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October 12, 1924 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 10-12-1924

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Pulished every morning except Monday
airing the Universiy year by the Board in
Control of Student rdubnications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titred to the use for republication of all news
dispathes credited to it or not otherwise
r did in this paper and the local news pub-
ihd therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
ol postage granted by Third Assistant Post
1tnstr+' r theral. al
Subscription by. carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Ullices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
iard Street.
hones:Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; busi-
;ess, 960.
Telephones 2414 and 176-M
Editor.........-- ..John G. arlinghouse
News Editor........Robert G. Ramsay
Night Editors
George W. Davis Joseph Kruger
Thomas P. Henry ohn Conra
Ienneth C. Keller Nrman R. Tha
Sports Editor........Wiliam IT. Stoneman
Sunday Editor......Robert S. Mansfield
Women'sEditor...... Verena Moran
MAusic and Drama. Robert B. Henderson
Tlegraph Editor. William J. Wathour
Louise Barley Winfield . Line
Marian Barlow Harold A. Moore
Leslie S Bennets Carl E. Ohhnacher
Norma Sicknell William C. Patterson
merman Boxer Hyde W. Perce, Jr.
" -elen 3Srown Andrew E. Propper
snith Cady Jr. Helen S. Ramsay
WillardB ,Crosby Regina Reichmann
Valntne L. Davies Maie eed
James W. Fernamberg Edmarie Schrauder
.. V.m<e F eederickn Shrillito
Joseph . Gartner redk. Ki. Sparrow, Jr.
pl-anning touseworth C. Arthur Stevens
Dorothy Kamn Marjory Sweet
T 1 +1 etlh Kennedy Hans Wicklnd
eliabeth Liebermann eriman J. Wise
Francis Rt. Line
Telephone 960
Advetising....- -........E.L. Dnne
Advertising ... ..- - - - J J.- -s F
Advertising ...............By.roc ake
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T. Dentz Thomas Olmstead
David Fox -oenzweig
'orma l(reehling Margaret Sandbrg
W, "Hamaker F K. Schoenfeld
''', Tolns-n S. IT, inclair
L. .H. Kramer Fr. Taylor
Louis W. i'sraner
SUNDAY, Oc.TOEIR 12, 1924
Night Eitor--GEORGE W. DAVIS
The announcement that Robert
Frost, New England poet, will return
to Ann Arbor next fall as a fellow in
lettors for an indefinite stay marks
a significant step in the progress of
the university as a center of art and in-
tellectual development. Faculty, stu-
dents, and townspeople will welcome
back the man who sq profitably held
the feclowshi min creative arts for two
years. His genial personality, his in-
cessant activity, and his sincere ef-
fort to promote close contact wiji
the student body made the fellowship
decidedly worthwhile during that per-

lieved by most competent political ob
servers that these primarily socialistic
measures will never be attained until
the Labor party gains a clear majo-
ity, a result which even the wildest
prophets hesitate to predict for the
coming election. The fourth plank in
the list, relief of unemployment, is o
course advocated in one way or an
other by all parties. The failure o
the present ministry to attain success
in solving this most difficult economi
problem in England will be one o
the principal point of criticism foi
its opponents.
The Conservative, party w~ich is
conceded the victory will run on a
general platform encouraging trade
extension, health and unemploymen
insurance, and stability of govern
ment. The Liberals on the other hand
appear to be the only party which
is not confident of success. They talk
airily concerning "peace, security
and progress," but have so far failed
to enunciate any clear and concret
set of principles by which they wil
stand. Liberal newspapers discuss th
situation in a gloomy light, finding
in the short period preceding the elec
tion a cause for dismay. Their idea
concerning the proposed Russian loan
and the coal andrpower propositoI
of Mr. Lloyd George require a lon
period of public education before
their success could be assured. Some
talk has been heard concerning a
coalition between the Conservative
and Liberals, but it is highly improb
able that the former party will agre
since the real contest is between i
and the Labor party.
The issue which resulted in th
forcing of an election will in all prob
ability have little part in the cam
paign discussion. Labor leaders re
pudiated promptly all responsibilit
for the election and it is thought tha
Liberal leaders will have some diffi
culty in explaining just why the
forced the issue of the Campbell pro
Almost coincident with the ovation
given Mr. Macbonald by the Labo
convention in London, was the publi
-ation of an article in-the intellectua
laborite review, The New Statesman
organ of the independent Laborit
party, denouncing the premier for
having brought tl tcountm&y into an
absurd political situation. Admitting
and even praising his success in for
eign affairs, the article declares tha
as a prime minister he has been a
complete failure. His attitude in "re
fusing to eat out of Mr. Asquith's
hand" is also condemned since it is
believed to have alienated more than
4,000,000 Liberal votes. It is hard t
judge of the importance of this ar.
tile. If it represents any considerable
majority in the Labor element a crisis
in the party and possibly a split in its
ranks seems inevitable.
No one can venture to predict the
outcome. Labor believes it will make
a substantial gain, swept to success
on the wave of public sentiment; the
Conservatives are equally confident
that such issues as the Soviet treaty
and unemployment have sounded the
doom of Labor power. One thing is
certain however: the fallen ministry's
pronounced success in foreign affairs
in negotiating the Dawes plan and in
promotion of accord among European
nations will more than outweight any
propoganda concerning its domestic
Anonymous conmunications will be
disregarded. The names of comnuni-
cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request.



p _________________


_ F -__

Heinrich Offeumund, the prosper4
ous dentist, rose from his downy
couch every morning 'but Sunday atI
eight o'clock. On Sundays he rose from
his downy couch at nine o'clock.
When he had risen from his couch,
he took his watch out from unde,

Geraldine Farrar's capacity for do:
ing the unexpected and doing it super-
latively well was demonstrated anew
Friday night when she came to De-
troit in her novel version of "Car-
men"--a version such as was never

BOOKS and SUPPLIES for all
Colleges at GRAHAM'S, (at
both ends of the diagonal walk)


. ...,,.,....,,.U

his pillow and looked at it to see 'L
if he had reayuI before heard by mortal ears and
o'clock (orat nine o'clock) If he het which only her histrionic genius and
t not, he climbed back into the couch her personal blandishments rescued S M T W T F S
. if he thought it was worthwhile; if from boring mediocrity.. .. 1 2 3 41
he had, he went into the bathrooit IFor half a century now, Georges 5 6 7 9 10 11
and took a bath, on Mondays, Wednes- Bizet's most hostile critics have reluc- 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
days, and Saturdays. tantly conceded that his masterpiece 26 27 28 29 304 5
He always walked down to his of- didn't contain a superflous or dra- 26 27 ,. .. .. ..
,fice, and always arrived there at nine matically inept bar of music. Not so
ii o'clock (except on Sundays, when he I the fair Geraldine. With an audacity
e didn't go to his office at all.) In his I which is characteristic of her race,
I office he attended to This and That but with a genius which is not, she Notice
until his customers began to stream has so "modernized" and "pepped up"
in. They were the best people. the opera that it requires a scant two.
Heinrich Offenmund was the aristo- hours for performance. We clean and reblock hats and caps
crat of dentists. Both in and out of Under her surgery, the five acts and do it RIGHT. You will appreciate
office hours he moved in the Best condense to three; the chorus ab- having your hat done over in a clean
circles. But- I sents itself entirely; Mercedes sings and sanitary manner, free from odor
One day Herr von Offenmund was the Card Scene in Act One; Carmen and made to fit your head.
plying his trade with a toney old lady omits her seductively lovely dance FACTORY HAT STORE
who was the social dictator of North following Don Jose's "Halte-la, qui 6
s Dakota, and who had been taken ter, va la?" and the elaborate settings us- (Where D. U. R. Stons at State) -
rificially ill with growing pains in ually used are replaced by simple ones
an important molar. As he worked, he which make a greater demand uponI
P chatted with her. the beholder's imagination than upon Read thW t Ad
t "Yes, Mrs. Tannhauser," said Hein- the producer's pocketbook. It is un-th 1 ,u -
rich Offenmund, "I certainly agree questionably bad opera. If opera is
with you on that point." And he smiled to be given, let it be designed to create
gallantly, albeit somewhat absently, the most complete illusion possible;I
- for he was filing down a drill. let it be sumptuous and luxurious, foi
"Yes sir," he continued, as he without these things there is no rea-
- rubbed the little drill softly to and son for not having all our opera on
Y fro against the stone, "yes sir, you're the Victrola or in the concert hall. POLICY
b certainly right, Mrs. Tannhauser. Ab- Fortunately for Farrar, her talents
- solutely right. Absolutely. I would would make any opera alluring under PR OVS-
have done the same thing. The very any conditions and so it was that he
- same thing. Yes sir, that's what I told entertainment proved brilliant and IONS
my wife when she told me about it." fascinating where other singers would
He hummed a half-sad melody as simply have been tedious.
r he put the sharpened drill into the A Carmen who has wooed and been Select your life insur-
- buzzer. "Open wide, please, Mrs. Tann- wooed hundreds of times by Caruso
, hauser," requested Heinrich Offen- and Amato must have found it ance policy for what is
, mund, as he prepared to begin opera- severe trial to endure the love-mak- clearly and plainly
e tions on the important molar. "Have ing of Don Jose and Escamillo Fridays i
r you ever read the Bible? By Moses, night. The former was a pudgy, grace- stated in it.
Boni and Liveright, two fifty?" h less, unromantic-looking Italian whose Note also what has
asked, as he began to bore at Mrs. high notes cost him many pangs; the been left out.
Tannhauser's tooth. "It's a very inter- latter received a good deal of unde-
esting book," he went on, craning his served applause for a lukewarm of-
neck to get a better view of the In- fering of the Toreador Song. The
- terior of his patient's mouth. "Very Micaela of Enima Noe, on the other
interesting indeed. . . Mighty inter. hand, was very near to real greatness.
esting. . . ..One of the most interes- Her soprano is one of extraordinarya
ting books I've read in a long, long power and richness, not unlike Lmna,
time." Eames,' and her singing showed in-
He removed the drill from Mrs. te,igence, discrimination and nio-
Tannhauser's mouth and hung it up. tional force. The orchestra was ad6e
Mrs. Tannhauser, her mouth now quate and Carlo Peroni conducted
empty, said "Really?" with authority.
"Yes," said Doctor Offenmund. "A But all these things will soon fado
very interesting book." from memory and leave with us the
There was a knock at the door of picture of Geraldine Farrar, fascina-
the office. Doctor Offenmund walked ting and unforgettable. She has never
I over to the door and opened it. On looked lovlier or acted more brilliant- i
the threshold stood a man with his; ly than she did Friday night and it
(hand over his mouth. He was uncouth. was gratifying to notice the vast im-
1He had on overalls. His hands were.I provement in her voice since last==
dirty and his face was dirty, winter. She sang the Habanera, the
".Seguidilla and the "La-bas dans
"Could you fix me up, Doctor ?" in- -
montagne" entrancingly; it is hard to
quired the man. "I got a bad tooth that Calve even surpassed ncr
ache.,in' these parts. Not for one moment Three dencous flavorsn
"Why-why-I think I can," said Dr. during the three acts was she indit- 1
Offenmund, "but you'll have to wait ferent or nerveless, for she is an our special brick for this =
till I finish with the lady here." artist to he rfinger tips and as greaint
The man smiled queerly. "You gott in little things as in the climaxe e end.
keep me waitin, hey?" Thus her ever-changing facial ex-
"Yes," said Dr. Offenmund. "I'm pression and gestures during thi" -Order from the plant or the
afraid so .I'm afraid so. You just sit Flower Song was in its way as per- 1
down in there awhile and I'll fix feet as her last tremendous scene be-I- nearest fountain..
you up." fore the bull ring. Stunningly arrayed
The man appeared to be about to and bewitchingly beautiful, she car-
speak, but he said nothing and sat I id all before her.eaih r-
down in the waiting room. Dr. Offen And this is the singer whose knellE=
mund closed the door and went back critics were sounding two years ago
to Mrs .Tannhauser. wh"" the Viennese Frau Jeritza's'
Mrs. Tannhauser smiled wearily- acrobatics made her first favorite at
but then sat suddenly bolt upright, the Metropolitan. Has Jeritza re a
"You're a coward, Heinrich," she sai placed Farrar? The answer is a thous- I"Dairy
I tensely. "A coward!" and times no! and though the buxom1
Offenmund blanched. "God!" he Teuton sing until Doomsday she can Home of Pure Milk
said. "Irma!" never make up to New York what it
Mrs. Tannhauser descended from lost when Farrar departed. -
the chair. "Yes, Irma! I'm Irma, and GeraldineFarrar is only forty, al-
you-you are Heinrich-but you are though everybody has known her for
not Heinrich Offenmund! No!" twenty years. It is not unreasonable
Offenmund blanched again. "I am to believe that she will be singing
twent yeas. I is otureasnbl

too!" he asserted, fingering his watch. and acting for twenty years .longer
chain nervously. and that one probability is enough
With a bound Dr. Offenmund had to make us wish for longevity.
closed her mouth ."Not another word, I 9a u i fy .

Your Next Party Will be a Success If You Serve Delicious
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Read The Daily Cladsified" Columns



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.......... .......


Of added interest is the fact that
Mr. Frost will meet some classes and
will be available at all times for
consultations with students interes-
ted in writing. While a member of thos
faculty at Amherst he has had distinct'
success as a teacher, contradicting
the usual conception concerning a
poet and writer. His presence has
been an inspiration in the eastern
college and will have a similar effect
at Michigan.
Probably the most important feature
of the appointment is found in the fact
that it represents the policy of the
University administration in attempt
ing to obtain for Michigan the high-
est type of educator. Whatever one
may think of Mr. Frost's ability as a
poet, he has attained highest distinc-
tion in American letters, and his rep
utation is considerable. His presence
will help to augment Ann Arbor's rep-
tation as the home of men of distinct{
literary and sciontific aiomplish-

Silk shaded boudoir
lamps that wil tadd an
artistic touch to a ny


room, $6

To the Editor:
M. Fernand Maurette, winner of th
first prize in the French Peace Plan
competition, is not a "watchman in an
normal school," as has been reported
in the columns of several newspapers.
The mistake arose in a wrong inter
pretation of the word "surveillant" as
he is at the same time Assistant Seci
retary of the Ecole Nomale Super-
ieure, the great rival of the Sorbonne
-in el vrf - - - - - - - - .. *lh <+ -1

The Dtoit Edison

-Iff-min at IVIIIIun

elepbone 23W.


and pr ofessor or geography at the
LABOR OR CONSERVATIVE Ecole des Hautes Commerciales, an
With the official proclamation other great institution of the French
from King George Friday dissolving capital.
the British parliament and summon- He is the author of some twenty
ing a new one to meet on November 1 text books and of a well-known work
18, following the election on October 'on the great markets for raw mater
29, a twenty-day battle among three ials has been just appointed head of
strong parties for supremacy in the the scientific department of the Bur-
government has been opened. The eau International de Travail, at
announcement that the election would Geneva.
come soon caused considerable sur- It is to be noticed that the list of
prise and consternation among the laureates in the French Peace com
Liberals and Conservatives, but was petition contains a majority of civil
hailed with enthusiasm by the con- service men, especially professors,f
vention of the Labor party meeting and a remarkable self-made man,
in London, transforming it suddenly once -a miner, now a commercial
into a jubilant campaign meeting. agent.
The Labor party in a manifesto, I -Marcel Clavel.
mmediately issued, outlined its planks
as follows: it advocates nationaliza To the Editor:
ion of mines, national control of food May I, on behalf of the students o1
supples, nationalization of the great. Miami university, take this opportun-
Or lart of electrical power, relief of ity to explain that the over-enthused
.mnemployment, full allowance for the Miami fan whose actions at the Michi-

emiun ham cured


Irma-not another word." He went
on, now blanching continuously,
"You're not Irma Tannhauser either,
I happen to know.",
It was now Mrs. Tannhauser's turn
to tremble. Putting on her hat, she
said, "We have come to an impasseI
For you are bilked, and I am bilked,
and everything is quite-"
"Irma!" It was Heinrich speaking.k
"Don't you see that we'll have to go
on? Go on as before?"

oJwniILb or

The same streets, the same walks,
The same rows of trees.
Different books, different talks,
Diversions as you please.

in the Virginia manner and
bakedy in pure mape i3syrup
--e pi g eii u .l'a Sunday dinner special, 30c

. _ _


"But how? How? How?" askedI
Tannhauser. "Don't you know
that workman out there is the
Heinrich Offenmund?"
"He is dead," said Heinrich.

Mrs The same men, yet different men,
that Men who've grown to see
real I The worth of what they're working
"I The worth to you and me.

knew he would die in five minutes,
from the condition of his tooth. He's

The same words, yet different words,


OA -l.V

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