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September 23, 1924 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 9-23-1924

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(Continued from Page Two)
ill new Members of the Faculty:
t is exceedingly important that new members of the faculty file address
b with the Post Office, in order that prompt delivery of mail may be
red. Shirley W. Smith, Secretary.
11 Stdents:
Address cards should be filed with the Post Office at once. The Uni-
ty has no means for delivering student mail.
Shirley W. Smith, Secretary.
II M~embes of the Faculty:'
All members of the faculty are entitled to receive The Michigan Daily
rdler that they may be constantly in touch with The Daily Official
Aplications should be filed at the office of the Secretary of the Uni-
ty. New members of the faculty are specially urged to file their appli-
n 6promptly. Shirley W. Smith, Secretary,,
rity Directory:
Debatmental .heck. list bllanks have been sent to all Deans and heads
sarttnents, and through them directory cards distributed to every Uni-
tappofite, admninistrative and instructional, old and new. It is itn-
tive that these lists and cards be handed in at -once.
Arthur 6. Hall, egistrar.
kht~ Women:,
thdane at tre lectures of the Dean of Women in Sarah Caswell Angell
is required of all first year women. Those who have failed to rbce1ie
',1plication card assigning them to definite divisions must secure
1t the office of the Dean of Women this week.
Jean Hamilton, Dean of Women.
*IR U perciass Womien:
e leturo to all entering upperclass women scheduled for Thursday,
ezfiber 25th, t 7:00 p. in., is postponed for one week-until Thursday,
ber; ud, at the Same hour but not in the same building. This one lecture
b 'eld in University Hall. All ,women entering the University for the
time. and registered in one of the three upper classes are required to
-& Jean Hamilton, Dean of Women.
or, Gymn1asiuma:
nmnasiumn: ciassess will meet in. Barbour Gymnasium on Tuesday and
fesday, Sept. 23rd, and 24th. Matrgaret Bell, M. D.
Mal' Vxamiatons for Women:s
gi d inedicai examination". for women matriculating for the first
*ill be given in Barbour Gymnasium on Tuesday, Sept.. 23rd, from
Mm.argaret Bell, l. P.

and 203 at 11:00, willl meet in Room 108, M. H. instead of in Room 3010 L.
B. as announced.
Professor Bradshaw's classes, namely his 9:00 o'clock section of Mathe-
matics 1, his 10:00 (tclock section of Mat.hematics 31, and Course 131, will:
meet In Room 3010 L. B. instead of in Room 108 M. H. as announced.
J. L. Markley.;
A cable just received announces that Professor Paschen has accepted the
presidencyof the Reichsanstalt. He will,.accordingly find it impossible to
filll his lectureship at the University this semester. H. N. Randall.

Course 191 will not be given. Instead, Professor Wagner will offer a
course in the Modern Spanish Novel, to be elected as Course 173. Two
hours credit. Tu, Th, at 2. Room 201 S. W. Prerequisite Courses 6 or 14
(old numbering). - 4. G. Canfield.
Romance Languages-Corrections in Announcement:
Course French 116 omitted..
Course French 117 omitted.
Course French 165-Meets in Room 308 L'y (Library) instead of 308 I. B.
Course French 201-Meets in Room 303 L'y (Library) instead of 303 L. B.
Course French 203-Meets in Room 303 L'y (Library) instead of 303 L. B..
Course French 215-Meets in Room 303 L'y (Library) instead of 303 L.. B.
Course Italian 151-Meets in Ido S. W. instead of 204 UH.
Course Italian 201-Meets at 11:00 MWF, Room 303 Library instead of.
2:00 o'clock in 100SW.
Course Spanish 31-Students Who have gards for 9:00 which read 305SW
should go to Room 2052W instead.
Course Spanish 31-Students who have cards for 2:00 which read 301UN
should go to .Room 291UH instead. A. G. Canfield.

We havekthenew Corona Fou
standard keyboard, at $60, or C
Three, with three-bank keyboa
$50.. Also a full line of typew
and supplies. See us when you
a writing machine.
17-Nickels' Arcade,
The Typewriter & Stationery
piece cover leather; also
cheaper grades. Call and
featherweight size free of
17 Nickels' Arcade,
The Typewriter & Stationery

Physics 86 and 46:
First meeting, lecture at 2 o'clock on Wednesday.


Physics 34:
Recitation sections meet Tuesday and. hursday. Laboratory work begins.
Friday. First lecture Friday at 10.. Classes scheduled :for- Room 304 go to
Room 308, Old Physics Building. Classes scheduled for Room 305 go to-
Roon 1035, New Physics Building.



Physics 45:-
First meeting, lectures at 10 or 2 on Tuesday. Laboratory work begins on
Friday. H.. N. Randall.
Political Science 141 (Municipal Government:
This course scheduled for Room 61 Literary Bldg., will meet in Room.
6 LiteLary Bldg. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 10.
T. H. Reed,
I shall be in Room 106 S. W., on Monday from 10:00 to 12:00 in the,
morning, and from 1:30 to 2:30 in the afternoon for consulation with those.
interested in Portuguese. Franklin *r. Thompson.

Try outs for the University of Michigan Band will be held tonight at seven
p. nu at the band headquarters in Morris Hall, corner of State and Jefferson
streets. All old men are' urged'to report at this time as well as others *who
desire positions in the band for the coming year. Freshmen are urged to
report and register with the band so as to facilitate in the possible organi-
zation of a freshman band at some later date.
Arthur X. Smith, Student'Manager.

For ladies furnishings, fancy
and novelties, the same old sta
The Exquisite Corset Shop,
The Palais Royal,
109 W. Liberty
ALL KINDS of trunk and door
Phone 2498. 1210 W. Huron.
WE CLEAN Chimneys and fur
at reasonable prices-Phone
well Coal 2207

The Adelphi House of Representatives will meet Tuesday evening at 7:30
in their rooms on the forth floor of U. Hall. All members are requested
to be present. Men interested in public speaking are invited to attend.
Visitors are welcome. W. C. Dixon, Speaker.

of the lreghmen engineering class will be held Wed-
at 11 o'clock in room 348 in the Engineering Building.
os are required to be present at this meeting. Dean
{or W. T. Carpenter, CommandingOfficer of the R. 0.
class. . C. Brier
College of Pharmacy are urged -to be preSent at the
ivMcation, Thursday evening, Sept. 25, at 7:30 in Room
C. C. Glover. Secr tnr .

Ourses In Busiltess Adlnistration:
Tuesday Sept. 93 10 . M.
Wednesday Sept. 24 9 a. m.
Ttesday Septa 23 3 p. m.
Tuesday Sept. 23 9 a.. M.
Tuesday Sept. 23 11 a. m .
Tuesday Sept. 23 8 a. m.
Wednesday Sept. 24 11 a. m.
Wednesday Sept. 24 2.p. m.
Edmund E. Day, Dea.

reteof Desks in Gehe1ral Chei istry:
Ctudent must obtain two $5 Chemical Laboratory Coupons at the
1t.e tniversity Treasurer, and then report at the first laboratory
assigned for his section after the opening of the University. The
rs of the rooms at which the various sections are to report will be
on the bulletin boards inside the south entrances to the Chemistry
first lecture in Chem. 3, Lecture Section 1, is Sept. 23 at 8 a. m.; in
3. Lecture Section 11, Sept, 26 at 11; in Chem. 5, Lecture Section I,
3.at 11; and in Chem .5, Lectiure Section II, Sept. 26 at 8 a. m.
S. L. Bigelow.
al Students taking the Shop Course should report Wed., Sept. 24., at
in Room 1042 East Engineering Bldg.' 041'.' Boston.
"its 101:
first meeting for this course will be held Tuesday afternoon at 4,
in B, 'Law Building. It is important that alll persons electing this
be present to make their choice of hours for section meetings. On the
f these choices the distribution into sections with hours and rooms
posted Wednesday morning in the entrance hall of the Economics
g. Those not present at the organization meeting will be assigned to
t arliltrarily. . G. Rodkey.
ties 18:
meeting of class in Natural Science Aud. Wed. at 2.
E. S. Wolaver.
§s Dw s
; .eetin* in this course will be Wednesday at 2 o'clock in the Natural
Auditorium. E. S. Wolater.
is 58:
,nitation meeting of class will be held in Room 102, Ec. Bldg. Tues-
J .Van Sickle.
iles 188: Railroads:
meeting of course Wednesday, September 24, at 9 o'clock,,. in Room
r Building. L L. Sharfman
ay Casses In Education:,
graduate courses in. Education .scheduled for Saturday meetings will
or:, organization Saturday, September 27, room 206, University High
. C. f. Berry, J. D. Edmonson, C. Woody.
tire Teachers of English:
ors and Juniors who expect to secure a Teacher's Certificate with
h as a major or a minor subject are urged to consult the require-t
indicated on pages 55 and 56 of the Genemal Announcement of the
of Education. The examination will be given at the close of the
imester for Seniors. C. C. Fries.
ftory Geology:
necessary to remind upper classmen that the introductory course in
y numbered 1 and 2 is for Freshmen only. The introductory course
er students is Geology 31 and 3 2. For Geology 31 no prerequisite
s called for. William Herbert Hobbs.

SUITE. AND SINGLE. Steam heat.
Hot water. 311 Thompson.
TWO DOUBLE Rooms downstairs,
One double room upstairs, and a
suite with sleeping porch. Use of a
parlor having a fire place. Well
furnished, including piano. 1315 S.
LARGE well lighted suite for 4, also
2 large front double rooms. 813
E. Ann St.
Steam heated. One block from cam-
bus. 502 E. Liberty Phone 870-M.
witlh sleeping porch. Instructors
or older students preferred. 1221
Wllard. Phone 1643..M.
with fireplace, bedroom, 2 clothes
closets, kitchenette; bath. The most
perfect small apartment you have
yet seen. Near St. Joseph's Sant-
tariuni. Phone 158 before 5 P. M
SRalph -Swezey.
FOR RENT Two large light well-fur-
nished front rooms en suite with
'kitchenette. 548 Thompson.
RAQ . FOR, MEN also roommate
waited. Dental. student preferred.
1944M, 422 E. Washington.
lqimus with dormitory, newly d c-
orsted. New desks to a club or in-
dividuals. 555 S. Diviion./ Two,
blocks from New Law Bldg.
FOR RENT Large double or single
room for men at 808 Packard.
Phone 3477-J.
.FOR RENT Two nice suites for la-
dies. Graduate students preferred.
210S Ingalls St., Hill. Auditorium
SINGLE ROOM with private family
1128 Olivia. Phone 3339-R.
TO RENT Garage near Hill and
Washtenaw Ave. 1051 Lincoln Ave.
FOR RENT Rooms 423 Hamilton
Place. 4 blocks from4the campus,'
off East ,William.
FOR RENT Large front suite, single
or double. Mrs. Eaton, 421 Thomp-
TWO BEAUTIFUL furnished suites.
Light and well ventilated. Front
suite, two biys for $8.00; sidesuite
Three boys, $9.00. 307 S. Fourth
Ave. Phone 1487-R.
SUITE FOR WOMAN. Very desirable
Light, large, quiet. In home of fac-
ulty member. No other roomers.
$5.00 per week. 428 Cross Street-
SIX SINGLE ROOMS for male stu-!
dents. Phone 2992-M. 515 Church
blocks from the campus. 204 N. In-
galls street. Phone 2044-R.
FOR RENT Large pleasant room in
new house--Instructor or graduate
student preferred. 1110 Olivia.
FORL RENT Single room for man who
does not smoke in his room. Quiet i
and airy. $25.00 per mo. 1014
dents or business people. 1030
Church St., Call 1421-W or ask for
Mr. Timmemor at 2974-W.
TWO SINGLE ROOMS with private1
family. Call Mrs. Cline, 405 E. Jef-
ferson or Mac Diarmid Candy
ROOMS: One double, one single, with
single beds in dormitory (if prefer-
red) All conveniences. 604 East
Washington. Near Lane Hall.

7 Room house, furnished, garage,

1 n.. < .. r. i irm. w... . is r ....r i


# i'

500 Pairs oF
C urta insat
_- A PirrhaXYTa JilFtrt j.F-"

$j.ali3 9ur Reta






L-% s pI d5C " 1 11d1 W III d IALII4UZ1 I % t1UL 1 JUL -,!
tion for Remarkable Curtain Values.
Ruffled Voile Curtains................$1.39 pair
Ruffled Marquisette Curtains
with Tie-back................... $1.39 pair
Novelty Lace Curtains . ...... ......$1.39 pair
Filet Lace Curtains,.. ............. $1.39 pair
Not in Months have we offered Curtains like these for
only $1.39 pair.

Septem ber.


For the Home Rooming Houses-Boarding Houses and Fraternities-This
sale brings unusual savings-Curtains, Curtain Material, Sheets, Blankets
Table Linen and Towels-at prices that will save you money.
Dainty Scrim and Marquisette $1n
Ruffled Curtains, per Pair . L







Cotton Sheets and


Pillow Cases

at Prices for This September Sale
Plain Marquisettes, Figured Marquisettes, Plain Scrims and
Voiles, Filet Nets and Novelty Nets.

35c Plain Marquisette . ............ .
35c Marquisette with border............
35c Curtain Voiles..................
35c Dotted Marquisette ... . .... ..
35c Checked and Barred "Curtain Nets ....
35c Dotted Curtain Scrim ... .. ...
50c Dotted Marquisette.............. .
50c Curtain Nets and Filet Nets .....
75c Curtain Nets, Filet Net and Marquisette
65c Lace. Border Dotted Marquisette..... .
500 yards Fancy Border Curtain Scrims .. .
25c Bungalow Fancy Cretonnes ..........
35c Fancy Cretonnes.................
$1.25 Silk Curtain Drajery.............
$1.50 Silk Curtain Dra ery . .. .....:. .
$1.25 Terry Cloth........ ...

.. . 25c"
.. . .25c
. . ..25c
. . . .25c
. . .. .39c
. .50c
.. . 15c
... . . 19c
.. 29c
.. $1.25
.. . ..79c

$1.25 54x90 Sheets......... . .
$1.50 54x90 Sheets....... . .
54x90 Mohawk Sheets:. .._..n......
$1.65 54x90 Pequot Sheets -......
63x90 Mohawk Sheets. . . ..
63x90 Pepperell Sheets............
63x90 Pequot Sheets'....... ."...
45x36 Fruit-of-the-Loom Pillow cases
45x30 Pillow Cases:...r.... . .
50c 45x36 Quality Pillow Cases ....
35c Unbleached Pillow Cases ...... .
60c 6-4 Sheeting...............
55c 6-4 Sheeting ..............
60c 7-4 Sheeting. ..... ....

.. ......

. .$1.00
. .$1.55
S.. .39c

.. ...


. . . . .


In the September Sale .

63x90 Ripplette Bed Spreads .. ............. ...
72x90 Dimity Bed Spreads ..... .........
$2.50 Single or Cat Size Crochet Bed Spreads..

... .$1.79
. $1.98



2000 yards 20c Comforter Challis, yard.......16c
35c Comforter Cretonnes, yard.. . ..............25c

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