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May 18, 1924 - Image 13

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-05-18

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Whitman's Orchestra

I to, tA

a. ... _ . . ...., ,., . . ..

Emy Krueger
nges Program
nmy Krueger of the Munich,
d. Madirid operas, who ,is


a snd-

It is


biear HaW1 of
bers from. Tris-
with shade, of
le chi.nie from
>e 4 The Tris-
hough no leSS
e tsolde'g Loge
heard. 1But ao
upt thoa strenu.-
CYrieg*, that the
Berman soprano
er w a"4decided-
g of: the tthitle-

7 S YMPHONY Four Men HaveI Dirlects Program "Paul Whitman Will Appec
Music Welfare Here On Thursday, Ml
In 'he r H an s 1 In view of the fact that Paun'liite-"the times, of the breathle
man himself, and his famous orchestra suiper-active timies in w
Four men have in their hands the will visit here on Thursday afternoon,. living and it. is usele3 z to
welfare of 'the coming May Festival, May 29, in Hill Auditorium, unider the; it. Already its vigor, its n
musically speaking. They are all aispices of the Ann Arbor branch of legiflhilg to mnanife-st its
musicians: Frederick Stock, conduct- th'e American Association of Ulniler- "M France today the
or of the Chicago Symphony orchestraI city 'Womnen, giving hi; asensa~tionalIceve musicians, most
Earl V. Moore, director of the School concert program, "An Expwrimnent in ti whom are Debussy an
of-Music -and the University Musical American Music," special interest is, (Continuied on Page
i ociety and of the Choral Union, attached to a striking interviewv just
f~porge Oscar Bowen, director of the given by Leopold Stokowski. conduct- EURO~PE-OFl
('hiild ns Festival chorus, and E~ric s, or of the Philadelphia Symphony Or-
Debamarter, assistant of the Chicago I chestra. I 1. G, idEllti
orchtistra. (Paul Whiteman recently presented litcuseti Neinshl
Mir. Stock, will direct the orchestra [his program in Philadelphia at which
at all concerts; he has arranged for 1 performance Mr. Stokowvslki tl :o!?i. ro f.
concert performance the opera arias 1 ient. After the concert hie spoke on the I Oc al auflioi ed agent f(:
which will be sung by Multe. Emmy different directionis in w hich nmodern C "-~'' d.t1. S., Can<(diar
1 Xrue~ir, and hie will direct the Choral munasic is tending. lie assigned to tie 'StrAmerican., Pacific
ln on at the Saturday night concert,_ oft-disparaged jaz, its definite ant]d erain hii 'ria, n
I nben ILa Primiavera and several opera. unquesioaledace amiong thle s- Imnes. Als-o, all College T,
°"nu,,hei s ill be presented.. Frederick ties that will be handed down 1)3 this Linc can b,, arranged t
.t ock was horn in 4 ulich, Germany~. l"A 11 . MOORFl{ generation to posterity. me early for best resec
in 1572.1Ills 'career has been one of D t heShoof "Jaiz," said Dr. Stokowskhi,'"has' services nn booking y3
the most remarkable of modlern iuiis- Muicwo is i.niecrge fe come to stay. It is an expre-dion of xIA i u, phonc or call,
icians llis father was a bandmaster
I and was" his son's fist ttor AtMa Festival which will begin on _______________________________________
fourteen lie entered the Cologne C. enedy fthswel M.Mor
servatory, :from. which institution lhe waors pointed lastUiv Jit u icby theadiet-,
was graduatedl as a violinist. 1-e later O "ofthe nivrsiy MuicauSocetyeClt h
Istudied theory and composition under jto fill the position left vacant by Dr. C KCNUTRfA .Sale:H.i' Mcia rd
flnprdk oellner, esn In uate, and was formerly head of the
hionored a little-known man. Mr.' ~~l ~nriai s~t e organ department of the School and Regular eating is one of the first essentials of
Stock was a violinist in the orchestra. coeecamemboAeriathe Chicago be- university organist.
The organization has :steadily in-I body and 'a-.clear mind. Whe~n at the same time f
creased to loftier heights of musicalI made its assistant conductor under ,I
achievement, and now ranks with the Theodore Thomas. At the death of n h colo Msc n tu1 there isred foryo a deliciousmel carefully 1
New Yrk Syphonyand te NewMr. Thomasfi in January, 1905, he suc- ied both organ and musical theory inredyomal
York Philharmonic. The organization ceeded him i'th oEutosip ropt omrune h aos as to be tsyand yet sppythe necessary fo Ivl
has been the most influential factor in Sok in theo aconmutershfi.tMr. iFrenich organist, Widor. He haatysplyfodsi
Stock is also aicmposer of Inter- and- hna,. of I . , t.

c Al
d t
,r al

0. the program now stands, Mine...
weger will sing three Schuber t FREDERICK STI
ga "Dem 1nndhchel, "D"er 'hod
3 das Madehien," end "Standch4"9;
I from Tritsan and Isolde, Tistan's An orchestra of consistent aims and
ion, Arrival of the Ships, a.nd Isol- i'consistently good quality is not coin--
s Love Death; and Beethovren's aria,, mon in this country, where conductors
n die Hoffnung." j leave over night ,and city patronage
ime. Krueger's reception. in the, wavers and endowments 'cease.. The
it has been warm s© far this sea- Chicago Symphony, orchestra has had
ibut she has been in rather poor but two conductors, Theodore Thorn-
ce, due. to a, heavy cold, anid- has as for fourteen years and Frederick
this reason been forced to change Stock,. the present conductor,. since
"programr.. Jawuary, 1905. The orchestra was
fire rear'rangement of the program fpounded in 1891 by Theodore Thomas,'
3necessitated some alterations in I and was;, supported and still is, by
orchestral n umbers,. ,o that the; a number of : public spirited Chica-a
cert will not be $o ,long. Tivo A1067- oanA. It has been known both as
nes by -Debussy, "Clot~s".d."" O'- 'the Chicago orchestra and the 'Theo-
il have- been inserted bet~rn doie Thomas orchestra, before the1
qe. Kfueger's first, two nuftbgrs. acquisition of the present title.. The
ese are ec eptionally ftne numbers, organization owns its own home, Or-'
iracteristie of beui and. the Uuestra- flail, on" Michigan avenuie, i
dern Frenc~h school, anadof delight- and gives there each year five series I
orchestration,.. of concerts.
[he opening overture, tril. be that' After the death of Theodore Thomas,
Wolf-F'erfari'.n "Secret of stia'e," ' Frederick Stock was chosen from the!
tead of the Beethrveu '"Lenore;' No: ra~nkof theorchetra. da ~, ft 'con -


making Chicago the
ity that it is, with
children's concerts

-mus ical
and a

series of1

cconcerts at the University of Chicago.
Tt also goes outside its own precincts
and gives a series of concerts in Mil-
w Naukee and one in Aurora, Illinois.
For twenty years, the orchestra has
participated in the annual May F'esti-
val here in Ann Arbor, and with its
aid, that series has increased in size
and in pretentiousness of its offer-F
fings. it seems not" to be the kind of
orchestra that always ;remains on the!
platform and aloof ; it seems rather
to have the spirit of, mingling in the'
commuunity, so that It has done much
to' foster m iusic ini America. it is
not either, averse to giving American!
imusic a, chance, which is the case
with so many orchestras of foreignI
directorsh-ip and foreign personnel.

national reputation. He h'as a very
pleasing personality and wins the
friendship and support of all those
with whom he conmes in contact.
Moore Progressive
IDirector Mloore has held his pres-
ent position hardly a. year, but in that
time he has advanced the ScOol ofE

Jzteen unvra organ' ist ana neaa ofU U
the organ department of the School of
Music, until his appointment to the
directorship last June.
Director Moore :has arranged, the i
programs for the Festival and engaged
the artists. Thlroughout the entire
year, be has traied the :Choral. Un-'
ion and prepared it for the final, re-

larity in dining is not a drudge but a most pleasant


Mvusic considerably in prestige, and b earsais, under. Mr. Stock's direction.
has made sev'eral noteworthy additions His work hias laid the foundation for
to its faculty. This, the first Mayj the Festival;. it is but left f~r visiting
Festival under his single direction, artists to -finish the work in, its con- ,
promni es to be highly successful andti spicious beauty.: Mr. Moore -isaa
of great interest musically. DirectorJ thorough musician in the broad sense
Moore is a graduate of the University (Contlnucd on Poge Sixteen)

Day and Weeklyv Rates
Corner of State & Monroe

Phone 1 358-W

" R

sideration of well-known :conductor,;
both European and Amnerica n, This
Is probably the only ;instance on re-,
c~ord where an orchestra of the. rank,
of the Chicago Symphony hias -so,

worjie. -- ---.

-- ,..-
iii io(?t

The Repertory .Theatre


Eae Comfort and

having been a ccupinulated -from the
pivofits of their yearly;operas "I ithe
gifts of Otto Kahin and, Booth Tlarking-I
-WYhile- there are several institutionsa
at present off ering courses in * tht,
technical construction of- the drama,
this playhouse will;"stand as tlire first
fully-equipped campus' theatre 'in' the
country, the first adequate laboratory
-under collegiate supervision granting
collegiate credit. Pven more signifi--
-cant is the fact that Princeton, the
king an'd aristocrat, as it were, thej
leadin-conservaaive.of all the coun-
try's universities has formally over-
come the antedated prejudice and hos-
tility-of the professorial type towards
the stage and- its problems.
It is our ow-n little handwriting on
the wall: -shortly oth'er colleges will
follow suit, and finaly--fnally, of
course-even the- University of Michi-
R. D..
The Stage -
Garrick- -
Louis -Mann co-starring with George
Sidney in the season's comedy suc-
cess, "Give and Take", opens a week's
return engagement at the,:Garrick to-
day. The- comedy plot deals with the
struggle between capital and 'labor
with Louis Manni on- the. side' of the
einployerg and George gidney. sponsor-
ing that of the worklheii. tLuisMann
has a long and honorable record on'
the stage. His ;starrin~g engage-
ments in recent years iclude his. ap-
pearances in the ."Man Who Stood
Still" and in "Friendly Enemies". It
was in the star- part in "Welcoine
Stranger-" that the work of )Mr. Sid-
Bey stood out most prominently.
The effect of a theatrical successa on
the sale of a book is shown, bV thetact
that -1$,000 copies of 1"lecker'B '"Has-
san" h-ave been sold since the produc-
tion of the play.

it mill be .a relief to the many. fi- The Mast DISUAticie
nanci~l friends of the lchigan Reper- "Anne Peddersdotter," by way of
Wrty Theater that the conmpany has contrast--and a very abrupt contrast-1
dome fromi its first season on the right presented the weirdI fanaticism. of the
4ide of the ledger-or, if one must be Middle Ages through the spectacles of
too accurate, only a trifle on the, left. our modern Freudian psychology. Of
The. point is that the organization has the three dramas, this surely was the
wethered its birth, _gained many en- Imnost distinctive and startling. Miss
i hdt~a~tic supporters from its travail., Kelly in the title role approached very
a~fld will continue its activities next l near greatness at many ,points. H4er
year w~ithi redoubled energy and even -pealn method is f te prevailing idea. of re-
a 'bit of a swagger for Its past and pression, aind as such it'still eluded l
present accomplishments. ,her occasionally--for of the actresses
-I-n the light of sober consideration, of all ages, I suppose Eleanora Duce
the~ initial tour in the fall was a mis- is the only one who has conipletely
take and a plunder not to be repeated. I mastered this subtle art--but she fill-
Not only wvas the undertaking highly ed l ier part with A remarkable depth
disastrous financially, but the lpmo- i and sincerity that fairly held one
-ductions themselves suffered seriously,'ljreathless in her climaxes.
from the prevailing uncertainty of the;I "MWan and Supermnan", the famous t
entire atmosphere' and the general Mr. Shaw's, interpretation of Ntietz- 1
-disorganization. There was little orF scho' blend beast. needs little (praise.i
no money and therefore little or no G. 13. . is always ,fascinating, and atk
time to be spent on preliminary.:,re-- his greatest, incomparable. The
hearsals, the professional m-emibers pla.V offers every Kind of difficulty I
of the company, according to the pre- to a producer with its constant shift-
vailing gossip;" were highly sceptical, ing front frce to drama to sex and
and the public. throughout. the state hack to comnedy that only the most am-
showed a terrible, apathy towards such, bitious would dare attempt it. But
a risky, uncertain venture, !then, th C (leveland Playhouse is ex-
Is 1 R~eiefiioi i remely .ambitious, literally stopping,
yThe story 'of those first days, 0 'a't nothing froia "Richard II" to "Doc-
course, is merely a- repetition of thewtoi Faustus" and "Pygmalion," and
constant struggle an artistic venture; certainly their courage was more than
must meet at its inception. The sig-! justified. A few of the actors were I
nificant fact, remains, however,. that obviously amateurish--the little boy
this very literal storm was weathered a nd' the chauffeur and a few of the
after a fashion with the sponsors left supers-buit the leading characters
breathing heavily but sufficiently carried the play albove minor 'faults
enough to reorganize their plan on; and ,presented a final picture, brittle,
a simpler and more practical basis. Impossible, sardonic, just as Shawt
With this in mind they perfected a himself would have wished it.
second series of three productions to j The season niext year, naturally, will
be played in three successive months, be even more fully subscribed than at
presenting each play for one perform- ! present. It is possible, in fact, that
-ance hiere and in Jackson. This meth'?- each production can be given a run of
od, as you. know, was successful with two performances. It is still further
reservations,' and for 'the most part possible that the students will begin
will be repeated next year as a course I to recognize thre actual value of these
of~ fi nrd innaLS. -n1lY rc '11 ta n of u '-umi Vi nUI thn irne

Assurat ce




w I '" +
, I ( 1
_m a Y


There is a crispness, a fre-si
.ness with laundered clothes th,-
promotes ease., comfort and as


You will notice the chiain


after* using



ICE. IJt is ecconomical 'too.

7 1 7
_..._,_ _

Even more significant, however, ture will be really successful..
thad the financial solvency of this sec- dents-you and I and the restc
and series,; was the marked finish and -are very slow to realize such :
artistry ;of these last three plays over but the support, once gained, sly
"Mixed Marriage" and "The Mollusc." and will be doubly sure.
"March Hares," of course, was highly-
~successful because it was well direct- The biblical many colored coE
ed, but chiefly' because such a clever Joseph has a rival in the me
concoction is next to, actor and audi- world" of cabinet making in the
ence-proof. Many hold It as the most of a' library table made by WF
authentic approach to the perfection Flannigan, engineer of the soul
of Oscar Wilde ever written by an branch of the Utah Agricultural
American. Possibly when the comn- lege here. The top of the, tabi
piny is much older and has approached 32x22 inches and contains in its
itS ultimate ideal of a real repertory face 18.200 pieces of wood repre
theatre it will revive this bizarre ing 91 varieties.
farce and make it the backbone of the -
comedy repertoire. Daily classified for real resul

of us
)at of'
Ae Is






Corner Liberty Street and Fifth Alkenue

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