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September 23, 1924 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 9-23-1924

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ection Se
Lift Suspension f CouHteyrHordap
ICA IWAN bFrom 5 Students Nr-- Man ApolFCZTs
Suspensions of five students were For Halting Lady
C ERi litfed by the administrative board ofNE IP
the College of Literature, Science, Winnipeg, Canada, Sept. 22.-Court-
and the Arts, at its meeting Wednes- ly highwaymen, such as roamed in "ye
daynight. In all cases the !periodays" of h IfamoulDick Tu
I UIICO VENI lO ssesonhse pired aingd ,odedas"o te\amu DckTu-FO Go
o psuipsionns expiredemakind\ in, are not yet gone, so a local youth
these students eligible for reinstate-< and his girl friend , told reporters
F ORGANIZATION Three of the suspensions were for "Hands up," shouted a man, masked MANY NOTI
EXPECTED dishonesty in classes. The other two / /and armed, as the couple were on T ,OR
were students involved in the pub- an-9their way to the girl's home at night
)N EXPECTED lication of a paper printed at the timeo1Un1g and then a terrified scream from the SEVERAL ]
of the Union County Fair last March,.1 I Thn intnERteottrthd
These students have all made ap-RS Then, instantly the outstretched -
, in Charge of Arrange- cation for reinstatement and will was lowere and with a low Carritt of Oxfo t
Campue Entertainers. be allowed to enroll for the first se- sweeping bow th highwayman said: Philosophy; For
1Will Perform' ester. They will ,be placed on pro "So sorry, I did -not realize a lady Names o
etern.T iwas present until too late. I cravej
e for te aal on at/ your pardon, sir, and, dear lady, your Six new professo
s from all parts of thejy4 Vc/l/ //#(if /indulgence."ltathefacutyuo
g llthp fo th plasu etotefclyf
rather for the annual con-.yHethen escorted the couple home, the coming year, a
the International Kiwanis Vthankuteing vthem for the pleasure, but ad ciae
e held in Ann Arbor, Oct. without exchanging visiting cards or
/ / u ioremoving his maskup work here. In
ONdpr the s pi kabove, 13 new prof(
Kiwanis organization. This L1;eate and 21 assistar
bly be the largest conven-UV been raised to their
Contracts Let For Al Tile and sche year.
I States, more than 1,400 Marble Work on Union The six new pro
being expected to attend. Natotorium tchairshere this yea
r n1i hin mi-n the' philoso

Occupy (
ty-three 0
n List.
rs have be(
the Univer
nd 13 new
ofessors w
essors, nin
nt professo
different r
fessors wi
r are: .
)phy depa

Virtual completion of the Union
swimming pool was made a certainty _
during the summer with the letting
of contracts for the tile and marble ' /
work. The contracts were let sever-3,iI/ '/,/~/
al months ago, but unforseen delays J
in obtaining the proper tiles and mar-
bles made it ismpossible to begin
work before the present time.
"Within the next few days students _ ,vt
may look for the beginning of activ-
ity in the general vicinity of the par-1
tially completed, pool," said Homer
D. Heath, manager of the Union.
"When this work is finished, some
time before Christmas, I feel sure
that the pool will have at least be-
come a reality instead of a dream. . : "
I feel safe in saying that the Univer. -
siy of Michigan will have a swim- -
ming pool before the Christmas holi-
days." Univ yEagle Swoops And
During the past summer the con- 'own To AlumniDSeizes Golf Ball
crete forms of the pool' were filled.
with water, and the -several small DnTs
cracks and leakages found were luring the summer months thep Tallahassee Fla Sept 22-A
calked up. The concrete foundation Alumni association's film showing
is now In perfect condition. Contrac- the various campus scenes hasrpassible eagle on the course of the
s for the plumbing and other ma- veled from one side of the coun- Tallahassee county club here was
tsfor the plumbingors'anddother ma-
chinery are being held up because of try to the other.. Among those clubs mNewly-ane rofsorand Wives ntade irntiossible by a real eagle,
. a lack of funds, officials of the Union that have viewed the movie, which isW Meer the - big. bird ' swoopel down on the
deeming it unwise to le any In ad- in very great demand according to s L eighth green to seize a golf ball as
Vance of the actual supply of money T. Hawley Tapping, Ill., field secre- it Nas trickling in the general direc
on hand. tary of the association, are those in REGENTS ALSO INVITED tion of the cup. Fred C. Elliot was
When completed the pool will be Los Angeles, Seattle, San Francisco, the victim and gained scant com-
57 feet long and 30 feet wide. There and Louisville, Kentucky. President Marion L. Burton and fort from the assurance the eagle
will be several high diving platforms The film consists of two reels of Mrs. Burton will hold a reception to- was "an agency outside the match"
on the balcony, as well as the usual moving pictures and is being cir- morrow night for the Regents, facul and the incident could not be held
springing boards and other swim-. culated by the association so that ties and staff to meet the newly ap- "a rub of the green."
ming equipment, and the water will alumni can compare the University pointed professors and their wives at
be filtered, purified, and kept in con- as it was and as it is now. the Burton home from 8 to 11 o'clock. Rfcrltn Aodi to .MOI IiEflT
stant circulation. According to Mr. Those who will be in the receiving li
Heath, the pool will be one of the line besides President and Mrs. Bur-
cleanest in the country. It will hold B2ton are: Regent Ralh Stone, 'EN
approximately 126,000 gallons of Ur 25Mwho was named to that post January
water. There 'will be non-slip tile 1, 124, and Mrs. Stone; Prof. E. F,
locker ooms the euipment is com -eETIDO FA S Carritt, newly appointed to the philo- Columbus, Mo., Sept. 22-With a
pleted by 14 showers.---rich Paschen and Mrs. Paschen, if
Use of the pool will be open to Juneau, Alaska, Sept. 24-In 25 they arrive in town by tomorrow; versity of Missouri has reached the
members of the Union only, and years of exploration of Alaska's re- Prof. John C. Brier of the chemical highest point in its history, for
there will be a normal charge made sources the United States Geologicla , engineering department and Mrs. September registration, it was an-
for the privilege. The cost of main- Survey has mapped more than one- Brier, Prof. Edwin B. Stason of the nounced this afternoon by S. Wood-
taining the pool for one year is esti- third of the territory, has investi- law school and Mrs. Stason, C. S. .son Canaga, registrar of the univer-
mated at $15,000, so that a small gated every mining district, some in Yoakum of the School of Business Ad- sity. This is only 20 more than
charge is necessary in order that the detail, and prepared more than 4001 ministration and Mrs. Yoakum, and the enrollment for two years ago,
proper standard might be maintain- maps on mineral production. Two Palmer Christian, University organ- formerly the record.
ed. There will be no private lockers hundred and eighty reports have ist. and Mrs. Christian. Last year 3,436 students were en-
as the space is limited, but lockers been issued. The work is to con- , Wives of the men newly appointed rolled, which is 39 lower than this
for clothes and valuables will be pro- tinue until all of Alaska's territory 1to professorships from associate pro-1 year's registration, and 19 lower
vided. and resources have been recorded. (Continued on Page Sixteen) than that of two years ago.


Text Of The President's Opening Speech

your shoulder. We do not want you spise. You know more about that
to be supersensitive and hypercriti- side of your life than anyone else
cal. There will always be a sufficient, ever will know. It is really your neg-
number of trouble makers and pestif- i ative aspect. It is prone to be low,
erous persons who love to pick a sordid and at times I fear, vulgar.
quarrel. They are not fighters, but But no person can live richly or sat-
brawlers intent on making a disturb- isfyingly on baseness, bestiality or
ance largely because of a mistaken ' vulgarity. Perhaps in reality we are
love for personal prominence. A real here dealing with straight, unmiti-
fighter in someway succeeds in losing g'ated selfishness. For that is sin.
himself in the battle. It is his cause The student who thinks first of him-
not himself that occupies the fore- self, is merely aggressive, and forgets
ground. In a sense, life must be a his group has a real fight on his
running fight. It will never be over. hando.
We are, therefore, dealing with the I There is another side to self which
great realities of individual life and is perhaps even more dangerous. To
of growing civilizations. The Apostle be positively wrong is one thing, butj
Pail, at the end, gatherd up his life to be merely neutral is quite another.
by saying, "I have fought the good "I will spew thee out of my mouth
fight." So Browning exclaims: "I was because thou art neither hot nor
ev r a fighter, so-one fight more--- cold." A fighter is a positive man,
thd best and the last." As you will but I fear some students are so lazy
discover, that is life. That is the or so unaware of why they are here,

But self is not all. If you are a real
fighter you will find somie things in
this environment which you cannot
tolerate. They do not predominate,
but here and there slyly and in the
dark they raise their ugly heads.
They go about in sheeps' clothing but
inwardly they are ravening wolves.
All is not gold that glitters. Win-
someness and character pare not al-
ways synonomousf. First of all resist
the demands that tend to disintegrate
you. You are a person. Your per-
sonal significance in the long run will
depend upon your capacity to think
for yourself, to think independently
and sanely. The multiplicity of de-
Iands upon your time, money and
energy can easily wreck your college
career.- Each thing may be good in
itself. It is the straw that breaks the
camel's back. Learn to say "yes" but
be able to say "no." Do not do mere-

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