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March 16, 1924 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-03-16
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SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 1924


m "10; oil -, . l I' vo I, I 0, mml:---.7 o,--"-ft'-T" in"" V.- - - - , -.-- -10 - -

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ldfarb Says:
*od dislikes sin why idIle
the potentiality for it?

Select a volume from the

Loll t t~rv' -t l

'Whethier the gods created man or
not it1czrtain that man created the
Is it fair that a Mexican bandit '
should look, upon fornication as a'
pastime and apparently suffer no il
effects from it, while an honest young
bank clerk with but a single fall from
grace chalked up against him should!
spent the rest of his days in an agony
of remorse.
* * *

Modern Library


To Secure More Effective Prohibition Enforcem

for your next book.



Why on earth do German peasants 1
leave their quaint ancestral villages
for America and straightway build
abominable and hideous houses filled
v4,th, ileograplls, art-calend.ors and
red-plush furniture?
* * *
If I were a composer I should never
allow my compositions to be played.
* * *
I like French, Gerpan, and Italian
songs better than English because I
can never understand the words.
If Ludwig van Beethoven were per-
mitted to revisit these scenes for the
space of a day, I should hurry him off
to hear a performance by the "Black
and White Melody Boys" that he might
return to Hell without pangs of re-
* * *
It seems to be the general imp-re-
sion that most prostitutes are poor
misguided wretches who have been
decived by villians and would turn
nuns if once given a fighting chance.
My observation leads me to believe
that most of them have followed a
natural bent in the choosing of a pro-
fession and have been quite free from
external suggestion which as a rule
points quite fixedly in the opposite
direction. As there is no valid reason
why they may not choose more de-
corous trades I assume them to be
quite satisfied with their choice.
* * *
The average man thinks there is a
right way to do everything. He be-
ieves firmly that one should eat rice
with a fork rather than a knife, quite
forgetting that there are many people
V'ho prefer chop-sticks to both.
Men do nt refrain from killing each
other because they feel that it Is wick-
ed to murder; it is because they dis-
like the psibility of being illed.
E'cannot believe that God was so
poor a scientist as to have actually en-
0 sed the Old. Testament.
War is quite a sport for those that
't kill*ed,
May I formally propound a query?
What becomes of the soul of an infant
that sits soaking in a bottle on the
Qelf labelled monsters in a medical
At just what point in the progress
Of m n's evolutI2n from the lower
aulmaja did rape become a sin?
9 * *
If all men were to die tomorrow the
sun wQuld continue to beam benefic-
nay and to warm the earth and all
. "'4 QZ'atur.
strange that the most gorgeous of
all flora existed in the Carboniferous
Age when the only poets to admire
their beauty were Dinosaurs.
* *~ *
I wonder if one may take a short
leave of absence from Heaven if at-
tade by ennui at the end of a million

- -. - t * -
- ,
I f
a a
'HE return of the tailored vogue delights the hearts of College women
for what could be more appropriate for campus wear than a ;boyish
sui, imaulael talordsli, lenerand graceful? Relieved by a
frilly collar it becomes appropriate for afternoon tea or calling.
We present all the styles, one button jackets, two .or. three, varying in
length enough tosuit individual needs, of the better materials, twills, hair
lines, checks and novelty weaves, featured by exclusive custom tailors.
$25..:,.$29.5 $35.00

We print below the essay which won
for Mnilton Dreyfuss the fourth prize
in a national essay contest of wilhch
the Intercollegiate Prohibition Asso-
ciation were the purveyors. If there
are any on the campus who have opin-
ions to offer on the opposite side of
the question we shall be Interested. 1
What 'methods and policies shall-
we who favor Prohibition adopt in
order to bring about its better and
more , vigorous enforcement? How
may we most easily bring those now
opposed to Prohibition over into our
ranks, and what means shall be usedl
to cause that part of the public who
already favors the 18th Amendment to
more actively demand and assist in
its. enforcement? Such are the pri-
mary questions the answers to which
this paper attempts to sketch, with
the. answers because of the prescribed
word limit of this essay necessarily
being only in broadest outline.
In a democracy such as ours, a form
of government that is responsive in
a large degree to the wishes of its
citizenry, the enforcement of any law
depends largely upon the amount and
the intensity of Public Opinion behindt
it. , Ih all governments-but especially!
in democratic countries-Public Opin-
ion is the all-powerful but invisible
sovereign. This responsivenese Nto
Public Opinion in the United Statesf
is brought out in the Report of the
Committee of the Judiciary of the
House, 65th Congress, (Dec. 14, 1917)
which dealing then with the submis-
sion of the proposed Prohibition
amendment to the legislatures of the
several states says, "Your committee
feels it'incumbent upon Congress to I
submit the (prohibition) issue to the
states with the view of ratification
thereof, since more than half the states
in the Union have declared -in favor
of Prohibition, since 85 per cent of
the territory of the United States has
outlawed the saloon, since approxi-
mately 10,000,000 of our people resid-
ing. in all sections of the Union have
petitioned directly for its passage." In
short, as Public Opinion was neces-
sary -to secure the enactment of the
Prohibition amendment, so is Public
Opinion likewise necessary to secure
the law's' enforcement. The enforce-
ment of. Prohibition resolves itself to
the~ winning of Public Opinion. Our
endeavors to win this all-powerful
*eapon will take us to fields appar-
ently remote from the problem of ef-
fective Prohibition enforcement, but
a closer analysis of these fields will.
reveal an actual relation between them
and the successful solution of the
problem confronting us.
It :is generally admitted that the
weak spots. in Prohibition enforce-
ment; the places where enforcement
is most difficult and organised at-
tempts to evade the law most common,1
are our big cities. In this connection,
the Literary Digest of January 14,
1922, says, "But it (the violation) is
not-general. All this tremendous ma-
chinery for making, smuggling, and1


been proverbially hard upon the peo- government spy, the soldier's bayo-

pile. To these foreigners upon our
shores the term government brings to
mihd not an institution created by so-
ciety for its own good but rather
brings to mind the policeman, the

c' ;'

net. Law evasion in their own coun-
try was consequently not frowned
down upon, instead the man who
could successfully outwit the super-
imposed government with. its super-


\ I

imposed laws was natu
more or less high reput
ception of governmentt
with them to this counti
fastnesses of their colon
toes" they retain these
foreign view that law a
and hence to be violat
possible must be suppla
idea that in democratic c
ernment and law are me
by society to promote
fare and the welfare of
members. These foreigi
helped to realize that
respective of their nal
enforcement if a democr
-to long survive. This re
American viewpoint, ca
culcated to these foreig
what we now term as th
zation movement. The si
movement, broadly speal
comes not only the duty
cans, but especially at
Prohibitionists. For w1
great foreign colonies
are brought to the reali
necessity and value of
ment, then the Prohibil
-a corporate part of Amer:
be less and less violated.
canization through its er
the duties of the "goo
among which is obedia
will tend to bring about n
Prohibition. In aiding t
ization movement, Prohil
be aiding their own cau
ly, compulsory education
be strongly backed by P
for statistics show that th
law violations of all sorts
who possess the small
It is an unfortunate .:
sides these foreigners th
tain percentage of the s
tive" and "naturalized'
who could likewise stan
Americanization. Their
zation can best come 1
press, pulpit, and scho
the Houston (Texas) Chi
cent date says, "It appear
occurred to them that a:
rests upon them as me
body -social and. politi
achieving the end (Prohil
at. They seem to think
they do not favor the pC
by entirely constitutiona
methods, in response toe
fested popular sentimen1
that not only are they a
any obligation to assist 1
example the eorcene9
--the will of the ieo e-
far as is safe, they are at
to evade it and to assist
ion; that if they can make
.without danger of detecti
the right to do so;; that
buy it from those who
lawfully, if they can hel
manufacture of the traf
drink, they have the rig
"Such a conception of
and moral obligation is 1
viciously harmfully erro
were sound, then the en
every law would depend u
every part of th pope
No government, especia
cratic-republican govern
possibly exist effectivel
conception found express
ministration. If a man
both the legal and mor
to respect and obey the 1i
enforcement of law is a
"Prohibition of the man
sale of liquor is not the :
(Continued on Pag

lp s AC- a "M



Eleanor Duse is now sixty years old, dren. . . Therefore, ladies and gentle-
her face is deeply lined and her neck men, I again take great pleasure in
paihfully corded, yet crities the world presenting Mr. Kenneth MacGowan

over agree that even today she is the
world's greatest artist. By a fortunate
combination of circumstances she is
able to play in Detroit for one evening,
Monday, March 24, in "The Closed
Door" by Marco Praga-

delivering liquor exists onlyf
few spots on the map:-New.
San Francisco, Chicago, Boston,p
like these. . . . The spirit of7
tion. which is so conspicuous int
centres is absent from the.
-.stretches of the country. ...'

for a
a few

outstanding reason, I believe, why
our large cities constitute the breaks
in our Prohibition dam is their large'
percentage of foreign population. To
the great mass of these newcomers
to America, government has been
synonymous with oppression,--for the.
recent immigration has come mainly
from Eastern and Southeastern
Europe where the governments have

It would be presumptous and im-
pertinent on my part to write of such
a brilliant personality without hav-
ing witnessed her work, si I take'
great pleasure-as the speakers say-
in presenting the appreciation of a
gentleman who, after all, is far more
convincing than I am. The appear-
ance of Duse is an opportunity that
must not be missed, and to this end
it is permissable to beg, borrow, or
steal the. necessary funds to attend
her performance. It is an occasion
that, fifty years from now, you will be I
telling your envious great-grandchil-

and his article in the January number
of the Theatre Arts Magazine:
"Before the fifty-two weeks of 1923
are passed New York will have seen
the art of the three most powerful
figures of the European stage-Stan-
islavsky, Duse, and Reinhardt. Two
other modern women and one more
woman share with them the crown
of the modern theatre; Chaliapin
and Isadora Duncan have been fre-
quent visitors to the United States,
while no stage has seen more of the
Achillesian Craig than the American.
Six great artists of the theatre leav-
ing their impress upon our stage, and,
of them all, none so impressive as the
frail lady with the dun cheeks who
makes us live with beauty.
"Arthur Symons once spoke of Duse
(Continued on Page Seven) {

* * 9
Aackguards never question
e origin?

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