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February 22, 1924 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-02-22

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. .

rdue Tomorrow Night and
e Five on Mlondtay

TeeRichiardsfamous fight
plrom ter 7vas charged with l ax-
ing handed over a block of tick-
ets worth $135,000 to speculators
at the Dempsey-Firrio fight, ly
Tom O'Rourke, veteran promet-1
senae bxing, bil epeal' cot- :
nr tte&: Tlie h~Iarge may enmade
the subject of a New Fr ork grand
jury investigation.

Few Spitball Stare .Remain In Majors;
.Not More Tha Eigt To Play TisYear

Basketball for the cassteai s wc-t

i . .


. ..-.,

The freshmen wrestling squad
'Will meet from 4-5 o'clock Mon-
day, Tuesday, Thursday, and Fri-
day, starting today.



higan's Varsity five will leave'
aror late tonight from the Mich-
entral station for her second in-
of the West this season.
ch Mather,~ Trainer Fallon, Man-
Wright and nine players will
the journey which may prove
adding factor in 'the Wolverine
for Big Ten 'championship laur-
'Hoppy" Birks may not be able
,ke the trip on account of a
injury sustained in scrimmage
Wsay night.
Skipper sent 'his proteges
h their final hard scrimmage
clay aternoon, polishing up
;an's defensive play which will
tployeh against the Bolermak-
k light workout will bie held this
Pard e In Second Place
teams wil arrive at Lafayette
ow V~orning and will engage
urdue quintet tomorrow night.
Lambrt's men hold undisputed
Sion q second place, having
the ie with Chicago Wednes-
gu, ..'efeatng the Northwest-
am in an easy contest.
game with Purdue should de-
into aniother one of the thrilling
is so, frequent in the Conference
his season. Having met defeat
hands of the Wolverines In the
)ntest, Purdue will work every
strategy possible to even the'
The Purdue offense centers
Captain Guillon, who was held'
ms in the game here until the
Le minutes of play when, he
ree ldng baskets in succession.
tNortliwesteri, however, Sprad-
tpad forward, led the attack,
ting ~r ninteen pols 0 .~1
Met'et; za Monday Night
teams ill leave Satnight4
wa C', ywhere they w lll l a3/
er g e on the trip. Iowa has
ointe 'for Michigan since their
here having "Beatmh .
!s po d in the gynmna-iinifr'
t fe veeks. The newly elect-
tain tude and his .mates sem
ystru' their stride ignce e;-
inell ' bility and illness. ll e
,yes ded the strong Chicag
sev, beating last week nd
pro a strong foe s ;r~
aFarrell,. Varsity track coach
termine the personnel of the
hat he will take to the Illinois
on March 1, from the results
-trials that he will hold this
on at'the Yost field house.
At the only fixtures on the four-
lay toam are Mike Reinke and
Owen. The two mile relay will
iposed of Captain 9 tenddif,
F<reyberg, and either Fingerle
;ser.''here is some uncertain-
c) whether a mile relar y, 1I ac-
y the otherls but if Fa 4lf does
to enver a team it will most
ly be, made up of Feinsinger,
Roes fir, and Loomis,,i ;"-
n~ain and Higgins will iidoubt-
a the 75 yd dash. Hubbard and
y Hul~e will see service ,in the
Me1lvin. will do the high-I
g and "Brooker the pole vault-
[ubbard, who won every broad
vent that he entered last year,
rnpete in this part of the pro-
mile-relay does not make the
rrell might use Feinsinger and
in the 300 yd. dash. The shot-
1l be the weakest point in the
to attack as there is no one
n do better than 41 feet.


Michigan's Varsity swimming team
meets the water-squad of the Univer-
sity of -Indiana tonight at Blooming-.
ton in what is expected to be a fast
and close contest.
Northwestern, who deefated the
Wolverine swimmers here last week,
45-21, sank the Hoosier squad -1^-
cently under a 52-17 count and. in'
view of this fact, Barnes feels that his
charges should bring home their first
tank victory. Michigan isj not Over
confident however 'for Indiana has
some fast water-men on its squad and
hopes to pull the unexepected on the
wearers of the Maize and Blue.
Go0w, one of the best collegiate
swimmers in this vicinity is entered
with Johnson, another dependable man,
in the 40 and 100 yard free style event.
Captain Kearns who won the plunge !
against Northwestern will compete inJ
his favorite event along with Seidman I
who garnered a third place against the
Purple for the under-water match.
Wittingham and Mielziner, who cap-S
tured a first and third respectively
last week, will represent Michigan in
the breast stroke. The back-stroke
will be handled by, Kerr who won this-
event against, Northwestern, and Wit-s
tingham. In the dives Papenguth, a
third ,lace winner last week, and Mil-
er; #ill goni 4 th. ~the 2 6 ydi d
entrees to be selected from Johnson,
Papenguth, and Kerr. Michigan's re-1
lay team will consist o GowKer
Tomerrow night at the Detroit Ath-
let~c club pool, the Central Association
I,1 t1 rA. 94r U. 1011 b01 ie ts~, 41nateu11
sette swining 'clfamlplon~hips. The

+..a~a ,vncaf 13L f1 t.fA - P.B(1TlO I - It,-
into the finals th-.is week when theP.BTHR
junior laws defeated the senior lHts'Coc.-
18-9.' In the finals thde junior laws____________________
Swill be pitted against the uplwr denteltr(ae.lha~h h scn
The exact date for the playing ofsirdnetbtadwilgvth
the championship game has not been sde etbs n ilgv h
Sigmna Nu's plenty of opposition when
determined as yet, but it is probablethyme.DlaCi asago
that it will. be played the same aline jtabti itelgtrta
as the championship for the fraternit- terleaueinnlitelandtesidehav te
ies will be held.!otelegeiinesadbieshv
Al u n emhsetrdtechanged( their personnel since they
Allbutwi~tem hs nteed h won rathe championship. Whether
semi-final leaguaes of the fraternit-y this will turn out to -be for the belt-
basketball tournament, the onae still
disutebeig te te btwen Btacr or the worse remns~n to be seen.
in dsuebigtetebtenBt Psi Upsilon, P1-hi KapaPianPh
Theta Pi, Delta Sigma Delta and 1Psi Delta s u avnot h
Omega for the championship in leag-' ipae h air hthscaat
ue 10J. It is planned to have the dis- disped the calhrea fts cdarict-
Ijute settled by next Mionday night. erl the th e eas. efrsdrn
!The surviving teams of the prelim-thpatfw ek.
inary hound have already been div~id-I
ed into two leagues, which are as League 2 should prove to be even
tollows: league 1, Phi Delta E hpsilon,' a mor e intensive, fight than the one
Phi Kappa Psi, ISigma Nu, Psi Upsil- expected in league 1. Acacia has the
on, Delta Chi. Alpha Rho Chii, league heavi*est as well as one of the fastest
2, Kappa Nu,1Acacia, Alpha Tau Omne,- teams seen in the tournament this
ga, Delta Tau Upsilon, Delta Kappa year, but they will have a hard nut
j Epsilon, to crack in Kappa Nu which has two
The winner of the controversy in of thes best all-rou-nd mnenseeni~ n a
League 10 will be added to the sched- Jlong time. Probably the third best
nle already made out for League 2.1 team is Alpha Tau Oniega. They have
The semi-final leagues are expect- a. very good offensive, but have been
edl to produce the best ball of the sea- erra tic at times, losing the first gamec
son, as all but two of the teamns went of the year to a team of lesser ability.
throug~h their preliminary schedfules( Delta Tan Upsilon and Delta Kappa
with clean' slates and many of them; Epsilon 'are not expected to upset the
have veteran teams. #°eope, b~ut may come through. Little
In league 1, Sigma Nu is expected canz be said of the sixth team, as it has,
to win the initial honors and the right not been selected.
to fight for the champicnship at a (Continued on page eight)

Seven of the spitball artiss:
Grimes. Below, Urban

L-uft to right, above, Jack QuinnI, Clarenice 'i itchell, Allan Sothoron and Burleigh
Tiher i n action, Coveleskie, and (standing) Allen Russw l.

By Noiman E. B~rowvn
Not more than eight pitchers will be
Iusing the spitball delivery in the big
shb w Lien the'eopening gong rings #
next April. And the number maty drop
to svenbefore the season is far un-#
rlmasters j f this
tiWhich means that the moist deiivery
is becoming extinct in the majors. In
aetd ho wihave gone on.
Of te 31mengiven the priilege
of using the spitball a'few year ago,
tb:bu' lcdon ;future
dlevel6pnment of the shoot, these eight"

wise old fooler that he is, may find the! Billiard lMlatuhes
pace too strong before next Septein tr l e n sa
her. StrWensa
Of the pioneers Stan Coveleskie, and
-Urban Faber probably stand' out as . EEntries are now being' received for
the inost celebrated users of the' wet' the Union illiard. tournament that
shioot. Covey showed his mnastery of will be held starting 'Wednesday inl the
that delivery and his greatness as' inblir on t~et wis-lato entei"the tdurnanent may do so
-hurler when he tuorned the Brooklyn 1 r,y, 'pay ing the' entrance-'fee~ of $1
Dodgers back, threez times in the' at th.e rlesk in, the billiardl roomn. A
w~orld's series of 1920. F1aber hcis tu'n - 01,clil be giv-en to the winner of the
'ed ini a brilliant record for the White ftour-nament by the Union. Straight
Sox year in'and year out. "'ail 'billiard i withi no' hanicaps& will
-Grimes, when right, is a great pitch- 1) payed.'
er. He is not so consistent a pitcher,
as Covey or Parer. AAooii revivs hletic :C.~w
The India, pitcher and the White A ,.-thion, Ai ch., IFeb. 21.-Mbion Coil-
Sot star are the only two who can be ege students will revivre thec athletic
compared to Edl Walsh and ,lack Che - ircus, -an enteriainne&t formerly held
bro, spitball wizardsi of yesterdiay. An4Ievery Y3ear 'to rai money f~or ath-
loth Faber and Coveleskiie are nc ings letics. -A commrittee has been appoint-
the endls of their strings. edI to r.ron~f, interest in the affair..

events will be' open and representing will answer the roll call of the big
Michigani will be Gow,, Kerr, Papen- leaguer clubs in te South:
tthslaizr . JrohJnsr, ao.4Samen;n ~ heWie~x
StnCo-eleskie of the IndiaN.
"J'imnmie the .ataker" sells anything Jacek Qii of the Rced Sox.
cihfc 1 .-=Adv. - 11111 1) .0-of the Cardts.
Butligh Gries of Brookly i.
MONMhS 50a to $ 2.60 Clarence )Lltchiell of the Bnlves..
RRIC Sat. Mat. 50o to $2.00 W lan Sedhoiron cf Uia Ca-dls.
GAK edo. Mat.- 60dtp'$If.0- '
I Many Plys You .Don't Want to t Of these eight men only five-obr six
I Mss-OneYou MIustn't Miss' may survive the comning season. It is
I TIDE doubtful whether or not Sothoron, who
is FOOLpigante cmbck a
The Play That Makes 1 pitch effec'tive ball after the batters
You ]eel gtterfind their midseason eyes. Jack Quinn,

f ""'_"
-i:rJ .. f
G '"iyk
~ir,..r ,


I - J
Hart. Schaffner& Marx
and other 'overcoats go
at $20.65 to $58.35 now
Values to $8.
Hari...Schaffner.& Marx.
and oter suits secial
at'$21.5 o$47.50 no
Values to $4o
Vlain at Washingtort




1 nn ro


--is expressed in ev+
Master craftsmen (
patterns, weave the
tailor the cravats. Lc
name, Cheney, in the
Sold by
* ~IACKI & CO.

. Made, by' ,.
Makers of L /jenqSilks
rery threaid
design the
s ilks and
ook for the

on, N. I. Feb. 21.-It was!
own today that the subject
Yale-Harvard-Princeton tri-
debate would involve the
of limitation of enrollment.

High SeIh

d,. Gym,

Adm. 35-50c

i ~(



fled for real results.

Friday and Saturday Skating from 9:30 a. ma to noon and from 2 p,3M. to 5 p.
Bli kgmci~f Mnf innj nav1lihna n 4tk


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