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November 02, 1924 - Image 11

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 11-2-1924

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Th~e Cauldron

B~elgian Biliard 1Star Hopes To W~ipe' Out 1923 Defeat Bly Hoppe


>tve, Darrell, Micigan's veteran
clk andl cross country coach got a
thirill theoter dlay ;just before the
t of 11ec race against Wisconsin.
runners were lined uip at the
'ting line wile two hundred spec-
rs clustered abiout the starter.
was time for the race to begin
m a low cheer rose from thb
wd. Raht, rah,-----."_ Steve's
rt rose in his throat. " W~s some-
cheering; the Michigan cross
ntry team?" It wa.l without pre-
ent. But Steve's joy was sudden-
ispelled when the yell ended with
Wisconsin, Wisconsin, Wisconsin."

these leases, anld to this only, we owe A. measure of truth there is inthe [
it that 'in the recent diffriculties with. slogan:
Columbia Loses Coach Japan our Navy was in a position to "Coolidge and Daiwes, Coolidge and r
4 ~defend the nation. Lack of space for-; Dawes,
On Eve 01"NeW Success bidcs 'stating Amy reasons for this! They work th wir <<a , he cothc r
opiionl, which 'reasons wer~e pub- ':their' v,
lished at the'time of the investigation~.____
With his team in the very midst of It has seemed 'necessary to touch Acrw ofaot2h0tendth
a schedule which gave every promise upnti;sbet since D'i d- is game in Liv erpool between the
East-lared in his speechat Cleveland that White Sox and the Giants .
of restoring it to the heights of Eat-_the one issue of the campai gn is the '____ _____
emn football, Percy D. Haughton, head !record of the Republican Party dur- Tercodcod tedngoeo
coach at Columbia University, diduig the present lease of poer t ecbodcrgat fthen Whitoeo
cif acute indige~stion Mlonday'afternoon T1he fatal error of a President in Sox and Giants was in Montreal when
at St. Luke's hospital, New 'York City. rewardinig Daugherty and Fall for 6000 people 'witnessed the opening
The great mentor' was wrking withi campaignu favors is likely to be rep game there.


Vrois ! QVATRE,


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his team when he wais 'eizecl with il p'eated' if Coolidge should' not be;
ness, and died 'an hour~ later: !His elected next Tuesday and the issue is
death was a terrific 'blow to' the CbI) thrown into Congress. The error of
umbia eleven,' which'was' at,"work I1ading, Coolidge has corrected in
preparing for ",the aUl-inportant. so-far ,'as l ay' in his power,,' and the
clash with' Cornell next Saturday at{ cabin~et 'as no'w constituted is one to
iIthaca. In defeating Williams Sat- t inspire confrdence. The" appeal oif


~IN PA~ic IJ INA boo Pomirr-..

~tee wII aveto aitanonerFMTk rday by scoe of 27-3, Hauhton's
little while- for the harriers to be UN emshwdrmrkbe",e xd
aheeditrarceth it was expected to become a 'vorthy
______ Itribute to his unoanny' abilty.
MUCH comment was caused around ',"' t '; a ~ Haughton' started his big time
teamuwhnitwslandtt j}/ >OF'CSM 'caching activities at Har1 hdin 1908.
Illinois wa s to dedicate thae new -Goot) I, 't*" , .:. ,-i"S- z clc tuncA taeyaonl 1,th a
Alnnesota Memorial stadium in lace ,}a i / -.T1sA{5; ( bridge institution had som of the
of Michigan as was originally the plan. stones eas n'te riion ai
hei, inability of the ;work-men to finish t _he best in Harvard'hi a ~ Aftr
tstadium in time for the Michigan ';''' ''/ ~ ~leaving Harvard, HauightOff tooks o @x°er
, mxe was the cause given by the I~< the presdency of the Sbstoxi Braves,
innesota authorities but when the C' $ with aeuain s' talf 'cac
'~olvrines played yesterday there(y] :r4'C behind hlim that is accrded' to' fewl
was a crowdl that taxed the capacity ' mentors.' In 1918, heelseda
Ol the stands while the Illinois tick- ~" major in te chemical crps, In which
es are still on sale and are not going he served' until lifter'" the 'war, Wzhen,
%~ry rapidly. The game for the pos- 1' Im~~ ~"'h took un interosts' ii'-the'-banluig
ssson of the Little Brown Jug is UK 9&t2 {>DOPE~s business in Bostonx.' IiV t prin of
potpular with, the supporters of both '" " C~L AtNG r"93HagEnWa ~ad'~'q
9'hools and the little token of sup- PicJ t, ed ~THCU~I fouto uh by ,Colirid ia -He',art-
macy has assumed an imxportance A- ~eT ALtESM" IVW N AMiTWEkf d u ih"a iomit'm ~
mnost equal to the Big Ten chain- made it ovr into anrt eleven: t'hAt this
Vionship in the eyes of Minnesota and I year is canable of giving battle to the
Michigan. =c~ cream of the East.
____ Before his work at Harvard, Haugh-
It is a strange fact that the dozen I ton coache onl o w yas
air two students who make the trip to y riH lydfobl n aeala
xinneapolis with the Michigan team' Harvard, his alma mratr.'He #as 'heI
leat maaet mk.nug os ' ';d.~" 'fter of the modern system of scout-i
the a ko hyare presentf' ig, and hi success with his tams
e hetamko
nd its seems to give the team as as been made possible by 'what
lchencouragement as do 30,000 or' ' present day gridironi experts termx the
Tore voices on the home field. - PAS to,? Aich'i"Iaightonx System.",
W~c~t3M1'I M~H-''~ ~His 'homne was' n Boston
The -serious injury to Bomar of FOR. A MANCN&01A~
Vanderbilt in a game with Georgia a
week ago yesterday recalls to mind R p b i a
is great play against Michigan in '-"-""""""" ' --
922 and 1923. Two years ago Michi-j (Continued from Page Nhine)
San went dlown to Nashville to play By Norman E. Brown 116. It wasn't until the final night -!king himself says that the cushion ; tder the ~4WilsoP Adminstration,
thae Cdaymadrs taMichigathem, Edouard Horemxans, Belgian billiard ! that, the European displayed form that play will not andicap him but will When it was prostituted to the pur-
perhaps the greatest that ever wore (star, wants another championshipI gave, Ioppe any competition. Then help him. Three weeks, lie avers, is poses of th President in punishing'
t~Ie ~ aia.e and Blue, had been prac- !match at balk line 'iliards with WillieI Wiliamx with less' than 100 points, to all the time hlt will' need to'switch his political enemnis. Citizens f
ojcf s ° ' cold'"weather, The game Hoppe, Perennial champio of the gbezdtruhhsrn back to the balk line. II -" Michigan,' who''su~ffered most from
ts nip and tuck all the way through1 green table game. His challenge,,; IHoremans had won a name' for Judging from Hoppe's present pano this policy, 'if they should ever be
acidaltoug Miciga wa affcte to' Iit will be next March before Hore--Inclined . to favor the doctrines of
ad lhog Mchgn a afetd orecently issued, places him at the l hmself in European billiard circles mnorayoels gets a chance at. Senator LaFolette, :should bear in
s' -e extent by the climate, it was {mn raoees
powerless to pierce the great south- top of the list of those who prob-' before comning to the United States his tiltes. Until then William will mind that it was the action of te1
"line. Oance the Wolverines gotl ably will deCmand a chanice at Wi- two years ago in the hope of' wrest) continue to play exhibitions for the1UntdSaeSurm Cotwhc
ithin the Vanderbilt one yard line !hlam's crown between now and next ;irg iloppes title. lie had made recor-d' three cushion fans. j bruitd taesSprem C ol ntiust whic
lost then ball on downs. Bomarsum. runs of 200, 300 and 500. Shortly be- brughtteepltcl nmlus o
ae rihtakei thtgm, Just howr soon "A~pps will trotE'esiigfrteU . mtCr In the first 1'4 years of the Amneni- The legality of the leases of oil
ainst Vandervoort. "The hardest i in P-s and defeated the Frenchman
rout his crown and let the boys try itinpitmthwtanae-cnLgu teAhlishldihr lands is by insistence of Presi-
arIevrhdhtm- istewyonl remains to be seen., Hoppe has. aeru f6 first, second or third lace at. the end j cdentsCoolidgenito es ttld Rbyithe
which Van described him upon his been and still is giving all his time jae uIf 0 of 10 of these seasons,' faling 'out of cors'TeDm rasndR ial
~turn. to the three cushion game, I-e jI le is about 33 years of age. lHe the first division only twice. The team preferrcd fo have the whole matter
'switched from the balkline a year onewsasl;sit'acmn then fell into a slump, finishing in I tone Into y a partisan comitee-f
s'ln the game of 1922 Bomar not only 'ago when his decisive victories in Perhaps that is where he acq uired last place seven times in the last 10' Congi:m-~, and such r n Investigation
Id dlown the tackle job but also the winter tournament, a playoff his smooth touch. That he had yas they dild conduct with probably the'
n with the ball and did a lt of match and three challenge matches miastered the billiard game was evi " choicest' coliee'tion of- train robbers,
od 'punting. It was he who punted convinced him and the prublic that j dent several years ago when he ran '-- bootloggers aid blacklegs as wit-
om behind his own goal lin after, the balk line game hlcd little com- lip runs of 207 and 13 in an 181 L. 0. Goas, '25, of Sch'ylkull Haven, nesses that has ever been brought to-
ichigan had made the big threat. petition for hime temporarily. ba line match with Gallagher. At Pla., has been elected ;captain of the !gthr for such a 'purpose. " Without
At year lBomar played left end andI Regarding the coming season he ' I hat time at least the world's record I Dartmouth varsity basketball- team forj condoning- in-the least tle behavior
s largely. responsible for holditng I says that he will not (desert the ' for a run in match play was 140, !lthe 1924-25 reason. Gas a guard, 'of Fall in his relation with Doheny,
e Wolverines to a 3-0 score. At three-cushion tables until the proper held by Frank Ives. 'has played two years on the varsityI one maiy 'say with all confidence that, I
e end of the season hie was chosen side bets hlave been posted by balk. The Belgian also ran up a string1 squad. so far as ' one" can now 'see, the -oil
I-American end by Walter Camp. line aspirants.. Verbal; challenges , of 325 in a match with George Slos- --_____- leases Were under all-" the cicum-
mar is out of football for good now! don't take, he says. s on wlhen Hoppe's high record wasI C. W. Burns of San Francisco has stances characterized "by' commend-I
t members of Michigan's 1922 and 1-llorians believes that he ca '17 less than that. Horeman's great- Iben lctd apinoth nwy able wisdom and: foesight and with!
23, undefeated elevens will always give op a run 'for his money d-, brueieoenf 0elfr escdctmaofteewlyn-!odrtunsi au o'tle oen
member the husky Commodore who spite the fact that the Belgian made Close followers of ti c ;tc'c game versity. ; meat.> To the patrotc action of Se-
- s a whole line in himself, the poorest showing of any of the! are wondering what effc(t i:,'eral { {__________ rotary Deby In cnnetion ' with'
'challengers after last winter's tour-; months of three-Cushion play will - --- - '-'
Ma.C hrelroen fwrtanInmnt. isthwork in t lyhe second si have Iopetar s balkdelin lsilwes notie Lafayept te gCog stdenatshave
Class A _records for cars not e- bn ftetrenihs1lywsh oe e ed odfndhstte vtdtoteloadah
ciig16$C C irsls Wd~-woeful. ,IHoppe, won that night 500 to inhe 18.1 and 18.2 games. The symnbol ofeeviea the footbll elvAds
over the Brooklands track. lHe '

D'avis to turn: the Republicans out in
favor of- the; always virtuous Demo-
cr~ats has 'a hackneyed and ' hollow
sou:id; and comring as it 'does from
one, -who heas heldt with distinction po-
sitio'ri- of 'great dignity and responsi.-
-bi'Uity, :it- is- di'sappo.Inting.-The Ad-
iministration obf- Presidecnt Coolidge
may with all confidence rest its; case
upon 'peformande, rather, than upon
oratory,'uiid this has 'been the policy
whhifi It has declared and observed.
Eletric Hseaters
Faillxweather is now upon us.
There'°s nothing like ',a good
electric heater 'toi take that
jchill off of 'the house. We
have a number of different
types of heaters at prices
which are very reasonavie.
1 ,ctruio sSIXop
104 N.TJotirth Ave. Phone 2814-NI
Read the 'W ant Ads

A bold robber on the
campus, Old- Dan Druff,
is robbing many of the'
students of their Crowns"
Af Glory.
HY-TONE has headquar-
ters at* CAHow's DRUG
STORE, 213 \South Main
street. Go down and se-
cure' his services; he ' has
routed' Old Dan many,
many times.
213. S. Main St.
Successor to




Engraved, ClArstBlown
SGo beItas and Sherberts 25C each-
1Buy one or a dozen. They are regular $4.510 doz. grad. -
-Don't fail to see them. They will add much to your service.
S o e SI209:211 East Washington Street
Phone 112 FreesDelivery

,tablished new times amid speeds for
,ery record from one half mnil e to
i0 miles' inclusvc, 50 to 1100 kilo-
eters, and all records from 1 to 10,
urs. Major Hlarvey's car was a'
ir cylinder Alvis, speed averaging'i
.-08- m.p.h. over 700' miles.



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1 ethe Difference

Bank thniYusApedn:'
And Its Man-size Grip ]Keeps Fingers
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MAN Y a time the Duofold's Over-size
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An executive of the Public Securities
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" I signed my name to 1057 checks with one
filling of my lDuofold in just 1l hr. 30 min."
Yes, itot on'ly'distanco writing but speed
as well - the speed and character that win
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The size of this strapping big, black-tipped
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Its symmetry and balance inspire and
steady the hand-its jewel-smooth point is
guaranteed, if not mistreated, f£or..25 years'-
Step in and get it at any good pen counter.
Manufacturers als of Parker '.Duafod 'PAnci
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Factory and General Offices:


>emy Duofold;
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coats against loss by
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They deser've

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