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January 13, 1924 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-01-13

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Did These Two Write The Plan?


(Continued from Page Ten)
ctical plan by which the United
s may co-operate with ocher na-
3 to achieve and pi3ere the
e of the world." Irrespective of
her this particular eldan can or
ot be enacted in its entirety into
lation, I feel confident that the
in itstspirit of reasonableness
appeal to the American people as
'e, practical, and effective meth-
by which our country can co-
ate in helping achieve and pre-E
the peace of the world.
ere is no doubt that the Ameri-
people are anxious to assist in
ing such conditions in the world
the present prosperity of our
try will not only continue, but
also increase. The discussion
has arisen over our international
ons has been with regard to the
way by which to secure this con-
d prosperity. Some of those who
ovposed any co-operation on the,
of this country with other coun-
have frankly expressed the be-
,hat the older order of rushing to
to settle international disputes
not be changed. No plan, there-
looking to the co-operatio of
Jnited States with the nations of
,orld will meet with their ap-
, since they are unwilling to
ire upon an attemipt to substitute
ie older order a different order.
number of such opponents,
ver, is not large; and is far out-
ered by those who sincerely be-
that the reversal by the United.
of its traditional policy of iso-
would be fraught with danger
safety of our country. In meet-
ie opposition of these critics, the
proposed adopts such precan- h
and limitations of action as will si
it possible for most of them to
ye the participation of our coun-
a an attempt in dealing with n
pitoblems, to substitute reason t

payments: $50,000 will be paid to the
author of the winning plan as soon
as the referendum is completed. The!
second $50,000 will be paid' "if when
the plan in substance and intent, is
approved by the United States Senate'
or if it is decided that an adequatet
degree of popular support has been
demonstrated for the winning plan."'
The question whether amendments
which may be made in the Senate ma-
terially affect the content of the plan
.ubmnitted, and the acceptance or re-
jection of these amendments, is left
^ntirely to the judgment of the jury.
The second half of the award shall
not be deemed won unless the con-
ditions as to the approval of the plan
are fulfilled on or before March

The Western Union Telegraph Co.
Has Opened a
Public Branch Office
for accommodation of the University Section in
The Blu-Maize Blossom Shop
No. 9 Nickels Arcade.
A telegraph operator will transmit messages over direct wires.
Office hours 8 a: m. to 9 p. m.


Service through Calkins-Fletcher Drug Store

has been discontinued.

No doubt about it.


Sunday dinners we serve
are getting their best
advertising from those
who come and enjoy them

Mr. and Mrs. William -puy. at work in their''ash-ingto study.
Although the author of the Blok peace plan will not be officially an nnnd nntil after the balloting is
concluded in February, it is declared in Washington that the prize-winning plan is the work of Mr. and Mrs.
William Atherton Dupuy. Mr. and Mrs. Dupuy recently returned from Goneva, Switzerland, where he held an
official position with the League of Nations. His wife is prominent in the affairs of the League of American
Pen Women. Mr. Dupuy has been a newspaperman all his life, but has had some experience in warfare in be-
tween. (He was a captain in the military intelligence division of the general staff in 1918.) For a while he
was field secretary of the Navy League.

t under the cover of the obje-
of the sincere opponents to co-
ation are certain insincere and
opponents whose objections may
cpected to become less noisy and
y subside altogether as they be-
convinced that there is a strong
insistent demand for a co-opera-
that is safely guarded and wisely
ted. The wide publicity that is
given to the new plan should
favorably upon this group of
ilzed obstructionists who are at
nt- attacking Mr. Bok and the
plan with a degree of violence
legenerates at times into vituper-
e name of the author of the plan
thheld for the present; but when
known, it will reveal, without
, the name of some person who
ognized for his admir'able sanity
idgment and his clear forceful
r of expression, if one may judge
is objections to Articles X and
These objections are to me both
ent and convincing: "The only
of compulsion which nations can
engage to apply to each other
e name of Peace is that which
from conference, from moral
nent, from full publicity, and
the power of public opinion."
the decision of this matter that
be made by our, country in the
few months, there will be re-
d the employment to an eminent
e of the same potent forces of
rence, of moral judgment, Off full
ity, and of the power of public
n, if the decision is to be an
itened .one. The present wide-
cl discussion of the plan argues
in this direction, and promises
ree of mutual understanding and
znent that shpuld make our de-
both popular and wise.
Mr. Bok Speaks
Continued from Page Nine).
ae we have just passed through
l plunge civilization into the pit.
now or never. And let me point
his fact: Conflict of all kinds is
ly on the decrease, in spite of
world war.
the beginning mankind did little
ut fight, principally as individ-
Next it was one family against
er and tribe against tribe. We
emerged through the stage of
i against nation and of half the
's powers opposing the other
The other must be the last
unless we revert and every man
to fighting his neighbor again.
not believe that such a thing is
le. I have a higher faith in
himself. We are going to find
ay out, and this is the accepted.
e referendum vote on our plan
stablish a direct personal con-
>etween the American people's
on peace, and the National Gov-
nt. At no time has our govern-
ever had such an expression.
are not voted upon, but peace
e, and perhaps the 'next war'
o to a vote. For the moment
e supplying the Government and
>rld with an incontrovertible de-
as to what theAmerican' people
Next we wil crystallze world
n in one moving effort to estab-


1,500,000,000 representatives of man-
kind who have lived in danger of war
since their. birth..
Greatest Referendum
The momient the plan was an-
nounced the polls were opened for1
he greatest popular referendum everI
held by the American people. EvenI
amendments to the Constitution havei
not received the same test, becausec
hese require merely a State legisla-t
Live vote instead of a mandate from (
he body of citizens. But every citi-t
en in the land now has an oppor-1
unity to register his verdict for or.
against the peace program.
The machinery which is carryingc
ut the referendum includes. almosta
Very public . agency. Ballots have,
een or will be printed in 400 maga-i

zines with a circulation of 5,000,000; Cox 9,147,353. The combined news-
in 500 daily papers reaching, 15,000,- paper and periodical vote alone would
000 subscribers; and 7,000 weekly per- reach that figure.
iodicals having ,.a distribution of 7,- It is a conservative statement that
000,000. These foot up to a total of no other test of American opinion has
27,000,000 potential. voters. But -the ever approached the size of this peace
press is only one avenue of approach, referendum. In addition to all of the
Ninety-odd national organizations publications and organizations which
having a membership of 5,000,000 will have extended their help, such popu-
co-operate in taking the vote. At the lar centers as the department stores
time of the releasing of the plan the will assist in taking the poll. Leading
central organization had requests in stores of New York, Boston and Phila-
hand for 6,377,059 ballots, and the delphia have their ballot boxes wait-
presses are waiting to turn off other ing. A million votes are expected in
millions as demanded. No estimate Philadelphia alone. Other organiza-
is possible of the actual vote, but it tions such as the trade unions and
certainly will run into many millions various national associations are
and may approximate the vote for a lending their aid.
President. In the last election Hard- Hinges on Senate
ing received 16,152,200 ballots and The award is to be made in two

Ups tairs,



A rcade



:...._ ...I. _ ,




Th1e 0 D iffrerent Picture.-
From Russian Dive,
to.Broadivay Palace
Virgins, vengeance and vodka; tights, tatters and
tears; negligee, nectar and Nemesis
that 100% proof Bundle of Bubbling Beauty

. p,
; .
/ .
,: -.I



The showing of this production
at the Capitol Theatre, Detroit,
recently: attracted huge crowds

featuring a
Climax unrival-.
ed for its thrills
and plt-


who were
for Miss

warm in their praise
Murray's decided

change of character.
1 :30-3:00-4:30

Broadnway's mystery flwoman,
she told him the blood of Rus-
sian Royalty flowed in her
veins. Then she thought of a
little vodka dive on the Volga
f -A knife thrust-
Miss Murray appears in a dual
role, as a Russian peasant and
her sister who poses as a prin-
cess and takes New York so-
ciety by storm.



The economy of buying one of
these sale overcoats will be a
lot more evident when you
see next fall's prices. We're
featuring superb values at
Othess, $20.65 to $58.35
'Main at Washington


%. 5

ELMO LINCOLN as Kaminoff the
villian and a pleasing supporting cast
Round Ten

c interest in the competition
n attested by the offers of help
en and women of all degrees.
of organizations have assisted
icasting information about the
; it has been the theme for
Is of sermons; the press has
ed myriad columns concern-

Reetrn Engagement



El E

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