THE MICHI1GAN DAILY U .. /'\ . ." * +m. -"' 4 t'1 ,,.. r.... , iuluu!uuulur .... . . L _____ 'fr .~ ' '^ . . [EERS LEAVE ~HT ON- TRIP rdue Tomorrow Night and e Five on Mlondtay \ight ON1 TOUR WILL NAR{SITY NEAR TITLE RICKARD .CHARG7ED WITH RESALE OF FIGiHT TICKETS TeeRichiardsfamous fight plrom ter 7vas charged with l ax- ing handed over a block of tick- ets worth $135,000 to speculators at the Dempsey-Firrio fight, ly Tom O'Rourke, veteran promet-1 senae bxing, bil epeal' cot- : nr tte&: Tlie h~Iarge may enmade the subject of a New Fr ork grand jury investigation. Few Spitball Stare .Remain In Majors; .Not More Tha Eigt To Play TisYear Basketball for the cassteai s wc-t i . . I I . { _.___._. . ..-., The freshmen wrestling squad 'Will meet from 4-5 o'clock Mon- day, Tuesday, Thursday, and Fri- day, starting today. I I , higan's Varsity five will leave' aror late tonight from the Mich- entral station for her second in- of the West this season. ch Mather,~ Trainer Fallon, Man- Wright and nine players will the journey which may prove adding factor in 'the Wolverine for Big Ten 'championship laur- 'Hoppy" Birks may not be able ,ke the trip on account of a injury sustained in scrimmage Wsay night. Skipper sent 'his proteges h their final hard scrimmage clay aternoon, polishing up ;an's defensive play which will tployeh against the Bolermak- k light workout will bie held this ng. Pard e In Second Place teams wil arrive at Lafayette ow V~orning and will engage urdue quintet tomorrow night. Lambrt's men hold undisputed Sion q second place, having the ie with Chicago Wednes- gu, ..'efeatng the Northwest- am in an easy contest. game with Purdue should de- into aniother one of the thrilling is so, frequent in the Conference his season. Having met defeat hands of the Wolverines In the )ntest, Purdue will work every strategy possible to even the' The Purdue offense centers Captain Guillon, who was held' ms in the game here until the Le minutes of play when, he ree ldng baskets in succession. tNortliwesteri, however, Sprad- tpad forward, led the attack, ting ~r ninteen pols 0 .~1 tdl Met'et; za Monday Night teams ill leave Satnight4 wa C', ywhere they w lll l a3/ er g e on the trip. Iowa has ointe 'for Michigan since their here having "Beatmh . !s po d in the gynmna-iinifr' t fe veeks. The newly elect- tain tude and his .mates sem ystru' their stride ignce e;- inell ' bility and illness. ll e ,yes ded the strong Chicag sev, beating last week nd pro a strong foe s ;r~ IN ELY TRIAL , aFarrell,. Varsity track coach termine the personnel of the hat he will take to the Illinois on March 1, from the results -trials that he will hold this on at'the Yost field house. At the only fixtures on the four- lay toam are Mike Reinke and Owen. The two mile relay will iposed of Captain 9 tenddif, F