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October 10, 1923 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1923-10-10

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Dane's Discovery1'[P QFD T
May Spell Death UL 1IIIIII~iJ IV
T0 W itePla u lgeNIrE IN* SELLI C

flr~f Thirhome will be in Wilminggton.
MLIUL GENTUFs _____samemerofi_
I 1 STDIMjXPAI etaPhi sorority.
Aidelplii Hold DIebat
, ST UM X'PRNED Adelphi debating society held V
--second regular meeting of the ya

* S. Solicitor General. Feajos Loss
ihL~ries U-der Plans Of
Micigafn Man


Chieago fleet

Advises (Co-operatIion

Washington, Oct. 9.-The proposal
of ConigreSsman Roy 0. Woodruff of
Mlichigan and Senator Lafollette of
W isconisi n that a vote of seven of the
iiino juidges, of the supreme court in,
steadi of a muere majority be required
to declare a law unconstitutional is
beinag strongly combatted by James M.
Beck, solicitor general of the United
States. Mr. B~eck is the official who,
repres ents the government in'all cases
bwefore the supreme court.

Chicago, Oct. 9.-(By A. P.)---Lift-
iag the wheat farmer f romi his present
slough of financial difficulties and low
prices to the level of the cotton and
tobacco growers by the same means
that lifted them-co-operative mark-
eting on a national scale-has been de-
cided on by representatives of co-
operative and agriculture organiza-
tions, called into conference yester-

ti . nnueil Deinoeraey Feared ° day to consider the best means of cor-
""Suich a proposal is a step in the di-'resting 'the present national situation
retion of unlimited democracy, in in wheat.
wliich the framers of the constitution Survey Six States
id not believe," says Solicitor Beck. The immediate survey of the six
"Somne day 'we may have a radical principal wheat-growing states with'
president and in the four or eight years !the view of working through present
of his power he may well have thef facilities where they exist andl (reat-
appointment of three justices of the ing them where they are not, was
sulpremle court. Thus a radical faction Dr. 4Georges 'Dreyer, voted by the conference, which re-!
coutld be formed in the supreme court ptooyvosjo ovdisl noapraetcm
whichi would make it impossible foripahlg at Oxford university, an- mittee, and elected an executive comi-
manny rears for the court to discharge noun ced during'a recent lecture in an {mittee with former G ov. Frank 0.
it;: great duty -of preserving the con-' English hospital that he has possibly Lowden as 'chairman.
stitution. { obtained a cure for tuberculosis. He Robert W. Bingham of Louisville, a
"Indeed the+ unanimous decision of i stated that his hoped'for triumph Ties 'leader in the tobacco co-operative
thie couirt migh~t thus be destroyed for in 'finding out how to treat anti-tutber- marketing movement and present
thte court does not always have a full culosis vaccine chemically, so as to: chairman of the National Council of
bench,, and at times, through death or affectif a cure. Dreyer, a Dane, will !Farmers' Co-operative Marketing as-
i llness, only six justices may be actu- rank with Pasteur as a benefactor of; sociation, who called the conference,
ally sitting. If therefore such a court 'humant fhsfnig aevrfe.iivtdsc ooeaielaesa
weeunanimously r ol oftheoiinta nt fhsfudnsievrfeIivtdsc ooeaielaesa
a statutecoudntbe enforced wth- {IC ident of Ithe sAmericankl oi tton yGrow-
out violating the constitution, never- { j ruair TrhI iyl r fl ers' Exchange; Aaron Sapiro, of New,
thieless its decision would be nullified INU H V TERNi [Urv pv Fork and San Francisco, organlizer of
ecause some of the absent judges did I~ the Burley Tobacco Growers' Co-op-
no ocr ~ ~ ~ iuillRAVerative association, and numerous
Violates Constitution IuiLJIILIJI~jlj other co-operative groups; George C.
"A man thus could be deprived ar- I___ Jewett, general manager of the North-:
bitrarily of liberty, property and even Chicago, 'Oct. 9-Gifts tota~lng i $11west Wheat Growers' association, and
life in violation of the sacred guar - 1000tI6hesenuiest others.
antees of the constitution, 'because al-1000t biwetr nvriy Co-operative Pl ft Solution
~though six justices were uanimously were announced today by President Euegen Meyer, Jr., managing di-,
of the opinion that the guarantees pro-! Walter Dill Scott. More than 20 per' rector of the war finance corporation;
tected him from an unjust statute, the cent of the buildikng and endowment Frank Mondell' another director, and
aboence of others had destroyed the I.fM. G. Yohe, of the bureau of agricul-,
pwer of the court." fund of $5,000,000 which the university Itural economics, appointed by Presi-
Solicitor General Beck also viewsl is seeking 'has thus lBeen raised, Dr. 'dent Calvin Coolidge, to investigate
wihalarm many pres.ent day tendens- Scott said, though thne nst16in-wide;, the wheat situation, sat in the confer-
cies, in legislation. Hke declares that campaign 'for'this amount 'will not be- 'ence and following its conclusion, de-
our representative system of govern-I gin until Oct. 22.. dared ,they saw in co-operative mark-'
mnent has been challenged in 22 states 00O the total o~ $1,100;000 announced,: eting the real solution of the admin-
by the adloption of the initiative and $60000sagift of the general educa- isstration, and of the government agen-
i efe renduni; home rule has been sub- Lion board made on the condition that? cies that may be able to help the plan..
vete by the submergence of the Northwestern 'raise $1,400,000 for en-I The new executive committee nunl-
st tep, which in many cases are 'now dowmiest before July 1, 1'924. The re- biers in its membership, besides Mr.
little more than "glorifiedpoier- maining half million dollars of theLodnMrBigand r.W-
v inmces"; the taxing system has been announced total is coniprised of three' hams, Senator Arthur Capiper of Kan-
useCl to roeitribute wealth; the con- gifts of '$100,f000 and smaller gifts to- gas; W. C. Settle, of the Indiana Farm
trloi the senate in diplomatic ap- tailing $20,000.Bueufdrto;M. wtean
-;zintits has been set aside when I- Don Wallace, editor of The Farmer.
,c. than one president has sent un-fl4 rVe ra sJ i Herman Steen, associate editor of
oflicial representatives abroad on spe- The,,Prairie ._Farmer, has been appoint-
cial missions. Fhnn10t !Pg gj fl ir ed execu~tive secretary.

L ce U, the 'many requests addressed
to th~e 1Dily and to the Athletic of-
fice 1) 1-11 studets the, positions5 of
thc~ ea i-; in the stadium a descrip-
tie n 0 the g. neral plan of seating'
cr yn ents is being published. I
Ini the concrete, or south stand the
sections running from the bottom to
the top) of the stand, are lettered
from A to M, east to west, and set
about 10 yardls apart. The stand ex-
tends abecut 25 yards beyond the end
of of tfie field at each extremity. This
means that the-50 yards line is locat-
ed abouit halfway between sections H
and G. The east 25 yard line comes
beteen 1 and F and the west, nearly
opposite section J.
T he north stand, opposite the con-I
crete structure, is the same length
as the latter and its sections are ar-
ranged alphabetically, AA, BB, CC,
etc., to KK, from east to west. The
center of FFi section is opposite the,
50 yard line and the two 25 yards linesj
are located opposite sections DD and
I-f respectively.
In the wvest stand the sections run
from north to south beginning with
I.L. It continues MM, NN, 00, PP,
QQ, N, W, V, U, T, S, R, Q, P, 0.
Announcement has been made of the
m"a rriage of Virginia Sullivan, '23, and
Robert Whitlock, '23, on Sept. 15 inj
Detroit. Mr. WVhitlock is a member of
Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity.
Onl September 22 in Mt. Pleasant
Lucile Wiedeman, '22, was married to
John Sanford Hlolt of Wilmington, Del.
The Interstate
Tai lors
are at the American Hotel with
a till line of fall samples and*
latest collegiate styles.
Drop in any afternoon or
phone 123 and our representa-
tive will call. f
Prices on imade-to-measure
suits and overcoats are $29.50,

The Arbor Fountain
Watch for Opening


IN o one smokes
Without lking them
-for their quality
instantly Wins app,

,last night in the Adelphi room ony thw
fourth floor of University hall. 'i~lhe
use of automobiles by stutdents w s
the subject for debate.



r " I Jl trii.L i Ve
Lt. Royal will give a shortM
talk on aviation, and explain "h n iaet adteWrdOe
his cour'se of flying ins truc- IteOeCiaet odth ol vr
Read The ]Daily "Classified" Columns


t ri


Y r

_ _
_. ______

We admit it,
broad claims
and prices.

We make some


our food

But the food

and prices back us up.



they don't--o" ney refunded


vrs1svi 1 WWLI i-IFS Li/G!

Schtolarship Appointments Made t Falling in lif~e with the drive whichj
Appointments to two scholarships was 're-opened 'by Chimes a few ,days~
and one fellowship were yesterday an-t ago, the Veterans. of Foreign Wars
nounced from the office of the presi- !have decided to take up their share;I
dent. David Dennison, grad., was ap-; of the campaign to complete the Upion
ponf er to the Carl Brau*n fellowship swimming pool.
a nd Cieng F. Wang, go'ad., will re- - Plans for securing m=ney towardi
c eive a sc holship in the graduate this end will be taken up at their first
scoliewl1peilz1i eo meeting'of the year which will be held
nautics. Frances Clark, a graduate J at 730 o'clock tomorrow night in room
oft Leland, Stanford university, was 1302 of the Union.
apjpointed to the l-linsdale scholarship's Any man who served overseas wh8
Mn naijeum work.j cares to be 'a member 'of this post
Presden ( ", it 111during what will probably be its last
PresdentObrgoiiIllyear of existence is invited to attend

VMr. Meyer and Mr. Mondell have be-
gun an investigating trip, which Ys
expected' to cover every wheat pro-
ducing state, at the request of the
tDaily classified for real results.

In~o Bsiness?
F ' so, why not eliminate some of those
years of apprenticeship usually spent in
gaining experience,
To heio you accomplislii this 'aim .Babson
Institute offerc a one-year intensive train-
ig course.
Fromn actual experience the fundamental'
priniciple of business are made clear. By
poitive examples, the student is shown how
to apply these principles in the conduct of
every day cormmercial affairs.
Wrime for Booklet
Send for booklet "Training for Business
Leadership." Describes the courses in detail
and dives complete inforinatiop about the
facilities of Babson Institute and shf~ws how
men are trained for executive roles. Write
today. No obligation.
his it ArtAn EndowdI
abson Issttttrn
23 i SWashington Ave.
Babson Park, os=tf) Mass.


Arc'e Cafeteria


,. ..

A Ar c ad'e

.._- l


Mico City, Oct. 9.-President Ob- 1thsi nneigad ilb niitdaI
regn, suffering throat trouble of long that time.Th
tndnis abed most of the timge, but __ineArborF__n____nF
heis illness. is causing no great alarm, Daily classified for real iesiilts.
as all fears of serious complicationsWacfoOpng
are said to have disappeared. Patronize The Daily advertisers. _________________
- -
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-- wilOfb


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a. r y _ ,
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un.' s Shirts
English Broadcloth
Collarless Style
eshirts of fine 'English
lcloth come in white,
and tan, made conveni-
in the collarless style,
be well liked for -class
are well cut, nicely
ed, and very attractive,
will find them at the
er to the left of the
entrance to the main,



Newvest cap for autumn

TIhese were made for us, in


The smarte st cap

a man can wear. Rich 'plaids
in many color combinations


Others at $21to $3.50-


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