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February 22, 1924 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-02-22

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, uca : .

Mluch 2peculation was aroused onl A coseisu' of opinion was voiced at 5
the c rnlwis yesterday by the appear- ;a n1 e>ing of floe p < ients of the eight
fl~ ofnumrou prnte slps ~senir clas;es hield s es erday afternoon
s: t a! Cane day should be held much
paper bearing the caption "Americans, j e~a ie:' this ye >ar than last. No definite!-e
A ttention " which were attached to dr{ (ace as set, but this will be 'determ- n
the numierous campus bulletin boards. # .
T'hocirczlarrt cntaied qestins a ''g;' f R oe at cass meetings during the conM
Th cclascontaned uestons:t" n gweek alp thedate referred to the ,.
fsc,: Str n~atranwr tu(ent council for approval. Two
sendterthe pr tde1 a s k ied o 'atos have been "sug~eted, April '( "
2.d1eppe oapstofc o and the Sunday following spring a -
" a % :-Ufer q atifrs gave: cz ation. .; ,
¢4.klt zql p9 Rr ^!3 1k (ne }yt the ;I ! he week of Marh 4 wa set aii e " .
qluestionaro was instigatedi by thel.j i etngothca.spora'cn
lacal Ku Kslux Kpl an.,,The deligion, $ : ( jntt.CC (ai~izi4 nir as the week in whhh ^
Jl~alionil d' (fi"a 4fCcpa hon erq K' r rs foi cass nnoulicements and
am few of he~tei s in c ithe ges- ,p "j rog a'is 'wtll 'e -taken. The covers -c
tions were based. ~~ ~ for th programs will be placed or ;.
dsplay in. Gaham',s 1b0ok store late
--next week. 'Phte program will be a! -.
19EgnesGet x.
19 En ineer Get ::;:... lather bund booklet to be sent to lia ] -=1
All ? 61A" Re cords mediate frends and relatives.Th
L f l f annuncements will be in the form o
a ~an engraved sheet merely announcin
Nneteen students in the engineering graduation from- the various schools of
school receive all "A" grades for the te~ University..
pa'-t semester it was announced yes- I Booths will be arranged on the cam-
terday from. the Office of secretary L. pus4 where orders for' the programs (
A. flopkins. Th'lis is a decrease of; and annouzncoments will be taken. No
six from the number of the first ser- orers will be Laken after the date !
ese a t y a . S n o s a d S p o e .Fmores tiedL for honors with six stu-± Class day ,-)eaers will b e elected at.dn. r n a h c a s u i r r
dlie thi romeach fcleas. Junioresharen ameinsthis week. The class dayr
'clsethid ithfie ad ilefrshmn roram will incude the class or a' ^:
~ Of t1~1~patm~w~ ofthetion, the clas poem, the proBevCy nd
engnerin -schQl te eecricl P.addresses by. the class presidet and I°M
giners Lead with 'seven. Mechanical ~Pidxe ersnaiefclymmes
engineers have five, civil, three and MlsPidxe ersnaiefclt ebr.,
chemical, two. Mies Poindexter, amassador to !
Those receiving all "A" grades last Peru, is being mentioned in Wasing- rirr
me teer are: Ernest J. Abbot, '24, ton as a posibe successor to Edwin D E
Bousmian, '24, Cha R.Brrow, by ill lave the cabinet afrh 10
'24, Arhiliald A. Campbell, '2G, Sad- The ambassador was prominent inkyCJP.EE
alci' odo, '6, redric N.Eatn, he enae nvalaffairs committe un-]
'26, Julian R. Fellows, '24, Walter A. ,til defeated for reelection from the,
Greg,'26 Wld I~ Oeinr,'2, A- tat o Wshigtn i 122 Jut e- New York, Feb. 21.-A total enty .1
Greg, 26,Wado . Geier,'25 Al sateof asingon n 122 Jtst c-of 1,025 athletes, representing 24+:,
vinJ. erzg, 26,ChalesL. lnlit: o ePresidentt Harding mace him -ami-jatern. colleges, wiopete in the . i
'25, Herbert Kneunzel, '27, Janmes W bassador to Peru there was talk o ;third annual indoor track and field
Morse, '24, John R. Polhanus, '24. Denby stepping out to make room for ('vinpinslip of the I. C. A. A. to be
William E. tenner , '27, 'WValter E. Poindexter in the cabinet. [ l~cld in the 22nd regimet armory:
Sargeant, '2, Wllard W. panagelo. _Mrch I(:)1. ThI' isthe most pretet-
'2, ~wadE Wld, '25. OSfldee trelithseet
9 O U ot:, ficcl ver eutireq in his ele t4 ~.Br o a c a s D a ly welve events com pose the paro-
pI TU TBET.( ll, 1gr ,inldn on an tw mieRadio Supple 'ent I~ hC IO NSSO varsity relays and a freshmnan ie le
rea , li uly t e etr n o rtThe Michigan Daily Radio Supple- Ih c , . eb. 2. Pi d i squad of Pale, H-arvard, "Cornell, Dart- I
Itlaca N.. Fb. 1.-- Fi eidi" outh, Princeton, Pennsylvania, Col
ue fA i reult "pa#tof the paper L4vving,-ton- 'Farrand of Cron.11 i~ni- ui e XokUnvriyadNs
e"'"utia Np"1 rii ivrstyan Ms
m ta apaac"o h estwo~ilseka ov-sachiusetts Intitute of rTechnology
air tlt htw friolo stn- cation a the Uiersity of 1feii'ig, ae r :r4 ~.i
tincBrorab-rodcate lngers-y.on Washington's lbirthday, tlill !akd- . Pennylvnia won the 1923 chain
tanc proram-fro the'Unversty.dress a meeting of students h re soo jpinsip,.w~ie. Cornell trimphed' iii ~
The special edition, not published in on the Bok Peace Plan. fIresident 1922.
re ua ye m i~ re a g Farr .nd a nd two' other men t rnoiiir -'ij ' 1---l
"exclusively for 4sdi " broad'asting. ent in the political affairs f 'the°°'.a Iav* tI I'd.'Fe. -adets -Caesof .
Last night's issue contained a story jcountry wlNeebntbth.h ro2ad- i vt
onteHobbs-Slosson Peace prize de- Jcon views of the situation.trde uivrsiy illprctie it
bate which occurred earlier in the Asnlrmetn wilbhlatthe!l Frech 7'sstIsAyear in place ofj
night, advance st on - letic yIU~st.~-I
cotstt o h t e~andt-ro.Proi 1
aiW ctl ssmefld for real results. z i
other ui ries. The exact dates Prof.. '. Luther P urdom of lie edu-,j
of transmiittirig r the fle,?AT= )up le- 'cational psychology d(learti <ct is
'ment hrave not b en-tanunced .lit it confinedi to his bed at his oe at
'Is expected that issues will be broad- ~1 od
castd OlO r mre ime]l ast Madison with a bdcod.Shanghai j
weekly. He is under a doctor's care of d s ex- .-
Other features of the program were - etdt ethscassaanteL la y-
music and acknowledgments of the ( ah j petw-e~
011 p'biiy -tIIL'8 'oli ii "be ,te~re dA iHiglyly nusual Fox Trot by c:
a ^..- London, Feb. 2i-'--Th Cairo corres - - PAT WHITEMANI
pondent of the Exchange Telegraph( and His Orchestra
S: ocial Workers say Ithat Tutankthamnen's tomb wil)M SIC- "~
~1 .~1ebfe e reopened at 2:00 o'clock tomnorrow UNIVERSITY uUI H USE
Pln., e tH r afternoon by the Direcor Glencral of
_____ Antiuitis to safeguardl the' contents l
Invitations to a conference of soc- ! :"
ical workers of this part of the Middle0111il1 11111111ll N1
West are b}teing issued by the Fellow
shipn for 'a"Christian social order, aAM
national organization composed ar -
gely of clergymein and, sociologists. °.
"1"he conference is to be held Feb. 26-
be2 a the.Marion I
t 1-
l No nan, Oka. Feb.21-Poe-

in'-5 to impeach Guy l P Webb, editor' ;
olT the (1ckiahomna Datily have heen sus- I~
jwldcd, . ccording to the latest r-1
CeFntral Vfl'me (Slow Time) -,i t.
LeveCh.heir of Commerce
Week Days _Sundays
6:45 a. n1-6:4 A .fl.
i'z:0 P.M: P .45 P. M. 6:4 VI
JA,. H. ELLIOTT, "P:oprietor
Phone 926--M Adrian. Mica.
'U MOJ z

. . .. . . . . " . . . . .. . .. ... . . .. . . .. a . . u . .. . . .

-W&.- - A& Atk-
Jim it 0

The Michigan Mutual Sayings Association, with 1hom1e
offices in Detroit, announce the opening of a branch.
office in Ann Arbor, with temporary oflices on the sev-
nth floor of The First National Bankf Btilding. The
follow~ing men and women of Ann Arbor are responsi-
ble for securing this branch office and have been
elected executive officers and Ad visory Board"mm


YCharlesE. Gallup

Jay, G. Pray

H, L T hO rn'tonT
Mana~cr and Attorney



?: i'

Contractor and- Lu~nber Dealer
-;-Corner Main and Madison Streets
a } _C unty Clerk Washwenaw Couflty
R , Court- House }
Retired Merchant
"'949 ySpring Street
Atorney.and ;Coun~sellor at Law
'701-2 National :Bank. Building.
Manager, Washtenaw Abstract Co.
1 06 North Fourth Ave.

R eal Estate and Insurance
Of Hopper & McAllister Corp..
"Design ers knd Builders ,
708 National' Bank Building.
retired Farmer
621 WVest. Liberty Street
Sa.les 'Engineer
430 South Fifth AvenueF

- -ti'

.1- -~

.k w
x m

f t;


The Michigan Mutua~l




you to become a, member and welcomes your close
personal investigation of its standing and mehods.
The lclAvisory oadinites you to ~eon
member on the same term's under'; wl'ich each indiv id-!
u tal of the Board became a miember. This Advisory
B3oard assures you that all the paym(2mts made. byN the
Zemiber8 in your locality will be available for thec=bui ld-
ing; of homes and the improvement of pioiperty in youir
District. The fundwill be k*ept activ e in loans to you,,
to your neighbors and friends in making your' town,.
your city, a( better place in wh ich to live.


T ... , I
"'r, ,0
. ..
/% 2\1
\ /










ar s

W 1: stock all, kinds 0'
attractive and dur-
alie ' ar me nt s for
school days, frocks fom
the little girls and suits
for the boys. Buy now
and save.- No troube
to show you.
"E veYtl-N-inlg for
7t7 tie A

Sofl Collars, regu'lar
5cent values. 10
W 1w IP - W W' 'UfA

S avings


(Under State Su )ervision)


Main Office, Penobscot Building, Ground Floor
Detroit, Michigan


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