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March 16, 1924 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-03-16

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MAieyIgan 1md m1srinl E1Xposition 'Will
lle elid i Convention H11:ll, j
D1etro, M 3ay :to 17
Mt 'NliP 1, 1;XJi~iR~,s WolR
1M a_nctrer-, and 4other business.
m~en hiave so loyally su~pported thel
Michigan: Industrial E, position, to be
held in Conventioni hall, DetroItr Mlay'
3rd to l7th, that the success of the ex-4
positib11 is 1noW assurdan.icn
promlice its pati+.ns a wdedvestyo
display., Michiggan's industrial pro-
ducts will son which will include
an almost unbelievable variety, it Isi
said, ranlging, from trifles such as
candy and canned goods to radios and
motor truck~s.
Great interest has been showe in
the exposition by foreign countries as
well as the entire United States. Let-
ters have been received from theE
courts of several European powers, al
few of which are sending representa-
tives to Detroit for the occasion.-
Vn';zinous TIn;1d to Play
E arl lFra~er. ald. his famous Exposi-
tioni bmare coming from FlIorida to
play during t~ae eposition, and withJ
him are cp(ungssix soloists in~cludi~ng
two farouss8pranos', Dora f'lilton and ;
Elizabeth Rloderick. Other entertain-~
meat featiires are to be announced
within a fe~w days end will include'
features that will be of national ijn-,
te rest.
A;prize of -$104.O0 h~as been offeredi
by the, con~znittfe in charge to the art
student iwlose design is adiopted for
the ofci 1 pster' of the exposition.
Drawings must measure not less :thanl
22 by 15 inches, and are limited to note
more than four colors.. Industry, ofl
course, must predominate in the de-
sign. Posters should be sent to
"Posteri Contest, Michigan industrialI
Exposition, Detroit," not later than
March 15.
Intventions5 to be Siii6wn
An~ attempt is to be made at the ex-
position ' to give inventors space- to
display their ware:;. The poor in-!
ventor who feel" that he has made
something 'of great value to mnikind,_]
but tl hms -no mney nor wealthy
friends kholab -h~canr:interest" inrhisj
idea, will at last 'be ,gvn anoppor-
tunty to~sliow 'the World 4Wlat he has.
it: is, hoped-that oitj of tie ceoilection
there will' comne some really worth-
while product of genius.1
Mleetings of business interests 4
throughout Michigan are now being
held to arrange for municipal exhibits.
Some unicipalities have reserved as
many as twelve booths, while others
are seeking to arrane a combined
showing in a single booth.
Scys ,radio Cured
Partial Deafness

For a quarter of a century Fritz
Kreisler has stood supreme as one of
the greatest violinists of all tume. lHe-
has nowv reached a position of such
icommiandling eminience and s uchi wide
repute that a~ mere announcement of
a concert by him is sufficient to fill a
concert hall anyrwhere. Detroit. Nvill,j
Ilhave the opportunity'of hearing Rreas-
ler-Tuesdlavnighit whfen- he gives are
cital at 8:30 o'clock in Orchestra -hall,
the last concert on the: Orchestra. hall,
series ot James E. Devoe:
IKreisler offers a muagnificent piro-
grani consiting of the Cesar Frauck
iA major -sonata, the Tschaikowsky 'D
mrajor 'oncerto;, soi-e Bach and ;aI
group of lighter pieces. The pres-
ence of Carl Lamson at the piano as-j
sures accompaniments of a virtuoso1
The superb organ given to the De-
troit Symphony society by Mr. and
IMrs. William Murphy and recently in-
stalled in Orchestra hall will be dedi-
cated at a gala, concert at 8:15 o'clock
tomorroaw night when Marcel Dupre
of Notre Dame cathedral, Paris, one
of the most distinguished of living :or-
ganists, will play with the orchestra
under Mr. Gabrilowitsch.
M. Dup're. whose fame as an organ-
ist is. world wide, will,:perform the
solo part ini Sam nt-Saen;$ great Sym-
phaony, for organ ,aid orchestra. He
Swill. also offer a group opf solo pieces
to illustrate the -.possibirities of the
instrument, Which- is considered one.
of the most~rermarkahle 14~ the country.
At the twxelfth pair of,,Detroit, Syn-
pihotiy orchestra subscription concerts'
Thurdav and Friday nights, Mamh
20 and 21, -VIP. Gabrilowitsch will.
t furn over the. Bton !to Bruno Walter,'
the: eminent Gerrihan conductor, whose
appearance in Detroit last year caused
jnmuch favorable comment.
Walter is regarded as one of the
ablest orchestral directors in Europe
and his recent appearances as. guest
conductor of the New York Symphony
orchestra have been enthusiastically
receivedl. There .will be no soloist on
the. program, the. chief o.trchestral
numbers being, Gustav Mahler's first,
symphony andi the."Tod und Verklar-
ung" of Richard Strauss.
the Det'roit S3'mphony orchiestra,
the ,Detroit Sympnpy choir- and -a
quartet - f noted soloi~fs includ~in~g
Rhard ro4,j and Sue ~Harvard wil
give~ a pe4rf'zniance Qf t l.dal's era -
torio,; "The Mesiah Thursday . .hi, b,
March 27, in Orchestra hall. The new
( Murphy, organ will then be used reg-
4ularly for the first time.
1Paris, Mar. 15 (A.P.)-It will cost
members of the titled aristocracy of
France 3,000 francs a year for the

Plays Here March 31

at .which the sermon to be deliveredI totalled 3745,
will be on "Gethsemane."j in February
Conigetional Cliurebh same month
Mr. Jump will discuss Percy Marks' were a mere 1l
novel of campus life, "The Plasticj during Fehrua
Age," at the morning service. At the previous Febi
noon Forum Prof. Ralph Schorling,j There is a
the new principal of the University figures in the
High School, will speak on "The ed with those
Ideals of the University High School."
"Is _Satan on the Cam pus?"_ is the
question to be considered at the stu-1
dents' hour at 5:30. The motion pic;-
ture service at 7:30 will feature a film SO
of Indian life, "The Daughter of the3
Dawn." IL .1

as comnpared with 3S41 February 1922, the record discloses.
19823, and 4206i in the' For the February just past there
of 1922. Roomi calls were 28 patients created for local in-
123 as compared withi 3211 fections, 381 for acute respiratory in~-
nry 1523, and 248 in the fections and 57 for bronchitis, while
uary. in the samne month of 1923, 53 con-
consistent reduction of suilted the Hlealth Service for local
1924 column as compar- infections, 794 for aculte respiratory,
cof February 1923, and a!and 115 for bronchitis.
1111 South University Avenue
Your SujpIpr Sto

Ossip Gabrilowitsch, conductor of' causes the hearer to forget everything
the Detroit Symphony orchestra and excep~t the wondler of the music.. Mr.
celbraedpiaist wll ivea ecialGabrilowitsch hias at the same time
celbraed iaist, wll iv a ecialpoetry and noble sanity in his play-
at 8:30 o'clock Monday night, MarchinTebatthtewospsI
31, 'in. Pattengill auditorifum. This often intense but never morbid. He
will be :Ar. Gabrilowitsch's only ap- is, winning high reputation as an, or-
pearance as a pianist in Ann Arbor chestral. conductor in Detroit, but it
this year.; is a great {leasure, too, to find that he
Oln Downes, musical critic of the has not stopped being a master pi-
New .York~ Times recently wrote of; anist."
Mr..Gabrilowitsch: "There are a few Mr. Gabrilowitsch's program is notj
pianists who-stand alone, not becausei yet entirely dletermined, but he will
of the mere fact that they are success- p lay the Bach Chromatic Fantasia
ful virtuoso or expert musicians, but ? and Fugue, a long Chopin group, sonlE
because of the. ideal beauty and no-I Brahms and probably some music bi
bility, which they, preserve in their the neo-Russians. Tickets for the r+
art. One of these chosen few is Ossip, cital, priced at $2, $1.50 an. $1.-are
Gabrilowitsch. He completely forgets on sale at Wahr's and Graham's book-
-himself. when he- interprets and he! stores.

Church of Christ Disciples
Bible school will be held at 9:30 this'I
morning in the Church of Christ Dis- l
ciples. At the same hour the Men's 1
Service Cilub will hold their meeting]
followed at 10: 30 by the preachingJ
service.. At noon the bible classes
meet and at 6:30 o'clock the young
people's. evening service is to be held.
Zion Lutheran Clrurch
"The Development of Faith" will be
considered at the :10:30 o'clock ser-
vice in the Zion Lutheran Church.I
This service will be in German. The
student social hour at 5:30 -will be fol-
lowed l y the student Forum at 6:30.
Albert G. Engelback will, speak on,
"Missionary Fields of the Lutheran
Bethlehem Evangelical ('hurch
Sunday school and bible classes will
meet at 9 o'clock this morning. Eng-
lish services are, to be held at 10 and
services in German at 11.
'trinity Lutheran Church
" The Fifth Commandment: Human
Life," wvill be discussed. at the 10:301
o'clock service in the Trinity Luthgr-
an Church. The Sunday school and
bible classes wil11 meet at 9:30: On
Wednesday :at 7:30 o'clock Lenten ser-
vice will be held. The sermon will be
I delivered on the subject, "The Sixth
ICommandment: Purity and M- arriage."
Sharp drops in the hosptal-patient
and infection columns, and a material
increase in the number of surgical
operations erformed are the out-
standing facts of the Health Service
report for February, issued recently
by Dr. Warren E. Forsythe;
Geneally speaking, February is one
of the, healthiest. months of the year,
according to the report, in spite of
the annual 'cold" epidemic which
doctors agree reaches its'lwight,'dir-=
ing the, shortest , month., But this
Leap-Year February has been :mare
than -usually healthy, -the report
Dispensary calls for the month past




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-furniture -the
only kindworth-
whilee. And our''prices, are so fair
that there is no excuse for spend-
frng your money over and over
again for cheap furniture tt,
:on becomes worthless.

- --Today In The Churches -

St. Andre ,V'~ piscopal Church
The Reverend Donald Aldrich of{
St, Paul'sr Cathedral, Boston,, will be'
the visiting' preahier -at-, St.An-drew-'ts
Church this".' morning. - v.A.dicih
cozies to: Ann - Arbo-lr Under'te 'ad
-win :Lecttresip Fund;.,-,He is :Av idely
-retog nixed as one ot t4e, 1in;;est .reach-
,er in the Episcopa~l-Chur dh = and th i
year he has been the special preacher
at Trinity Church, New York. Rever-
end Aldrich will speak at the 10:30
o'clock service. The Holy Commun-
ion service will be held at S o'clock!
and the discussion group for mzen will
meet at 9:30-in Harris I-all. Confirm-!

o'clock service in the First Methodist
{ Church. At noon the bible classes will
jmeet in Wesley Hall. Open House at
' V ley H-all will be followed at 6:30
sb~ the - Wst' yan °Guild Devotional
j meet ug.' Mr. 'Perry Hayden will lead
Ise clie t Iiscpsion "Saleinanship in
lIteli, icn2 ""At the=.7:30 o'clock even-
'il ; sieriielvl. We-Csterman wilt speak
on the subject, "Hallowed Ground."
[ St. Paul's Lutheran - hurch.
- "Man Tempted" has ben chosen by
the pastor of St. Pauly's Lutheran
Church as his sermon subject for the
lI : ^E1 o'clock service'- this morning.
Services in German will be held at

112 R. Libert y Strret



ation classes for adults .and_ the youngl, 9:30 and the bible classes will meet
fwomen's bible-clasis will meet at noon. j at 10:30 o'clock. The; student social
Rev.. Aldrich will be -the speaker at h our at 5:30 will be folowed by= the
the student' supper served at 6 o'clock. serving of supper.' At 6:30- Rev.
First )Wethodist Cimrch Brauer will lead the discussion on the
"Life-The Struggle," will be (s5-; topic, "A True Philosophy of .Life."
cussed by Rev. Stalker at the 10:30l A Passion service will: be held at 7:30

privilege of prefixing their, signatures
Deno, Nev, MAarch. 15.-Radio even-' with the titles of prince or, duke, if
tually ma-y cure partial deafness, in the bill recently introduced by Depu-
the bI)i - of _Norman Squires, of this ty Jean- Locquin. -is. passdb th
city, who cites his own case as an il- " French Farlianienit. , h
lustiratio. I Deputy Locquin has arranged a full
Two years ago, Squires says, he was schedule of prices for titles. Count'
totally deaf in his left ear. Now, after andl countess represent 2,500 francs;
constant treatments by radio, hi e d- Viscount and viscountess, 2,000; mar-
dlares he can hear a whispr aross qis and marchioness, 1,500; while-
the room. lba rons and baronesses come rather
lRadio sound waves, pssilng along cheap at 1,000 francs each.
the auditory nerves rmte ha The number of persons affected by'
phones, massage the nere n i-tis masure is around 20,000," the
ulate them to the etent tht eain bllconcludes, "and by taxing every
is restored, hie contens.on of them .an average of 2,000 francs
e'ai ,the ;anmount collected would
DAIYCLASSIFID RNG rpeent an- additional 40;000,000
MGARSULS- fanc in the resources of the French

..Packard Ac ademy.

hitin -

As tfhe school year is drawving to a close it might be well
to. get in touch withi a printer of Qua lity and Service



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