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May 18, 1924 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-05-18

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the Dureaii

roe ted wichare scarcely less ob- 17ill)i,1 upo d-sfpair, bccon isible IInthle
j ectiovabe,. 1These ideas ,are in the mind's eye. And "thes paths of glory
naurfo es il te quality men- Iad ut to the gr-ave." This philoso-
by ILVfin- U3 rtsopiansN calli ltea-TH JDhirDe Rak104r; l oyl ~~b T.rk: ply "The D, idlan dcr:"'as ;1'ith
e D ea32 rgldy lea. "(1 1)wellr in te' rca htliteratunre be Rsf eviewed ,lby ack Berkia lkiInFoeg(tic
9JR"~itl, y H GWells;, Pub. " j wonder'l, tas I ]lay tICherr'k a. de, 'ous sysem'1, i'6 ta.Conte-ntion scarcely through a period of mionths ,an'ld . ; "move the bal on "foreign games" InI-
;shed by 7,eMlIlnn, 4i.O how Mdr. Wells doe, it.. IHeois the moost ieii;.dsu o1 t will sufficesemnl aligo,-bcrkt hhyad
eviewed by Robert S. Mlansfield prolific of the present novel yriters, to repeat, Mr. Mlachen's simlile, which with fate, though11we ,alppear to he her foblwic a lasbee n
'arnac had worked almost contin-' and he contrives to pu1t somleting en-! f;ilrees the test. to absurdity. A mes- master while we wal1k the tighLt ropes, tained by the ass;ociation. The penalty
}l-"If. G. Wxells' new novel, tirely Ine?,xinto each one, som1ething pa;ge 1;is recel'ivcdby a Nwoman,-which 'of chance in a daeeil apoahto- 'for mem ber1s who particfpate inl these
,,j e; Draml," opens inauspiciously. I trong and appeaing11, and wile o e 5ICjPadIs .a llowvs: "Ra,ilway accident- wards the hoped 1for enld which shall9games or encourage them hnas breen
confusion of birds singing", it ends,, people feel that literature ,does notI father hliedI." Who canl doubt the' be that culmination of triump1lhal SUtC- fixed at ex,_uls on from the associa-
efly noted, the same way. Between require interest for its existance asI emotional effect of threse four words Bess to life's labor. Somentimes we tion.
9e two phrases, however, there Is such, r. Well's has; added interest to ,i-y-et ) ° they. d C constitute fine litera-reach the end of the r opeinhaett-o-
.king which can be called inauspi- his work, and maikes the results'more 'ture? arnd win the congrallons ci t O h hho lalogtnli
uis or purposele:,s. Satire. strong strongly than ever pairts of real litr- I ;gutialjasurd is the time-worn ex- entire world. Sometime ,, we fail-1fi O the 16tilflMay, Hoht nwiad-
I pointed runs through the book, Itare. "Thle Dream" may not go dtown I res-ion~, "interesting.", Any artifice and then we imake' up the fools o ,f hu)- venture and myste;ry story by V alen-
ig it as a. river fills its banks. in history, but posterity would profit ,erving merely to gratify the lowest, inanity. 'tine1,illiamsl, "Clubfoo,0t the ,wner"
phecy is there, and some psycho- should it do so. curiosity would by such _a standard We play with fortune tht she;ay a ookt of practical biness e,~peri-
Ical discussion of present day social- be ac'coulnted as literature. aid us in the re<.lization of onr rnb- nc,"A M.erchant's Hlorizon," by A.
ges. Ii. G. W ells has combined eT.1r Rtegardiing art in literature, the ar- tions. She treats us with her bes t, li:ncoln 1 1,.,(; a n~e vl'me of X r 1.,
three, satire, prophecy and so1ciol- . ergtpn csgment against sensationalism as a land, for the time. we think fi.a nl nd i i3<rd's dlet' 1::thl
yinto a concrete whole which 'measure of value is 'a brief one. Life oee succes s is in sight. We cli'mb ' ,eL Dau s Crpet-
uld deserve reading for the plot 1'I9;TER( 1, VJWS , it}'tolr N~aci=n. offers ,specimnens of the highest sen- closer and closer to the termination, __--
ne. were that all of which it con- .piibli"'bed by 1J1~Inopf, 2iIO.rainlhrctbulfesnoat.nwredtitmyeaprdxcl
ed.Reiwdb ..Fiminr stonlcactrbulieinoat.uaaettitmybapaaoil "Jimmie the adtaker" sells an ythn
'c~inghis sory fr m theviewpin o oedstrikng.prof. ha i m le men We must say with Mr. Machen that/, one and that the. first bright rays of
welleh s t r oin a tia wol d to t al n diffe sre n to utyo nof the pt ni_ fine literature must rise above or s c es m y b n e i m f fle quickly.-Adv.
a dweler ina Lt~pon wold tw tai ;tllf re~ic( penetratet beneath1pnethe surface thofurlae fe, ifo.espewhichh sheexextends us to eus.a.- we
usand years hence, Mlr. Wells r e- Iof those whoegovern or have governed li It, is the business of art to give its dream lustfully for victory and her1
pints a vivid dream of our far des- I ourl world of letters can be supplied" stamp and imprint to life, as the soy-i aid.
idant. The perspective given by! than tlie expoltion of the frtact that iereign lends a new significance to the!I This is the philosophy of Booth
s fortunate choice of time and set- since 'hieroglypihics first camec to be gold nugget. Tarkington's novel, "The Midlander.". You no doubt are' proud
g affords splendidl thread for the used as ani expression of manl's iin- Some professed men of letters have While we go on building castles upon to be eating in a place lik;e
aving of the cloth of sair:e. Wile ages, no successful effort hias been m raintainedi that if a book shows keen- the ostensible smoothness and tron-
a different subject, and written ! made to emanciaeteueo ness of observ' ation and insight into ulit f u if teaad o the Ann Arbor Restaurant.
hl a different purpo so, "The Dreram" word, "literature." Now, as always, iclaracter withi fidelity to life as a re- ~timet feel thtit our constante f-?
:inds me of Mlealle Mlinnigecrode;'s literarture is a word used casually by c ult of these capacities, it is a work fort, we are approaching thle sup rem~e The Ann Arbor Restau-
abulous Forties," and showas how the int llectaly elite as well as by of art. Such persons ignore the fact dream, we are merely comning nearer ran~t is the most clean and
ily our present civilization may be the uninitiated masses as a blanket that no book can mirror the whole of to the inevitable. There comes that 1'nta
d up to ridicule by future genera-term for every piece of writing, or life, nor ev( n a goodly fraction of time when everything bursts-bursts a~aypaei h ony
ns. Mlanner's and customns arc dis- pitn from a series of political~ one man's life. Taking the examples as a thin bubble which is overinflated. and oce i the cou atny
'.yed in ail their crudity and vull- pamphlets to the Odyssey. Mir. Ma- mentionedl by the author,-the lotus! And the first misfortune leads to an- places i the state.
city. Petty amblitions, greed and chuen is by no mecans the first touat-!eaters, Calypso's isle, Cyclop's cavern, other and another. i
arce are -,horn of their protective tempt a clas-siliaton to remedy this1 and others, we ask, are these reflec. Where can be found a new faith in i You can get anything you
]trin'g of commlonness by the per- eil mt hreL n anner of proof tuns of Homer's own experiences? this universe that we may yet rebuildI wathriftisnsaon
!to oftetmoayvepit"hthster ilpealoe h Furthermore, were his friends in the our shattered -dream? We have slr i athreiv-1 I esn
tines in the readting, I stopped to hodge podge of sugget ions prof- hiabit of talking in hexameter verse? en and striven-and now like a. mere; Specia aeig prisi
d i .at Mr. Wells had crealtedi a now edr by previouls litterati, some of Flne literature may be unfaithful to shadow, all vanishes into oblivion. Ia ctein to part9s
y of looking at ours;elves :-4not which have been good, othlirs bad, lifer as we know it, therefore the test The past becomes a transluscent joy, accommodations may be
'oug;h the eyes of some superalnnuat- rand the mnajority ws', e. breaks down. now and then, only when we have md yclig54J
philooher ofr on tim hoe The tostone l of lirature. ac- (C.ontinued on Page Sixteen) dIrunk enoxghi from the overbriniming I
inions are the r^,r-tlt of cinicismn,I cording to Nl. achen, i",esty. For the convenience of our
ti throughl the eyes of a disinterest- This quality mu.st e peet call it customers we maintain a soda1l1111111111IIt911911f91II~'II.-ll1itl1 i 1
beg in whose only connection with whbat you will, or the- work, %%ill not bet utmr et, 1
1 tim elois a dream . literIa ture , h tevr( eh },he its merits. fountain 'w here the best m ay11 tel ha c 1(Il oll v an l tib l t ,cn ,t n , v nl , ~_ F r ua e y"eh dri gJ a al f in_ c ld iIo 5"'tt aw , i .h r , s n3 (, : t e un 10 1 ,
'Ar. Wells la seti r o lovad Raptuesre, lo fea uty, adoral tioawo '!',Et Eryn ley- g e ad
4,7 a morality of abject"surp -ssin. the syniolnms men(1tioned1 as a Cem p
'ye was a di-grace, a le ering fraud, able, so long asi theyreflcct the ;spirit 1 w'ork, but he must have the equipment. Look over your ma- -
Mautyae.P1rriage he decri . of retas y ino 1 a(:n ,e which ci u1.mn tcrial today and sec if it is comlee.AN"' ARB R
amatteT of chin frothmultul tendedr. ,copet.- RE T UR N
mira on ?and xorsh'1p to do)minationll ]it theree yotoo any st llf"es;n ° "~ Store
the part of one of the Conltracting rwrifngto U(II'nit.sucbh".bra d (i'tjln-iStude t up lyStr
tle ?.nil bsolte subl'misAsion on th1e 1io1's as mus,'t lo neessty folio ~ifSu ply215 South MiI St.
orei. litgr1e('"the 'ubuin i .'onto the the above u ,lle. ^ tion lbe inflll;:c , 1 On^1111 South UnversIty Av e.
mlan, as i, to ie e xpe led, coming thee other hand,1,other i ic: ' havre bec. a

1The Little


are he nesthat count, sometimnes.A
t Be al ittle Jmore obliging
j f N d leI~ a trifle better q u alityi l t r cu t m r u
Do) t-!esel things count wvith YOU?

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