(Continued from Page Nine)
n, for broad mindedness and above
for intellectual honesty. The mor-
cowardice of the human race isa
icient sometimes to occasion de,
Ir. Its forms are constantly be-<
you. Learn to detect them quick-
Lud to hit them hard. Lincoln and1
sevelt did.
nd just here in the largest sense,
igh it sounds paradoxical, youa
at enter the fight against fighting. I
s is not sheer pacifism. Nor does
or an instant oppose adequate mili-a
r and naval protection for our na-
, but it does insist that man musta
to destroy war or war will de-
Zv d n 01, iitazr A ni l
idealized and where hard mental ef-
fort is recognized as normal and nat-
ural, then we shall have a better Uni-
Above all, here and in the years to
come, we shall have to fight for a
dependable, trustworthy world. That
is why we shall fight against war and
seek for social and international jus-
tice. The fundamental economic is-
sue of the nation and the world you
must seek to understand. The days
just ahead should compel you to think
earnestly about the main political is-
sues of this great democracy. I sup-
pose the processes of creative life al-
ways involve disruption and confu-
sion. Our physical world, still in the
making, has its erupting volcanoes
and its terrifying earthquakes. Like-
wise society has its confusions, mis-
understandings, and bitter conflicts.
To help the great creative processes
of life and civilization must be your
consuming cause.
st 1
man. uur imIiary ana nava .II
ts fully realize that the race is To enlist as a soldier in the great
en "catastrophe and education." armies of mankind is not a task to
the Department of the Interior be undertaken lightly. When you get
ast Congress appropriated 262 into the battle you will want to be
n dollars of which 230 million able to do something. Perhaps we
o to pay pensions to the soldiers, see vaguely the great causes for which
s and widows of wars and this we would fight butthis only empha-'
not include those of the great sizes our helplessness. With what,
No one neec s to attempt to em- equipment do you plan to go?
ze the meaning of this single It is useless to imagine that your,
o the future of civilization. Nor cause will not need defense. It will
n intelligent person fail to un- ask of you all that you have and are.
and what he is called upon to Any waste of health or time or money
You simply must be a fighter or opportunity will weaken just so
st everything which robs man of much your strength for the fight.
irth right. First of all, just as with the soldier,
II. you must go with the very best train-
tegative attitude to life, however, ing you can secure. It must be inten-
nays a weak one. We must have sive and prolonged. You want prac-
ve convictions, glowing aspira- tical skill and technical ability and
warm appealing ideals to make most of all you want intelligence. You
cess of this struggle. What then must have a mind that is broad and
we fight for? spacious into which new ideas and
nan cannot fight any enemy suc- new vision can enter and find a hos-
ully until he can master him- pitable welcome.
"Every man that striveth in -the Then you must have a body, clean,
s exerciseth self control in all strong and virle, which can take the
s." Our present day does not strain and carry it through long cam-
asize discipline unduly. Many paigns of suffering and exposure and
fy life with doing what you want can meet the crisis, with calmness.
. o soldier ever won on that Perhaps there is no more solemn
The first thing you must make warning that American youth needs
it for is character. Upon that, today than just this Allelse will prove
thing else must depend. Your valueless if, when the test comes, your
e in life will rest just there. In physical vigor is gone. Conserve jeal-
e ways, which no one of us can ously the vitality upon which youm
vare of, others know whether at fighting power depends.l
we are sound and square. As A brawl is not a battle. Confusion1
d in this life-long conquest, you spells defeat. The fighter has plans
y must have a growing mind. I and knows where he is going. ,The'
imes think that the crime of ne- 'strategy of war wins the victory.
d abilities is never sufficiently ,Among your equipment must he found
nized and penalized except in your carefully thought out plans. It
ow processes of the gods. It is is at this point that we provide for
ne against yourself, against your the recognition of the various branch-
rsity," and against society. You es of the army and for individual ca-
fight for the utmost development practice. o two of you are alike.
ur faculties. Just as you stretch Each must, in one sense, fight his own
muscles to the breaking point to battle and make his own contribution.
athletic skill and physical You must know yourself and what
ess, just so stretch your brains. above everything you want to do. Just
them work to the limit. Insist what are you seeking? Money, power,
seeing how much there is in you success, fame, happiness, culture,
elligence and intellectual capa- learning? You must go into this con-
For be assured that life will flict equipped with a clear, positive,"
precisely and repeatedly just determined idea of what you could do.
demand upon you. It requires a scientific knowledge of
v if, working together, such re- your capacities, and understanding of
are to be possible, we must fight the world's work and needs, and a
true Ukriversity. How much one courageous reckoning with your inner
. likte to say here! This ought aims.
o be a place where we fight to No man can 'do this' for himself.
>ne another as individuals. What Life is 'no mere physical- force nor is'
ant is excellence in every field. it parallel to a logical interpretation
nerely the development of star- of it. There is a spiritual 'world. The
s or star-students but a fine wind bloweth where it listeth and we
erative creative effort to attain know not whence it cometh nor whith-
s of distinction and value. er it goeth. Any person who keeps
this is ia place where teachers ! himself at the center of his world is,
tudents alike revere learning, lost. Religion, In its deepest sense,
inquiry and experiment are, is a necessity. Unless you carry this
equipment your fighting will be too
personal in its attack, too narrow in
its range,,too defective in its thrust.
You must in some way become related
in the right way to the whole cam-
paign and the whole onward sweep ot
the spiritual armies of mankind. With
some such equipment the fighter can
strike an effective blow for higher
Next to what a man fights for, the
finest thing about him is or should be
how he fights. You can approve of a
man because of the kind of enemies
he has, you can admire the cause he
supports, you can respect the equip-
ment with which he enters the arena,
but in the last analysis you are con-
cerned about his methods. How are
you lighting?
A college student knows what we
mean by true sportsmanship. This
you must have. It calls for fairness
and generosity at every point. A true
sportsman never makes excuses, he
takes his punishment silently and
good naturedly. He gradually learns
how to be a good loser and a gener-
ous winner He does not have to hiss
an opponent or to find rampant satis-
faction in the "breaks" of a game
which bring his side an advantage.
He looks for real skill and achieve-
ment according to the rules of the
game. Excellence is his chief reward.
Wherever you fight you' will find
these qualities essential if not indis-
A man who fights with this spirit
will have available all his strength
for the real combat. After the prep-
aration is over and the equipment has
been put on, the actual fighting must-
be done. It calls for alertness o
the first order. The enemy must be
watched and avenues of supplies must
be garded. It demands capacity to
meet unexpected attacks and ener*"
gencies. It calls for initive and crea-
tive activity of the highest type.
Watchfulness, quickness, directness
and morale of an irresistible and com-
pelling kind are essential. One great
spiritual warrior wrote: "I 'therefore
so run as not uncertainly; so fight I
as not beating the air; but I buffet
my body, and bring it into bondage."
That describes the 'only effective
method. It gets self out of the way
and proceeds with definiteness and
sureness of aim to attack the enemy.
General principles are important, a
specific plan for your life is essential,
but when you come to live each day,
to fight each skirmish and 'to put to
rout each individual enemy, very clear
and definite action is indispensible. I'
certain friends harm you, deal frank-
ly with themt You cannot 'safely or
wisely quarter the enemy.
But the battle is not only to the
quick. In modern warfare they dig
in. The trench is a symbol for per-
sistence and thoroughness. You too
will discover that the fight is a long
one and the chief test will be, are you
going forward or backward. No one.
is ever discharged from this battle
The harder he fights, the more vul-
nerable are the heights which he mus'
defend. No sinner feels so keenly his
sins as 'thesaint. You can hear 'tihe'
heroes and martyrs calling back to
you:' "Ye have not yet resisted unto
blood striving against pin."
Courage then gives you your meth-
od. It asks you to call up all your
latent powers.: You have never
dreamed .of ,what you can do if all
your being is put into action. The
great war taught the world that no
man is a common soldier when give
a heroic task. It uses all he has. Sc
you must as a fighter take a risk. You
'-nnot begin by asking for 'victory.
fod End your safety are not the- chie
ponceri'. Your cause, your plan, yor
ideal is yourself. It is all that really
counts with the fighter. He is
"One who never turned his back but
marched breast forward,
Never doubted clouds would break,
Never dreamed, tho' right were worst-
ed, wrong would triumph,
Held we fall to rise, are baffled to
fight better,
Sleep to wake."
In conclusin, it will be fatal to ima-
gine that life ever congeals, that it is
a static or unchanging thing. Your
cause will grow and your plans will
develop. The range of the battle will
expand and the deals of today cannot
be the standards of tomorrow. When
you have learned through experience
that lesson you are becoming the
fighter that the world needs. As Lud-
wig Lewisohn in "The Creative Life"
says: "Perfection is far off. We do
not know what it is. To our vision1
it seems, moreover, dangerously like
stagnation, like death. -What remains?
Experiment, striving through greater
error to loss, through lower beautyt
and truth to higher. He who strives
thus has done the utmost that is-given
man to do; him the eternal armies
will gladly receive."
Very concretely, the University stu-
dent, to be worthy of his privileges,
cannot be a potterer, or a mere recep-"
tacle. Rather he must he an active,
creative force seeking now a deeper
understanding of his -universe and in
the days to come joining the positive
forces which battle for the truth. 'He
understands that while he prepares
here he is learning to fight; that evenl
now lie must be the true fighter.
Two hundred and fifty thousand
students, representing five, hundred'
universities arid colleges in the Uni-.
ted States, are being enrolled in Re-
publican clubs by the Republica:
party, and approximately 150,000 of
these will presumably lie able to vote
the Republican ticket in . November,
according to members of the Republi-
can National committee in charge of
the work.
John Hamilton and Royal R. Jor-
dan, who are directing the organiza-
tion of these clubs, declj-i. that the
Republican party will be stren;;then-'
ed not only by the vote of undergrad-
uates but through the influence these
students will exert on other citizens.
Two hundred of the five hundred
schools have Republican clubs that
have been functioning for some time.
The remaining three hundred have
been organized recently. An out-
standing feature of the clubs is the
rivalry manifested among studentsI
to win for their club the largest per-
centage of membership in the coun-
try, in proportion to the student en-
rollment of their college.
While it is true, according to Mr.
Jordan, that only forty per cent. -of
college and university students are
of voting age, he said that many of
the younger men and women do not
join the political clubs. Hence he
believes that sixty per cent. of the
club enrollment will be eligible to
the ballot. One of the chief values
of the Republican clubs, le be-
lieves, is in the careful training and
instruction of students not yet of vot-
ing age in practical politics. Ie be-
lieves that this training will have an
appreciable effect on the voting pub-
lic of future years.
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