;AY, NOVE2ETZ 1 2,12 I HE MICHIGAN DAILY r . . , , '- - - .. _. .... ...,o.. ..... HG9NZ1 IVN LUB Suggest Revision FB I IT~fIRY 1tilnFNsy temrn l UllL!IILIIIIII IUIUILIII WYOMEN ON P1 N~A 1OS v(Yp ER ORVANfillTION ON, CLIT h~mn;o~si' lfor ltheq ,ur e l~ to lheavy tlentamon on- pw. Ih, women,:c l,,,roll sh iny(a , 2, ws! n pIIILdk t,(o take stes t~rrd r.aui~:~o T rw (mILi- The aias, !'.hds,1tme U I JI( ia aLyno l idrwa o fiteti;)fth lub w.ll be, As 'Cu , t Pa Gren .re (;n.. ,l- T)-L. Ib CCt'd a te inta a(et-s odcd h TE4STORN Y TDA .,day.n Palr ail ~aldi Iv ..e eL p AmKcer 5,a IsidsIhig eprS from national represent- a esof sororities visiting. the office ofthe d of women fromT time to aug is nsatisfetcry bth; itrule wllI ~I~e !ve~rity ife ad th intellgent if th e revision is not ndcertaken by{ the i nd ivid'ual chapters, according toI the, staftf ini the dean's olice. MMBE RSHI[ ,P AYPMCN TO UOPEATR VAATO The campraignk for life memibershlin inl the(, Vo.enl's League will begin the seodweek after' the Christmas vaca- t~. Constance Cla-rke, '26, chairmnan, wll ceck oWT the names of under grz auates who(} pledged themselves latst year in order to avoid soliciting} their memberw-ship again. It is sug- gted that the women wear the but- i o olast year. A1lplans wllbe carefully corn- "Ihi'; edbeor acation. Committees willbe eletedand assigned to re- })r C iVOditricts.There will prob- ably b1a172il etue nposter;- tl11i ('yer, 'accoiJt1:ng to )the i mi TTl2 e ! I chlairmlan. Hlealth Service Is Toured.ByWomen h mire rem T) iemn and so1)ho- moreWinnatnd a tour of inspec-E ioin of. - (5 L ervice yesterdayv atL fe iiin >CY , t'Lt ?e i~ L1't'the, a- bl -yregister are1Ideswih~ie , 'for :0mm -~ theiii in Hiv'r:-it yhall betweenm 'teed without equivocatiorH.ri'ic i ; ' <1h1z:r or at .adI '.o ktorw. , t ilbe ldto elIBe ndhsp elurt p~aay thmeir' li'1aspread u s- as- unevenness and streaks K 0011a pc 55lbIC. % edrhpcomsino ieyou find the most de- oe ofttelg n incs o cre(y V.W. C. . will nmext at 4:15 o'clock, srbltlthsfroh nd tosfinfor eadwi - llen.t attention i aeo nrrmytoda"y at Neowbeinry hall.subecohsfrtean terifredw[ aany h')ur. Only the inf:irmnar y is - - Ohio State trip,. thread. op n. at night..I M~iembers of the- Uiversity Girls' - 1cc lbwl odameiga Prices. ae 1.8. IIAV E 0' t' IBSC1IIIWI) YET? r#'clo (:k todaiy in room 305 at the . SENIORS, ATTENTION Senior pictures will be sale at the 'Ensian office i Thanksgiving. After this no" pictures will be sold. Paiy your Paily subscription I'lVT 'Y PARLOR et Ann Arbor og, Shingling and Mlarcelling Jr Cutting M. to 7 P. M. open to 8:30 P. Mv. tment-2773-ft ISilk Hosieri it there can always be he, existing "'best,"' we le for ups that combines know of in other stock- ncaive features of its .dedly better stocking. the ravel-proof RUBY the stocking .that pro- runs. This is guaran- yn. Sus -thread silk, free of gracef ully ' full-f ash- mercerized tops, heels th four-ply long staple 5 and $2.50 T H E hot GRE SHOP 630 E. LIBERTY Fot iI ,_.._._ w . - 44 i N iKehU~ 'is Nraae Opposite Betsy Ross Phone 3059-W % u , c.1 11 I Main at Liberty 8 ..Nickels Av Noon Spec*,ls i' i 11 f w .. wiwww Salads Sandwiches iain Service . tk'W -- - Sale of, o esbat Al 11,1 ,t Id 1' . dwl n 1 ~l c)r 'maav I' T dll outwit ea-htwo doDlb in pr-t chase. Come in to day. F~ N~ $89.50o mici ding Sport Plaids -Tear Trimmed IHIR4"Y-SIX2 H f r f B A NNIVERSA RY CELE75R TION values Up to $125.cGO Sale! , _ r : . v ,tat 'ra 5: f I ' / it ? 1. : ,mac - ,, I' Lovely Coats $45S New in fa bric, new in line, distinctive in detai- distin- guished far above the coats usually found at anywhere near this price. Sales starts this Friday at 8 A. M. Ends Saturday Night. Here are coats that would ordi- narily cost very much- more. Smartly made of velvatone, plain ror striped, din all the newest col- ors. The snug- choker collar and the cuffs are of muskrat or squir- ,rel. Sizes, 14 to 42. Distinctive, serviceable. Others. very special at $65, $85 and $115. " ; _ . 1 ,i J, SECOND FLOOR GOOD YE AR'S I II N~I 11 ! 1 ®i l