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October 10, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-10-10

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VOL. X?(XIV. No. 15





Would Prohibit Use of )Iasks by
Secret Orgizations in
Oklahoma City, Okla., Oct. 9.-(By
A. P.)-Gov. J. C. Walton tonight of-
fered to resign to prove his good faith
in his fight against the Ku Klux Klan
in Oklahoma if the legislature at its
forthcoming special session will enact
an anti-klan law which he will sub-
Statement Challenges Opponents
Challenging opponents of his ad-
ministration, whose battle cry has
been: "We want neither Klan nor
King," the executive issued a statement
addressed to the people of Oklahoma
"When this bill becomes law it will
rid the state of the Klan and I will
resign the office of governor immedi-
ately thereupon. In this way the
people will be protected .from the Klan
and peace and harnmbny can be re-'
stored to the state."-
Prohibits Use of Masks
Briefly, the governor's bill prohibits
the use of the mask by secret organi-
zations in Oklahoma and provides that.
all such orders shall file complete
membership lists with the regular
civil authorities.
If his proposition is not accepted
Gov. Walton declares he will decide
further how "we must proceed to pro-
tect ourselves from this organization
of masked marauders who have prac-
tical control .of the jurisdictional and,
police powers in the principal cities
of the state."
Majestic To Be

Unsold tickets for the Van-
derbilt game Saturday are on
sale this morning in the Ath-
letic office in the Press building.
These tickets will be sold over
the counter until Saturday noon 1
when the remaining tickets will
be taken to Ferry Field and can
be obtained at the gate.
Students presenting their cou-
pons may obtain seats duringl
the wee. The public is privi-
leged to buy at regular prices
of $2.00 per seat. Not more
than four tickets will be sold to
any one purchaser.tAll tickets
are for reserved seats.
Fifty Bystanders Escape Injury; One
Student Hurt By Acvdient Of ,
Unknown Cause
New York, Oct. 9.-(By A.P.)-Fifty
Columbia University students 'nar-
rowly escaped injury today when a
compressed air tank in the basement
of Havermeyer hall exploded, scatter-
ing machinery through walls and
breaking a dozen 'windows. The
cause of the explosion could not be
Windows of nearby buildings also
were broken. A large plank was
hurled through the air just missing
a half dozen students who were con-
ducting experiments. Prof. Charles
L. Lucas, head of the mechanical en-
gineering department at once started
an investigation to determine the

Former Premier Declares Hughes'
Gerzan Reparation Proposal
"Lost In Parliament"
Ottawa, Oct. 9.-(By A. P.)-David
Lloyd George, Great Britain's war time
premier became the guest of the Can-
adian government today when he ar-
rived in Ottawa from Montreal. Oh
board his special train enroute to the
dominion capitol Mr. Lloyd George re-
iterated to correspondents a declara-
tion that Secretary Hughes' proposal
made nearly a year ago for an inter-
national commission to determiine
Germany's ability to pay was the most
practical solution of the problem he
had seen.
The most important point of the pro-
posal, he said, was that it still stands.
He declared Persident Coolidge's as-
sertion in Washington today that it
was up to any foreign nation inter-
ested in the proposal, to communicate
interest to the United States was in
effect a reoffering of the proposal.
Mr. Hughes' proposal was made up-
an the eve of the premier's conference
on the reparations question and was
j "obviously made" with the conference
in mind.
"I was in Spain," he continued, "and
saw a brief press dispatch enumerat-
ing the points whereupon I immedi-
ately cabled to London that the pro-
posal should be considered. When I
returned to the house of commons
they denied ever seeing the proposal
and even denied that it had ever been
deliver d. It is one of the blunders
of history that this has been com-
pletely overlooked; one of those blun-
ders that lead to catastrop~les."
Mr. Lloyd George's arrival in Otta-
wa tonight was the signal for many
demonstrations of friendship and


Ottawa, Oct. 9.-(By A. P.)-
Mr. Lloyd George heard Presi-
dent Collidge's plan for the set-
tlement of the German repara-
tions problem through Associ-
ated Press dispatches which
were read to him over the wire-
less telephone attached to his
private car, as the train sped
from Montreal to Ottawa.
All important foreign dis-
patches were also read andl the
former premier saidrthat he felt
as much at home as though he
were discussing affairs of state
among his old friends in London.


Italian General
To Govern Fiume

, F O R C U R R EN , i il l F~ i Tl A Y E A R4 \ Q
I11J'BBA 111, 31 Eli IAM, L4IVIN4G
Si b-eommiitt cC (ha irnan Selected
To Head Corps of General
Commit teemen
~ ~

"y 1 "A ';t?.l"' :"":''. ::'".'{::i+1

Dean Cooley Speaks on the
of Federation of



Destruction Of Ontanogan
By Widespread Blaze;
Loss Great

''i aoai (':

cause of the accident.
Prof. H. L. Parr was explaining to
students who had gathered around the
apparatus, the metithe cying oe U T PRESENT
action of steam en the cylinder of a
compressed air engine. The tank set D P
Pln the l l r ivpl with nla nkinof( i


Gds \./ ,/'y ] e )e(W We 11 a IUe L1JLIK11 1 ttI H11111 1
( S-Gover it, burst suddenly, hurling the
planks upwards.
The catacomb fugitives of Rome -One students as slightly hurt by FOURTH OF JULY OF CHINA TO
would be surprised to know that their flying wood and particles of bits of BE CELEBRATED IN
drama will be re-enacted hero when metal. ANN ARBOR
the :Catholic students of the Univers-
ity move from their present seat of.Chinese students of the University
Sunday worship to the Majestic the-
ater on the first Sunday in November, PHILIPPNE UNI RSITwill gather at 8 oclock tonight in
and again at the first of the year when Lane Hall to commemorate theE
services will be held in the basement DD[SIfElT E twelfth anniversary of the founding
of the new Catholic chapel. IILIILI II LU I U U of= the Chinese republic. With them
Rev. Fr. Michael Burke announced there will be present members of the
last night that the owner and manag- Manila, P. I., Oct. 9.-(By A. P.)- Chinese University club of Detroit
the use of the building to the chapel Dr. Guy Potter Benton, president of and friends amoig University deans
congregation for Sunday morning the University of the Philippines, has and professors, as well as student
services The chapel on State st resigned. because of ill health and leaders, invited by the Chinese Stu-
was sold to the University more thanIsailed today for the United States on dent club which is, sponsoring the
a year ago and the congregation's the President Jackson. The Board of gathering.
right of possession ceases on Nov. Regents of the university granted the President Marion L. Buron will bel
The rent asked- for the structure by retiring president a year's advance in the principal speaker of the evening
the University was more than the con- salary in appreciation of his workI and, in addition, an extensive program
gregation could afford, according to here, is being planned. J. M. Young, Grad,
Father Burke and the, offer of the i Dr. Benton announced his intention will be the only other speakeri
theater owners came at a critical recently of asking for a year's leave on the program, giving a talk on
moment. of absence on account of his health "Chinese Modern Education."I
The permission of the head of the but later decided to resign instead. "The Eve of October Tenth", a three
Detroit diocese was obtained for the He is widey known in educational act play written in English by J. C.
extraordinary move and preparations circles in the United States and in Lee, a Purdue university, will be pre-
for removal to the Majestic will be Europe. He was educational director sented by nine students of the club.
begun during the latter part of the I of the American army of occupation It will be staged with Chinese back-
month. in Germany. ground and dress.

Duluth, Minn., Oct. 9.-(fy A..)-
Menaced by a forest fire, Ontonagon
Michigan, on the scuth shore o ,
Lake Superior, 150 miles from her-,
is threatened with destruction, ac-
cording to a telephone message to the
Associated Press from C. D. Riley,
editor of the Ontonagon ierald-C:ur-
ier. Ontonagon, a lumbering center
of 1,500 population, was destroyed by
a forest fire in 1896.
Fire Within ScenM ile
The town fire department, after
sprinkling the outer buildings with
water, have taken up posts in the
outskirts. Townsmen are reinforcing
the firemen. According to Mr. Riley.
the edge of a forest fire which has
covered about 60 square miles, is
within seven miles of Ontonagon. No
loss of life has yet been reported.
The families of villagers and farm-
ers are being housed in the Green
Village school while the men fight the
fire. The school house is in a clear-
ing and according to a telephone mes-
sage from the superintendent of
schools, is considered a reasonably,
safe place.
Mr. Riley believes several logging
camps have been destroyed as the
fire is raging in a thickly wooded
forest. The loss of timber will btu
As there has been no rain in that
vicinity for several weeks, the woods
are dry and it is feared there is little
prospect of control of the flames until
rain falls.
Fatality Occurs
Calumet, Mich., Oct. 9.- The firstj
fatality as a result of the forest firesI
which are virtually unabated in the
Michigan copper country today occur-
red when Mildred Koidu, age 3, wand-
ered with other children from a -farm
house near here to a small thicket a
thousand feet away and was burned
to death.

Stating that the United States had
h.lme finest system of military pre-
>aredness in the world, Colonel Manus
M cCl oskey, brigadier general in active
service during the war, delivered his
irst address in Ann Arbor at the engi-
1eer ig smoker held last night in the
Col. McClokey, speaking on, "Our
\lilitary Policy" before a crowded as-
,embly hall, eutlined the policy that
he United States will follow in rela-
ion to foreign nations, and recounted
vividly'a number of his experiences
'luring active service.
1ean Cooley Speaks
Lean Mortimer Cooley, who intro-
duced the sneaker, spoke on the hist-
ory of the Federation of Engineers.
As president of this organization
which has a membership of about 50,-
)00, he discussed the policy of the so-
:iety and its benefits to the world. He
further mentioned that it was the
Federation of Engineers who had the
most to do in bringing about the eight-
hour day in the steel industry.
"The United States," said Col. Mc-
Closkey, "is keeping prepared by hav-
ng different units of training, such as
the R. 0. T. C. and the National
Guards. With this system a defense
('can be thrown up immediately and
shortly afterwards the army will be
strong enough to take an aggressive
offense. This is the first system of
preparedness that has been put
through in the United States that has
met with success."
Does Not Desire War
The colonel went on to say that the
people may have a wrong impression
about army officers. "Army officers do
not find pleasure in fighting. The sol-
dier is a citizen who has taken the
army for his profession. He is not
merely after battle. I have been at
Cuba, where I have seen my friends
sick with horrible fever. I have been
at the Philippines and at Peking.I
have seen school-mates and soldier
friends subject to all kinds of filth
and malady, living in the dirt, taking
a bath whenever possible and when
bombs were flying overhead spelling
fdeath. Do you think any thinking in-
dividual would desire to see and live
"We have amongst us men," he con-
tinued, "who are known as' pacifists.
We must be careful when we read
about them. Pacifists say discharge
all your army and navy and let us
have peace. You might just as well
abandon the fire department. There is
I another group working hand in hand
' with the pacifists and these are the
anarchists and radicals." Col. Mc-
Closkey proceeded to show up the
evils of this group.
Now With Signal Corps
At persent Col. McCloskey is con-
nected with the general staff on duty
as assistant chief of staff of the sixth
signal corps. He received his training
in the military -academy from which
he graduaced in 1898. He is also a
graduate of the General Staff college,
the Army Staff college, the War col-
a lege, and an honorary graduate of the
army school of the line.
Immediately following the talk en-
tertainment was furnished consisting
of a solo and banjo music and refresh-

Appointments to all Union commit-
tees for the coming year were an-
pounced yesterday by Thomas Lynch,
'25L, president of the Union. The ap-
pointments are tentative, and changes
General Giardino may be mnade in the committee during
Premier Mussolini, of Italy, has the year if it is found advisable.
named General Giardino, third in com- Although the larger number of the
mand of the Italian army, to be mil- committees were named yesterday
itary governor of Fiume as govern- 1-there are several that will not be an-
.nent heads there resign. nounced until a later (late. Among
tles are the library committee, the
owling committee, time Fathers day
committees that will be appointed as
the need arises.
jj [ (( pp FExcu f lve Committee Named
The Union this year will be con-
trolled by the Executive committee
composed of the followin'g men: Tho-
mias Lynch, '25L, president, Henry
Journalistic Organization Holds First Hubbard, '24E, recording secretary,
Meeting of Kemp Keena, Grad, general secretary,
Year Milton Peterson, '25, and Carl Robert-
son, '25, assistant recording secretar-
TARR, PRICE AND WATERWORTIt Js, Charles Merriam, '25E, chairman
ARE SOME OFFICERS NAME) of the Upperelass Advisory commit-
tee, Charles Livingstone, '25, chair-
Officers were elected and the first man of the Reception committee, Rob-
stes o oganzaionfo th smeserert hummer, '25, chairman of the
steps of organization for the semester House committee, and Edward Stark
were taken last night when the Stu- '24, chairman of the Life Membership
dent Press club held its first meeting
in University hall. The officers elect- committee.
ed were: E. P. Lovejoy, Jr., '24, former Avisory committee of which Charles
city editor of The Daily, president; R. W.Merriam, '25E, is chairman hare
B. Tarr, '24, vice president; Ruth A. as follows: Lester G. Whitman, '25,
Price, '24, secretary, and Isabel P. Edwin F. Westover, '26E, Frank P.
Waterworth, '24, treasurer. Weaver, '26, William Coleman, '26E,
The meeting was opened by Prof. Bernard Baeteke, '26, James B. Deane,
John L. R. Brumm, of the journalism '26E, John P. Doleman, '26E, Richard
department, and it was decided that Barton, '26, and Norman Benham, '25.
the Student Press club as an organiza- Assistant recorders for the coming
tion should be continued and every year will be as follows: Quincy Well-
effort made to make it even more valu- ington, '26E, William James, 'X6, J.
able to its members than in the past. Graves, '261i, James Newton, '26, angl
After the election of officers several Kenneth Hollister, '26E. They wlll
amendments to the club's past meth- act as assistants to Henry Hubbar,
ods were offered and it was agreed to '24E, who is recording secretary for
raise the membership fee to one dollar ithe coming year.
a semester. Recepion Committee Chosen
All members were urged to attend The reception committee will be
the, yarious meetings of the state con- headed by Charles Livingstone, '25,
ventional of editors this week and a aid will be composed, of: Wallace
committee of 10 was appointed by the Flower, '25, H. A. Turner, '26E, Wil-
president to act under Professor liam Diener, '26, and John Tracy, '25.
Brumm as guides when the editors ar- Each of these committee members will
rive. head a sub-committee under the gen-
eral supervision of the Reception com-
m ittee.
SEVENflhIINTffl The sub-committee in -charge of
EVEN ~rrui u TOathletic receptions will be headed by
hI. A. Turner, '26E, and will be com-
posed of Therman Clark, '26, and Wil-
liam Austin, '26. The General Re-
ception committee under the leader-
Announcement of the jVarsity ship of John Tracy, '25, will be made
cheerleader squad selected last night up of Richard Earhcr, '26, Kenneth
at the end of the second meeting of Keller '26, and F. Davis '26. William
tryouts held this year has been made Diener will be chairman of the Alumni
by the Student council. The personnel Rooming committee. The committee
of the squad is as follows: John A. will be composed of John Plain, '25,
Bacon, '26L, William H. Frankhauser, Carl Kane, '26, Robert F. Mark, '26,
'24L, Lyanan J. Glasgow, '25, Robert and Robert Grab, '26.
Leopold, '25, and James Collison, '25. Stark Heads Lifee Membership
Two men chosen as alternates are: Edward Stark, '24, will be general
James J. Weadock, '25, and Richard J. chairman of the Life Membership
Jamesd 'J. aocommittee this year. He will be as-
Baulard, '24.
This squad of five men and two al- I sisted by Arden Kirshner, '25, and
is sua ve en n woa -Paul Bruske, '26, assistant chairman.
ternates is the permanent cheerleader lThe rest of the committee will be
body for this year. he first four c osed of the team captains of the
men named above were picked at the Iteams that will act during the drive.
tryouts held a week ago and consti- These will be appointed at a later
tuted the squad which officiated at the date. Teho team captains will choose
Case game. Collison, who was added the men that will assist them in can-
to the squad last night, will be given vassing the campus for students to
a permanent position after the Van- sign for life membership in the Un-
derbilt game if one of the alternates ion,
is not selected for fifth man in his The house Committee, headed y
place. Two alternates will be kept Robert Hummer, '25, will be made up
with the regular squad thorughout the of George Watkins, '25 and Kenneth
year. Seick, '25. These two committeemen
The Varsity cheerleader will be will act as chairmen of two sub-com-
elected from the squad after the Van- mittees that will be under the general
derbilt game by members of the squad supervision of the House committee,

Hall Endorses Proposal To
Raise Fraternity Standard

Dr. Arthur G. Hall, registrar of the I
University expressed himself yester-
day as heartily approving, with some
reservations, the general plan which
representatives of, fraternities, meet-
ing with Dean J. A. Bursley, devised
recently to raise the scholastic stand--
ard of such organizations in the Uni-
versity. He declared however that,
some of the provisions would need
slight alteration if the plan is to
fulfill its= purpose.,
"Such a move by members of repre-
sentative fraternal organizations is to
be commended," he said. "They are
taking a step that will surely react
to their advantage. Penalties for

lowering group scholarship have
been needed for some time. It is an
offense which should be taken seri-
"One provision, however, seems to
defeat the purpose of this commend-
able step. A premium is placed on
group probation with no emphasis of
individual probation. If the plan is
to function, as it should, with a re-
sultant raising of scholarship of the
group, entrance requirements must be
raised above the present standard.
The adoption of new provision with-
out elevation of initiation require-
ments would simply result in an in-
creased number of fraternities being
placed on probation.
Dr. Hall emphasized that this is es-
sentially a problem with which the
fraternities themselves must grapple.
It will be to their advantage to
change their requirements for initia-
tion since it is only in this way that
their scholastic standard can be rais-
ed. No amount of placing fraternities
on probation will accomplish this ob-
ject, in his opinion.
"The registrar's office will be more;
than willing to co-operate in carrying
out the plan, even though the issuing
of cards with standing of pledges will
entail considerable additional work

In the homeland this day is ob-
served by parades, display of flags,
fireworks and the closing of all
schools, and practically resembles
the Fourth of July in this country,
say Chinese in charge of the celebra-
Today has been chosen from among
the many days that commemorate the
turn into a republic because At is the
anniversary of the day upon which
republican government became an es-
tablished fact.-
I ..
Freshmen will officially open theI
first of the series of discussions be-
tween respective groups at 7 o'clock
Wednesday evening at Lane hall. The
meetings which will be carried on
under the auspices of the Student.
Christian association will be held at
this hour only during the opening

Moore Haven, Fla., Oct. 9.-(By A.
P.)-A frantic effort was being made
tonight to rebuild the dykes surround-
ing this city and save the town from
utter disaster. The gale which swept
across a lake on which the city faces,
was dying down at dusk but the water
still was rising in the city. Waters
ifrom Lake Okeechobee still were
I washing high and farmers were at-'
tempting to reach the city with their
stock. A small canal bank wasj
crowded with refugees.
A careful check late today showed
I there was no loss of life.
Only a shift in the winds can check
the rapidly rising water. The dykeI
around the city of Moore Haven has
been damaged and the dyke extending
down to Lewistown, 20 miles from
here, has crumbled away in places so
!.that the flood is threatening the entire
t west shore of the lake.

New Device Aids
Game Spectators
Spectators at football games dur-
ing the coming season will be aided
in following the play by a newly-

and a committee of three men fromj
the Student council. Lyanan J. Glas-
gow, '25, is the temporary head cheer-

Players Prepare
For First Shows

erected scoreboard. The new device is leader until that time.
located in the same place as the old Daily drill in uniform cheering, sim-
one and was put in. operation by the ilar to that used at the Case game, will
Athletic association. begin today. Blazers are to be worn
,It indicates the scores of both teams by the cheerleader team this year forf
at all timnes in the game and gives the first time.
the number of the down and yards
E to go as well. The yards to go will
be shown by means of a pointer mov- NAME LAW PRESIDENT

How often have you heard someone
say that? It's all very well to say it
for the effect, but what if they actual-
ly do? There is but "one" thing to do.,
If you need words or anything else,,

meeting, the time for the following
ones being determined by the group Twelve tryouts met Ross L. Taylor,j
membership and leader. '24, in the Players' club workshop last
It was further decided that the night preparatory to starting work on
groups, instead of meeting at one time the scenic effects for the first two
will meet individually at a date most plays of the year, "The Trysting

the Dance committee and the Billiard
Kenneth Seick, '25, will be chair-
man of the Dance committee and will
be aided by: Edmund Madden, '25,
Charles Murray, '25, Ralph Byers, '24,
J. B. Johnson, '25E, and Philip Rowe,
f'25. The Billiard committee will be
- made up of George Watkins, '25,
chairman, with no members assist-
ing him. The Bowling committee,
another sub-division of the House
committee, will be named at a later
| Ohio State head Il
1 President Marion L. Burton an-
nonced today that President Thomp-
son of the Ohio State university is
very ill and would not be able to at-
tonri f+ip Mirliisran hin a n fnthn

convenient, thus causing gathering of
groups to take place every night of
the week. The freshmen will be di-
vided into 14 respective groups. All
freshmen interested in the S. C. A.

Place" and "What They Think."
More than 20 students and towns-
people have reported for possible work'
on the casts of the plays, which are to
be presented during the latter part of
this month in Sarah Cawell1 Anzel

ing along a row of figures to corres-
pond to the number of yards. The
entire arrangement is simple and all
numbers of a size and legibility ex-
pected to be visible from nearly all
parts of the stand.
Effinger to Attend RHies
Dean Tnhn R. finger, of the lit-

I Clayton F. Jennings, '24L, was elect-
ed president of the senior law class
at the class meeting held yesterday
I afternoon to vote upon the tie for this
office, which resulted from the regular
election held last week. The other
class officers were named at the first
i m At m

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