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January 13, 1924 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-01-13

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Plan Reflected In


(Continued from Page One)
hat once said that you have to con-
sider the excellence of the men as
well as the excellence of the laws.
The recommendations of thie prize
winner will help to focus and articu-
late our views. Themachinery sug-
gested may have to be modified but it
should contribute to reach a settle-
ment where chaos is now reigning.
Mieralisna's Rallying Point-
J. P. DAWSON, '24L, chairman
University League of Nations Non-
Partisan Association: It is noticeable'
that the attack on the soundness and
wisdom of the Bok award seems to
have concentrated on personal cen-
sure of the judging committee on the
ground of "pacifism." It should be
significant that the merits of the win-
ning plan are practically ignored in
an effort to reawaken that suspicion
of the plotting foreigner that was so
convenient in the political skrimish
of 1920. Such emphasis betrays that
inadequacy of our isolationists when
confronted with a constructive scheme
for world organization, which satis-
fies all the objections so far raised.
The preconceptions of the judging
committee, of course, are important.
But it is absurd to offer an indict-
ment on the ground of "pacifism," for
inspection of the prologue should re-
veal its object, to present "the best
practicable plan by which the United
States may co-operate with other na-
tions to acl.ev'e and irese'rve the
peace of the world." The only mem-
ber of the committee with a truly
blackened heart is Colonel House, who
participated in the nefarious opera-
titions of 1919 at Paris. And the
chaiges against the rest simmer down
to this-that they are intelligent citi-
zens with an outlook on the world.
For only the unintelligent or provin-
cial can survey world politics today
without realizing the need for inter-
national co-operation of a practical
The substance of the plan is essen-
tially so reasonable that the opposi-
tion seems to be sacrificing consis-
tency to its now ingrained antagon-
ism. It corresponds closely to the
hopes of the League supporters in
this country, including those who feel
that to join an association incapable
of using force, even thoiitgh the use;
of force be authorized by its funda-
mental law, would do us no harm.
But the reservations insisted. ,upon,
which, by the way, are exgctly those
demanded in 1920, should remove All'
possible objections on the score that:
the League requires a surrender ofI
sovereignty or self-control.
The World Court is obviously the
first step to be taken toward inter-
national co-operation. It is but a
truism to say that the Court estab-
lished to decide questions of law, is-
inadequate to handle the great ma-
jority of internation questions, which
are economic and political. But those
gentlemen who oppose our adherence
to the court on the ground that it
will lead us willy-nilly into the
League reveal (1) the fundamental!
weakness of their objections, which,!
as they admit, will be insufficient to1
restrain a politically independent na-

Another Plan

tlement of international disputes; doctrine, and, as the prize winnerj
he C am pus that the United States has really points out, it is in essense an alliance
taken a large part in this, though in against the United States.
an advisory capacity only; that the The latest statement intended for
xVI. With these features eliminated, League is assured of a permanent po-!the public, which Theodore Roosevelt
the League is nothing more nor less sition; and, since only one such or made before his death, was an edi-
than the crystalization in a compre- ganization is practicable, its provis- I;torial, "The League of Nations," for
hensive scheme of the accumulated ions should be so altered that the the Kansas City Star, and this dic-
1 experience of the past one hundred 'United States may adhere. The prin- tation had not even been typed when
years in the development of interna- cipal change recommended is the his sudden death supervened. His
tional organization. Every important elimination of the sanction (coercion) armonitfon was,-"Let nothing be done
feature rests solidly upon the faun- implied in Articles X and XVI, al- that will interfere with our preparing
dation of settled international prac- though this coercion is now apparent for our own defense by introducing
tice. And the League is an existing and not real. From the three and ;a a system of universal obligatory mili-
institution which includes most of halfs years' experience with theI tary training on the Swiss plan.
the nations of the earth and which is League, he concludes: "The only kind----
gaining steadily in stability and use- of compulsion which nations can "It Is So Very Tactful"C
fulness. We have co-operated with it, freely engage to apply to each other DEAN A. H. LLOYD, of the Gradu-
as the Bok plan points out, and we in the name of Peace is that whi, ate school: The winning plan in sub-
shall undoubtedly co-operate more ex- arises from conference, from moral stance has my cordial approval. I
tensively as time goes on. The Bok judgment, from full publicity, and have to admit that its strength will
plan offers a feasible program for from the power of public opinion." seem weakness to some. It is so, very1
further co-operation. Its announce- I He makes little claim that the League tactful. Perhaps in these days of a
ment is the most significant event in has accomplished mach in settling in- still xar-befogged partisanship and of
this country since President Hard- ternational disputes. He advocates certain familiar obstinate complexes,
ing's notable measure urging that the immediate adhesion to the World which any mention of peace or of the
United States Participate in the Per- Court. L of Nations has had to meet
manent Court of International .Tius- reau
CrIn comment rather than in citicism tact was needed above all things. Still
tice. it may be said that if }the League i while under all the circumstances
should ever decide to purge itself of Plan 1469 is as non-partisan or non-
"Be Prepared" the superlative sham which is its antagonistic as any plan for the same
PROF. W. H. HOBBS, of the geology raison d'etre, the pretense that it is purpose could possibly be made, it is
department: It was a foregone con- an effective preventive of war, and iii my opinion really genuine. It does
clusion that the contestants for the therefore a substitute for military face squarely in the right direction,
Bok Peace Award would treat the preparedness-in the pronunciamento even while it allows reservations. Ac-
League of Nations and the Interna-I of Mr. Wilson at the promulgation in tually the facts and policies on which
tional Court of Arbitration, in essence Paris, "It is a guarantee of peace"- it is based lift it above any important
the recent Democratic and the older then, and not till then, may our na- piarty differences and insure wide and
Republican! doctrinest respectively. tion safely join with the fifty-seven derious attention to it and not of course
The prize winner has handled the varieties, more or less, which now unanimous, but generous support
whole subject very adroitly. His argu- constitute the League. Until that fromi all parties. Perhaps thee will
ments are that the League of Na- happy, but rather unexpected event, of the country is at last to' be effec-
tions has already accomplished much the League is a menace to our secur- tively unified and mobilized. Pehaps
good in other directions than the set- ity through it promulgation of a false the era of America's post-bellum pa-
cifisi n iear its end at last some-

thing positive is to be done. In any
case there are times when a little,
timely progress is worth more than a
lot of isolated safety and prosperity.
Admirable for the Present
PRESTON SLOSSON, of the history
department: As a practical sugges-
tion for the nmediate pr fent it
seems admirable and I hope it will be
seriously considered by the public and
by the' senate. If there is a weakness
in it perhaps it may be found in the
exclusive reliance on public opinion
to prevent war. This is efficacious
among nations which prefer a peace-
If u settlement of disputes to the pos-
sible gains of war. But moral suasion,
unsupported by military force, would
not have halted German in 1914. In
the long run all law must be backedj
by police power. Perhaps it is utopian

to expect the League of Nations at
present to be more than an agency
for mutual counsel and concilliation,
in view of the unwillingness of cer-
tain Eruopean governments to sub-
mit claims arising from the recent
war to its jurisdiction and the un-
willingness of the American govern-
ment to lend its authority to the pa-
cifleation of Europe. But eventually
the League must be a "League to
Enforce Peace." Let us hope that
public opinion on both sides of the
Atlantic will be ready for this step in
time to prevent the next Great War.
A Substitute for Passion
PROF. M. P. TILLEY, of the Eng
lish department: Mr. Bok has per-
formed a notable service for our
!country in focussing attention upon a
(Continued on Page Twelve)

II [ m.



Edward L. Filene
And now comes Edward I. Filene,
prominent Boston merchant, with' an
offer of prizes totalling $50,000 for a
series of essays on peace by writers
of France, Great Britain and Italy.
The plan was suggested by Mr. Bok's;
tion after the facts about the League
become known, and (2) the basis of
their position-a wholly emotional
hostility to the alien.
It is such hostility alone than can
prevent the ratifications of the Bok
award. No one who reads with. an
open mind the temperate and well-
considered language of the plan can
fail to be convinced that the League,
an existing institution of proved prac-
ticability, must be lent the weight of
our approbation in the not far-distant
future. For timidity or.pride to cause
a repudiation of all our promises
would be no less lamentable. As a
forecast of the nation's eventual per-
formance and as a rallying-point for
liberalism in this country, the Bohk
plan seem to justify the .hopes of its

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Is Significant.

of the

law school: Having been a 'mild
reservationist' throughout the. League
of Nations controversy, I am natural-
ly much pleased with the Bok plan.
It contains nothing that is new or
novel to those who are familiar with
the growth of international organiza-
tion. , Those who expected something
new or novel, however, seem to have
overlooked the fact that the Bok Prize
was offered for "the best practicable
plan." So far as the United States
may be affected, the winning plan
would eliminate from the League of
Nations Covenant its only objection-
able features, namely, the suggestion
of coercive sanctions for League de-
cisions .contained in Articles X and-

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