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January 13, 1924 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-01-13

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rof. Edmund E. Day, head of the B. F. Mortenson, '11L. Detroit real
aomics department, has been ap- estate dealer, with the announcement
ted to represent the American of a fellowship to Harvard university,
istical Association for as term o, has increased his gifts to Detroit stu-
years on the Social Science Re- dents to four fellowships. High

"Give And Take"
At Whitney Tc



--- Today In The Churches ---


at the 6:30 o'clock Student Forum. I will meet at 9 o'clock, followed
The subject of the discussion will be 10 o'clock by services in English
"Is a Lie Ever Justifiable?" The ser- at 11 by German services.
mon at the evening service will be Trinity Lutheran Church
"The Fine Point In the Science of At 9::30 o'clock student bible clan
God." will be held. At 10:30 o'clock
Bethlehemn Evangelical Church host Boy" will be the sermon tex
Sunday School and Bible classes the morning worship.

search Council. Prof. W. F. Wilcox of
Cornell University and Prof. H. L.
Rtietz of the University of Iowa are
also representatives of the statistical
The Social Science Council is an
organization created last spring by
the joint action of the American Eco-
nomic Association, the American So-
ciological Society, and the American
Political Science Association. The
American Psychological Society, and
the American Anthropological Society
have recently been taken into the
council. The council itself is made up
of three representatives from each of
the member organizations. It is so1
arranged that one representative re-
tires every year.
tThe general purpose of the organi-
zation is to consider questions of com-
mon interest in social research. To
carry out this purpose, the council
has already taken up three projects,



Students Climb
High In Effort
To Get Photos
Several students climbed up to the
roof of the central section of the
new literary building recently to take
some views of the city for possible
use in the Michiganensian. After as-
cending six perilously shaky flights
of ladders, the students emerged onto
the flat cement surface of the roof,
estimated to be several feet higher
than the Union tower. There they
,discovered that what had been little
more than a stiff breeze down on the
ground was a gale on this unprotect-
ed height.
c Determined, nevertheless, to get the
pictures, the party began to search
for a favorable position. It was while
they were moving about that one of
the members was caught by an ex-
traordinarily strong gust of wind and
carried for about ten feet toward the
edge of the roof. He only saved him-
self, according to other members of
the group, by falling flat on the rough
surface. In doing this. he received
only a slight bruise and tore a hole
in his heavy overcoat.,,
Federal Service
Is Used By Many
Nearly a million requests for in-
formation about foreign economic and
commercial conditions for American
firms engaged in foreign trade is the
record announced in the annual re-
port of Dr. Julius Klein, Director of
the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic
Commerce of the Department of Com-
merce. This figure for 1922-1923 is
just double that for 1921-1922, the,
previous high record.

school and parochial high school pu-
pils are eligible to the awards which
are to be made on a popularity and
scholarship basis. As soon as polling
places have been established by Mor-
tenson, voting in high schools of the
city will begin. A committee com-
posed of disinterested judges will de-
cide on the candidates who are chos-
en from all the schools.
One fellowship will be provided for
the graduating classes of the next
four years, according to the new plan.
The Universities of Michigan and De-
troit and the Michigan Agricultural
college have been selected for the
three schools besides Harvard to re-
ceive the Mortenson fellowship. The
Guaranty Trust company of Detroit
will administer the funds to care for
the collegiate expenses.
Warthi.n Elected.
Association Head
At the annual convention of the As-
sociation of Experimental Pathol-
ogists, held in St. Louis from the 26th
to the 29th of December, Prof. A. S.
Warthin of the medical school was
elected president of the association,
for the coming year. It is considered
quite an honor 'to be elected to the
presidency of this organization.
Dr. Warthin was accompanied on'
his trip. to St. Louis by Prof. C. W.
Edmunds, also of the medical school,
who has been president of the asso-
ciation for the past year. Others who
made the trip were Prof. F. G. Novy
of the bacteriology department, Prof.
H. B. Lewis of the physio-chemical
department, Prof. R. Gesell of the
physiology department, Prof. C. V.
Weller of the pathological depart-
ment, Prof. E. E. Nelson of the phar-
matology department, Prof. F. N. Wil-
son of the department of internal
medicine, and by three assistants.
Conway Tearle, the highest priced
leading man in filmdom, plays oppo-
site Constance Talmadge in her lat-
est picture, "The Dangerous Maid,"
which appears at the Majestic today
through Wednesday.
The story of "The Dangerous Maid"
is laid in the turbulent times when
the Duke of Monmouth rebelled
against King James II of England.
Constance has the role of a madcap
little rebel who dons a cavalier's
sword and costume and engages in
a thrilling series of adventures with
the officers of the king.
Lyman Howe's "Hodge Podge," Fa-
bles, and Corrine Arbuckle and her
Royal Canadians, with Roy Lombardo,

First Methodist Church
"Christianity's Attractiveness" hasS
been chosen as the Pastor's sermon1
text at the First Methodist Church this
morning. Bible classes for students
' will be held at noon in Wesley Hall'
and from 4:30 until 6:30 o'clock Open
House will be held in the Hall. Slip-
per will be served at 5:30 o'clock.
t J.K. Dunn, '24, will speak on the sub-
ject "At the Crossroads" at the Wes-
leyan Guild Devotional meeting at
6:30 o'closk. There will be no even-
ing service.
Congregational Church
"Fatherhood" will be the topic of
Reverend Jump's discussion at the
morning service in the Congregation-
Louis M\ann and George Sidney in 53~t tsp r
"Gv~n ae hc sfaue al Church. The student supper will
Giv an Tae" hic isfeaure ibe served at 5:30 o'clock at which
at the Whitney today only. The com- time officers for the Student Fellow-
pany, including the entire New York ship for the next six months will be
cast, comes direct from Detroit, en elected. After the supper a discus-
route to Chicago. I sion appropriate to the days just be-
fore exams; "My ':Courses; What I
as the stage feature conclude the Ma- Have Gotten Out of Them," will be
jestic program for the first part of held.

director of the Near East Relief, will
speak at the 10:30 o'clock service at
the Presbyterian Church this morn-
ing. All bible classes will gather at
noon under the leaderships of Profes-
sor Henderson, Miss Mary Ross, and
Ir. Thomas Iden. At 5:30 o'clock 1
the regular Social Hour and Open'
House will be held. "What Is Real
Freedom" will be discussed by Ellen
Wandero, '22, at the Christian En-
deavor meeting at 6:30 o'clock.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
Holy Communion will be offered at
8 o'clock this morning at St. Andrew'sI
Episcopal Church. Church school
will meet in Harris Hallhat 9:30
o'clock. The sermon at the 10:301
O'clock Morning Prayer will be given
by the Rector. The usual bible classes
for young people will meet at 306 N.
Division at noon. The Rector will
address the students at the 5 o'clock
evening service which will be imme-
diately followed by the student sup-
per. Prof. L. K. Waterman will speak
on "Recent Discoveries in Egypt."
First Baptist Church
"Religious Perplexities" will be dis-
cussed by Mr. Sayles at the 10:30
o'clock worship at the First Baptist
Church. Sunday school and students
bible classes will meet at noon. From
5:30 until 6:30 Mr. and Mrs. Chapman,
will welcome all students to the
Frigndsliip Hourtosbe seld in the
Guild House. At 6 o'clock the B. Y.
P. U. -society will meet in the church
narlors. At the 6:30 o'clock Student
Devotional Service members who at-
tended the Student Volunteer Conven-
tion at Indianapolis will speak. Geral-
dine Hamilton, '24M; will be in

A Play That Every Woman Will Talk About
4 6


the week.
"The Age of Desire" features at the
Majestic Thursday through Saturday.'
The superficiality of a certain species
of women is the theme of the picture.
Corrine Arbuckle and her Royal Ca-
nadians will give an entirely new pro-
gram beginning Thursday.
"Mothers-In-Law," featuring Ruth
Clifford, Josef Swickard and Volaj
Vale, is showing at the Wuerth today}
through Wednesday.
The story concerns David, the onlyj
son of old farmer Wingate and his
plain little wife, lovingly .called Mom.
1Mingled with a heritage of southern
pride and temper is a great ambition
for success which clashes frequently
with old Wingate's old-fashioned
viewpoint, and David's days of youth
are often stormy, although tempered
by Mom's loving understanding.
David's ambitious ideas meet with
the admiration of a wealthy railroad
magnate whose daughter Vianna, a
typical product of the "jazz-age," Da-
vid cares for. Old Wingate is furious
with his son and his affair and in con-
sequence David is forced to leave
home. Mack Sennett presenting his
Bathing Beauties in "One Cylinder
Love" concludes the program.
The power which beautiful women'
exert over the world's most absolute
and unlimited rulers is the theme of
"Nero," which is to be presented at
the Wuerth on Thursday and through'
The picture is an enormous spec-
tacle, photographed in Italy with huge
sets and thousands of people. The
role of Nero is played by Jacques-

Presbyterian Church
Dr. Mabel Evelyn Elliott, medical
"When the Devil Drives," by and
with Leah Baird,:features at the ~(T-
pheurn today through Tuesday. The
author has endeavored to visibly por-
tray the mind workings of two girls,
born, reared and living in entirely dif-
ferent environments. Buddy Mes-
singer in "All Over Twist" and FOX
news concludes the program.
Arline Pretty in "Tipped Off" comes
to the Orpheum on Wednesday and
Thursday. Harry Carey in "The Can-
yon of Fools" is the attraction on the
last two days of the week together
with Reginald Denny in a new round'
of the "Leather Pushers" and Fox



Week Beginning


501- to $1.00


If you have ever loved you'll understand the appeal of this great
man and wonman's play in which lRejane electrified Paris and which
created such a tremendous sensation last season in New York.

The Stage


Presenting popular Mae Murray in
the interesting roles of two sisters,'
"Fashion Row" opens a five day en-
gagement at. the Arcade today. As
a Broadway actress who marries into
an old aristocratic family, Miss Mur-
ray has the opportunity to wear end-
less stunning gowns and to delight
her audience with typically Murray
"Potash and Perlmutter" comes to
the Arcade for a second engagement
on Friday. The sensational popular-
ity of Montague Glass' characters in
the Saturday Evening Post was dupli-
cated in book form and on the stage,
and now the stage version is being,
hailed as one of the finest pictures
ever made. Alexander Carr, Barney
Bernard and Vera Gordon have the
leading roles under the direction of
Clarence Badger.

Whitney E
The laughing success, "Give and
Take," featuring Louis Mann and
George Sidney is playing at the Whit-
ney today. The comedy comes from1
the pen of Aaron Hoffman and it will
be presented here by the entire New
York cast. The company comes di-
rect from Detroit just prior to its
Chicago run.
India, th scene of numerous rebel-
lions against British rule, is the lo-
cale of Walker Whiteside's mystery
play, "The Hindu,'' in which the noted
actor will appear at the Whitney The-
atre on Saturday evening of this
week. A band of international plot-
ters seek to involve the Indian Em-
pire in a revolt, and endeavor to
arouse the fanatical natives by at-
tacking their religious scruples, de-
spoiling ,their Idols4 and jinsulting
their beliefs.
As Prince Tamar, Mr. Whiteside
has one of the most interesting roles
of his career. This potentate ensnares
the men who plot to upset his rule
in Somnouth, he rescues the p-ir-
turbed heroine from her deadly dan-
ger, and eventually calms the fanati-
cal natives who seek to revenge
themselves upon the desecraters of
I their religious idols.
Henri Bataille's drartAd, "L'Enfant
d' Amour," as adapted to the American
stage by Martin Brown and renamed
"The Love Child," will be the Garrick
attraction the entire week beginning
today. Janet Becher and Lee Baker
appear in the principal roles.

ITnitarian Church
"Is Tolerance Always a Virtue?"
trill be the subject under considera-
tion at the 10:30 o'clock service at
the Unitarian Church this morning.
At 11:55. Professor Wood's class in
Social Problems will meet. The young;
neople's supper will be served at 5:45
and followed by a discussion of "Thej
Bok Peace Plan."
Church of Christ Disciples
All Bible and Sunday school classes
will be held under Prof. Lynn Front
this morning at 9:30 o'clock. Mr.
Denison will speak on the Near East
and its needs at 10:30 o'clock. At
noon the Men's Service Club, led byj
Dr. Stouffer, will meet. The Christ-
ian Endeavor meeting is cheduled for
G:30 o'clock.
- Zoln Lutheran Church
"Seeing for One's Self" has been
chosen as the sermon text at the 10:30
o'clock service at the lion Lutheran
Church. Nine o'clock has been named
as the Bible study hour, and at 5:30
o'clock the student social hour will
be held and the student supper served.
Rachel C. Stellhorn will act as leader


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Sat. Mat. )0C to $1.50








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