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October 12, 1924 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 10-12-1924

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I io lWeiley (alks M1oirned MiiIh
PhIIlO',Olpher ( r *ate'd of Ra e
Since umin.

"Till death, he was obviously the
foremost living thinker; in death he
rdnst alw ys remain the most import
ant ihilosopher of the English-speak-
ing world sine Hume," is the con-
mont of Prof. I. M. Wenley of the
phi osophy department, upon Francis
E;erbert iBradley, English phiosophical
wrter who died Sept. 18 in Oxford,
tEng1and, at the age of 78.
Mr. Bradley went from Marlborough
college to University college, Oxford.
in 165. In 1877 he was elected to a
fellowship at Merton college, where a
c(hrcfnci disease forced him to spend
the quite life of a "philosophical writ-
1ti," as ihe describes himself in "Who's
1l1o never took pupils. Although so
handicapped that he was sometines
'unabe to do more than a month's
work out of the year, he produced
;several epoch-making books, especial-
ly "Ethical Studies" (1875), "The
1rinciples of Logic" (1883), and prin-
cipally "Appearance and Reality"
(1893). The latter has had many edi-
tions issued since. Others by Mr.
Bradley are "Essays on Truth and
Reality" (1914), and the new edition
of the "Logic" with its "llome-thrust-
ing T'rminal Essays," as P'rot'ssor
Weiley describes them.
Prof. J. S MacKenzie, in his latest
hook, containing lectures delivered at
the University last May, says, "Mr.
Bradley's great work on 'Appearance
and Reality' is probably the most im-
portant contribution that has been.
made to the constructive treatment of
philosophical problems since the time
of Hegel.".
In a new conjoint book by 16 Brit-
ish philosophers, there are more re-
ferences to Bradley than to any other
thinker, Plato and Kant not excepted.
His external distinctions were few-
the LL.D. from the University of Glas-
gow 40 years ago, and last June he
received the highest honor in the gift
of his sovereign, the Order of Merit.
"Caravan Of Tin"
Wends Way West
For M.A. C. Game
Westward they went yesterday and
.Ann Arbor was deserted, for the call
Vf the gridiron attracted thousands of
c? tUUUI.i L to lin T AJV 0 i. i tiiodkic La

CItarles G. Dawes, the vice-pre sidential nominee of the Republicans,
seen in action in the LaFollette ter ritory. From the rear platform of his
train he is telling an audience in Red Wing, Min., that "common sense
and brass tacks" is a better progra m for the farmer than promise of
legislative relief.

London, Oct. 11.-Membership ofI
the Commtanist paurty in European
countries is diminishing rapidly, ac-1
cording to statistics recently publish-
ed by Justice, the Enlish Communist
The total membership of the party,
outside Russia. which was given as
1,064,000 in 1920, dropped to 674,142
in 1922 and 590,990 in 1924.
The papers adds that the only.
countries where the Communists still
retain an important place in the
working class movement is in Ger-
many, Czechoslovakia and France.
In Germany it is only the subsidies
received from Russia that keeps the
party strength at normal, the paper
'P N
London, (et. 11.-'IThe announce-
ment that the Prince of Wales, upon
returning from his American and

Red Lake Falls, Minn., Oct. 11.-
Red Lake Indians, the model Chip-
C pewa band of Minnesota, gathered
this summer 750,000 pounds of fish
from Red Lake, it has been an-
nounced by H. B. Dooley, superin-
tendent of the Red Lake reservation.
During the last seven years the In-
dians, under a contract with the state
of Minnesota, have received 'more
than $500,000 for fish taken from the
The fishing season lasts but thmee
months during the summer, but last
summer four Indians, with the help
of their squaws, earned $1,000 each
and one pair of fishermen, buck and
squaw, cleared $1,500.
This wor'k at fishing, in addition to
the rich timber tracts on the reserva-
tion, enables the Red Lake Indians to
live comfortably and to educate their
own children.
Contributions of Ann Arbor mer-
chants, manufacturers, and profes-
sional men, made through the Ann
Arbor Chamber of Commerce for
sending the Varsity band to Urbana,
where it will represent Michigan at
the dedicatory exercises of the new
Illinois stadium, have exceeded the
prescribed amount by $276. The sum
originally desired by the club was
This surplus fund, according to
the secretary of the chamber, will be
used for defraying incidental expens-
es of the band that may arise.
The Illinois 300 Niece band is be-
ing financed by business men of Chi-

l(udents to the NA.u .cga am ,
at East Lansing, to witness the dedic- Canadian tri will on Nov. 19, form-
ation of the new stadium. Ially open the reconstructed road be-
tween Dartford and Strood, draws at-
Late Friday night the exodus be- tention to one of the oldest and most
'gan. "A "tin chariot" went rambling celebrated high'ways in Europe.
west on Huron street shortly after This patch of road is in reality part
midgniht in order to be there for the of Watling Street, a thoroughfare of
opening whistle. The occupants antic- great antiquity which still traverses
apated a chilly ride, for they were I the heart of London and, just lack of
wrapped in sheepskin and wearing St. Pal Cathedrat, to this day
class toques. With a "Yea, Michigan," bears its ancient name. No one
Ihey crossed Main street, and chug- 'mnows how old Watling Street is, but
ging along in their ramshackle fliver, it haLd been long established when the
disappeared in the darkness. Romans came to Britain two thou-


As early as 7 o'clock yesterday .sand years ago.
morning students wearing arm bands,
carrying slickers and top-coats, were
ambling down State street to obtain , S MITS 1910OAITH
seats on the Michigan Central special
for East Lansing. A parade of all
inakes of automobiles, with every
ava ilable seat filled, was seen going BA D T I TO I!f
out the Jackson road from the first
rays of sun-up until shortly after Stu.dents and facu.ty members may
noon. accompany the band on the Chamber
S'ofld hand dealers 'in automo- of Commerce special train to Urbana,
bil s renorted a thriving business it ws asnounced today from the
during the last few days, and some local chamber office. Tickets for
o; the hundreds of four w\rlheeled either the game or transportation
vehiclcs which were seen making 1my be secured by calling at the of-
their way westward were evidences fice on Ann Street or reservations
cf this prosperity. may be made by calling 31.
A block of 50 tickets for the Illi-
nois game has been secured by the
rIM IH N1D0l;clramber and it is announced that
when these are gone another block



Only 12 first tenors are available
for Glee club work, accordineg to Carl
I. Schoonniaker, '25, manager, and
all students who have had any train-
ing in that line are urged to see
'Tiheodore Harrison, the director, to-
day at the School of Music.
Three more men are needed im-
mediately as the rehearsals will start
Thursday. It is also announced that
a list of the members for this year
will be made public at an early date.
Divers Will Seek
Sunken Millions t


will be purchased.
being made to have
aiice of Ann Arborl

Every effort is
a record attend-
business men at

this game.
Washington, Oct. 11.-The third
National Radio Conference, called by Texas City Lays
secretary Ilerbert Hoover last Mon-
day, adjourned late yesterday after Law On Airplanes
having unanimously agreed on a set
of recommendations to the Coin- Galveston, Tex., Oct. 11.-Galveston
merce Department in its regulation has begun .regulating air traffic as
of the radio industry, well.
The recommendations call for An ordinance recently passed pro-
establishment of superpower broad- hibits' airplanes from landing or tak-
casting stations on an experimental ing off within 300 feet of any street
basis and under strict regulation of or public highway in the city and
the Commerce Department to prevent within 400 feet from the Gulf of Mexi-
interference with smaller stations. co. It also prohibits airplanes, flying
It was also recommended that gen- above the city, from sailing lower
eral increases in the amount of than 2,500 feet above the ground. I
power permitted broadcasting sta- Aviators who intend to take on pas-
tions be made during the summer sengers for hire must get a permit,I
time and during the daytime in win- for which there will be a fee of $10.j
ter, in order to overcome interference An air control board of three willf
from static and other outside in- pass upon petitions of applicants for
'luences. I permits.
Another recommendation adopted I

Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 11.-Some-
thing new in deep-sea inventions will
be used by the treasure hunters who
will seek to recover silver and gold
bullion and jewels valued-up to $4,000,
000 which went down in 1911 with the
Ward liner Merida, 60 miles off the
Virginia capes.
The expedition, financed by a group
of Manhattan financiers and sports-
men, has two battered little steam
trawlers, and is headed; by Capt. John
F. O'Hagan, deep sea diver and former
Navy lieutenant. It is expected it will
cost about $50,000 and will last a little
more than a month. The trawlers
will sweep in a radius of 15 miles
until the craft is located. Divers then
will begin operations. Each of them
has been provided with a diagram of
the sunken ship, which is at a depth
of 190 feet.
The nature of the invention has not
been disclosed, but it is said that, it
successful, it will revolutionize under-
sea engineering proects. The ship,


u rgeos the Government to take no
nieasures toward regulating the mat-
I er which is to be broadcast in the
air, characterizing any such regula-
tion as Government censorship.
In accepting the recommendations
Secretary Hoover told the delegates

Record Activities
Nearly 100 lines of work, business,
professional and artistic, were repre-
sented in the third annual Women'
Activties Exhibit recently held in Newj
I a eni Pt ri a etat e ntomohile

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