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September 23, 1924 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 9-23-1924

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23, 1924




IU R Ti :v - w 1 1 t O N A D D R S S E SU
residemtl dY se.sNew MenTo "Keep
Ideals; Appreeiate Value
Of Study"
A warning to "be human, work
ard, stay with your ideals, and ap-
4eciate the value of study" was
iven to members of the new fresh-
ian class by President Mariou L.
urton at the Fellowship banquet
iven in Lane hall Friday night by
ke Student Christian association.
The banquet is an annual affair
iven for the purpose of presenting
) ne wstudents an apportunity for
preliminary get-together.
In his address, which was entitled
Your Sense of Value," the presi
ent urged the students to set for
iemselves a definite code of ideals
follow throughout their colle
urse, and emphasized the fact that
od sound ambitions are the found-
ion for success.
"The man who expects to mak.
ood at Michigan or at any othei
ace must appreciate the value
a well trained, well disciplined
ind, one well stored with facts
ad capable of thinking about those
cts." He stressed the fact that
:e's ideals must be human, and
alation to life.
"There must be practical as we]
sideal elements in your sense of
eals," he said. "Never forget tha
Bove all, you must work and wor
ard. There never is, and neve
as such a thing as a leisure class
. Michigan." He also urged upon
te new comers a sense of the need
r religious life at the University.
Other speakers on the pro gr.
luded William J. Wilkins, '5.
esiden of the Union; Luican Lan
[0L, 'editor or Chimes. Alfred B
onnable, Jr., '25, president of the
:udent council; Perry Hayden, '25.
resident of the Student - Christian
sociation; and Lewis C. Reiman..
cretary for Presbyterian students
ach of 'thesp speakers outlined
eir 'particuar ,activtties in (re]a-
>n to the incoming freshman class,
d urged that the newcomers co-
erate in their work as far as pos-
London, September 22.-A general
otest, which may result in over 30,-
0 war veterans returning their war
edals has come as a result of the
4'tisli governments plan to dismiss
huge staff of non-civil-service clerks
nployed since the war. Unless the
ar office will make some provision
r these men within the next few
ys, all of the decorations won by
ese 30,000 heroes are going to come
tck labeled "not wanted."
The situation is difficult for the-
vernment because of the strict reg-
ations in force governing the status
civil servants. All civil positions
e obtained by rigid examinations,
hiich few of these soldier clerks
uld pass. The other side of the sit-
tion is that the government is un-
le to provide pensions for all of the
ldiers who will be thrown out of
rk, should the measure' pass.
The protest is the result of a hug
nference of the Association of For-
er Service Civil Servants, and is
Lcked strongly by the British Legion.

Al Smith Takes Stump

California Dean Advises New
Men Regarding Fraternities

Total enrollment for the last school
year here reached the record figure
of 10,743 full time students, accord-
ing to official figures from the office
of the registrar, with all duplicate
names eliminated. This number
was an increase of 1,248 over the
previous year.
It is estimated that the university

has more than doubled its en:
men in the last ten years. For
year 1914-15 the official enrolln
incduding all full time students,
wih duplicate names eliminated,

Believing that such aid will recti- {
fy the difficulty of men entering a'
fraternity blindly, Dean J. H. Hillde-'
brand of the University of California
has instituted private consultationsl
with students on the question. The
kind of friendships and personal in-
fluences likely to be formed in the
house are more important than its!
external features, the dean believes-
"It is better not to join a frater-
nity at all than to be a misfit. .if any,
man is in doubt I advise him to wait,
until he is sure," says Dean Hilde-
grand. He gives information re-,
garding the scholarship of the
house desired, both past and present,
which he considers reveals a great
deal regarding the calibre of the
organization. He places Baird's
"Manual of General Fraternities" at I
public disposal, although urging
that national standing should not be
a prime consideration in choosing.
He is frank in saying that some of1
the local house clubs are superior
in many ways to some chapters of
national fraternities existing at hisi
The dean endeavors to give the,
enquirer some ideas of the interests
of the fraternities as regards the
part they take in athletics, social
events, and general campus activi-

ties. In cases where the financial
condition of the houses has been
consistently poor, he feels it to bea
his duty to warn the freshmen that
he may have to carry the burdens
left by former classes.
Thd general ideas by which to
judge a house are outlined by the
dean. These include the manner of
the men in the house, their habits,
the efficiency of the house manager,
the kind of table set, the scale of
expenditures, and the type of con-
versation he hears.


Ranging in price from $1.50 to $3.50, all guaranteed.
Full Line of College Jewelry.
Best Watch Repairing in the City.
Arnold's, State St. Jewler,

Gov. Al Smith

Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 22-An, en-
rollment of 11,000 and more students
looms for Ohio State university dur-
ing the school year 1924-25, with
the possibility that it may climb
even higher than sixth place, which
it held last year among the universi-
ties of the country in the matter of
'While the university's fall session
does not begin until Tuesday, Sep-
tember 30. the advance registration
is more than 200 head of last year's

Gov. Al Smith, one of the two stro ngest opponents of John W. Davis in
the Democratic national convention, is preparing to take the stump in
behalf of the ticket. He will swing through New England, down the At-
lantic coast as far as Baltimore and go as far west as Chicago, visiting
Ohio en route. This is the latest action photo of Al..



Topeka, Kans., Sept. 22 (by A. P.)
-His slogan, "Free Kansas from the
Ku Klux Klan," William Allen White,
in a statement issued today in con-
nection with the filing of his indepen-
dent candidacy for governor, declared,
"I am in the race to stay and to win."
"The issue in Kansas this year is
the Klan above everything," the vet-
eran Emporia editor asserted, adding
the Klan has become a national men-
He attacked Ben S. Paulen and Jon-
athan M. Davis, the Republican and
Democratic gubernatorial nominees,
respectively, charging the two major
parties are "led in the race for gover-
nor by men who had Klan support in
the primary and who will not disavow
that support today."
Mr. White referred to his petition
as "the largest independent petition
ever filed for any office in Kansas."
"None of these petitions came from
my home town or county;" he said.
"I wished honestly to test sentiment."
"The Ku Klux Klan is found in
nearly every county," he said. "It rep-
resents a small :minority and is ;organ-.
ized for purpose of terror. Its terror
is directed at honest, law-abiding citi-
zens, Negroes, Jews and Catholics.
These groups in Kansas compose
more than one-fourth of our popula-
tion. They are entitled to their full
constitutional rightsi. They menace
no one. They are good citizens, law-
abiding, God-fearing, prosperous, pa-
triotic. Yet, because of their skin, or
their race, or their creed, the Ku Klux
Klan in Kansas is subjecting them to
economic boycott, to social ostracism,
to every form of harassment, annoy-
ance and every terror that a bigoted
minority can use.
"I want to be governor to-free Kan-
sas from the disgrace of the Ku Klux
Klan. And I want to offer .Kansas.
afraid of the Klan and ashamed of
that disgrace a candidate who shares
their fear and shame."

".P.rI'"s'1, dh ". "../"'./:!". '. "'..I".j1 /..I 1, 00J1../"././..YlfJ1. 1.d". . '"~.!1.!J. ".I".//t./J.I"./ /l~. lJJ.I ". J' /l 4




In all the deliveries that leave our stores is Honesty.


Honesty in giving the very utmost values in supplying a full measure
of the very freshest and highest quality stock, in seeing that no detail is
unnoticed ; in giving you a flower service that meets up with your highest ideals.
This priceless ingredient will always be,a part of our service. It is our pledge
to this community.


Any jewelry that you might wish to
purchase can be found in our complete
stock. We carry a full line of I\ichi-
gan insignia - Rings, fobs, pins,
Michigan placques, etc. You are in-
vited to look over our stock at any time.

To the Students of Michigan


AJnn Arbor

Floral Co.

Arcade Jeweler


Leading Florists and Decorators
John H. Lindgren, Mgr.


PHONE 2190

We never clote. Visitors welcon:e. Members of the Florists Telegraphs bellvery Asso.
About October 10th we will open a high class flower store at 122 E. Liberty near Main St.

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Y G 'i ' . 3 ,/. CP./.3 Y~. "rC ".S..,r~..I.I~?r.I. .r r/./l /" I",A"l. ".i..I. r".r «++"". ". 0 I~ ~P.a, '

N, Red~b
A Mesage o th

Welcome Back to
A Message to the New m.s well
Old Stuxdents in the University


Read the Official
and Camnpus News in

The Daily.


Old and New

This summer has seen many radical changes at

the Varsity Laundry.

In the first place the old



establishment has changed hands,

and secondly


Open Tuesday, Sept. 23



To Serve

12 o'clock to
2 P. M.

To the old Students-
We welcome you back to Ann
Arbor and assure you that the same
courtesy and consideration which we gave
you in the last year will be extended
during the coming year.
To the Class of '28-
We have been established on the
campus for many years. During those
years we have always maintained an en-
viable reputation. We have become a
campus institution. Quick service, good
service, courtesy and consideration are
included in our policy. We are at your
service, '28.

many improvements have been made both in equip-
ment and in methods.
Among the bigger additions is a new soft water
plant which reduces the hard city water to soft
water so that it will comply to the most exact test.
In order to appreciate the introduction of real
metropolitan methods we suggest a visit to the Var-
sity. Come in any time.
Phone 2076 002077

So Well Known at Petoskey and North-
ern Resorts to Patrons of

2 o'clock. to
5 P.M.

The Yellow Lantern


M ,

5:30 to
8 P. M.

The Haunted Tavern will be operated under
the same management 'with the same food
specialties and the same excellent service as
PetoskQy's "Yellow Lantern."
It is our aim to make the Haunted Tavern
equally well known as an attractive place to


A 0/


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