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May 18, 1924 - Image 11

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-05-18

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Glee Club

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Varsity Singers
Organize In 1850
A group of fellows banded together
for the purpose of enjoying their in-
formal sings and the good fellow-
ship of their companions, that is the
story of the birth of the oldest or-
ganization on the campus, the Var-
sity C;-lee Club. During the early
years this group, which began to
meet about 1850, had no director or
organization of any kind.
It was not until the '80's that this
group organized and began to take
its place as a recognized activity on
the campus. Dr. Albert A. Stanley
of the University School of Music be-
came interested in the club and he
took upon himself the directorship.
It was for this group tlat Dr. Stan-
ley wrote several college songs which
are 'endeared to both alumni and stu-



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The history of the club from that
time until 1908 when Earle Killeen
took over the organization is rather
vague. He held the directorship of
the club until 1913. It was' during
these years that the Glee Club first
began to make its appearance outside
Ann Arbor. It became the custom
to take an annual trip during the
Christmas recess. Members of the
club were excused from their classes
for several days before and after the
holidays to enable them to make thel
trips. These trips which took the
club throu~gh the central western
states, occupied about three weeks
each year.
From 1913-1914 William Howland
of the voice department of the School
of Music was director of the club. He
gave over that position to Theodore
Harrison of the voice department in
the fall of 1914, and it was during
the next five years that the Glee Club
enjoyed progress. Successful trips to
the Pacific Coast were taken eachl
year until this country entered the
World War. -
It was during the Christmas recess
of 1916 that the club made its dis-
astrous trip to the Pacific 'Coast.
Upon reaching Los Angeles the club
was forced to lay over in that city
due to the railroad strike, until they
had missed three of their, engage-
ments. The debt which was thrown
upon the club because of this delay
has been a drawback to the activities
of the club since that time. It is
hoped that this year's organization
will be able to finish clearing up
the debt.-
In 1919 Mr. Harrison resigned as;
director of the club, and Mr. Carter
of the School of Music assumed the
leadership. The following two years
were very inactive and- the Glee Club
suspended all trips during this time.
Mr. Frank Thomas became director
of the club which capacity he filled.
until George Oscar Bowen, present
director, took over the club in 1922.
Club 's Success
Due Largely To
Geore O.Boen
?Much of the success which the Glee
club has achieved this year may be
ttributed to its director, George Oscar
Bowen. Since the fall of 1922, Mr.
Bowen has acted in this capacity and
duriig his two years, he has helped
the Glee club to assume its position
in the circle of musical activities on
the campus.



Top row (left to right)-Kenneth Wigle, R. Granger, P. Dahlberg, R. W. Adams, J. K. Ramsey, S. H.
n. Second row (from top)-H. A. Stevens, N. (. Staebler, E. I. Harold, R. L. Reid, F. R. Bliss, G. J. Gould,
L. Bright. Third row (from top)-0. K. Battles, W. Hartle, C. A. Murray, W. T. Palmer, J. A. Dryer, G. G.
er, D. Carr, W. C. Knox. Fourth row (from top)-H. N. Ehrlich, H. G. Skahil, L. D. Jones, 0. H. Jekel, H. W.
ninger, L. Lane, W. W. Spanagel, L. P. Rennel, E. D. 41iurane. Fifth row (from top)-P. LaRfowe, accon-
ist, E. Stevens, C. I. Campbell, president, G. 0. Bowen, director, D. B. Chubb, D. N. Reid, 11. W. Jacox. Bot-
Srow--K. Wilson., 0. A. Stocker, E. ;Sawyer, J. W. Bean.

ee Club Travels 2,819 Miles
Singing Before 27,140 People

Former Director
To Resume Post

plea 5A1:2bs. Ithas 0 Th i
Why our b' Sines r W
faly. I

Completing the mno t successfulyear singers. In Howell, Cadillac, Meno- I
in its history, the Varsity Glee club minee, Ironwood, Marquette, Sault Ste.
will hold its annual banquet followed Marie, Midland, and Flint dances were Theodore Harrison, former director
by the traditional serenade of the given for the club after the perform- of the Varsity Glee club during the
sororities and league houses on Tues- ance:;, jyears 1914-1919, will return in Septem-
day night. The club has traveled I Adois Soloist her to take up the position as head of
2,819 miles and sang before audiences R. Winfield Adams, baritone soloist, the voice department in the University
which total 27,140 listeners during was easily the individual star of this School of Music, and to resume his
the past season. trip. The audiences were completely position as director of the Glee club.
The most important event of the carried away with his renditions and This position was created by the Re-
year was the Intercollegiate Glee club he was rei atedly called back for gents, and makes the Glee club an
contest which was held February 18 encores. Philip LaRowe, pianist, who official organization of the University,
at Orchestra Hall at Chicago. Grin- gave several selections also proved under the management of the Michi-
nell college nosed out the Varsity sing- to bepopular with the audiences of gan Union. It was during Mr. Harri-
ers by only 4 points. Michigan made ' the different cities on this trip. Booth's son's directorship that the Glee club
272 points out of a possible 300, as orchestra, which accompanied the club enjoyed its most successful seasons.
compared to the 276 garnered by Grin- on their spring trip, were highly In 1919 Mr. Harrison resigned his
nell. praised everywhere thsat they appear- position as head of the vocal depart-
Every seat in Orchestra Hall was . ed. Edwin Burrows of the journalism ment in- the University School of Mu-
sold out several days before the con- !department was the faculty advisor sic to accept the musical directorship
test -was held, and the audience of on this trip. of the Lyceum Arts Conservatory in
more than 3,500 packed every avail- On Saturday, May 10, the Glee club Chicago, and to take up concert work.
able space. They represented the sang at the Detroit Alumnae banquet He has been a soloist at Evanston
alumni and friends of fourteen differ- at the Hotel Statler in Detroit. This i Methodist church while in Chicago.
ent universities and colleges; Chicagot banquet marked the opening-of the This is conidered one of the most dis-
Illinois, Mich'igan, Wisconsin, North- Women's League drive among the tinguished -church positions in Ch'i
western, Iowa, James Milliken, Pur- Alumnae throughout the c6untry, and cago.
due, Beloit, Grinnell, Wabash, Knox, t any city where there are five alumnae f Mr. Harrison began his musical ca-
Lake Forest, and Armour Institute. or more, held a banquet at the same reer in New York from where he went
Popular Group time as the one scheduled in Detroit. abroad. Ie spent 8 years in Italy
Upholding the spirit of rivalry which The Alumnae secured permission from I studying under the direction of Loin-
exists between Michigan and Ohio the government for the exclusive bardi and Carolbi. Completing his
State, the Glee club journeyed to broadcasting privileges for one hour. study he entered opera and for three
Cleveland on March 27, to prove that The Glee club presented a half hour I years he sang in the larger cities1
Michigan could excel in other lines program which included college songs throughout Europe. .
as well as in athletics. The Glee club as well as several classical selections. Returning to this country Mr. Harri-
appeared with the Ohio State Glee It is impossible to estimate the num- son entered operatzc worn in New
club in the Campus Review which was her of people who heard this program, York. It was in 1914 that he came to
backed by the Big Ten club of that but countless Michigan graduates in th University to become the head of
city. The Michigan Gl'ee club was all parts of th'e country heard the the voice departmnt in the School of
easily the most popular club despite songs which became endeared to e tm Music. During his stay here he was
the fact that the huge audience num-- (luring th -ir undergraduate days. a favorite with music lovers, and es-
hering 2,500 was made up largely of Sting Tuesday pe ially with the members of the Glee
Ohio State enthusiasts. Last Tuesday the Glee club sang at club, to whom he was a companion
The spring trip, which included the Honors' Convocation which was and a leader.
cities in the northern part of the state given in honor of those students who His return to take up the director-
and in the uper peninsula, was one have achieved high scholastic records ship of the club is looked upon with
of the most successful trips that the in the University. Several local con- favor by members of the faculty who
club has ever taken. The entire trip certs have been given by the club, are interested in the club, and mem-
covered approximately 1,500 miles and which included the cities of Kalama- hers of the club who have heard such
inclhded Sault Ste. Marie, Marquette, zoo, Allegan, Romeo and Ypsilanti. ].favorable reports of the high esteem
Flint, Midland, Howell, Cadillac, Me- The officers of the club for the past j in which he was held by the students
nominee, Ironwood, and Cheboygan. Iseason were: Charles I. Stevens, '25L, during his former. years here.
Capacity records were broken in Mar- president; John M. Russell, '24, man-
quette and Midland, while full houses ager; Donald B. Chubb, '24, secretary; "Jimmie the adtaker" sells anything
attended the performances in the other IaroldI X. Jacox, '26, librarian. quickly.-Adv.
Members of the club were enthusi-
astically received by alumni and civic
organizations in these' cities. Exten-
sive programs of entertainment for 1
the club during its stay in these cities
were planned. At Cheboygan a ban-
quet given by the alumni association and RETURN ..
of that city was held in honor of the#
dividual Shops
This low rate offered to travelers in our improved
third class, New York to Southampton and return,
places an enjoyable and profitable trip to Europe
Swithinthe reach of all. Comfortable and attractive
d,. L inm. Tstt7 - Anrd wholesome food.






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IRead The Daily "ClasfieRS d" Columns-
_ t
.:.. 2......,A. ,, , ,,... ..
yam, _

Mr. Bowen is a nationally known
musical director, particularly in the
field of public school methods of teach-
ing. He began his musical training
in the Yale University School of Mu-
sic, and continued the study of voice
with several well-known authorities
in New York city. His training for
supervisor was received under Weaver
at Westfield, Massachusetts. For fivel
and one-half years he was supervisor!
at Stamford, Conn., and after serving
in the same capacity for eight years'
at Yonkers, N. Y., he resigned to ac-
cept the post of Director of Commun-1
(Continued on Page Sixteen)

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