__TI- E MCI-HANDAILY rO~ ~~ W ' . ; I t + t* fI Spovrs lb . ,- k' t l i . 1 I .. Th~e Cauldron HOREN4ANS CONFIDENT OF WI NNING TITLE B~elgian Biliard 1Star Hopes To W~ipe' Out 1923 Defeat Bly Hoppe E >tve, Darrell, Micigan's veteran clk andl cross country coach got a thirill theoter dlay ;just before the t of 11ec race against Wisconsin. runners were lined uip at the 'ting line wile two hundred spec- rs clustered abiout the starter. was time for the race to begin m a low cheer rose from thb wd. Raht, rah,-----."_ Steve's rt rose in his throat. " W~s some- cheering; the Michigan cross ntry team?" It wa.l without pre- ent. But Steve's joy was sudden- ispelled when the yell ended with Wisconsin, Wisconsin, Wisconsin." these leases, anld to this only, we owe A. measure of truth there is inthe [ it that 'in the recent diffriculties with. slogan: Columbia Loses Coach Japan our Navy was in a position to "Coolidge and Daiwes, Coolidge and r 4 ~defend the nation. Lack of space for-; Dawes, On Eve 01"NeW Success bidcs 'stating Amy reasons for this! They work th wir <OF'CSM 'caching activities at Har1 hdin 1908. Illinois wa s to dedicate thae new -Goot) I, 't*" , .:. ,-i"S- z clc tuncA taeyaonl 1,th a Alnnesota Memorial stadium in lace ,}a i / -.T1sA{5; ( bridge institution had som of the of Michigan as was originally the plan. stones eas n'te riion ai hei, inability of the ;work-men to finish t _he best in Harvard'hi a ~ Aftr tstadium in time for the Michigan ';''' ''/ ~ ~leaving Harvard, HauightOff tooks o @x°er , mxe was the cause given by the I~< the presdency of the Sbstoxi Braves, innesota authorities but when the C' $ with aeuain s' talf 'cac '~olvrines played yesterday there(y] :r4'C behind hlim that is accrded' to' fewl was a crowdl that taxed the capacity ' mentors.' In 1918, heelseda Ol the stands while the Illinois tick- ~" major in te chemical crps, In which es are still on sale and are not going he served' until lifter'" the 'war, Wzhen, %~ry rapidly. The game for the pos- 1' Im~~ ~"'h took un interosts' ii'-the'-banluig ssson of the Little Brown Jug is UK 9&t2 {>DOPE~s business in Bostonx.' IiV t prin of potpular with, the supporters of both '" " C~L AtNG r"93HagEnWa ~ad'~'q 9'hools and the little token of sup- PicJ t, ed ~THCU~I fouto uh by ,Colirid ia -He',art- macy has assumed an imxportance A- ~eT ALtESM" IVW N AMiTWEkf d u ih"a iomit'm ~ mnost equal to the Big Ten chain- made it ovr into anrt eleven: t'hAt this Vionship in the eyes of Minnesota and I year is canable of giving battle to the Michigan. =c~ cream of the East. ____ Before his work at Harvard, Haugh- It is a strange fact that the dozen I ton coache onl o w yas air two students who make the trip to y riH lydfobl n aeala xinneapolis with the Michigan team' Harvard, his alma mratr.'He #as 'heI leat maaet mk.nug os ' ';d.~" 'fter of the modern system of scout-i the a ko hyare presentf' ig, and hi success with his tams e hetamko nd its seems to give the team as as been made possible by 'what lchencouragement as do 30,000 or' ' present day gridironi experts termx the Tore voices on the home field. - PAS to,? Aich'i"Iaightonx System.", W~c~t3M1'I M~H-''~ ~His 'homne was' n Boston The -serious injury to Bomar of FOR. A MANCN&01A~ Vanderbilt in a game with Georgia a week ago yesterday recalls to mind R p b i a is great play against Michigan in '-"-""""""" ' -- 922 and 1923. Two years ago Michi-j (Continued from Page Nhine) San went dlown to Nashville to play By Norman E. Brown 116. It wasn't until the final night -!king himself says that the cushion ; tder the ~4WilsoP Adminstration, thae Cdaymadrs taMichigathem, Edouard Horemxans, Belgian billiard ! that, the European displayed form that play will not andicap him but will When it was prostituted to the pur- perhaps the greatest that ever wore (star, wants another championshipI gave, Ioppe any competition. Then help him. Three weeks, lie avers, is poses of th President in punishing' t~Ie ~ aia.e and Blue, had been prac- !match at balk line 'iliards with WillieI Wiliamx with less' than 100 points, to all the time hlt will' need to'switch his political enemnis. Citizens f ojcf s ° ' cold'"weather, The game Hoppe, Perennial champio of the gbezdtruhhsrn back to the balk line. II -" Michigan,' who''su~ffered most from ts nip and tuck all the way through1 green table game. His challenge,,; IHoremans had won a name' for Judging from Hoppe's present pano this policy, 'if they should ever be acidaltoug Miciga wa affcte to' Iit will be next March before Hore--Inclined . to favor the doctrines of ad lhog Mchgn a afetd orecently issued, places him at the l hmself in European billiard circles mnorayoels gets a chance at. Senator LaFolette, :should bear in s' -e extent by the climate, it was {mn raoees powerless to pierce the great south- top of the list of those who prob-' before comning to the United States his tiltes. Until then William will mind that it was the action of te1 "line. Oance the Wolverines gotl ably will deCmand a chanice at Wi- two years ago in the hope of' wrest) continue to play exhibitions for the1UntdSaeSurm Cotwhc ithin the Vanderbilt one yard line !hlam's crown between now and next ;irg iloppes title. lie had made recor-d' three cushion fans. j bruitd taesSprem C ol ntiust whic lost then ball on downs. Bomarsum. runs of 200, 300 and 500. Shortly be- brughtteepltcl nmlus o ae rihtakei thtgm, Just howr soon "A~pps will trotE'esiigfrteU . mtCr In the first 1'4 years of the Amneni- The legality of the leases of oil ainst Vandervoort. "The hardest i in P-s and defeated the Frenchman rout his crown and let the boys try itinpitmthwtanae-cnLgu teAhlishldihr lands is by insistence of Presi- arIevrhdhtm- istewyonl remains to be seen., Hoppe has. aeru f6 first, second or third lace at. the end j cdentsCoolidgenito es ttld Rbyithe which Van described him upon his been and still is giving all his time jae uIf 0 of 10 of these seasons,' faling 'out of cors'TeDm rasndR ial ~turn. to the three cushion game, I-e jI le is about 33 years of age. lHe the first division only twice. The team preferrcd fo have the whole matter 'switched from the balkline a year onewsasl;sit'acmn then fell into a slump, finishing in I tone Into y a partisan comitee-f s'ln the game of 1922 Bomar not only 'ago when his decisive victories in Perhaps that is where he acq uired last place seven times in the last 10' Congi:m-~, and such r n Investigation Id dlown the tackle job but also the winter tournament, a playoff his smooth touch. That he had yas they dild conduct with probably the' n with the ball and did a lt of match and three challenge matches miastered the billiard game was evi " choicest' coliee'tion of- train robbers, od 'punting. It was he who punted convinced him and the prublic that j dent several years ago when he ran '-- bootloggers aid blacklegs as wit- om behind his own goal lin after, the balk line game hlcd little com- lip runs of 207 and 13 in an 181 L. 0. Goas, '25, of Sch'ylkull Haven, nesses that has ever been brought to- ichigan had made the big threat. petition for hime temporarily. ba line match with Gallagher. At Pla., has been elected ;captain of the !gthr for such a 'purpose. " Without At year lBomar played left end andI Regarding the coming season he ' I hat time at least the world's record I Dartmouth varsity basketball- team forj condoning- in-the least tle behavior s largely. responsible for holditng I says that he will not (desert the ' for a run in match play was 140, !lthe 1924-25 reason. Gas a guard, 'of Fall in his relation with Doheny, e Wolverines to a 3-0 score. At three-cushion tables until the proper held by Frank Ives. 'has played two years on the varsityI one maiy 'say with all confidence that, I e end of the season hie was chosen side bets hlave been posted by balk. The Belgian also ran up a string1 squad. so far as ' one" can now 'see, the -oil I-American end by Walter Camp. line aspirants.. Verbal; challenges , of 325 in a match with George Slos- --_____- leases Were under all-" the cicum- mar is out of football for good now! don't take, he says. s on wlhen Hoppe's high record wasI C. W. Burns of San Francisco has stances characterized "by' commend-I t members of Michigan's 1922 and 1-llorians believes that he ca '17 less than that. Horeman's great- Iben lctd apinoth nwy able wisdom and: foesight and with! 23, undefeated elevens will always give op a run 'for his money d-, brueieoenf 0elfr escdctmaofteewlyn-!odrtunsi au o'tle oen member the husky Commodore who spite the fact that the Belgian made Close followers of ti c ;tc'c game versity. ; meat.> To the patrotc action of Se- - s a whole line in himself, the poorest showing of any of the! are wondering what effc(t i:,'eral { {__________ rotary Deby In cnnetion ' with' 'challengers after last winter's tour-; months of three-Cushion play will - --- - '-' Ma.C hrelroen fwrtanInmnt. isthwork in t lyhe second si have Iopetar s balkdelin lsilwes notie Lafayept te gCog stdenatshave Class A _records for cars not e- bn ftetrenihs1lywsh oe e ed odfndhstte vtdtoteloadah ciig16$C C irsls Wd~-woeful. ,IHoppe, won that night 500 to inhe 18.1 and 18.2 games. The symnbol ofeeviea the footbll elvAds over the Brooklands track. lHe ' D'avis to turn: the Republicans out in favor of- the; always virtuous Demo- cr~ats has 'a hackneyed and ' hollow sou:id; and comring as it 'does from one, -who heas heldt with distinction po- sitio'ri- of 'great dignity and responsi.- -bi'Uity, :it- is- di'sappo.Inting.-The Ad- iministration obf- Presidecnt Coolidge may with all confidence rest its; case upon 'peformande, rather, than upon oratory,'uiid this has 'been the policy whhifi It has declared and observed. '44 Eletric Hseaters Faillxweather is now upon us. There'°s nothing like ',a good electric heater 'toi take that jchill off of 'the house. We have a number of different types of heaters at prices which are very reasonavie. ERNST BROTHERS 1 ,ctruio sSIXop 104 N.TJotirth Ave. Phone 2814-NI Read the 'W ant Ads A bold robber on the campus, Old- Dan Druff, is robbing many of the' students of their Crowns" Af Glory. LISTEN! HY-TONE has headquar- ters at* CAHow's DRUG STORE, 213 \South Main street. Go down and se- cure' his services; he ' has routed' Old Dan many, many times. CAHOW DRUG COAN 213. S. Main St. Successor to MANN'S ..DRUG 'STORE~ i I I' Engraved, ClArstBlown SGo beItas and Sherberts 25C each- 1Buy one or a dozen. They are regular $4.510 doz. grad. - -Don't fail to see them. They will add much to your service. S o e SI209:211 East Washington Street Phone 112 FreesDelivery ,tablished new times amid speeds for ,ery record from one half mnil e to i0 miles' inclusvc, 50 to 1100 kilo- eters, and all records from 1 to 10, urs. Major Hlarvey's car was a' ir cylinder Alvis, speed averaging'i .-08- m.p.h. over 700' miles. HI INSURE YU w ~j 1 ethe Difference Bank thniYusApedn:' And Its Man-size Grip ]Keeps Fingers Gently Extended 'so Ypu Cani't Cramp You~r Style MAN Y a time the Duofold's Over-size _ inkcapacity will tide you over those extra pages of writing that you can't foresee when you- go to class, or that come as an afterthought'in your corresponiden'ce. An executive of the Public Securities Corporation, Los Angeles, writes us: " I signed my name to 1057 checks with one filling of my lDuofold in just 1l hr. 30 min." Yes, itot on'ly'distanco writing but speed as well - the speed and character that win with the world. - - The size of this strapping big, black-tipped lacquer-red beauty provides you not only with ink to spare, but also with aanan-size grip that can't cramp your style.' Its symmetry and balance inspire and steady the hand-its jewel-smooth point is guaranteed, if not mistreated, f£or..25 years'- WEAR. Step in and get it at any good pen counter. THE PARKER PEN COMPANY Manufacturers als of Parker '.Duafod 'PAnci to mas~ h hpen, $3.50 Factory and General Offices: DIANES VILLE, W IS. FUR~ GOAT -F.ET TANAGER >emy Duofold; niever fails me. i We can in sure fur coats against loss by fire or theft for a very reasonable amount. -i El El .:: .. El rl El El =1 =1 =1 Between the best laundering and the poorest, there may be many shades and degrees of- difference, but you wiii4 find it universally true that the most outstand ing factor in the contrast will be than essential element of "personal care9 -a care which is the outstanding characteristic of our work. 1 I What is more personal They deser've can the clothes you wear? , 'personal carre. 0 . gff W-jff'm ,; ...d ..- _. __ i11 II 11 11 l1111111111111iHi llil 111111