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October 19, 1924 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 10-19-1924

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A4History Of The State ..And University


Ass'n Program

Of Michigan Fro Tlhe Earliest Khown
White Settlement To The Present Tir

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Hill Aud., Tues.

Oct. 2 1

By Philip. Leonard'
In the same year, nearly a century
age, the State of Michigan and they
UJniver~ity of Michigan camne into ex-4
istence. The University was the first !
'greait offspriig of an infant state andI
it:3 growth through 87 years has
closely paralleled that of the parents
To determine fully the conditions
which led to the founding of the Vni-
-versity it is necessary to trace' the
growth of Michigan from scattered
settlements through the cornparativ'!
unity of an organized territory to its .
final form as a state of the Union.
The circumistances which attend
this' growth must' be also cotisider fod'
as' having an undenilable be'aring upon)
the nature of the ,resultant state.
Th'e' circumstances may be briefly'
classified as the geographical cond i..
tions, the nature and temperameht ofl
the inhabitanits and finally the his-
torical events ever attendant uponi thel
evolution of" a political'-unit. Let' us
consider these circumstances.
MItchi-sawgyegan, " great lake,"
the 'Inidians called the mitten-shapedl
piece of lanfd bounded by the ,fresh-'
water seas, Lake Superior, Lake Erie;
Lake St. Cla ir, Lake Huron and Lake
Michigan. This chain' of lakes, ap- i
proximately' 1500 miles in length', ot-
fered easy' access to, the virgin ter- t
ritory for the early' explorers. It is
highly probablhe' that the development
of Michigan was hastened fully half
a century by the presence of these
bodies of nVvigable water. In the
early days of America overland travel
was slow and beset with many 'dan*-
gers while travel by w~ater was fast-l
er and much more desirable.
P~ut it was when the natural re-f
sources of the territory began to Ine
developedl that the great value of fihe
lakes as highways of commerce wats
realized. With the end' of the reign'
of mature in Aichiganl, Commerce b'&-
came~ King until' in 1837' the wbitb'
"sails of commercial vessels dotted
the lakes anid all the world was bene'
fitting by' the development' of Mlichi-
gan's natural resources.
These resources were of mianiy
kinds. In'the earliest days it Was the'
abundance of' game and fur-bearing
animals which attracted the French'1i
trapper and fu h r tader.' As time went
on lumbermen began to cut into the
seemingly inexhaustile timtber re-'
sources which covered both' penin-
sulas. In (the northern country shafts

-"The English and Americans on 1:3- :0
Iterpart contributed a sturdiness of '
stock- and "stability of character _____________________
YONW - - which tempered the French imnpul-
________ siveness. While' the French drove o?31 1 11 i t
to new fields the English established Read he m a t id
Hlow 'Michigan was neamed? (Continued on Page Sixteen)
The ti'.cmd'heatibrcak wvhich went'to mak~e the state? QUALIT'Y - COURTE Y' - SE ICEI
Of thei coinidenu foun~rding of the sta't+ and University) of M LO N
5 e-'ginn' with this, issue, The Daily will' publish' fromti timie to THE" SE~nRVICE TO
time' in the columns o01 thirr section ani accouint of the' growth and ii. TR
4developmient of the University from the time Whon the state, at its
birtth, founded~ an in stitutiofi of igher' learning fa'r its people. On ,318' SOUTH }STATE STSREET'
this page begins the 'gripping epic of Michigan's ogreatness, of the
struggle andi rise of the great nmd-wstcrn coinmionwvealth, redolent filofles' N , 11, 1J
with the l Vackrou'd of sacrt'd traditionu, of' inspiring zeal of .those'
public mfii- e4 indf iduals whose self' sacifice gave to: thel University, '-- ________
now soa solid in its greatie'ss' the liun'ble b'egin nings which have' made
thdat greatness possible. 6 nm iigo ty u e u o h on
Were sunk and tile' valuable otand Livery' step~ of the Way was contested, in
ironeek theselisso firsen fruits ' a c
copper ores were, extracted.for ,the 'Indifts were firmu friends of' ngfs
With tie cessatio ' ul' hostilities 'af- the Fre'nch and a majorityr of thevm
ter' thleWar' of -18 2 settlers p'ruied't 'bact.becomeC "tatholiscaconvttts.'1i to you
into Michigan to develope its chief+ the struggle; ended in 1760 with En-
and most lasting resources, the..soil. lish in control of the ter'ritory 'yA IteSuhr iafo h~~oe: FRESH FRUITS- FRESH. VEGEITABLES
peninsula was a paradise for the'plew port ant m'ilitary posts of' Detroit and IOWD WN(APS IAVf
and was goo~n put under' cultivation.,'J \Tcrinac 'Assigth "nls CAM~FOJ1NIA JitAPES" (',9~I'1 1'i
Frnhewnerr rm tei.hi ih c. 'e an the ns otinWAi; BEANS
men to enter the virgin territory1 colonies .in the south. 1 FINE~S T 0OF BIKING AVITIMS I[141II;VA
which later became Michigan. Car- 'And then camne a gradual Iintriniii - i II)NEY flEW 'A' bIION8bhl~' I 1+z ' t'L~
T'ying the cro,,s of the Catholic c rurch; I"go tetw epe,FI:enc iari" +W$I FNBRRS'!('PLAINT
twco Jlesuits, lIrehoeuf and Danie'l, !I English Th-le Frenchi contribtit TA'l:13I'D 1PES '3Y IlE 14(=IK" M'JW BEEl;TS
brined a par..ty of Huron Indians at culture and a hpih type of learni. FACY . CItAWFI OREI) PtIE' ~gw A'IJS
Q uiiebec in 1f):)4 sand acco mipanil, SP E DId A Bto the frontier civilization. ' Scio nls ti i 't t 'ns o e *J k ui o a d n td ikei h a nl el h d o g ' -S-LE -II)"-CABBAG
'"thci"e' built a butz of the Society of Itheir fortunels in the new c'ountry ai
Jesius. Scion' other Jesuits j ined ' stayed to found the new' wwoi
these twQ 'men and pushed fuirtlihr oil brainehes of: their houses an de-st-ab F a cv Pecan 1b '
into the ld~lfer'ness.PorI Maruet l ha coutlygrac an dinity' "i ai,". r. o .
is pcr.haps the best. kndciivr n cln earing wihichi persists in' their' de
ttlese early advbntu r-, .Following il bnteiwr a ulwn 'I
the riissiolnarle;;camne fur traders , dnseentdy h F~ei F eh- rseiy Btte rw *,*.. 40
and coloniistslte nucleus of' the lop,' considerable learning, #produ1ctsiof Ih~ ,
orationt cf M-1ch11'ii was formed, of leading old wvorld unive'rsites, and' a! 'UnixrBrnd j
puk'e hnch lhlof~dL a rO>ult we find'schools and coilvon ,11It ra d
I1,A t 'c * d
aduthi up towards the late country, ticr settlen'ents. UeM~a LClds9e w
goonpu~ed li~ir onqustsfro thi tught esablshe hitheroug frn- ...e ~c~ea i'C~lflu Sevic
s : L*S

lw -:.A





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Architectu re- Todazy and Tomorrowy
TIHE great buildings of today, d'esigned in m'asses whi~ch rear rug-
gcd, mounting profiles into the skay, foretell even grecater and
r;no. r mssive-strutctures for the rczrt half centuary. lvays 'a cl-:<e co-
ordination of architecture and engiecning,"of dc'si n and Co!:'tnic-
tioni the architecture of'the. future vh~ll y nd architect and e..giI-eer
v orkin& ever inore closely together.
Cmrair ly mcdern invenion-modern engineering skill and'organi-
zatiunl, will prove mnore than eq al to the demands of the architecture
of the future.


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