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October 10, 1923 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-10-10

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HOCKEY D fff' t With0Aviaion



Y. I CtoA.
The last of I )owan I tii~toi': fir. t
F!IRSTP (11SERIES TO FE.NC OITIA(,E ithree lecturzes V,)In be gui >io xveei
PIF:' ENI811IP OF ENTERING inkSarah Casw elli ge] t .'- o
WOMEN 3 will attend at 4 ocloekon?,rilr
__Ifntering women are mneae to i .t

.I '.!.' v.J1ri n .tm O I'r:3 a1 % ll' i !rt, Uis
Seven hue av indup)for the
interhouse hoclkey tournament, and
all others 1intendlig 1o participate are
rE ,e usEted to(lo so immediately. A
meeting of all of the house and class
managers 1.,ha en called for 5 o'clock
*Wed newL y a fternoon in B~arbour gym-
niasiumt. The houses with their man-
,,ger, that) have sighed up oso far are:
Kappa lp'a Teta, Mary flays; Clti
Omegat, 1Edna Kadow; Pi Beta P'hi.
Katherine Ainsworth; :Delta Zeta, Nor-
ma Bowbeer; iDelta Gammaa, Lois Mil-
ler; Gamma.Phi Beta, Winifred Chen-I
cy; and Helen Newberry, Betty Hlays,
The cup to be awarded to the win-
nling houselis for hockey only, and not,
as some have misunderstood it, for the
whole season of sports. The tronbv is
to be given unconditionally to the
house winning this tournament, not toJ
hold for one year, but to be engraved
with the name of the house and the=Q
sport and to be Icept lby that house.I<

lt i ng the Li eowar women detion-
st ratod pretty definitely that they
coulld do t he lighter nwccnan~eal -vork
an factdories. Many womnen s; enmpar i-
ticularly gif ted by natlure to ainder-
si tu(d and work with 1 ii; litimachiuery.
j\Ware the ones, however, whol haVo
adopte'd this heretofore unchallenged
iedfrI37ieii as a profession.
Mislorolyn Boyd, of Colorado
Splring s, Coo., took the mechanical
engineering course in the University
of Kansas last year. She graduated
with honor last JIune, the first woman
to be graduated in that course.
"I was always anxious to know how
and why the wheels went around in
engines,'" sai Miss Boyd, explaining
her choice of a profession. She lians
to do aviation experiment work.
Tip ,to Toledo, Tactson, Dccrlt.
Mt.( leins, and Birmningham2 are be-f
ngcon sicredl by the Quiversity
Cis' Glee, club in planning its con-
cert season. Alumnae associations ini


Twenty-five freshmen women will with thje grouc i i hchIhnyJe
go on a hike Friday afternoon, to be?. tt! t!Fl t t. olcte:
: iven by the University Y. W. C. A.
The party will leave Newberry hall at Trotfrth Unvsiyx -,
4 o'clock, andl the destination and IGlee club will be held from t o5
character of refreshments will be kept o'clc hsrfenon,,tO ~Oh
a secret. A member of the Athletic o cofk th schferoo on t _, A airi
association is to accompany the party. having comlieted oone ya' rdn
I This is the first of a series of simu- work in the Universh y aro, eligioie.
ilar hikes to be given for entering
women, one to take place each Friday The regular meeting of Masque:
afternoon during the month Hof Octo- ; ramatic society has been lpostponed
ber. Entering juniors will be invited to 4 o'clock T1itursday, Oct. I3. T' i
to a hike to be held some Saturday meeting will be held in Barbour s yrn-
mlorning. The purpose of these hikes; nasiumn. All members are req jtxe ;te 1
isg to help the women to become ac- to be present and Iprepa re(d t ay
qunainted with the members of their their dues at this timle.
class and with the country around Ann!
jArbor. n.- -' -- -

41,p ir athletic managers to Barbour" ninie week course ' ich is to folloz w,:befoeteavsrprywihis
gymnsiumimmediately. Hfouses are - aepaeOihr21
>ske to sign up on the bulletin board °-meso h o~e~~Cr'
in Hrbour gymnasium if they are ,le Ii)reace oei1uIh
,'lay Ing in the hockey tournament. l' t ,i 2 t ? U--,a' a
M rt arlboard society will hold an p'5I 4n'I bw kt I o rd 1 A1)1)R
OHjtallebus~iness meeting at 7:30 jsing' in t. (10 ,_n;]i.> 0double tsheets Lib
1o'rebo; 1- Thursday at the Alha Omi- t'os tt oey ithour name
c ronlU house. All members are re-; uio ae adespitdill rich) engrave
que,- ;ed to bo present. evta r-in > n nksetpsad for onlly $1
an o :!ardoflow prv1,ice. IMO]
T'here will be a lboardl meetiing of t osl (Fa Iit ~re~ id dpopli not wholly sat
"'he W:omen's Athletic, association at gym22nasiSli as oon pe(,I'h,-led.Add 1: )ntsfor xwe"t of TDenI
5o'clock Thursday afternoon in 1Bar- ! ;nt <~c~1~ ~ '~t ~It _IU 1and addiess plaid
hour gymnasium,.hirnme andc ~ o ~ { td.sipmelitl ."Sendfor box
"______sleet l"pace~d Witll ."1 1 ?r!'c'Fre <,J1Il)lesif y[ Vou wish. I
All orders for loestaken byMolr- os.I suac-n' ' as e: eleSt ationery Co,.
glovs lI ;;ould knlow ,,,_,he'.re ii 'a eNoit ri,'oled(o, Oho.
L;bcar society must be in by lthurs -_________________________________:_______________
dynight. Pamela Brown, 23438, is __________
takling care or all orders not can- ,_________
Messed by sorority and league house
Scommittees. :1IF A Ar T ~ . *Y ~ 'Y

' 'file Girls 1VFandolin

chub trvollll , ,

Other groups of entering women wl ehl rm8to 0C('
s will be invited toattend social service afternoon at Nwf~ry I l I, .,d i '
teas to be given later in the year, at continue threugh F riflzzy. (C,".h . <
which time they will make toy and te sa may tryouzt for iniioli nd e a'
dress dolls to be used in the hospitals For further inf orrmatio-n cNt~r~t
at Christmas time. ;Sniith, 2615-,T.
{Any ones interested in these actin- Opnnsfrtetni o n
ti s w o h s n t a ye re e v d a Op o e t fo t e te nsinvitation, is, asked to turn in her nam e ; m ent have beent (<awr nul lI n # e,"
at the office of Newberry hall as soon !on the bulletin board in lBarhour;Fn,-


'C rotspf leadlers for the Matinee Musi- Suet1 u illetti
a .tern on at 4:34 o'clock on2 the se'c-
and floor of Martha Cook building.
The piano group will meet at 5
5 o'colock . All studlents who are in-
t r ated in arranging for piano pro-
grams azre invited to attend.
vlemnen interested in club leader-
ship) training are asked to attend a
meet ing to be held at 7 o'clock tomor-'
Sew evening at Barbour gymnasiumn.
At t his meeting they will be given
an opportunity to sign up for the

Arcade----'l ncmies of Womnen,"
L ionel larrymnore.
Majestic -- "Merry- Go- Round,"
Norman Kerry and Mary Phlil--
WXuerth- "The Girl Who Caine
Back," Marion Cooper and
Kennetli Harlan.
Orpheum-"What Wives Want."
Stage-Tiis lWeek
Whitney - Friday, Oct. 12, De
Wolf Flopper, and the Gilbeirt
and Sullivan comic opera comi-
pany, i:: the "The Mikado."
Saturdlay, Oct. 1:3, May Robson
in "The R-ejuvenation of Aunit
Garrick- TDt toi+,:.-"I'll Say Shre



,x. _ ... ... . '

"Jimmie thle dtiCe'r" sells anything

\Vtcrfo iji

the various cities will manage the bus-has possible. Claribell Bowen, '24, 5i~ nasit. Ech girl is to er 1 hecr o-K
Mess affairs, while proceeds will be' chairman of the committee in charge. j ponent and arrange to play ofi hr a
given to the University of Michigan I match of two sets out of throe, ina d-
Lett.ANN ARIBOR WOM1EN Ai-r NDkiately. The first round must be plaed FLYING TALK
S Tryouts for membership will be held D. A. I. ON VENTON,1IN FLINT off by tomorrow, and the c ieTUNIHI 73
from 3 to 5 o'clock this afternoon in postedl on the buleb in bor d as 1Oll {
the studio of Miss Mautle Kleyn, the Arm Arbor delegates for the 'state ; soon as it is playe. Failure to
dreoctor for this, year, in the Sehool of1 conference of the Daughters of thej play by the spaecfied time will mean °,+^N EERltNG iLDG, :340
hie. American Revolution to be held in ! that one or the other ot th plers L. Loyal will give a short
F'lint this week are: Mrs. 11. G. Ber- must defalt The. court, t. ' lmolir talk on aviation, and explain
^c Ms, . H Cutiss Mr. J.h is (coii'sc o flying instru-
geMs-.H uris r.JJ field are available at anye tme u ring to.
j I Kelly, Mrs. W. C. Pomeroy, Miss Siara.tedy.___
IA B DAL 1OL ONGRESS 1W edon, Mrs. W. W.Beman, and M "s Alhue s-nlsn tenmso
Ifl Tuesday will be Mrs. Anthony Wayne
SUGGSTIO 1 M 011Cook, president general of the organ-
SUGGESTION TheMADEst meeting of the year of YJ l
Tulsa, Oka., Oct. 9.-(By A .P.)-AAi ro rnho h agtr fr jAr DL l-
1 nrm'runt world-wide petroleumtneAmriannevluiob
res, embracing all branches of tiele mrcnRvlto il ehl WW r' T October 1, at the Kappa Alpha Theta II].1
the advancement. of the trade, was -_____________
aucle y L .J csn rsd n pof the Internatonal Petroleum expo- /lc+tress J oin
stion in his keynote address to thou- T T y'~
esi tiosds of oil men attending the firt Yvomans .r-ay I _ 11 l ere today
tepocon hre tda.setinig' t--irday -'jlI Or 1
thiecnrs as thle principal 0)ler'1 Deiver, Oct. 9.-Mine. Alla Nazi- = ) I. U.U. y, '~.
ci the present gathering the spetkr I ova, actress, yesterday joined the
urgecd that; complete plans for its real- National Woman's party here as a -
oio ion lbe formuglated this Xwe(ek. founder and a member of the actress' ~-_______________________________
"I is the desire of this conagress,'cucl twsanucdb nt
h e saridto promiote co-operation be- nclt a nonedb nt
I oiitzer, national secretary._
tvnthlagansalprderiMine. Naziniova criticised inequality t'
the refiners, tran sportatioll agencies, Sof standards for men and women andl o .."".'
dtstlrib tors .and con sumecrs."j declared that despite the fact that
A omite ilPrmnntoga-eight republics of the world have writ-'
ization of the cogess5will report to- osi to!sta e
Ioro.Iten into their cntttosta e
Av. A. Durgin, repreosenting the 1Fed- a oe 111 eeul eo' h
eoral D~epartment (f Commerce, spoke lw nqaiiseit
on the' sadai~cf nationun prgrm, {pt-I 2he - goal for- equal igrts ,is. nat
lining the accoml)ishmfents of the de- sex antagonism,"'Mme. Nazimova con= =-
prtinent's prog-ramn in other indus- tinued. "I. believe in equal rightr fo = ' -a
t rue, and urging immediate applica- t means some day a world where men = -
ion of theC principle upon manufac-and( women, hand in hand, can carve -'"-
ttiti5o i qimn.out their mutual destinies and to -
gether diect the lfe of society."t
I favana, Oct. 9.-Confirmation by the6
Senate of the appointment of Dr. Cos- Daily classified for real results-
mie dr ]a rPorrienta to be Cuban am- -
b adrto 'Washington Is expected ; Read the Xe ant A s SaC$9 L l res fle nodrreevdwe co -
by his friends. 1 8Y cunwb ai resf-e node eevdwe ca
--~ pantied by check ~r o ey oa r nther with selfaddressedW
Senvelope. Prics--L~o er f r, x;.'.20; balcony, .$1 .10 and
BE i $1 .65. All seats irest xed.
Ej Emil
ATS of istinction6161616161611S11f~#;6t161siiifo111116146411111I
- _Allithe vitla;tlobs, s'tluiinMra ife (of ro-al Austria, its colorful
°"o' u _retlr-thytnight' lie f },ras.attthe height of it glory, the gayest,
most 01:aftn~tusclmigcityran irte t'le A ng';nili;et, poerii l cturi=a- {
__ a tona of the merry ^ga round o Ilife, wh irlng and spnning to the tune
l e of pleasure -aau md wIh'! o lo e, Efts, and luxury!
S _
lust ANY hat ionc do. A distinctive hat
has tnc stele and distinction built into it, and
in addition is the particular hat best suited to-
- toaur head. Such a combination insures that ," t ' ' "
Knox hats have long been Iknown for their In-
_ ~fanllibi, good taste, and are available in an
assortment f 5stiies that is your guarantee of
! stsfaclzon.-
We s1.ggest iat you get yorfall hat now, to-
av~'oid p ossiblec disappo int(ment later.
In harmonizing shades we are showing an ex-
- collent display of the famous Fownes Buck I-

I~~~~IIlk X 4 ' ~V-


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