated chords oc-
curring between each of these tunes
and a flimsy layer of contrapuntal
treatment, completed the composition.
* * *
Persons who operate puppet shows I
must be frank about the childish in-
stincts within us all. They possess
such weaknesses themselves, else
why should they spend their lives
playing with dolls upon a string?
And thy cater to the failings of others,
by putting on playlets which are gen-
erally relegated to the children, be-
cause grown ups are too haughty to
consider them.
Honest men who admit that they are



A: :.

7 rte


VI r ~ iti


Send mail orders to
Room 308, Michigan Union



Anonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request.

Tues., Nov.25
8 O'Clock
Hill Auditorium
Be certain of seeing this
unique program, as delight-
ful as it is refreshing.


Behold the blessings of Michigan
women! They may dance; in fact if
they do not, their period of recrea-
tion is shortened. Perhaps women who
do not dance require less recreation!
They may instruct the president of
their house to vote in a certain way.
But it also seems others may hoot
down the woman who has the cour-
age to express the opinion of all wo-
men on campus-even those who were
cowardly enough to agree to an op-
posed rule. Is there any more detest-

This is the verdict of countless students. And
you Will feel the sam way, once you have en-
joyed the many advantages of the Remington
Portable Typewriter.
It will save your time. It wi:l make all writ-
ing tasks easier, It will help you to (o better
work, and that means better marks. It willfgive
/ou a training that will be useful in all your
aft life.




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